Climate Change DEAL to bring Paris Pact to LIFE! Whee! The USA will be back in after DrumpF jailed.

North Korea is green.
Of course parents are eating the bodies of their children to survive, but they don’t emit much CO2 like Amerikkka!
Yeah, you can do a lot of groovy things when you pay 2-3 times as much for electricity.
Deniers always demonstrate they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

You're right, our poor people should freeze in the winter to reduce global temps by 0.1 degrees in 2100.

Liberals are werid they want us to freeze to death, buy health insurance instead of food and subsidize there electric vibrators ..


Climate change: COP24 deal to bring Paris pact to life!
Negotiators in Poland have finally secured agreement on a range of measures that will make the Paris climate pact operational in 2020.

Last-minute rows over carbon markets threatened to derail the meeting - and delayed it by a day.

Delegates believe the new rules will ensure that countries keep their promises to cut carbon.

The Katowice agreement aims to deliver the Paris goals of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2C.

"Putting together the Paris agreement work programme is a big responsibility," said the chairman of the talks, known as COP24, Michal Kurtyka.

"It has been a long road. We did our best to leave no-one behind."
Climate deal to bring Paris pact to life

:11_2_1043::bow2::clap: Just said Up yours Great DOPer LYING DrumpF

I wish I could get the people of our world and nation to just stop. Just stop polluting our world and causing this global catastrophe.

Global warming and climate change are real, is here and happening now and humans are the major cause of all of it.

We are spewing toxins into our world through the air, water and into our earth when we drill or mine.

All that abuse to our earth does cause consequences. You can't do that much damage and bad things not happen.

It's all done for money. That's all. So that someone will get even more filthy rich.

While asthma and other diseases increase. While our rivers, streams and lakes dry up. While we lose coast line. While Alaska is seeing perma frost melt when it's never melted before and can't keep buildings from sinking in it and a long list of other problems we are seeing and facing just because some people want to continue to get filthy rich.

Ever since the 70s I've always believed that solar panels should be standard part of building a house just like doors or windows. Finally one state, California has passed a law that requires all new housing to include solar panels. It should be required for all new buildings in most states. Especially those that get a lot of sun.

It only adds 8400.00 dollars to the cost of the house but saves the owner 19 thousand dollars over time. I lived in California for a couple years. I've paid their energy bills. It made me really appreciate the energy bills in my home state. Solar panels on the house will help a lot of people save a lot of money on those energy bills.
Climate change: COP24 deal to bring Paris pact to life!
Negotiators in Poland have finally secured agreement on a range of measures that will make the Paris climate pact operational in 2020.

Last-minute rows over carbon markets threatened to derail the meeting - and delayed it by a day.

Delegates believe the new rules will ensure that countries keep their promises to cut carbon.

The Katowice agreement aims to deliver the Paris goals of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2C.

"Putting together the Paris agreement work programme is a big responsibility," said the chairman of the talks, known as COP24, Michal Kurtyka.

"It has been a long road. We did our best to leave no-one behind."
Climate deal to bring Paris pact to life

:11_2_1043::bow2::clap: Just said Up yours Great DOPer LYING DrumpF

I wish I could get the people of our world and nation to just stop. Just stop polluting our world and causing this global catastrophe.

Global warming and climate change are real, is here and happening now and humans are the major cause of all of it.

We are spewing toxins into our world through the air, water and into our earth when we drill or mine.

All that abuse to our earth does cause consequences. You can't do that much damage and bad things not happen.

It's all done for money. That's all. So that someone will get even more filthy rich.

While asthma and other diseases increase. While our rivers, streams and lakes dry up. While we lose coast line. While Alaska is seeing perma frost melt when it's never melted before and can't keep buildings from sinking in it and a long list of other problems we are seeing and facing just because some people want to continue to get filthy rich.

Ever since the 70s I've always believed that solar panels should be standard part of building a house just like doors or windows. Finally one state, California has passed a law that requires all new housing to include solar panels. It should be required for all new buildings in most states. Especially those that get a lot of sun.

It only adds 8400.00 dollars to the cost of the house but saves the owner 19 thousand dollars over time. I lived in California for a couple years. I've paid their energy bills. It made me really appreciate the energy bills in my home state. Solar panels on the house will help a lot of people save a lot of money on those energy bills.

I wish I could get the people of our world and nation to just stop. Just stop polluting our world and causing this global catastrophe.

Click your heels together, Dorothy.

It's all done for money.

And staying alive, feeding our children. Little things.

While Alaska is seeing perma frost melt when it's never melted before

And don't get me started on the mile thick ice sheet on top of Chicago.
If that ever melts, I'm screwed.
Climate change: COP24 deal to bring Paris pact to life!
Negotiators in Poland have finally secured agreement on a range of measures that will make the Paris climate pact operational in 2020.

Last-minute rows over carbon markets threatened to derail the meeting - and delayed it by a day.

Delegates believe the new rules will ensure that countries keep their promises to cut carbon.

The Katowice agreement aims to deliver the Paris goals of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2C.

"Putting together the Paris agreement work programme is a big responsibility," said the chairman of the talks, known as COP24, Michal Kurtyka.

"It has been a long road. We did our best to leave no-one behind."
Climate deal to bring Paris pact to life

:11_2_1043::bow2::clap: Just said Up yours Great DOPer LYING DrumpF

I'm sure there is a point you are trying to make, but are too infantile to put into big person words?

Here's a point I'm making.

The Nisqually River was once a huge major raging river that went through my state. It's source is Mt. Rainier glacier, with small streams feeding into it in parts of the state. It watered crops for farmers. Commercial and sport fishermen used that river. It was also used for other outdoor sports.

Today that raging river is now a trickle I can literally step over. The area of the photo below that isn't trees is supposed to be totally covered by a very deep fast raging river. I took that photo using my 14-24mm curved lens to be able to get that whole area in that shot. A regular 28 mm wide angle lens can't get the whole area. That's how big that area is. I took that photo last September. Through tears. I grew up going there and still own a house on the south side of Rainier. I know what that's supposed to look like and it just kills me to see what it's become because of stupid, greedy humans.


That is the results of climate change or global warming. We no longer get enough snow on Mt. Rainier, one of the tallest single standing mountains in the lower 48 states. We no longer get enough rain.

I can post photo after photo of rivers streams and lakes reduced to what you see above or completely dry. I can post about ice caves that existed for thousands of years that are now gone. Melted because of climate change. They started melting in the 80s and were completely gone by the early 2000s.

I can post about wild fires in Canada, Washington, Oregon and California in the summer that cause smoke in our air so bad that it's like smoking 9 cigarettes if you spend any time out in it. Wildfires that burn everything in their path, kills people and destroy lives. Caused because the west isn't getting enough rain and snow so the forests here become very dry in the summer. On top of the fact that most of the old growth has been cut down so what's left is second grow that isn't as fire resistant as old growth is. The very thick bark on the old growth make it more fire resistant than younger second growth. It's happening in both Canada and the United States. It's caused by global climate change or global warming.

That is my point. It's real. It's happening and we seriously need to do something about it.
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The US does not belong to the agreement and has no obligation to follow its decrees.

The federal government doesn't but states and cities can and do.

I know the old mayor of Seattle started Seattle on complying with the Kyoto agreement. He got a lot of mayors around the nation to do the same thing.

The mayors of Seattle since that one have also continued to follow those agreements no matter what our federal government does. The states on the west coast are trying to do something about it. We're being harmed badly by global climate change or global warming.

Our environment here has gotten cleaner and better but we're just a small part of our world. We can't control what other parts of the nation and our world do.
Climate change: COP24 deal to bring Paris pact to life!
Negotiators in Poland have finally secured agreement on a range of measures that will make the Paris climate pact operational in 2020.

Last-minute rows over carbon markets threatened to derail the meeting - and delayed it by a day.

Delegates believe the new rules will ensure that countries keep their promises to cut carbon.

The Katowice agreement aims to deliver the Paris goals of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2C.

"Putting together the Paris agreement work programme is a big responsibility," said the chairman of the talks, known as COP24, Michal Kurtyka.

"It has been a long road. We did our best to leave no-one behind."
Climate deal to bring Paris pact to life

:11_2_1043::bow2::clap: Just said Up yours Great DOPer LYING DrumpF

I'm sure there is a point you are trying to make, but are too infantile to put into big person words?

Here's a point I'm making.

The Nisqually River was once a huge major raging river that went through my state. It's source is Mt. Rainier glacier, with small streams feeding into it in parts of the state. It watered crops for farmers. Commercial and sport fishermen used that river. It was also used for other outdoor sports.

Today that raging river is now a trickle I can literally step over. The area of the photo below that isn't trees is supposed to be totally covered by a very deep fast raging river. I took that photo using my 14-24mm curved lens to be able to get that whole area in that shot. A regular 28 mm wide angle lens can't get the whole area. That's how big that area is. I took that photo last September. Through tears. I grew up going there and still own a house on the south side of Rainier. I know what that's supposed to look like and it just kills me to see what it's become because of stupid, greedy humans.

View attachment 235020
That is the results of climate change or global warming. We no longer get enough snow on Mt. Rainier, one of the tallest single standing mountains in the lower 48 states. We no longer get enough rain.

I can post photo after photo of rivers streams and lakes reduced to what you see above or completely dry. I can post about ice caves that existed for thousands of years that are now gone. Melted because of climate change. They started melting in the 80s and were completely gone by the early 2000s.

I can post about wild fires in Canada, Washington, Oregon and California in the summer that cause smoke in our air so bad that it's like smoking 9 cigarettes if you spend any time out in it. Wildfires that burn everything in their path, kills people and destroy lives. Caused because the west isn't getting enough rain and snow so the forests here become very dry in the summer. On top of the fact that most of the old growth has been cut down so what's left is second grow that isn't as fire resistant as old growth is. The very thick bark on the old growth make it more fire resistant than younger second growth. It's happening in both Canada and the United States. It's caused by global climate change or global warming.

That is my point. It's real. It's happening and we seriously need to do something about it.

I can post photo after photo of rivers streams and lakes reduced to what you see above or completely dry. I can post about ice caves that existed for thousands of years that are now gone. Melted because of climate change. They started melting in the 80s and were completely gone by the early 2000s.

What percentage of the change is natural, what percentage is because we use fossil fuels?
Climate change: COP24 deal to bring Paris pact to life!
Negotiators in Poland have finally secured agreement on a range of measures that will make the Paris climate pact operational in 2020.

Last-minute rows over carbon markets threatened to derail the meeting - and delayed it by a day.

Delegates believe the new rules will ensure that countries keep their promises to cut carbon.

The Katowice agreement aims to deliver the Paris goals of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2C.

"Putting together the Paris agreement work programme is a big responsibility," said the chairman of the talks, known as COP24, Michal Kurtyka.

"It has been a long road. We did our best to leave no-one behind."
Climate deal to bring Paris pact to life

:11_2_1043::bow2::clap: Just said Up yours Great DOPer LYING DrumpF
Yaaay our energy prices will go through the roof. You people are morons.
Climate change: COP24 deal to bring Paris pact to life!
Negotiators in Poland have finally secured agreement on a range of measures that will make the Paris climate pact operational in 2020.

Last-minute rows over carbon markets threatened to derail the meeting - and delayed it by a day.

Delegates believe the new rules will ensure that countries keep their promises to cut carbon.

The Katowice agreement aims to deliver the Paris goals of limiting global temperature rises to well below 2C.

"Putting together the Paris agreement work programme is a big responsibility," said the chairman of the talks, known as COP24, Michal Kurtyka.

"It has been a long road. We did our best to leave no-one behind."
Climate deal to bring Paris pact to life

:11_2_1043::bow2::clap: Just said Up yours Great DOPer LYING DrumpF

We are the only one lowering our carbon emissions, and we aren't even in that mess.......

What is it about the fake weather religion that so fascinates you left wingers?
From 2016 to 2017, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 2.7 percent. Emissions from large power plants declined 4.5 percent since 2016, and nearly 20 percent since 2011.

All without signing a piece of paper in Paris or Buenos Aires.
While Germany is doing better than the greatest cumulative emitter of CO2 and the 2nd greatest current emitter of CO2. At 5% of the world's population and 14% of fossil carbon emissions, congratulating itself on reducing its egregious emissions from their previous more obscene level.

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