Historic Climate Change Agreement Adopted In Paris


The accord "saves the chance of saving the planet," says one advocate.

After two weeks of tense talks, word-wrangling and marathon overnight meetings, diplomats in Paris agreed to a global climate change accord on Saturday evening -- a day after the summit's scheduled conclusion.

Leaders and experts cheered the historic agreement that emerged from the 21st Conference of the Parties, or COP21, calling it ambitious and realistic, and a crucial step in protecting the Earth for future generations.

"The decisive deal for the planet is here," French President François Hollande told delegates Saturday morning, shortly before releasing the final draft. Outside, thousands of protesters had begun filling Paris streets in an appeal for a strong climate pact.

Some advocates, however, lamented that the deal falls short. They pointed to a lack of a specific timescale for phasing out fossil fuels, for example, as well as weak language on monitoring and verifying countries' greenhouse gas emission reductions.

"This agreement won't save the planet, not even close," Bill McKibben, co-founder of350.org, a climate advocacy group, told The Huffington Post in an email. "But it's possible that it saves the chance of saving the planet -- if movements push even harder from here on out."

More: Historic Climate Change Agreement Adopted In Paris

Great news! A big step forward for humankind.

It means precisely dick. It will not pass Congress.

Then Republicans will be on record for rejecting it.

And the far left will be on board for another feel good piece of paper that does nothing except add the very cause they claim they are against..
When the whole world says you're totally wrong, rational people will understand it almost certainly means they're totally wrong, and that therefore they need to educate themselves.

Cultists, OTOH, will declare that their cult is incapable of error, and that the only explanation is that a global conspiracy against them exists.

And that's why everyone has stopped paying attention to denier cultists.
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The deniers are too ignorant to understand the significance of this deal. They're the only deniers on the planet. Representatives from 150 countries participated. I suppose it's possible that the entirety of the world has been fooled but I'm guessing the deniers are the fools.

The accord "saves the chance of saving the planet," says one advocate.

After two weeks of tense talks, word-wrangling and marathon overnight meetings, diplomats in Paris agreed to a global climate change accord on Saturday evening -- a day after the summit's scheduled conclusion.

Leaders and experts cheered the historic agreement that emerged from the 21st Conference of the Parties, or COP21, calling it ambitious and realistic, and a crucial step in protecting the Earth for future generations.

"The decisive deal for the planet is here," French President François Hollande told delegates Saturday morning, shortly before releasing the final draft. Outside, thousands of protesters had begun filling Paris streets in an appeal for a strong climate pact.

Some advocates, however, lamented that the deal falls short. They pointed to a lack of a specific timescale for phasing out fossil fuels, for example, as well as weak language on monitoring and verifying countries' greenhouse gas emission reductions.

"This agreement won't save the planet, not even close," Bill McKibben, co-founder of350.org, a climate advocacy group, told The Huffington Post in an email. "But it's possible that it saves the chance of saving the planet -- if movements push even harder from here on out."

More: Historic Climate Change Agreement Adopted In Paris

Great news! A big step forward for humankind.
Too funny.
The deniers are too ignorant to understand the significance of this deal. They're the only deniers on the planet. Representatives from 150 countries participated. I suppose it's possible that the entirety of the world has been fooled but I'm guessing the deniers are the fools.
Oh I don't deny that the climate changes and changes all the time and I don't deny that pollution is part of the cause

I just don't buy into the we're all gonna die if the earth is a couple degrees warmer shit

The accord "saves the chance of saving the planet," says one advocate.

After two weeks of tense talks, word-wrangling and marathon overnight meetings, diplomats in Paris agreed to a global climate change accord on Saturday evening -- a day after the summit's scheduled conclusion.

Leaders and experts cheered the historic agreement that emerged from the 21st Conference of the Parties, or COP21, calling it ambitious and realistic, and a crucial step in protecting the Earth for future generations.

"The decisive deal for the planet is here," French President François Hollande told delegates Saturday morning, shortly before releasing the final draft. Outside, thousands of protesters had begun filling Paris streets in an appeal for a strong climate pact.

Some advocates, however, lamented that the deal falls short. They pointed to a lack of a specific timescale for phasing out fossil fuels, for example, as well as weak language on monitoring and verifying countries' greenhouse gas emission reductions.

"This agreement won't save the planet, not even close," Bill McKibben, co-founder of350.org, a climate advocacy group, told The Huffington Post in an email. "But it's possible that it saves the chance of saving the planet -- if movements push even harder from here on out."

More: Historic Climate Change Agreement Adopted In Paris

Great news! A great step forward for humankind.

Funny that idiot holding the sign in your pic obviously doesn't know that climate change didn't kill the dinosaurs a massive meteor strike did

And the agreement is nonbinding with no consequences if people don't abide by it

What's so great about that?

How do you know a "massive meteor" killed the dinosaurs? Who told you? What proof do you have? It is not settled science - whether climate change and/or meteor.
Right. It was caused by Tyrannosaurus Rex driving a Porsche and brontosauruses and their minivans and cave men driving Hummers and pterodactyls flying leer jets.
I love how the OP has a pic of a liberal idiot holding a sign that says "Dinosaurs didn't believe in climate change either" as a snarky analogy to convince us of man made climate change.

Um....did dinosaurs drive cars and burn coal??? If not....how did dinosaurs cause their own climate change???
Years from now, our grandchildren will reflect on humanity's moral courage to solve the climate crisis and they will look to December 12, 2015, as the day when the community of nations finally made the decision to act.

Al Gore: Our Grandchildren Will Look To This Day

I agree, Mr. Gore. Thank you!

No they wont. Because a hundred years from now the Islamic State of Earth will behead children who try to read about 2015.

Yes...Thank you indeed Mr. Gore and Mr. Obama.

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