Climate Change Deniers Are Lying

James Hansen, former head of GISS, who was an integral part of transforming global temperature datasets into the distortions of the present, for one. When he wasn't out protesting global warming and collecting cash prizes and awards from environmental groups.
Where are his predictions of catastrophic warming?
Edenhofer is a lead author with the UN IPCC
He's not a climate scientist.

Carbon emissions take into account many greenhouse gases emitted by human activity that are the primary driver of climate change, not exclusively CO₂. You're showing the true state of denial by complaining of that term.
The prez chief science advisor CONTINUOUSLY mangles carbon and CO2 because that's what he's been to do.. look it up..

I'm sure the Chief Tribal Witchdoctor James Hansen has CONTINUOUSLY on purpose confused Carbon with CO2.. Same with Michael Mann. Know who these scientists are????
Ludicrous. Many greenhouse gases have a carbon component, CO₂ is not the only greenhouse gas.
James Hansen, former head of GISS, who was an integral part of transforming global temperature datasets into the distortions of the present, for one. When he wasn't out protesting global warming and collecting cash prizes and awards from environmental groups.
Where are his predictions of catastrophic warming?

Are you kidding me?
No, we're not kidding. The people screaming "catastrophe!" are almost always deniers. You ought to either justify that constant hysteria, or stop using that tactic.

As a whole, what do you hope to accomplish with the Hansen Derangement Syndrome? We get that it's standard cult policy to rally the faithful against some convenient demon-figure. Is there any other purpose to it?
Still clinging to that myth that the consensus is a myth? Educate yourself. Read something that doesn't have an agenda tied around the RNC or the fossil fuel industry.

The hockey stick isn't a graph. It's what the Earth's temperatures have done. As such, it ain't gonna go away.

The hockey stick is a fraud. Anyone who uses it to defend global warming is a hosebag.
I'd bury my head and ass in the sand before I decide on issues depending on WHO is on a particular side. What if we decided justice that same way? (( and I WOULD like an answer on that one))
Science issues are decided by how many are on a particular side, not who, a consensus. Justice is decided the same way, a jury or a panel. HTH.

Scientific truths are not established by majority vote. The fact that believe they are show what an ignoramus you are.
I wonder why deniers have to lie about everything all the time?
Climate-Change Deniers Must Stop Distorting the Evidence IPCC Report
No, we're not kidding. The people screaming "catastrophe!" are almost always deniers. You ought to either justify that constant hysteria, or stop using that tactic.

As a whole, what do you hope to accomplish with the Hansen Derangement Syndrome? We get that it's standard cult policy to rally the faithful against some convenient demon-figure. Is there any other purpose to it?

I would also like to see some major names in mainstream science predicting catastrophe. CAGW was an invention of he fossil fuel disinformation campaign (FFDC).
No, we're not kidding. The people screaming "catastrophe!" are almost always deniers. You ought to either justify that constant hysteria, or stop using that tactic.

As a whole, what do you hope to accomplish with the Hansen Derangement Syndrome? We get that it's standard cult policy to rally the faithful against some convenient demon-figure. Is there any other purpose to it?

I would also like to see some major names in mainstream science predicting catastrophe. CAGW was an invention of he fossil fuel disinformation campaign (FFDC).

Alarmists and communists own the disinformation campaign. So you are well versed in it. Projecting your own failures on others is really below the belt.. But you keep your pin up of James Hansen the liar any way...

Main stream climate science deniers like James Hansen and Michale Mann are nothing more than well paid liars.
I wonder why deniers have to lie about everything all the time?
Climate-Change Deniers Must Stop Distorting the Evidence IPCC Report

Couldn't stop laughing for a full 10 minutes at this..

On the other hand, serial climate disinformer Judith Curry, in a commentary for the same outlet five days later, announced, "Consensus distorts the climate picture."

And that's where I stopped your "link".. Let's see. Who is Judith Curry?

JUDITH A. CURRY School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Georgia Institute of Technology
[email protected] Judith Curry s Home Page

GENERAL INFORMATION Education 1982 Ph.D. The University of Chicago, Geophysical Sciences 1974 B.S. cum laude Northern Illinois University, Geography Professional Experience 2002- Professor, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Georgia Institute of Technology 2002-2014 Chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Georgia Institute of Technology 1992-2002 Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Environmental Studies Program 1989-1992 Associate Professor, Department of Meteorology, Penn State 1986-1989 Assistant Professor, Dept of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University 1982-1986 Assistant Scientist, Dept of Meteorology,

University of Wisconsin-Madison Awards/Honors 2011 Graetzinger Moving School Forward Award, Georgia Tech 2007 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science 2006 Best Faculty Paper Award, Georgia Tech Sigma Xi 2004 Fellow, American Geophysical Union 2002 NASA Group Achievement Award for CAMEX-4 2002 Green Faculty Award, University of Colorado 1997 Elected Councilor, American Meteorological Society 1995 Fellow, American Meteorological Society 1992 Henry G. Houghton Award, the American Meteorological Society 1988 Presidential Young Investigator Award, the National Science Foundation

Recent Professional Activities ---- World Meteorological Organization / International Council of Scientific Unions / International Ocean Commission / World Climate Research Programme • Global Energy and Water Experiment (GEWEX) Radiation Panel (1994-2004) • GEWEX Cloud System Studies (GCSS) Science Steering Group (1998-2004) • Chair, GCSS Working Group on Polar Clouds (1998-2004) • Chair, GEWEX Radiation Panel SEAFLUX Project (1999-2004)

So this whole thread is to smear people like that as LIARS? And post trash that labels folks like Judith Curry "a serial climate disinformer"???

Now you are officially outed as a troll who has ADMITTED having no interest in the science or the details. This entire thread is an exercersize in baiting..

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No, we're not kidding. The people screaming "catastrophe!" are almost always deniers. You ought to either justify that constant hysteria, or stop using that tactic.

As a whole, what do you hope to accomplish with the Hansen Derangement Syndrome? We get that it's standard cult policy to rally the faithful against some convenient demon-figure. Is there any other purpose to it?

I would also like to see some major names in mainstream science predicting catastrophe. CAGW was an invention of he fossil fuel disinformation campaign (FFDC).

So when Hansen described the progression of Global Warming including the "boiling of the oceans" -- that was not catastrophic enough for you. When projections are made to put NYC and Miami underwater in the next 60 years -- that's not catastrophic enough for you? When Obama tells the Coast Guard grads that their most important missions include Global Warming -- that's not -- over the edge hysterical?

You've got no common sense or sense of proportion..
So when Hansen described the progression of Global Warming including the "boiling of the oceans" -- that was not catastrophic enough for you.
Where are these predictions? Do you not understand the question?

The question I replied to (from Crick -- not you) was exactly --

I would also like to see some major names in mainstream science predicting catastrophe.

I did just that. If you can't Google "james hansen" boil ocean, I'll type it for you. Also read my footer. I'm not lying and usually give folks the assumption that they are not either. HOWEVER, i am a pretty good judge of internet character.
The question I replied to (from Crick -- not you) was exactly --

I would also like to see some major names in mainstream science predicting catastrophe.

I did just that. If you can't Google "james hansen" boil ocean,
No, you didn't do just that. You gave one name without his predictions nor a link to it.

Then you bloviated on with some politicians or whoever. But I understand why you have difficulty answering the question.
Wrong moron. I'll bet you think you understand science and believe in it.
Well I did do a bit of work as a lab technician measuring pollution. I believe in evidence, something in very short supply around here.

You probably think 'consensus' is a population survey.
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The question I replied to (from Crick -- not you) was exactly --

I would also like to see some major names in mainstream science predicting catastrophe.

I did just that. If you can't Google "james hansen" boil ocean,
No, you didn't do just that. You gave one name without his predictions nor a link to it.

Then you bloviated on with some politicians or whoever. But I understand why you have difficulty answering the question.

n his book Storms of my Grandchildren, noted climate scientist James Hansen issued the following warning: "f we burn all reserves of oil, gas, and coal, there is a substantial chance we will initiate the runaway greenhouse. If we also burn the tar sands and tar shale, I believe the Venus syndrome is a dead certainty.

Will Earth s Ocean Boil Away

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