Climate Change Deniers: The New Big Tobacco


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
" Right-Wing Media Desperately Smear Scientists To Defend Climate Deniers' Virtue"
Right-Wing Media Desperately Smear Scientists To Defend Climate Deniers Virtue Blog Media Matters for America

"Who is more likely to be influenced by money: The vast majority of climate scientists who agree with the scientific consensus that human activities are driving global warming, or the small pool of climate change deniers funded by the fossil fuel industry? The answer probably seems obvious, but some deniers are doing their best to play the "conflict of interest" card against respected climate scientists.

Right-wing media are promoting the myth that scientists who agree with the consensus of human-caused climate change have been "corrupt[ed]" by "massive amounts of money." Most recently, National Review published an op-ed from the Cato Institute's science director, Patrick Michaels, who wrote that the U.S. government disburses "tens of billions of dollars" to climate scientists "who would not have received those funds had their research shown climate change to be beneficial or even modest in its effects."

Here's the bizarre thing: After arguing that money "corrupts" science that supports the consensus on man-made climate change, Michaels then tried to defend the industry funding behind the research that's used to deny climate change. Michaels wrote: "Are the very, very few climate scientists whose research is supported by [the fossil fuel] industry somehow less virtuous?"

It should come as no surprise that Michaels himself works for an organization funded by the fossil fuel industry. The Cato Institute was co-founded by the oil billionaire Koch brothers and has received millions from the Koch family, while also receiving funding from ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute."

rest at link

I'm struck remembering how Big Tobacco said all the health warnings about their product lines were fradulant and biased etc. based on money from the government too. Seems to me Big Oil is doing the exact same thing now vs the climate change debate.
Not only doing the same thing, using the same whores in the science community, and the same people in the advertising business.

How The Merchants Of Doubt Push Climate Denial On Your Television Blog Media Matters for America

A new documentary shows how a "professional class of deceivers" has been paid by the fossil fuel industry to cast doubt on the science of climate change, in an effort akin to that from the tobacco industry, which fordecades used deceitful tactics to deny the scientific evidence that cigarettes are harmful to human health. The film, Merchants of Doubt, explores how many of the same people that once lobbied on behalf of the tobacco industry are now employed in the climate denial game.

An infamous 1969 memo from a tobacco executive read: "Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the 'body of fact' that exists in the minds of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy." Using similar tactics, a very small set of people have had immense influence in sowing doubt on the scientific consensus of manmade climate change in recent years.

Merchants of Doubt features five prominent climate science deniers who have been particularly influential in deceiving the public and blocking climate action. Their financial connections to the fossil fuel industry are not hard to uncover. Yet major U.S. television networks -- CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, CBS, and PBS -- have given most of these deniers prominent exposure over the past several years.

Merchant of Doubt

Number of TV Appearances, 2009-2014

Marc Morano


James Taylor


Fred Singer


Tim Phillips


Now that these Merchants of Doubt have been exposed, the major cable and network news programs need to keep them off the airwaves, a sentiment echoed by Forecast the Facts, which recently launched a petition demanding that news directors do just that.

The air is smelling ripe with the desperation of alarmists and commie slugs...
Explain what we will realistically achieve by spending hundreds of trillions of dollars, destroying entire industries, and relegating tens of millions to the unemployment lines? :dunno:
Explain what we will realistically achieve by spending hundreds of trillions of dollars, destroying entire industries, and relegating tens of millions to the unemployment lines? :dunno:

Social Justice...

All but the Democrap elite will be impoverished and dependent on the government hand outs. Equal Poverty, Equal starvation, and equal death.. but that is all in the big game plan for UN Agenda 21 which is the root of the current Green Socialist Agenda..
NASA Marshall Solar Physics


^ the Ultimate DENIER!!!

James Cameron Lives Lavishly While Saying ‘Live With Less’


James Cameron, worth $700 million thanks to a successful film career with highlights like “Titanic” and “Avatar,” was an executive producer of “Years of Living Dangerously.” Cameron has been outspoken against those skeptical of climate change calling them “swine,” according to Ecorazzi, and “boneheads” that he wanted to “shoot it out with.”

More troubling still, in 2010 Cameron said, “I believe in ecoterrorism,”

- See more at: Years of Living Hypocritically Five Alarmist Celebs and Their Double Standards

Wow, what a sick sick fuck
My oldest boy used to work for Cameron's ex-wife.

Which ex-wife? You figure it out.

Hollywood, Now you see it, now you see it.
does anyone remember Ed Begley Jr agreeing to take big oil money on the snide?

total fucking hypocrites
Fred Singer and Lindzen both accepted money from both the tobacco industry and the energy corporations to lie before Congress. The energy corporations are using exactly the same methods and even the same advertising companies as did the tobacco industry to cast doubt on the scientists work.

And, as with the tobacco industry, events will finally catch up with the denialists, and then they will be double denialists in that they will claim they never really said that.
" Right-Wing Media Desperately Smear Scientists To Defend Climate Deniers' Virtue"
Right-Wing Media Desperately Smear Scientists To Defend Climate Deniers Virtue Blog Media Matters for America

"Who is more likely to be influenced by money: The vast majority of climate scientists who agree with the scientific consensus that human activities are driving global warming, or the small pool of climate change deniers funded by the fossil fuel industry? The answer probably seems obvious, but some deniers are doing their best to play the "conflict of interest" card against respected climate scientists.

Right-wing media are promoting the myth that scientists who agree with the consensus of human-caused climate change have been "corrupt[ed]" by "massive amounts of money." Most recently, National Review published an op-ed from the Cato Institute's science director, Patrick Michaels, who wrote that the U.S. government disburses "tens of billions of dollars" to climate scientists "who would not have received those funds had their research shown climate change to be beneficial or even modest in its effects."

Here's the bizarre thing: After arguing that money "corrupts" science that supports the consensus on man-made climate change, Michaels then tried to defend the industry funding behind the research that's used to deny climate change. Michaels wrote: "Are the very, very few climate scientists whose research is supported by [the fossil fuel] industry somehow less virtuous?"

It should come as no surprise that Michaels himself works for an organization funded by the fossil fuel industry. The Cato Institute was co-founded by the oil billionaire Koch brothers and has received millions from the Koch family, while also receiving funding from ExxonMobil and the American Petroleum Institute."

rest at link

I'm struck remembering how Big Tobacco said all the health warnings about their product lines were fradulant and biased etc. based on money from the government too. Seems to me Big Oil is doing the exact same thing now vs the climate change debate.
Fred Singer and Lindzen both accepted money from both the tobacco industry and the energy corporations to lie before Congress. The energy corporations are using exactly the same methods and even the same advertising companies as did the tobacco industry to cast doubt on the scientists work.

And, as with the tobacco industry, events will finally catch up with the denialists, and then they will be double denialists in that they will claim they never really said that.
so please explain how taking money from the government by way of grants and falsifying data like the climate groups do is any different than what you just posted?
What a load of garbage this whole skeptics=big tobacco, or skeptics=big oil, or skeptics=Holocaust deniers nonsense is.

Smoking cigarettes is bad, demonstrably so. Second hand smoke is not, at least not at the levels claimed. An honest scientist would HAVE to admit that.

AGW is a fact, although the amount is still very much in question, as is whether the current rates are harmful or beneficial. Like second hand smoke the claimed feedbacks and catastrophic predictions are unsupported by the evidence. Any honest scientist would HAVE to admit that.

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