Climate change is natural: 100 reasons why

There are MANY reasons things are warming, man is one of them.

Why cant you guys figure this science out?

What is man doing to increase the temperature? And if you say producing more CO2 please provide a study that shows where a scientist has been able to increase the temperature by increasing CO2. I have not seen this anywhere...

This "Truthmatters" has been brainwashed like so many millions of people throughout the world into thinking that CO2 is the sole reason why the Earth is getting hotter.Methane
has a greater impact. Also Sun spot activity has been linked to an increase in the Earths temperature.
Human Global warming is a scam!.
There are MANY reasons things are warming, man is one of them.

Why cant you guys figure this science out?

This has gotten to be such a stupid political football, I doubt the naysayers who post on message boards even remember that NO ONE advocates that it's ONLY 'man' creating global warming, but that man contributes to it.

When it comes right down to why it's political, if some right winger had written "An Inconvenient Truth," they would be forming tea parties to support the science that irrefutably concludes man's contribution. But since it was Al Gore who wrote the book, it's just gotta be bad. End of story. Brilliant, eh?
Ah Oh, someone is actually using logic, common sense and science to discuss the climate change hoax...

Daily Express | UK News :: Climate change is natural: 100 reasons why

LMAO, "'someone' is actually using logic". Not everyone is a stupid dude KMAN, your source is a tabloid newspaper owned by the Larry Flynt of England which has been successfully sued by countless people for defamation. The first few "100 reasons' are absurd, dishonest and not based on reason. They might convnce a dude, but surely not an open minded literate adult.
There are MANY reasons things are warming, man is one of them.

Why cant you guys figure this science out?

The Earth went through Hot and cold cycles without human input. The industrial revolution began in the late 1800's. There have been hot and cold cycles here on the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, long
before any human input of greenhouse gases.Human Global warming is all false, a scam perpertrated by the developed nations to control the third world.

Please Google --->Sun spot activity and global warming.!

I'm just waiting for the humans are responsible for climate change crowd to tell me why GREENLAND is no longer GREEN.

Do you ever look for answers all by yourself? The rising sea level also pushes salt water into rivers and streams, damaging freshwater species and reducing the amount of fresh water available for agriculture (and drinking!).
The Earth went through Hot and cold cycles without human input. The industrial revolution began in the late 1800's. There have been hot and cold cycles here on the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, long
before any human input of greenhouse gases.Human Global warming is all false, a scam perpertrated by the developed nations to control the third world.

Please Google --->Sun spot activity and global warming.!

Yes it did, Now with man adding to the mix ( a new thing in the worlds history) we are pushing it beyond its natural cycle and are watching it go over the edge.

You cannot claim man has no effect, the emmissions are documented and real.

Just google--->Sun spot activity and global warming. Man has nothing to do with it.Volcanoes dump more CO2 into the atmospher than humans do. Human global warming is all false. A scam ,to control the Earth.Get back to me after you read the Sun spot activity info.Do it NOW!!

To control the earth...yeah, that's it. :cuckoo:
There are MANY reasons things are warming, man is one of them.

Why cant you guys figure this science out?

What is man doing to increase the temperature? And if you say producing more CO2 please provide a study that shows where a scientist has been able to increase the temperature by increasing CO2. I have not seen this anywhere...

I don't know why people can't "find" stuff. Here are two links that cover just about everything you ever could possibly want to know to date. The second link provides links to other science and/or publications which present BOTH "sides" of the issue. So please SAVE THESE, and stop pretending there's no good information available, when there is almost too much.

Global Warming Frequently Asked Questions

Global Warming and Climate Change Science
The Earth went through Hot and cold cycles without human input. The industrial revolution began in the late 1800's. There have been hot and cold cycles here on the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, long
before any human input of greenhouse gases.Human Global warming is all false, a scam perpertrated by the developed nations to control the third world.

Please Google --->Sun spot activity and global warming.!

Yes it did, Now with man adding to the mix ( a new thing in the worlds history) we are pushing it beyond its natural cycle and are watching it go over the edge.

You cannot claim man has no effect, the emmissions are documented and real.

If you haven't noticed, we have been going through a period of Global Cooling for the past Ten years!, they said there have been no Sun spot activity for the past Ten years!.
And we are putting more and more greenhouse gases into the Earths atmospher!.
Can you explain the Global Cooling. ? I tell you it is Sun Spot activity, not man, Hunmans
have nothing to do with the Earth cyclical climate change.
No one noticed your cooling because the last ten years have been the WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement. Kinda kills your sunspot BS, doesn't it?
There are MANY reasons things are warming, man is one of them.

Why cant you guys figure this science out?

What is man doing to increase the temperature? And if you say producing more CO2 please provide a study that shows where a scientist has been able to increase the temperature by increasing CO2. I have not seen this anywhere...

This "Truthmatters" has been brainwashed like so many millions of people throughout the world into thinking that CO2 is the sole reason why the Earth is getting hotter.Methane
has a greater impact. Also Sun spot activity has been linked to an increase in the Earths temperature.
Human Global warming is a scam!.

The natural level of CO2 produced by simple breathing, etc., takes decades to traverse its genetic course, but that level has been steadily increasing for years. Excess CO2 cannot be trapped and disposed of. Methane gas, on the other hand, can be trapped and actually used to produce energy, as it already being done on some dairy farms.
The Earth went through Hot and cold cycles without human input. The industrial revolution began in the late 1800's. There have been hot and cold cycles here on the Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, long
before any human input of greenhouse gases.Human Global warming is all false, a scam perpertrated by the developed nations to control the third world.

Please Google --->Sun spot activity and global warming.!

Yes it did, Now with man adding to the mix ( a new thing in the worlds history) we are pushing it beyond its natural cycle and are watching it go over the edge.

You cannot claim man has no effect, the emmissions are documented and real.

Just google--->Sun spot activity and global warming. Man has nothing to do with it.Volcanoes dump more CO2 into the atmospher than humans do. Human global warming is all false. A scam ,to control the Earth.Get back to me after you read the Sun spot activity info.Do it NOW!!
Not happy with making a complete fool of yourself with the sunspot crapaganda, you have just stuck your other foot in your mouth with the volcano lie. :rofl:

Carbon Dioxide

Present-day carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from subaerial and submarine volcanoes are uncertain at the present time. Gerlach (1991) estimated a total global release of 3-4 x 10E12 mol/yr from volcanoes. While this is a conservative estimate, man-made (anthropogenic) CO2 emissions overwhelm this estimate by at least 150 times.
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Sorry no they haven't the wamest period on record Predates the industrial revolution by more than 6 centuries. It was called the Medieval Warm period. During it they grew grapes enough in Prussia and England (modern day North Germany) that the French wine industry felt threatened. Greenland was called Greenland Because it actually was Green and you could grow crops there as has been Demostrated by anthropologists studying the old Norse settlements in the region. Nova Scotia had grapes as well hence the name Vinland given it by the vikings.
Sorry no they haven't the wamest period on record Predates the industrial revolution by more than 6 centuries. It was called the Medieval Warm period. During it they grew grapes enough in Prussia and England (modern day North Germany) that the French wine industry felt threatened. Greenland was called Greenland Because it actually was Green and you could grow crops there as has been Demostrated by anthropologists studying the old Norse settlements in the region. Nova Scotia had grapes as well hence the name Vinland given it by the vikings.
The CON$ervative dumb act again.

Temps from the Medieval Warm period were not directly measured, they are PROXY DATA, which is quite suspect.
"Proxy data" doesn't count for the Medieval warming period, but it does when warmist hacks like Michael Mann use tree rings to "prove" their case. :rolleyes:

Man, are we wearing out the goalpoast moving crew today or what?!?! :lol:
You are full of it yet again. They used the REAL TEMP DATA over the proxy data. It's real data that you CON$ always have a problem with.
Would have been nice had they NOT have thrown out the raw data they based their findings on.

Whatever would have made them do such a thing I wonder...
Uh-huh....They used whichever data that worked for their reverse-engineered hypothesis and buried that which didn't.

Yer killin' me. :lol:
No they used the REAL temp data because they knew it was more reliable than the proxy data. You deniers cling to the proxy data because only inaccurate data supports your bias.
Would have been nice had they NOT have thrown out the raw data they based their findings on.

Whatever would have made them do such a thing I wonder...
As you well know, the data was lost when they moved to a new building. As you also well know there are two other sources of the raw data still available as well as the raw data collected after the move, all of which support the same findings. Of course, you deniers then float your tinfoil hat conspiracy theories.

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