Climate Change Lockdowns?

Just telling you like it is. And fuck your dreams of Nazi Climate Police. That's not happening in the USA.
It's not my dream, it will be a nightmare for everyone on this planet . The military is already planning to prevent the worst scenarios. Most of those bases are at or near sea level. When hurricanes , typhoons and tornados start going into uncharted territory, when ocean currents change or stop functioning , when all the glaciers and ice sheets on the planet melt and the seas rise hundreds of feet. All of those meager preparations will be for nothing .We already acted to slowly on this one. We're just waiting for the end results now.
Since nothing is going to happen, I guess we don't have to worry.
LOL, just because it's not happening tomorrow or next week doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Everything is slowly changing BUT these changes are increasing in severity. Even if the most hardened denialist will be convinced of that fact within 5 or 10 more years at the most.
The end of the world has been five years away for the last 40 years.
40 years is normally a relatively short time in climate change. Not anymore, hope I ' m long gone by then. I loved this world too much , hate to see that much change for the worse.

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