Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

So let's have some reality here, no one can say our school system works well for the majority of the children. And it isn't because we have not thrown enough money at the school system, just give up that fallacy. We also know that it has be left wing liberals who have been running the failing school systems. So, what we are going to do is double down on stupid and instead of teaching kids how to read and write let's teach them something they have absolutely no control over but it is something we can get them to fear. Something to fear that can be used to demonstrate how only the government can save us from our own demise. How corporations, that feed our children in many different ways, is evil only the government is good. BS teach the kids the three Rs and let them read books to figure out the rest. That said I have no problem with teaching kids that the weather within a climate changes as it has from the beginning of the world. But if it is nothing more then the religion of the GW fearist, that I have a problem.

As for the creation/evolution debate. I get so damn tired of the liberal left bring this issue up as if it means a hill of beans. The truth is that the liberal left wing has no real explanation of how life started on Earth. Yes, most of the "thinkers" on the left will snidely say, evolution explains it all, when in fact the evolutionary theory does nothing of the sort, they are showing they are low information voters. Evolution is a dead end in explaining creation of life. So what theory actually makes the most sense? Panspermia? Transpermia? "primordial soup" ? Was at the beginning? Take your choice, at this time and date all valid.

good points--more than I can process at the moment.

I suppose Stephen Hawking has gone as far as anyone in unraveling the mysteries of life.

God Created the Integers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And many others in scientific research of which I know very little.

I know there are some climate changes--and I know that my job is to cope with the mortal realm.
So let's have some reality here, no one can say our school system works well for the majority of the children. And it isn't because we have not thrown enough money at the school system, just give up that fallacy. We also know that it has be left wing liberals who have been running the failing school systems. .

If left wing radical are ruining science teaching, why are so many left wing countries producing better science students than the US is?
I cant believe their going to allow science in the classrooms...What is this? A Classroom?

Uhm, it's junk science for the terminally gullible.

Either that, or you are simply poorly informed.

Let's check with real scientists:

American Association for the Advancement of Science (the world's largest general scientific society), adopted an official statement on climate change in 2006:

The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society....The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now.

Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So far, you're only "point" is that I'm stupid. Then you expect some kind of substantive response from me.

You are right, the argument was over before it began. You never even attempted an argument.

My point wasn't that you're stupid. My point was that you're full of shit. You proved that when you refused to provide even one name of someone who supports the crap you said. Not one name! You proved my point for me when you attempted your lame cop out excuse as to why you couldn't provide even a single name.

I didn't prove anything of the sort. I simply declined to get into a mud wrestling contest with an idiot. Scientists who are skeptical of global warming are quite well known. Even someone as stupid as you can look them up. Furthermore, it's a point not worth contesting. That's why you are contesting it so vehemently. If you had any point other than ad hominems, you would have made them.

Providing a single name is "mud wrestling" now? ha! You'll do anything to not have to back up your asinine comments. You've once again been exposed as a loud mouthed, no substance troll who will do anything to get out of providing actual proof for any of the shit you claim.

I can see why you are anti-science....Science is based on evidence and providing proof. Foreign concepts for you.
I suppose Stephen Hawking has gone as far as anyone in unraveling the mysteries of life.


Stephen Hawking on climate change:

He said: “It is possible that the human race could become extinct but it is not inevitable. I think it is almost certain that a disaster, such as nuclear war or global warming will befall the earth within a thousand years.”

It is a warning Professor Hawking has been sharing for years. Back in 2007 – speaking at the Royal Society in London – he called on scientists to live up to their duty of sharing information about the potential disaster of climate change, referring to it as one of the greatest threats facing human-kind.

Stephen Hawking: Climate change greatest threat posed to human-kind | RTCC - Climate change news
I suppose Stephen Hawking has gone as far as anyone in unraveling the mysteries of life.


Stephen Hawking on climate change:

He said: “It is possible that the human race could become extinct but it is not inevitable. I think it is almost certain that a disaster, such as nuclear war or global warming will befall the earth within a thousand years.”

It is a warning Professor Hawking has been sharing for years. Back in 2007 – speaking at the Royal Society in London – he called on scientists to live up to their duty of sharing information about the potential disaster of climate change, referring to it as one of the greatest threats facing human-kind.

Stephen Hawking: Climate change greatest threat posed to human-kind | RTCC - Climate change news

Somehow I believe the man knows of what he speaks.
Wavinggirl -

Absolutely. Hawking is one of the greatest scientific minds of our time.

I think we need to be very careful about claiming to understand more about science than he does!
Wavinggirl -

Absolutely. Hawking is one of the greatest scientific minds of our time.

I think we need to be very careful about claiming to understand more about science than he does!

lol--therefore I am not going to 'panic' if future generations are presented with this fyi.
So little of what schools teach now is actually factual.

Well, there's nothing wrong with what people call climate science. It's just that like the topic of the origins of our species, people who need it to be false will create a version of it that can be refuted, or ridiculed, and insist their version of it is what it actually is.

What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.

Well, I would think few cultists have perfectly justified and objective views, but let's be clear, the science is quite fine. And If that's 'Anthropomorphic global warming', the causes of global warming are a combination, as many things are, of human activities and natural processes.
Why did they change it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"? Because they couldn't sell their hoax when we were experiencing record cold temperatures. "Climate Change" covers all arguments. If it's hot outside, they can say "See, I told you so". If it's cold outside, they can say "See, I told you so". Why did the alarmists (politically active scientists) hide evidence that contradicted their claims? Government funding. They can't get rich off taxpayer money if the world found out they were full of shit, and the liberal politicians supported their cover-up because THEY were benefiting by it. After all, CONTROL is what this is all about.
Why did they change it from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"? Because they couldn't sell their hoax when we were experiencing record cold temperatures. "Climate Change" covers all arguments. If it's hot outside, they can say "See, I told you so". If it's cold outside, they can say "See, I told you so". Why did the alarmists (politically active scientists) hide evidence that contradicted their claims? Government funding. They can't get rich off taxpayer money if the world found out they were full of shit, and the liberal politicians supported their cover-up because THEY were benefiting by it. After all, CONTROL is what this is all about.

It changed in the late 1980's - interesting that you have only now realised that!

The reason it changed is that the term 'global warming' confused people. 'Climate change' is easier to understand, because it is more accurate. The world IS warming, though - 2012 was the hottest year in US history.

For perhaps the 100th time on this board - VERY little climate change science recieves direct government funding. The system in Europe and elsewhere is set up to make fraud or producing particular results impossible, and it is impossible. (My wife is a researcher, so I know something about how work is funded)

What climate change means and does not mean is very clear, and I can explain it to you if you are genuinely interested.
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It changed in the late 1980's - interesting that you have only now realised that!

What climate change means and does not mean is very clear, and I can explain it to you if you are genuinely interested.
I realized it as soon as they changed it, asshole. Nothing I said would indicate otherwise. And no, I'm not interested in hearing your bullshit explanations. I've heard it many times before. You can save it for the sheep.
My point wasn't that you're stupid. My point was that you're full of shit. You proved that when you refused to provide even one name of someone who supports the crap you said. Not one name! You proved my point for me when you attempted your lame cop out excuse as to why you couldn't provide even a single name.

I didn't prove anything of the sort. I simply declined to get into a mud wrestling contest with an idiot. Scientists who are skeptical of global warming are quite well known. Even someone as stupid as you can look them up. Furthermore, it's a point not worth contesting. That's why you are contesting it so vehemently. If you had any point other than ad hominems, you would have made them.

Providing a single name is "mud wrestling" now? ha! You'll do anything to not have to back up your asinine comments. You've once again been exposed as a loud mouthed, no substance troll who will do anything to get out of providing actual proof for any of the shit you claim.

I can see why you are anti-science....Science is based on evidence and providing proof. Foreign concepts for you.

Here ya go, asshole:

Richard Lindzen
Lets see the liberals two main topics in science, global warming, and a fetus is not a baby. The funny part is they call us out of touch.
Manmade Global Warming has no factual backing whatsoever.

In truth, climates frequently change.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer.

And sometimes it gets colder.

That's been going on for as long as the planet has been orbiting the Sun. Or, as long as it's had a climate, at least.

And man has never had the slightest influence on it.

Even the leftist loons who scream about how we have to use government to change everything, go back to the stone age, etc., to prevent some unknown catastrophe, have never been able to come up with even ONE study or example that backs up their claims.

What's funny is that, when they do name some study, it invariably turns out to be nothing but a bunch of long-winded claims which, finally, refer to some other "study" for proof. And what is in that other "study"? You guessed it - more long-winded claims, and eventually a reference to yet another study. And you can guess what is in that one, too.

The leftist global-whatever loons have been insisting on impending doom, and the urgent need to give government massive powers to change every bit of our lives to "avoid" that doom, for at least 40 years by my count. Literally billions of dollars have changed hands - usually into their hands - all over the world. And they still haven't come up with one shred of proof that man has had the least bit of influence on the climate changes that happen regularly around us. Nor is there any proof that man can do anything to change it.

***40 YEARS*** of screaming, caterwauling, and doomsaying. All without the slightest proof. Just references to references to references, ad infinitum. And demands that they be given complete power over all of us, to change what they cannot change.

Is this a record?

(Probably not. Leftist loons have been with us a LONG time. )
It changed in the late 1980's - interesting that you have only now realised that!

What climate change means and does not mean is very clear, and I can explain it to you if you are genuinely interested.
I realized it as soon as they changed it, asshole. Nothing I said would indicate otherwise. And no, I'm not interested in hearing your bullshit explanations. I've heard it many times before. You can save it for the sheep.

Right. You aren't interested. You won't listen.

Which is also why you don't understand.

Congratulations on that.
It changed in the late 1980's - interesting that you have only now realised that!

What climate change means and does not mean is very clear, and I can explain it to you if you are genuinely interested.
I realized it as soon as they changed it, asshole. Nothing I said would indicate otherwise. And no, I'm not interested in hearing your bullshit explanations. I've heard it many times before. You can save it for the sheep.

There's that open minded mentality that we all know and love!
Lets see the liberals two main topics in science, global warming, and a fetus is not a baby. The funny part is they call us out of touch.

A fetus is a fetus and a baby is a baby. Which part of that confuses you?
It changed in the late 1980's - interesting that you have only now realised that!

What climate change means and does not mean is very clear, and I can explain it to you if you are genuinely interested.
I realized it as soon as they changed it, asshole. Nothing I said would indicate otherwise. And no, I'm not interested in hearing your bullshit explanations. I've heard it many times before. You can save it for the sheep.

Right. You aren't interested. You won't listen.

Which is also why you don't understand.

Congratulations on that.
Oh, I understand, alright. I understand you have a lot of claims you can't support, and your solution is always to tell Americans to stop being productive. I also understand that the U.S. is one of the least polluting industrialized countries in the world, yet the alarmists never focus on the REAL polluters, like China, Mexico, and the Arab oil producing countries, only the U.S.

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