Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

The Repubs are facing Global Warming like they did Cigarettes being addictive. They denied nicotine as an addictive drug for years...until most of them smoked themselves to death. They will deny this until the east coast in under water and Texas becomes a parched wasteland.

Republicans never denied that nicotine is addictive or that cigarettes are bad for you. People have been calling them coffin nails at least since the 1920s.

Yeah, but, the liberal left wing has been repeating the same lie for at least as long.
Then why were doctors saying that it was okay to smoke cigarettes in the 40s and 50's?

Matter of fact, there are still idiots out there who are convinced cigarettes are good for you.

Google "cigarettes are good for you" sometime.

I have no idea what doctors were saying about cigarettes in the 40s and 50s. What I do know is that the term "coffin nails" was already well known in the 1920s. It referred to cigarettes, so I doubt anyone was suffering from the delusion that smoking was a safe habit.

They were if they were listening to cigarette manufacturers and their advertising. In fact, I recall reading that there was one company back in the 1950's that advertised the health benefits of smoking.

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The Repubs are facing Global Warming like they did Cigarettes being addictive. They denied nicotine as an addictive drug for years...until most of them smoked themselves to death. They will deny this until the east coast in under water and Texas becomes a parched wasteland.

Republicans never denied that nicotine is addictive or that cigarettes are bad for you. People have been calling them coffin nails at least since the 1920s.
You missed the congressional hearings where paid hatchetmen said exactly that, under oath.

Oh, those guys, they were all liberals. Remember that time and space switched the liberals for conservatives somewhere in the LBJ era.
I have no idea what doctors were saying about cigarettes in the 40s and 50s. What I do know is that the term "coffin nails" was already well known in the 1920s. It referred to cigarettes, so I doubt anyone was suffering from the delusion that smoking was a safe habit.

They were if they were listening to cigarette manufacturers and their advertising. In fact, I recall reading that there was one company back in the 1950's that advertised the health benefits of smoking.


So what in the hell is your point? Because you now deem cigerette smoking bad that obviously conservatives supported smoking??? Man that is wacked thinking.
Since the Louisiana school system began, last year, a voucher program that allows students to go to private schools on the public’s dime, reports have trickled out over questionable schools that qualified for the system.

With a lack of oversight, it seemed, children were being taught creationism and other debunked or wholly wrong ideas. Mother Jones uncovered that children were learning that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth together, that the KKK did helpful community organizing, and that dragons were real.

But the latest example takes on perhaps the most overtly political stance. In a textbook obtained by Americablog, children are taught about hippies:

Textbook For Louisiana's Voucher Schools Teaches Hippies Are Dirty, Rock Musicians Worship Satan | By Annie-Rose Strasser

Voucher school history book: Hippies didn't bathe, worshipped Satan

You're probably referring to the "97% consensus" claim. It's a myth. Close examination of the source of the claimed 97% consensus reveals that it comes from a non-peer reviewed article describing an online poll in which a total of only 79 climate scientists chose to participate. ...

No, I'm specifically referring to the survey of the works of over 1000 Climate scientists, which I referenced in an earlier post you've chosen to pretend didn't happen. If you are going to be this dishonest, it's gonna be a short discussion.


Even the Oil companies, who were responsible for much of the Denial Movement, have stopped denying it.

Oil company executives stick their finger in the wind and say whatever they think will get the politicians off their backs.

Yeah. You'd hope so. Or they realize that in the rest of the world, they can't get away with this shit...

So here's what's really bothering you and other whacks on the right. That the education system is going to form people's opinions on this before Talk Radio and the oil companies can.

Yes, it bothers me that government schools are going to brainwash kids with ideas that are clearly wrong. I realize you aren't bothered by that. You are a liberal, after all.

Guy, I look at the science.

Fact- CO2 is a "Greenhouse gas"- it traps heat in the atmosphere.

Fact- Human activity puts a lot more CO2 into the atmosphere than nature does.

Fact- Global warming has accellerated since the begining of the industrial age.
This thread is proof that liberals will buy into anything, as long as it's being promoted by other liberals. No one here yet has provided any proof, just claims. It's like evolution, they don't think they have to prove anything, others have to "disprove" it.

Again, just because you are a backward-ass ignorant bible thumper who doesn't understand the science, doesn't mean the science is wrong.
Lets see the liberals two main topics in science, global warming, and a fetus is not a baby. The funny part is they call us out of touch.

A fetus is a fetus and a baby is a baby. Which part of that confuses you?

No, actually a baby in the womb is a baby. Liberals scientifically came up with calling a baby a fetus, so you could kill them legally.and be proud about it.

Damn, caught us! Nothing gets past you.
Then why were doctors saying that it was okay to smoke cigarettes in the 40s and 50's?

Matter of fact, there are still idiots out there who are convinced cigarettes are good for you.

Google "cigarettes are good for you" sometime.

I have no idea what doctors were saying about cigarettes in the 40s and 50s. What I do know is that the term "coffin nails" was already well known in the 1920s. It referred to cigarettes, so I doubt anyone was suffering from the delusion that smoking was a safe habit.

They were if they were listening to cigarette manufacturers and their advertising. In fact, I recall reading that there was one company back in the 1950's that advertised the health benefits of smoking.

Cigarette manufacturers and Republicans are two separate things. Get that through your head. Democrats also watched cigarette commercials.

Liberal "logic" is a sickening thing to behold.
[You're probably referring to the "97% consensus" claim. It's a myth. Close examination of the source of the claimed 97% consensus reveals that it comes from a non-peer reviewed article describing an online poll in which a total of only 79 climate scientists chose to participate. ...

No, I'm specifically referring to the survey of the works of over 1000 Climate scientists, which I referenced in an earlier post you've chosen to pretend didn't happen. If you are going to be this dishonest, it's gonna be a short discussion.

There is no such survey that reported a 97% consensus among work of 1000 climate scientists. However, if you examined the works of people paid to produce evidence of global warming, then you're likely to find a high degree of agreement among them.

No surprise there. The juries at Stalin's show trials also had no trouble agreeing on a verdict.

Oil company executives stick their finger in the wind and say whatever they think will get the politicians off their backs.

Yeah. You'd hope so. Or they realize that in the rest of the world, they can't get away with this shit...

"get away with what shit," funding research? Yeah, that's a real crime. Someone should launch a prosecution of the federal government.
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So what in the hell is your point? Because you now deem cigerette smoking bad that obviously conservatives supported smoking??? Man that is wacked thinking.

Yeah, but it's typical for a liberal. Then they have the gal to tell us we don't understand the science. These guys aren't even able to commit simple logic.
"get away with what shit?" Funding research? Yeah, that's a real crime. Someone should launch a prosecution of the federal government.

They don't fund "research", they fund propaganda. Mostly to keep stupid people like you from ignoring what is happening right before your eyes.

I'm going to be 51 in May. Even in my lifetime, I can see the climate has RADICALLY changed. Species I never saw in this climate as a child are now rampant while others have vanished.

We had a January without any accumulation in Chicago. Amazing.

So I'll ask the question again... is there any evidence that will convince you Global Warming is real?
Guy, I look at the science.

Fact- CO2 is a "Greenhouse gas"- it traps heat in the atmosphere.

Fact- Human activity puts a lot more CO2 into the atmosphere than nature does.

Fact- Global warming has accellerated since the begining of the industrial age.

Here's the logic of your syllogism:

  1. Spitting in the ocean causes sea level to rise.
  2. Rising sea levels cause coastal flooding.

Conclusion: spitting in the ocean causes coastal flooding.
Guy, I look at the science.

Fact- CO2 is a "Greenhouse gas"- it traps heat in the atmosphere.

Fact- Human activity puts a lot more CO2 into the atmosphere than nature does.

Fact- Global warming has accellerated since the begining of the industrial age.

Here's the logic of your syllogism:

  1. Spitting in the ocean causes sea level to rise.
  2. Rising sea levels cause coastal flooding.

Conclusion: spitting in the ocean causes coastal flooding.

That would make sense if you ignore something called Math.

But I'm sure that's one of those sciences you don't really understand.

Okay, guy the carbon cycle works this way. So much CO2 is put into the air by respiration, etc... So much is taken out by photosythesis, rain, etc.

You add a few billion metric tons a year from burning fossil fuels, you cause an imbalance.

Even a retard like you can understand this, but you live in mortal fear some government bureaucrat my tell you to get rid of your SUV and get a Ford Focus.
"get away with what shit?" Funding research? Yeah, that's a real crime. Someone should launch a prosecution of the federal government.

They don't fund "research", they fund propaganda.

So does George Soros. So does the Democrat Party. So does the federal government.

Mostly to keep stupid people like you from ignoring what is happening right before your eyes.

i do find your pretensions of intellectual superiority amusing. There isn't a thing you believe that every boob watching Oprah Winfrey or The View doesn't also believe. One would swear that you get your understanding of the world from watching daytime television.

I'm going to be 51 in May. Even in my lifetime, I can see the climate has RADICALLY changed. Species I never saw in this climate as a child are now rampant while others have vanished.

We had a January without any accumulation in Chicago. Amazing.

I grew up in Denver, and, if anything, the Winters are worse now than when I was a kid. I recall one Winter where we didn't have a single snowfall until April. You could go out in a T-shirt most of the winter. This Winter is one of the most brutal winters they've ever had.

So your experience differs from mine. That's why scientist ignore personal anecdotes. They aren't reliable evidence. If you understood science, you would know that.

So I'll ask the question again... is there any evidence that will convince you Global Warming is real?

The real question is: is there any evidence that will convince you Global Warming is bogus? Those who advance the claim have to support it, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Skeptics aren't required to disprove it.
Guy, I look at the science.

Fact- CO2 is a "Greenhouse gas"- it traps heat in the atmosphere.

Fact- Human activity puts a lot more CO2 into the atmosphere than nature does.

Fact- Global warming has accellerated since the begining of the industrial age.

Here's the logic of your syllogism:

  1. Spitting in the ocean causes sea level to rise.
  2. Rising sea levels cause coastal flooding.

Conclusion: spitting in the ocean causes coastal flooding.

That would make sense if you ignore something called Math.

But I'm sure that's one of those sciences you don't really understand.

Okay, guy the carbon cycle works this way. So much CO2 is put into the air by respiration, etc... So much is taken out by photosythesis, rain, etc.

You add a few billion metric tons a year from burning fossil fuels, you cause an imbalance.

Even a retard like you can understand this, but you live in mortal fear some government bureaucrat my tell you to get rid of your SUV and get a Ford Focus.

No one is arguing that CO2 hasn't increased. The question is, what is the effect of this increase? The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is small to begin with, so even doubling it still leaves CO2 as a very small percentage of the atmosphere. You and all the other cult members assume that some X% increase in CO2 will cause some Y% increase in the global temperature. However, so far, all the equations that have been offered up to this point have failed miserably to predict future temperatures. AGW nutburgers like to believe the effect is 100 times greater than it probably is. Their Chicken Little scenarios also depend on the atmosphere exhibiting a positive feedback loop. However, all the evidence indicates that the atmosphere dampens the effects of CO2.

SO you see, it's not as simple as saying that spitting in the ocean causes coastal flooding, but that is what you are your ilk are trying to put over on us.
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The absolute truth is neither side is able to prove their point with any exactness. In my eyes its an experiment and someday we will find out the results. Quite the conundrum. To see it any other way is simply living a lie, which you people seem good at.

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