Climate change update, I was hoping for a warm winter, no dice

LOL. One snow storm, and the denialist are pissing all over themselves in glee. 2015 will go down as the warmest year yet. That is four very warm years in the last eleven. 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2015. But you fellows are talking about maybe a cooling in 2030. LOL
One of the primary predictions of global warming is that there will be wider and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall warming.



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Europe basks in record November warmth

Temperature records have been broken across much of Europe, just as Paris prepares to host climate change conference.

11 Nov 2015 20:57 GMT | Weather, Environment, Europe
Would anyone actually like to discuss the topics linked? I think a good discussion can be had now that the GW crowd have already posted all their knee jerk responses.

How about we discuss this from the first link:

Another issue is the urban "heat island" effect. Black asphalt roads and concrete structures absorb heat from the sun. Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama and former IPCC alumnus, charged in 2013 that the NOAA was "warming up" readings at rural temperature stations to match the urban ones rather than the reverse. A spokesman for the NOAA responded but stopped short of denying it.

In the 2009 "climategate scandal", e-mails and documents from IPCC-affiliated scientists were leaked that indicated they had manipulated data and reports to jibe with the AGW theory. References were made to "hiding the decline" through the use of "tricks". Then in 2012 Anthony Watts, a meteorologist and self-described whistle-blower, caught the NOAA changing temperature data from the 1930s to make the decade appear colder than it had been. Another whistle-blower, blogger Tony Heller, although clearly aligned with conservative groups like the Heartland Institute, has amassed impressive data. He claims that, since 1997, the world has actually been getting colder and Goddard and the NOAA are committing "climate fraud". The NOAA has declined to respond.
- See more at:
One of the primary predictions of global warming is that there will be wider and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall warming.



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Europe basks in record November warmth

Temperature records have been broken across much of Europe, just as Paris prepares to host climate change conference.

11 Nov 2015 20:57 GMT | Weather, Environment, Europe

Why you bring up weather?
In Minny, we are expecting a warmer than average winter,,, thank you El Niño!
Now I expect deniers who live in the South to be pointing at their temperatures as proof, the Earth is cooling down. But it's really El Niño bringing colder than average temps to the South, as predicted by NOAA.
LOL. One snow storm, and the denialist are pissing all over themselves in glee. 2015 will go down as the warmest year yet. That is four very warm years in the last eleven. 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2015. But you fellows are talking about maybe a cooling in 2030. LOL

2015 will go down as the warmest year yet.

Billions of years old and we get to see the warmest year in Earth's history. Wow!
LOL. One snow storm, and the denialist are pissing all over themselves in glee. 2015 will go down as the warmest year yet. That is four very warm years in the last eleven. 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2015. But you fellows are talking about maybe a cooling in 2030. LOL

2015 will go down as the warmest year yet.

Billions of years old and we get to see the warmest year in Earth's history. Wow!

Of course you know Rocks was referring to recorded history.
You're just try to be a smart ass or funny or both. :dunno:
In Minny, we are expecting a warmer than average winter,,, thank you El Niño!
Now I expect deniers who live in the South to be pointing at their temperatures as proof, the Earth is cooling down. But it's really El Niño bringing colder than average temps to the South, as predicted by NOAA.

El Nino is a function of ocean currents not weather patterns. El Nino has no effect on the jet stream at all. El Nino brings warm water up from the equator which causes increased storms along the west coast. The east coast, gets a cooler ocean current which means less storms and rain.
In Minny, we are expecting a warmer than average winter,,, thank you El Niño!
Now I expect deniers who live in the South to be pointing at their temperatures as proof, the Earth is cooling down. But it's really El Niño bringing colder than average temps to the South, as predicted by NOAA.

Actually it's been almost endless-summer warm her in Carolina. Stark contrast to last year when we'd already had a couple of snows and I was actually running my wood stove on October 4th -- WAY earlier than ever :eek:
Would anyone actually like to discuss the topics linked? I think a good discussion can be had now that the GW crowd have already posted all their knee jerk responses.

IOW, the only response you're accepting is "Amen!"
"Another issue is the urban "heat island" effect. Black asphalt roads and concrete structures absorb heat from the sun. Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama and former IPCC alumnus, charged in 2013 that the NOAA was "warming up" readings at rural temperature stations to match the urban ones rather than the reverse. A spokesman for the NOAA responded but stopped short of denying it."

They didn't deny it because there is sufficient proof of the deception. Denial would have been a career ender for those at NOAA. (maybe not- deceit and lying are job resume enhancements under democrats and the Obama admin)

But this is how the current crop of liars work. They would rather adjust the data than admit their models were total failures (and the policies built on them fraud) right before the socialist power grab in Paris.

Now the satellites show the fraud very nicely.. As usual the MSM sacks people telling the truth and gives these bastards free reign to steal all wealth..
LOL. One snow storm, and the denialist are pissing all over themselves in glee. 2015 will go down as the warmest year yet. That is four very warm years in the last eleven. 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2015. But you fellows are talking about maybe a cooling in 2030. LOL

2015 will go down as the warmest year yet.

Billions of years old and we get to see the warmest year in Earth's history. Wow!

Of course you know Rocks was referring to recorded history.
You're just try to be a smart ass or funny or both. :dunno:

So he meant warmest in the last hundred something years?
That's not nearly as impressive.
So he meant warmest in the last hundred something years?

Was that when Joseph built those grain silos in Egypt?

It was probably when higher CO2 levels killed all life on Earth.
A hundred something years ago? So you believe you're an alien? If the timespan's that recent, surely you have a record of your species' arrival. Maybe a couple of Mathew Brady photos?

A hundred something years ago?

Must be the SUVs.

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