Climate Changers Were Right - Bigger, Badder Storms

Acid rain can be both natural or man made.
SMOG can be natural or man made.

But, that doesn't matter. It is well known that man can screw up the local environment. Please note the emphasis on LOCAL. What has not been shown is a man derived signal that shows mans activities increasing global temperatures. What has also not been shown is that warming is in any way bad. Only in the fevered, fanciful imaginations of those who wish to prosper from the 76 trillion dollars it is estimated (by the UN) that would have to be spent to completely alter the energy system of the planet is warmth bad.

All historical evidence ALL OF IT, shows that a warmer world is a better one. We KNOW that the world was up to 5.5 degree's warmer during the Holocene Thermal Maximum and not a single disaster that the warmists bleat about ever occurred.

Not one.

Cool, believe what you want, put your head in the sand and pretend what you know think you known is contrary to those with post graduate degrees.

You mighte even decide to run for office as POTUS for the new Party of the


And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

More people living where hurricanes hit?

Now that's a novel defense for brainless denial.

And completely nonsensical.
There is no such thing as a "climate denier"...That is a made up term coming from liberals who needed a new narrative since Global Warming and Climate Change failed to gain any traction in the real world.....

Read this:

Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations
"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver."

Link from Rocket Scientists:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus

If you weren't, you might feel stupid. Sadly you've proved to be nothing more than an echo of those polluters who are willing to risk the health of the earth for their singular benefit.

Don't even pretend to be a conservative, you are in short a stupid asshole.
There's lots more...

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis

The 97 Percent Myth
You won't get anywhere with the use of facts.
Cool, believe what you want, put your head in the sand and pretend what you know think you known is contrary to those with post graduate degrees.

You mighte even decide to run for office as POTUS for the new Party of the


And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.
Liberals who have been on their knees to these climate studies wring their hands over events that "might" happen
These bought and paid for climate studies produce only theories. No facts. Nothing definite or even likely.
The sad part is there are people who buy into this nonsense.
I believe all of this has nothing to do with the climate, pollution or resources. Climate change is a political agenda. And agenda that in its ultimate goal is to create new regulations add new taxes and give over US economic Sovereignty to the UN.
Cool, believe what you want, put your head in the sand and pretend what you know think you known is contrary to those with post graduate degrees.

You mighte even decide to run for office as POTUS for the new Party of the


And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.

I might take you seriously, but
  • Your anger is pathological
  • Your rebuttals are all personal attacks and lack real substance
  • I don't have nor do I need handlers
  • You're dishonest (I have never posted that human behavior is the only variable creating what is deemed climate change)
  • You've suggested human behavior does not have any impact on global climate change, sans evidence it is a biased opinion
  • You are a bigot who echos right wing bullshit. Not all liberals think the same, vote the same or dress the same; your side is an echo chamber.
You're an idiot. One person has to live where no one did before.
Youre a fucking idiot. "More" means someone was living there before.

determiner & pronoun
  1. 1.
    comparative of many, much.
  2. 2.
    a greater or additional amount or degree.
One is more than zero. Moron.
No idiot. 1 is greater than zero. "More" implies a known quantity already exists and something is being added to it. The definition even says so. For example. "I need more money." That implies you already have some money. If you had zero funds you would say "I need money". You must have flunked out of school before the 8th grade.
Since you've gone into petty semantics mode I'll assume you have no response to substance.
You must be embarrassed since you got caught being stupid. We know this because you were the one that got into semantics. Dont be mad I just called you on it.
Since you've gone into petty semantics mode I'll assume you have no response to substance.
You must be embarrassed since you got caught being stupid. We know this because you were the one that got into semantics. Dont be mad I just called you on it.
More is a relative term. Zero is relative figure. Your MLK high school education is manifesting itself again.
Do you have anything to add to the topic?
You are correct. More is relative to a existing quantity. Finally you got that right. Dont try to pretend I didnt teach you that. There is no such thing as a MLK high school where I am from. Youre just upset you didnt make it to any high school.
And zero is more than negative 200. I learned that from the Obama economy. Now go back to your fifth grade classroom and take your childish argument up with your fellow fifteen-year-old classmates.
You do realize you cant have negative 200 people dont you idiot? Dont be mad you got tried to play semantics and I made you look stupid. :laugh:
Only a stupid person argues just to argue.
That was not me. That was your mirror talking to you
And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.

I might take you seriously, but
  • Your anger is pathological
  • Your rebuttals are all personal attacks and lack real substance
  • I don't have nor do I need handlers
  • You're dishonest (I have never posted that human behavior is the only variable creating what is deemed climate change)
  • You've suggested human behavior does not have any impact on global climate change, sans evidence it is a biased opinion
  • You are a bigot who echos right wing bullshit. Not all liberals think the same, vote the same or dress the same; your side is an echo chamber.
And so your silly climate argument is not longer the issue at hand? Like that is no longer part of the discussion?
Youre a fucking idiot. "More" means someone was living there before.

determiner & pronoun
  1. 1.
    comparative of many, much.
  2. 2.
    a greater or additional amount or degree.
One is more than zero. Moron.
No idiot. 1 is greater than zero. "More" implies a known quantity already exists and something is being added to it. The definition even says so. For example. "I need more money." That implies you already have some money. If you had zero funds you would say "I need money". You must have flunked out of school before the 8th grade.
Since you've gone into petty semantics mode I'll assume you have no response to substance.
You must be embarrassed since you got caught being stupid. We know this because you were the one that got into semantics. Dont be mad I just called you on it.
You must be embarrassed since you got caught being stupid. We know this because you were the one that got into semantics. Dont be mad I just called you on it.
More is a relative term. Zero is relative figure. Your MLK high school education is manifesting itself again.
Do you have anything to add to the topic?
You are correct. More is relative to a existing quantity. Finally you got that right. Dont try to pretend I didnt teach you that. There is no such thing as a MLK high school where I am from. Youre just upset you didnt make it to any high school.
And zero is more than negative 200. I learned that from the Obama economy. Now go back to your fifth grade classroom and take your childish argument up with your fellow fifteen-year-old classmates.
You do realize you cant have negative 200 people dont you idiot? Dont be mad you got tried to play semantics and I made you look stupid. :laugh:
Only a stupid person argues just to argue.
That was not me. That was your mirror talking to you
Only a stupid person thinks someone is talking to them when the person I replied to clearly is not you. How did you fuck that up so badly?
One is more than zero. Moron.
No idiot. 1 is greater than zero. "More" implies a known quantity already exists and something is being added to it. The definition even says so. For example. "I need more money." That implies you already have some money. If you had zero funds you would say "I need money". You must have flunked out of school before the 8th grade.
Since you've gone into petty semantics mode I'll assume you have no response to substance.
You must be embarrassed since you got caught being stupid. We know this because you were the one that got into semantics. Dont be mad I just called you on it.
More is a relative term. Zero is relative figure. Your MLK high school education is manifesting itself again.
Do you have anything to add to the topic?
You are correct. More is relative to a existing quantity. Finally you got that right. Dont try to pretend I didnt teach you that. There is no such thing as a MLK high school where I am from. Youre just upset you didnt make it to any high school.
And zero is more than negative 200. I learned that from the Obama economy. Now go back to your fifth grade classroom and take your childish argument up with your fellow fifteen-year-old classmates.
You do realize you cant have negative 200 people dont you idiot? Dont be mad you got tried to play semantics and I made you look stupid. :laugh:
Only a stupid person argues just to argue.
That was not me. That was your mirror talking to you
Only a stupid person thinks someone is talking to them when the person I replied to clearly is not you. How did you fuck that up so badly?
Hey genius. This is an open forum. Don't like it? Then move on.
Otherwise, you'll take what ever I choose to throw at you.
That's life in the big city.
Go cry to someone else. Nobody cares.
And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.
Liberals who have been on their knees to these climate studies wring their hands over events that "might" happen
These bought and paid for climate studies produce only theories. No facts. Nothing definite or even likely.
The sad part is there are people who buy into this nonsense.
I believe all of this has nothing to do with the climate, pollution or resources. Climate change is a political agenda. And agenda that in its ultimate goal is to create new regulations add new taxes and give over US economic Sovereignty to the UN.

You are correct. And it is the addle-minded nonsense common to E V I L .

It cannot be reasoned with, because it lacks the capacity for reason.

If you try to negotiate with it, you will lose, because to negotiate requires the assumption of trust; and it lacks the capacity to reason, thus it lacks the qualities essential to trust.

If you try to compromise with it, you will lose... for the same reason.

The only viable response to such, is to destroy it... entirely, without mercy, or any other consideration which on any level promotes tolerance of such.
No idiot. 1 is greater than zero. "More" implies a known quantity already exists and something is being added to it. The definition even says so. For example. "I need more money." That implies you already have some money. If you had zero funds you would say "I need money". You must have flunked out of school before the 8th grade.
Since you've gone into petty semantics mode I'll assume you have no response to substance.
You must be embarrassed since you got caught being stupid. We know this because you were the one that got into semantics. Dont be mad I just called you on it.
You are correct. More is relative to a existing quantity. Finally you got that right. Dont try to pretend I didnt teach you that. There is no such thing as a MLK high school where I am from. Youre just upset you didnt make it to any high school.
And zero is more than negative 200. I learned that from the Obama economy. Now go back to your fifth grade classroom and take your childish argument up with your fellow fifteen-year-old classmates.
You do realize you cant have negative 200 people dont you idiot? Dont be mad you got tried to play semantics and I made you look stupid. :laugh:
Only a stupid person argues just to argue.
That was not me. That was your mirror talking to you
Only a stupid person thinks someone is talking to them when the person I replied to clearly is not you. How did you fuck that up so badly?
Hey genius. This is an open forum. Don't like it? Then move on.
Otherwise, you'll take what ever I choose to throw at you.
That's life in the big city.
Go cry to someone else. Nobody cares.
Dont be embarrassed you got caught being stupid again.
I might take you seriously, but
  • Your anger is pathological

Vapid, fallacious projection.

Your rebuttals are all personal attacks and lack real substance

I just adore the sweeter irony..

You're dishonest

ROFLMNAO! Doubling down on sweet irony.

You are a bigot ...

The ABSOLUTE Coolest thing about the use of the word "bigot" is that the very USE of the word... is a demonstration that the individual using the word, is precisely that which it used the word to identify and lament.

LOL! This simple paradox is lost on the Intellectually Less Fortunate... which is why they're simply incapable of avoiding it.
Haven't looked at the news today, did Mexico flood into the Pacific ? Are liberals still running around with their hair on fire ?

No, here is the latest from Mexico.

"GUADALAJARA, Mexico — Hurricane Patricia, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall, degenerated into a low pressure system late Saturday afternoon as it moved north toward Texas, leaving behind less major damage than feared south of the border.

No deaths were initially reported as emergency crews made their way into the hardest-hit areas. This capital of the state of Jalisco — ground zero for Hurricane Patricia's arrival on shore late Friday — was wet with some storm debris Saturday morning but mostly unscathed from the system's wrath. Some homes in the area where the storm came ashore were flooded but authorities said the damage appeared to be far less than anticipated given the storm's power."
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

More people living where hurricanes hit?

Now that's a novel defense for brainless denial.

And completely nonsensical.
You prove just how fucking stupid you are every time you post.
Haven't looked at the news today, did Mexico flood into the Pacific ? Are liberals still running around with their hair on fire ?

No, here is the latest from Mexico.

"GUADALAJARA, Mexico — Hurricane Patricia, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall, degenerated into a low pressure system late Saturday afternoon as it moved north toward Texas, leaving behind less major damage than feared south of the border.

No deaths were initially reported as emergency crews made their way into the hardest-hit areas. This capital of the state of Jalisco — ground zero for Hurricane Patricia's arrival on shore late Friday — was wet with some storm debris Saturday morning but mostly unscathed from the system's wrath. Some homes in the area where the storm came ashore were flooded but authorities said the damage appeared to be far less than anticipated given the storm's power."

Huh... I've been through two Cat 3 Hurricanes and I gotta say, that is NOT the aftermath of even a Cat 3... let alone a 200 MPH Cat 5 hurricane.

I rode out Hurricane's Charlie and Wilma not an 1/8th a mile from the beach... and our area was better than 30 miles from the eye wall in both storms and there were roofs blown off, massive trees down and all manner of destruction everywhere you looked...

This; from Hurricane Andrew, is closer to what the aftermath of a Cat 5 looks like...


The structured that were destroyed in the above photo, were built to substantial wind standards. The 1000 Year Hurricane hit a Mexican coastal town; where any method that will hold up a wall in fair weather, and which is typical of the structures where that storm made land fall.

Which means simply, that the information was false... and the data of a well structured hurricane, was falsified... in order to make the claims that the storm was a consequence of "Global Warming".

It is just another example of the steady stream of evidence that there is no potential for trust, of any kind, from anything which begins in the Media, the Government or any other facet of Leftism.
Last edited:
What was their excuse ln 2013 when there were no hurricanes at all?

Here comes the story of no hurricanes

Global warming is a conspiracy to destroy capitalism.

The believers in Global Warming are so fanatical that they want the government prosecute deniers with the RICO act.

One nutty professor even advocated that deniers be killed by the government.

Articles: Professor Calls for Death Penalty for Climate Change 'Deniers'

It looks like the Global Warming people are getting desperate.
Haven't looked at the news today, did Mexico flood into the Pacific ? Are liberals still running around with their hair on fire ?

No, here is the latest from Mexico.

"GUADALAJARA, Mexico — Hurricane Patricia, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall, degenerated into a low pressure system late Saturday afternoon as it moved north toward Texas, leaving behind less major damage than feared south of the border.

No deaths were initially reported as emergency crews made their way into the hardest-hit areas. This capital of the state of Jalisco — ground zero for Hurricane Patricia's arrival on shore late Friday — was wet with some storm debris Saturday morning but mostly unscathed from the system's wrath. Some homes in the area where the storm came ashore were flooded but authorities said the damage appeared to be far less than anticipated given the storm's power."
We are expected to rely on the storm's power and ignore that it was only a tropical depression.
What was their excuse ln 2013 when there were no hurricanes at all?

Here comes the story of no hurricanes

Global warming is a conspiracy to destroy capitalism.

The believers in Global Warming are so fanatical that they want the government prosecute deniers with the RICO act.

Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics

One nutty professor even advocated that deniers be killed by the government.

Articles: Professor Calls for Death Penalty for Climate Change 'Deniers'

It looks like the Global Warming people are getting desperate.

This is the nature of the Evil that we're dealing with.

Make no mistake. If this crew finds the power, their nature and the history of their predecessors provides that they will do just that.

Understand, they are all quite mad.
And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.
Liberals who have been on their knees to these climate studies wring their hands over events that "might" happen
These bought and paid for climate studies produce only theories. No facts. Nothing definite or even likely.
The sad part is there are people who buy into this nonsense.
I believe all of this has nothing to do with the climate, pollution or resources. Climate change is a political agenda. And agenda that in its ultimate goal is to create new regulations add new taxes and give over US economic Sovereignty to the UN.

Too often posts like this ^^^ are responded to by calling the author an idiot. In this case, such a statement is spot on.

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