Climate Changers Were Right - Bigger, Badder Storms

Americans really are remarkable in their ability to show indifference to something unless it's happening to them personally.
Flown in to. The quantifier needs to be added. Oh, and most east pacific hurricanes are fish, thus not flown in to. Recon got there at the right time. Any earlier they would have found higher pressure. And the storm quickly fell apart, fortunately.
Hurricane Patricia is on its way to the Mexican coast and will come through Texas in a couple of days, or rather extreme rain, possibly up to a foot in southeast Texas.

This storm is the worst hurricane on record.

Patricia, strongest hurricane ever recorded, menaces Mexico
Hurricane Patricia: Powerful storm menaces Mexico -

Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded
Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded



Turns out that ANOTHER of the "BED ROCK TRUTHS" designed to stir up hysteria over the SINGULAR CONSISTENCY of the Earth's Climate ...

is Bullshit.


You call this "rain"? Put up a link or shut up.

Patricia, Strongest Landfalling Pacific Hurricane on Record
""Former Hurricane Patricia was downgraded to a tropical depression Saturday morning just 16 hours after becoming the strongest hurricane ever known to make landfall on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Patricia is expected to dissipate over the high mountain terrain of Mexico later Saturday, but it will add moisture to an already dangerous flooding situation in Texas.

The eye of Hurricane Patricia made landfall Friday at 6:15 p.m. CDT near Cuixmala in Jalisco state of southwest Mexico. Maximum sustained winds at landfall were estimated at 165 mph, still firmly within the Category 5 range on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

Patricia, Strongest Landfalling Pacific Hurricane on Record, Downgraded to Tropical Depression (FORECAST)
And has anyone looked at the flooding TS Aliison brought to Tx? In Houston alone 36.99 inches. 41 direct deaths were attributed to this tropical storm. June 2001.
If this thread was created regarding the affects this storm was having on Mexico, it would be different. It was created trying to push it as a result of agw, instead. Blame the op.
Americans really are remarkable in their ability to show indifference to something unless it's happening to them personally.
Americans really are remarkable in their ability to show indifference to something unless it's happening to them personally.

Progressives are truly remarkable in their ability to ignore science, and history, and simple common sense, in an effort to control the lives of all the people on this planet. The OP is an excellent example of ignoring actual historical fact that shows beyond doubt that this hurricane while powerful, is nothing special. Or new, or even remarkable. It is merely yet another, in a long list of hurricanes that have been battering our continent since time began.

Leave it to a brain dead progressive to ignore that.
Strongest Hurricane Ever Measured Roars Toward Mexico's Coast

This is like a snowstorm at sea level on the Equator, or a hundred twenty degrees on a July night at the South Pole.

You lose! Your spin is not only partisan crap, it is absurd!

No, it's not you silly person. The only people spinning are ignorant jackasses like you pushing the fraud of man made global warming.

Was acid rain a natural event or man made?
Was SMOG a natural even or man made?

Yes or no?

Acid rain can be both natural or man made.
SMOG can be natural or man made.

But, that doesn't matter. It is well known that man can screw up the local environment. Please note the emphasis on LOCAL. What has not been shown is a man derived signal that shows mans activities increasing global temperatures. What has also not been shown is that warming is in any way bad. Only in the fevered, fanciful imaginations of those who wish to prosper from the 76 trillion dollars it is estimated (by the UN) that would have to be spent to completely alter the energy system of the planet is warmth bad.

All historical evidence ALL OF IT, shows that a warmer world is a better one. We KNOW that the world was up to 5.5 degree's warmer during the Holocene Thermal Maximum and not a single disaster that the warmists bleat about ever occurred.

Not one.

Cool, believe what you want, put your head in the sand and pretend what you know think you known is contrary to those with post graduate degrees.

You mighte even decide to run for office as POTUS for the new Party of the


And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO
No, it's not you silly person. The only people spinning are ignorant jackasses like you pushing the fraud of man made global warming.

Was acid rain a natural event or man made?
Was SMOG a natural even or man made?

Yes or no?

Acid rain can be both natural or man made.
SMOG can be natural or man made.

But, that doesn't matter. It is well known that man can screw up the local environment. Please note the emphasis on LOCAL. What has not been shown is a man derived signal that shows mans activities increasing global temperatures. What has also not been shown is that warming is in any way bad. Only in the fevered, fanciful imaginations of those who wish to prosper from the 76 trillion dollars it is estimated (by the UN) that would have to be spent to completely alter the energy system of the planet is warmth bad.

All historical evidence ALL OF IT, shows that a warmer world is a better one. We KNOW that the world was up to 5.5 degree's warmer during the Holocene Thermal Maximum and not a single disaster that the warmists bleat about ever occurred.

Not one.

Cool, believe what you want, put your head in the sand and pretend what you know think you known is contrary to those with post graduate degrees.

You mighte even decide to run for office as POTUS for the new Party of the


And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.
The hyperbole form these asshats never ends does it.... Not the most powerful hurricane ever recorded. Not the biggest. Not the baddest. But it is a large doubt of that. Hopefully the people in the impact zone can get the heck out.

For those who care for some accurate, non hysterical end of the world bullshit, here is a list of historical hurricanes.... As can be seen there were some real doozy's in the past. Below that is the wiki page for the 1950 hurricane season. Way, way more hurricanes then than any other time we have on record. So much for the more frequent crowd. There were many more hurricanes in the 1950's than at any time since.

You lose yet again on simple fact.

Historic Hurricanes--Some Of The Most Powerful Storms On Record.

1950 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Strongest Hurricane Ever Measured Roars Toward Mexico's Coast

This is like a snowstorm at sea level on the Equator, or a hundred twenty degrees on a July night at the South Pole.

You lose! Your spin is not only partisan crap, it is absurd!

No, it's not you silly person. The only people spinning are ignorant jackasses like you pushing the fraud of man made global warming.

Was acid rain a natural event or man made?
Was SMOG a natural even or man made?

Yes or no?


So acid mixed with rain... Therefore hysteria is called for due to the singular consistency of the earth's climate... OKA: Change.
Maybe it will slow down the wetbacks coming north

No, it will do the exact opposite. Homeless refugees and of course their scumbag nation will not deal with it.

America back to the rescue. America always bails everyone out around the world as the world spits in our face.

This country gives more to charity than every country in the world combined and the drug addicts hate the country as they live here.

Name anything China has ever done as far as charity. Name any fucking communist scumbag loser country that has done anything as far as relief.

And the fucking liberals spit and wipe their snotty spoiled asses with the American flag. Why? Cause they think saddam was actually a good man and our poor people are fat.

Fucking liberals.

And the more the liberals fuck, the more liberals there will be. And the world will be better for it.

BTW asshole, I enlisted and served from 1967 until 1969. Punks like you are happy to send other people's kids into harms way.
Yeah...And you are a left over 60's hippie fuck in disguise.
You and that cock sucking anti American Jon Kerry come back here after your respective tours and piss all over the country. The only difference is he spread his spew by getting elected to office.
BTW, only 20% of Americans self identify as "liberal"....

Really, and what made you into the self righteous, bigoted piece of human excrement you've become?
Really, and what made you into the self righteous, bigoted piece of human excrement you've become?

The ABSOLUTELY coolest thing about the word 'bigot', is that the very use of the word; where such is being projected so as to characterize another... IS A PERFECT DEMONSTRATION OF BIGOTRY!

LOL! Of course that paradox is lost on the Intellectually Less Fortunate... which just makes it that much SWEETER... .
Really, and what made you into the self righteous, bigoted piece of human excrement you've become?

The ABSOLUTELY coolest thing about the word 'bigot', is that the very use of the word; where such is being projected so as to characterize another... IS A PERFECT DEMONSTRATION OF BIGOTRY!

LOL! Of course that paradox is lost on the Intellectually Less Fortunate... which just makes it that much SWEETER... .

They think they are not bigots cause they constantly patronize minorities. Letting them know they cannot make it on their own with out the help of white elite left wing liberals.

They are the biggest racists on the planet and they are too stupid to understand it.

Their evil democrats see them as nothing but votes or a way to perpetuate their jobs. Votes are the key and the democrats push the narrative (robin hood and victimology) in order to acquire and keep power.
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

More people living where hurricanes hit?

Now that's a novel defense for brainless denial.

And completely nonsensical.
There is no such thing as a "climate denier"...That is a made up term coming from liberals who needed a new narrative since Global Warming and Climate Change failed to gain any traction in the real world.....

Read this:

Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations
"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver."

Link from Rocket Scientists:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus

If you weren't, you might feel stupid. Sadly you've proved to be nothing more than an echo of those polluters who are willing to risk the health of the earth for their singular benefit.

Don't even pretend to be a conservative, you are in short a stupid asshole.
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

More people living where hurricanes hit?

Now that's a novel defense for brainless denial.

And completely nonsensical.
You need to think a little harder. If more people live in places prone to hurricanes than previously, the number of observed hurricanes would increase. Duh. Like a tree falling in the woods, etc.
Youre an idiot. 1 person can observe a hurricane. There doesnt have to be more people living there.
You're an idiot. One person has to live where no one did before.
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

More people living where hurricanes hit?

Now that's a novel defense for brainless denial.

And completely nonsensical.
There is no such thing as a "climate denier"...That is a made up term coming from liberals who needed a new narrative since Global Warming and Climate Change failed to gain any traction in the real world.....

Read this:

Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations
"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver."

Link from Rocket Scientists:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus

If you weren't, you might feel stupid. Sadly you've proved to be nothing more than an echo of those polluters who are willing to risk the health of the earth for their singular benefit.

Don't even pretend to be a conservative, you are in short a stupid asshole.

This asshat pawn, thinking he is so smart. Waaay too fucking dumb to know it. Even when their democrat masters flat out state they are idiots.

The moron still believes in man made global warming.

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! ITS A HURRICANE!!!!!!!

Just fucking useful idiots for their evil democrats. Nothing more. Could possibly be a whole lot less.
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

More people living where hurricanes hit?

Now that's a novel defense for brainless denial.

And completely nonsensical.
You need to think a little harder. If more people live in places prone to hurricanes than previously, the number of observed hurricanes would increase. Duh. Like a tree falling in the woods, etc.
Youre an idiot. 1 person can observe a hurricane. There doesnt have to be more people living there.
You're an idiot. One person has to live where no one did before.
Youre a fucking idiot. "More" means someone was living there before.

determiner & pronoun
  1. 1.
    comparative of many, much.
  2. 2.
    a greater or additional amount or degree.
Really, and what made you into the self righteous, bigoted piece of human excrement you've become?

The ABSOLUTELY coolest thing about the word 'bigot', is that the very use of the word; where such is being projected so as to characterize another... IS A PERFECT DEMONSTRATION OF BIGOTRY!

LOL! Of course that paradox is lost on the Intellectually Less Fortunate... which just makes it that much SWEETER... .

They think they are not bigots cause they constantly patronize minorities. Letting them know they cannot make it on their own with out the help of white elite left wing liberals.

They are the biggest racists on the planet and they are too stupid to understand it.

Their evil democrats see them as nothing but votes or a way to perpetuate their jobs. Votes are the key and the democrats push the narrative (robin hood and victimology) in order to acquire and keep power.

Gee, it took you three paragraphs to post an ad hominem; I can do that in four words: You're a stupid asshole"

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