Climate Changers Were Right - Bigger, Badder Storms

Too often posts like this ^^^ are responded to by calling the author an idiot. In this case, such a statement is spot on.

And, like the typical brain dead progressive that you are, you ignore well known factual data and resort to insults based on nothing more than science fiction.

I hate to break it to you pal, but my insults are based on FACT, not fiction.

Like yours.

As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.

I might take you seriously, but
  • Your anger is pathological
  • Your rebuttals are all personal attacks and lack real substance
  • I don't have nor do I need handlers
  • You're dishonest (I have never posted that human behavior is the only variable creating what is deemed climate change)
  • You've suggested human behavior does not have any impact on global climate change, sans evidence it is a biased opinion
  • You are a bigot who echos right wing bullshit. Not all liberals think the same, vote the same or dress the same; your side is an echo chamber.

I'm not angry.

My rebuttal was based on one of the primary foundations of science.


No, I am ethical to a fault. I will however call them as I see them. Progressives, such as yourself don't like facts that counter your pre-conceived notions so you ignore them.

Correct. I have stated that there is zero empirical data to support the assertion that man has had any effect on global temperatures.

I am a liberal who also happens to be an earth scientist. I am bigoted in one way and that is I can't stand ignorant twerps who either don't understand the scientific method or choose to ignore it. Which one are you?
Hurricane Patricia is on its way to the Mexican coast and will come through Texas in a couple of days, or rather extreme rain, possibly up to a foot in southeast Texas.

This storm is the worst hurricane on record.

Patricia, strongest hurricane ever recorded, menaces Mexico
Hurricane Patricia: Powerful storm menaces Mexico -

Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded
Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded

Therefore what? ----- Waste untold billions of dollars on green jobs and failed, expensive green business ventures and destroy the coal industry. A trillion dollars wasted that is so desperately needed elsewhere.
Let's also not forget that more people are living in places where hurricanes hit so there is more opportunity for observation.
Or, if a hurricane hit and no one was there to experience or document it, is it still Bush's fault?

Is that kind of like "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around does it make a sound" kind of thing?
Oh help us! Worst hurricane in 150 years! The world is going to end! WWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

Hurricane Sandy was a level 3 when it hit us here in New Jersey. 117 deaths and $62,000,000,000 in damages. My neighbor lost her house and has never recovered.

Hurricane Patricia is a level 5 and going to affect millions of people who can't recoup like we can in the U.S.

So...GFY. I suspect the only Harley you have is in your avatar.

There is no such thing as a "climate denier"...That is a made up term coming from liberals who needed a new narrative since Global Warming and Climate Change failed to gain any traction in the real world.....

Read this:

Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations
"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver."

Link from Rocket Scientists:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Consensus

If you weren't, you might feel stupid. Sadly you've proved to be nothing more than an echo of those polluters who are willing to risk the health of the earth for their singular benefit.

Don't even pretend to be a conservative, you are in short a stupid asshole.
They're all grant-funded and gov related.
It's a scam.

Yeah, sure it is. I did learn one thing from you, itS possible for you to hear echos and thus repeat them by rote even with your head in the sand.

Careful, I hear Ostrich Burgers are popular - better watch your back.
The fact that you go into insult mode suggests your opinion is too emotional-based.
Those of us who are not experts do the pragmatic thing and yield to the experts. When experts disagree on an issue the prudent thing is to not overreact in any direction.
When those who overreact the most and have the power to influence others with their overreaction are politicians it's wise to doubt their take even more.

Two take-aways from this ^^^ post:
  1. An Ostrich, head in sand, is illustrative of how I perceive deniers.
  2. If you had read my posts and understood them, you would understand my position is not an overreaction, it is a pragmatic one; those who ardently argue human activity has not had an impact on our climate are those who overreact.
Read more closely. There is much agreement that human activity may have contributed but the extent is in doubt and the measures undertaken in the name of correction are considered by many experts as way too extreme.
Strongest Hurricane Ever Measured Roars Toward Mexico's Coast
The hyperbole form these asshats never ends does it.... Not the most powerful hurricane ever recorded. Not the biggest. Not the baddest. But it is a large doubt of that. Hopefully the people in the impact zone can get the heck out.

For those who care for some accurate, non hysterical end of the world bullshit, here is a list of historical hurricanes.... As can be seen there were some real doozy's in the past. Below that is the wiki page for the 1950 hurricane season. Way, way more hurricanes then than any other time we have on record. So much for the more frequent crowd. There were many more hurricanes in the 1950's than at any time since.

You lose yet again on simple fact.

Historic Hurricanes--Some Of The Most Powerful Storms On Record.

1950 Atlantic hurricane season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Strongest Hurricane Ever Measured Roars Toward Mexico's Coast

This is like a snowstorm at sea level on the Equator, or a hundred twenty degrees on a July night at the South Pole.

You lose! Your spin is not only partisan crap, it is absurd!

The climate hoax crowd has been predicting an ever increasing number of hurricane that were going to hit the U.S. What happened?

Gee, I don't know about the climate hoax crowd predictions but I'm pretty sure 90% of the scientific community and elected officials in coastal communities take climate change seriously.

That it is a result of man made pollutants or not, I'm not in position to know; I leave that to the experts. Feel free to join the Party of the Ostrich, I have no interest in opinions by you or them.


All you want to hear is what you agree with. If you don't, you run and hide bitch.

And yet not one of the deniers has ever posted evidence which rebuts the learned opinion of the scientific community.

And, you uneducated jerk, read this quote slowly or, better yet, have someone read it and explain it to you:

"That it (it being climate change) is a result of man made pollutants or not, I'm not in position to know; I leave that to the experts. Feel free to join the Party of the Ostrich, I have no interest in opinions by you or them.

Like I said, you arrogant piece of shit, all you want to hear is what you agree with.
Hurricane Patricia is on its way to the Mexican coast and will come through Texas in a couple of days, or rather extreme rain, possibly up to a foot in southeast Texas.

This storm is the worst hurricane on record.

Patricia, strongest hurricane ever recorded, menaces Mexico
Hurricane Patricia: Powerful storm menaces Mexico -

Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded
Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded

Climate change is real, times are changing and those who doubt this, need only wait until this winter, its gonna be pretty bad. There are none so blind, as those, who refuse to see......I pity the fools!!
Of. course this winter will be colder than this summer. What you call climate change intelligent people call seasons.
Hurricane Patricia is on its way to the Mexican coast and will come through Texas in a couple of days, or rather extreme rain, possibly up to a foot in southeast Texas.

This storm is the worst hurricane on record.

Patricia, strongest hurricane ever recorded, menaces Mexico
Hurricane Patricia: Powerful storm menaces Mexico -

Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded
Catastrophic Landfall Expected in Mexico Friday; Patricia Becomes Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded

Interesting reading this,
Hypercane - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to Fox yesterday, 'it's like it didn't even happen.' Apparently all the 'worst storm ever recorded' was overstated. That's a relief. ;)
As posted, keeping your head in the sand and your mind closed to discernable facts is foolish, and posting an ad hominem without any facts to support your opinion as a denier is laughable.

An authoritative point of view:

Letter: Population, observable facts alone evidence of climate change

[don't discount the letter and claim all University Pro who disagree with your opinions are seeking government grants and thus dishonest].

One picture is worth Ten Thousand Deniers words:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.

I might take you seriously, but
  • Your anger is pathological
  • Your rebuttals are all personal attacks and lack real substance
  • I don't have nor do I need handlers
  • You're dishonest (I have never posted that human behavior is the only variable creating what is deemed climate change)
  • You've suggested human behavior does not have any impact on global climate change, sans evidence it is a biased opinion
  • You are a bigot who echos right wing bullshit. Not all liberals think the same, vote the same or dress the same; your side is an echo chamber.

I'm not angry.

My rebuttal was based on one of the primary foundations of science.


No, I am ethical to a fault. I will however call them as I see them. Progressives, such as yourself don't like facts that counter your pre-conceived notions so you ignore them.

Correct. I have stated that there is zero empirical data to support the assertion that man has had any effect on global temperatures.

I am a liberal who also happens to be an earth scientist. I am bigoted in one way and that is I can't stand ignorant twerps who either don't understand the scientific method or choose to ignore it. Which one are you?

This is the internet, you can claim anything you like. Even that you are the big man and the 90% of scientists who disagree with you are twerp.

You also can't read with comprehension.

Your anger is palpable in the hate you hold when someone holds opinions which challenge your biases, and BTW, I've never before been called a twerp, unless you're over 6'2" and weight in at 230, you would likely call me sir face to face.
Appeals to authority.....especially those who directly benefit from maintaining the status quo view, are by definition logic fails. But let's look at the "evidence" shall we? On the warmer side we have self described "simple" computer models that are the primary source of "information" that you all rely on. The sceptics on the other hand rely on OBSERVED data. Huge difference.

But further, let's look at the policies that are being advocated for.... The sceptics basically say, leave things alone unless we have real evidence that something is happening which to date, we don't.

The warmers however demand the people of the world impoverish themselves so that a small group of movers and shakers can become fabulously wealthy. They demand that the people of the world give up travel, children, entertainment, and ultimately the progressive model leads to mass death either from direct action (the favorite 'go to' of the progressive) or from starvation as the true nature of a "sustainable" lifestyle becomes apparent.

What is ALWAYS absent from the warmist game plan is an actual reduction in pollution. Have you ever noticed that NOWHERE is pollution control mandated? No, you are still allowed to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers, politicians, and businessmen money for the privilege of living. And all the while they live large (on your money) they control what you can do while they do anything, and everything they want to. All on your dime.

Sounds like a great gig if you can get it.

How do you breath with your head in the sand?

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: IMAGES AND VIDEO

Head in the sand? Better than you with your head up the ass of your masters. Here's the deal nimrod.... CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION! All you have is a bunch of pictures with some dipshit at NASA screaming "look, look, look...GLOBAL WARMING!" No science to back it up in the SLIGHTEST!

That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you,, a propagandist. I actually care about science, and the scientific method and all you care about are pictures. My 9 year old loves pictures too, but they aren't science.

I might take you seriously, but
  • Your anger is pathological
  • Your rebuttals are all personal attacks and lack real substance
  • I don't have nor do I need handlers
  • You're dishonest (I have never posted that human behavior is the only variable creating what is deemed climate change)
  • You've suggested human behavior does not have any impact on global climate change, sans evidence it is a biased opinion
  • You are a bigot who echos right wing bullshit. Not all liberals think the same, vote the same or dress the same; your side is an echo chamber.

I'm not angry.

My rebuttal was based on one of the primary foundations of science.


No, I am ethical to a fault. I will however call them as I see them. Progressives, such as yourself don't like facts that counter your pre-conceived notions so you ignore them.

Correct. I have stated that there is zero empirical data to support the assertion that man has had any effect on global temperatures.

I am a liberal who also happens to be an earth scientist. I am bigoted in one way and that is I can't stand ignorant twerps who either don't understand the scientific method or choose to ignore it. Which one are you?

This is the internet, you can claim anything you like. Even that you are the big man and the 90% of scientists who disagree with you are twerp.

You also can't read with comprehension.

Your anger is palpable in the hate you hold when someone holds opinions which challenge your biases, and BTW, I've never before been called a twerp, unless you're over 6'2" and weight in at 230, you would likely call me sir face to face.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: In the conversation between you and I it is quite clear who the angry one is and it ain't me. Your anger is palpable in everything you write. Your disgust that the peons would challenge your authority permeates everything you say.

My comprehension is quite good thank you very much. Yours on the other hand is likewise not in question. You do the bidding of your masters. That is very clear. You are like the vast majority of public employees, not particularly bright, certainly not innovative, reactionary to those who challenge you, opinionated in the extreme, and finally you exhibit all of the classic "us vs them" mentality that government workers are afflicted with.

Your attempt to intimidate (in a anonymous post on the internets :lmao:) me is likewise exemplary of your level of intimidation by people like me. You demand that YOU be in control, but noisy little people (like me, I'm nowhere near as big as you, junior) who ignore your authority get your hackles up like the little strutting peacock you are. I could care less how big you are junior, there's an old adage 'the bigger they are, the harder they fall' and it would be you falling over like the proverbial chopped down tree, so no....I would probably call you a moron were we to meet face to face.

So, when you decide to engage in a scientific discussion, and not try and impress us with your immensely tiny penis, I will be happy to entertain you. But really, your schoolyard attempt to intimidate doesn't serve you well. I suggest you grow up and join the adults in the future.
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... 90% of scientists who disagree with you are twerp.


Therefore, he is a twerp? But... that is a subjective conclusion. And the authority of science rests entirely upon the proposition that science is ENTIRELY objective.

Absent objectivity... science is merely unfounded opinion. And this remains true, if every would-be scientists on earth disagrees... because it rests in objective truth.

But hey... In fairness to you, as a member of the Intellectually Less Fortunate... there is NO WAY you could have known THAT!
I don't believe it was falsified to its strength at one point. What happened is that was its peak when recon recorded it and it began to weaken significantly thereafter. Once it hit the mountains, due to friction, it totally fell apart. Recon just happened to be in there at the right time to experience its peak and thus record it. Their last vortex of theneye showed the n/ne wall of the eye beginning to weaken.
Haven't looked at the news today, did Mexico flood into the Pacific ? Are liberals still running around with their hair on fire ?

No, here is the latest from Mexico.

"GUADALAJARA, Mexico — Hurricane Patricia, one of the strongest storms ever to make landfall, degenerated into a low pressure system late Saturday afternoon as it moved north toward Texas, leaving behind less major damage than feared south of the border.

No deaths were initially reported as emergency crews made their way into the hardest-hit areas. This capital of the state of Jalisco — ground zero for Hurricane Patricia's arrival on shore late Friday — was wet with some storm debris Saturday morning but mostly unscathed from the system's wrath. Some homes in the area where the storm came ashore were flooded but authorities said the damage appeared to be far less than anticipated given the storm's power."

Huh... I've been through two Cat 3 Hurricanes and I gotta say, that is NOT the aftermath of even a Cat 3... let alone a 200 MPH Cat 5 hurricane.

I rode out Hurricane's Charlie and Wilma not an 1/8th a mile from the beach... and our area was better than 30 miles from the eye wall in both storms and there were roofs blown off, massive trees down and all manner of destruction everywhere you looked...

This; from Hurricane Andrew, is closer to what the aftermath of a Cat 5 looks like...


The structured that were destroyed in the above photo, were built to substantial wind standards. The 1000 Year Hurricane hit a Mexican coastal town; where any method that will hold up a wall in fair weather, and which is typical of the structures where that storm made land fall.

Which means simply, that the information was false... and the data of a well structured hurricane, was falsified... in order to make the claims that the storm was a consequence of "Global Warming".

It is just another example of the steady stream of evidence that there is no potential for trust, of any kind, from anything which begins in the Media, the Government or any other facet of Leftism.

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