Clinton (Bill) and Trump both like extramarital affairs. What’s the difference?

Are you sure Harvey Weinstein is a Democrat? I’m not

I promise you, that I know nothing about him, other than him being a rich hollywood jew, who is a friend of Oprah's.

And I am willing to bet you actual money, that he is a dem, if you reply quickly enough to not have time to check.

20 bucks.

And he’s just one guy. Fox News is the mouthpiece for republicans. It gives you your marching orders. And how many times have they tried to spin it so that there is no war on women? Meanwhile bill o is sexually harassing co-workers in a corporate culture that told women to get ahead you have to suck old man dick.

Sorry, that's just silly partisan ness.

I never worshipped Harvey or Hollywood. Fox News is yours though no denying that. It sounds exactly like you. No spin zone my ass. Lol

You might not. But they are Pillars of the lib power structure, far more so that a late comer like Fox News.

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.
Fox is a cable news show. It targeted under served conservative viewers.

That is not, "dedicated to representing what it means to be a conservative".

HOLLYWOOD, is a liberal organization, and the recent Wienstein scandals show that women had to give to get.

You think Weinstein was the only one?
Are you sure Harvey Weinstein is a Democrat? I’m not

I promise you, that I know nothing about him, other than him being a rich hollywood jew, who is a friend of Oprah's.

And I am willing to bet you actual money, that he is a dem, if you reply quickly enough to not have time to check.

20 bucks.

And he’s just one guy. Fox News is the mouthpiece for republicans. It gives you your marching orders. And how many times have they tried to spin it so that there is no war on women? Meanwhile bill o is sexually harassing co-workers in a corporate culture that told women to get ahead you have to suck old man dick.

Sorry, that's just silly partisan ness.

I never worshipped Harvey or Hollywood. Fox News is yours though no denying that. It sounds exactly like you. No spin zone my ass. Lol

You might not. But they are Pillars of the lib power structure, far more so that a late comer like Fox News.

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

Actually, like Clinton accusers, they aren't going away “It all happened at Trump Tower,” she said. “I had just moved to New York, and I was working as a secretary for another company in the building. That’s where he forced himself on me.”

Trump accuser keeps telling her story, hoping someone will finally listen

Hopefully whoever runs against Trump gives Trump's accusers front row seats at the debates right in eye shot of Melania

You mean the "accuser" who is now running for office on the strength of her accusations? You don't find that a bit convenient?
I promise you, that I know nothing about him, other than him being a rich hollywood jew, who is a friend of Oprah's.

And I am willing to bet you actual money, that he is a dem, if you reply quickly enough to not have time to check.

20 bucks.

Sorry, that's just silly partisan ness.

You might not. But they are Pillars of the lib power structure, far more so that a late comer like Fox News.

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

I understand that you want to believe that Trump is a "crook" because if he's not...then what he's doing with the economy and foreign relations is pretty damned amazing and hard for you progressives to run against! You want us to think he "raped" a porn star because he may have paid her to have sex with him? Do you really not understand the difference between that and using your office to get women to have sex with you like Bill Clinton did for decades?
I promise you, that I know nothing about him, other than him being a rich hollywood jew, who is a friend of Oprah's.

And I am willing to bet you actual money, that he is a dem, if you reply quickly enough to not have time to check.

20 bucks.

Sorry, that's just silly partisan n

You might not. But they are Pillars of the lib power structure, far more so that a late comer like Fox News.

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

Yet amazingly...none of those women thought it was bad enough behavior to come out publicly until AFTER Trump became the GOP nominee?
Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

I understand that you want to believe that Trump is a "crook" because if he's not...then what he's doing with the economy and foreign relations is pretty damned amazing and hard for you progressives to run against! You want us to think he "raped" a porn star because he may have paid her to have sex with him? Do you really not understand the difference between that and using your office to get women to have sex with you like Bill Clinton did for decades?

What's he doing to the economy? Feels and looks a lot like 2015 to me.
Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

Yet amazingly...none of those women thought it was bad enough behavior to come out publicly until AFTER Trump became the GOP nominee?

OMG can you hear yourself? You could say the same things about Clinton's accusers. This is just laughable. Trump admitted beign the type of guy who grabs strangers pussies. What don't you understand about that?

What he is doing with the economy. Oh my god that's a fucking hoot. I can remember things were no different in 2016 but you guys said it was the worst economy. You didn't believe the unemployment numbers then but you brag about them now?

Is Trump rocking the economy? Not really, it’s just average
Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

I understand that you want to believe that Trump is a "crook" because if he's not...then what he's doing with the economy and foreign relations is pretty damned amazing and hard for you progressives to run against! You want us to think he "raped" a porn star because he may have paid her to have sex with him? Do you really not understand the difference between that and using your office to get women to have sex with you like Bill Clinton did for decades?

So the bullish outlook is not entirely without basis. The economy is doing well in most respects, and Trump’s policies have contributed. Tax cuts are good for business, everything else being equal, and so is deregulation — though either may also have damaging consequences in the future.

Trump is the classic example of a man born on third base who thinks he hit a triple. When he brags of low unemployment on his watch, he neglects to mention that under his predecessor, the rate fell from a peak of 10 percent in 2009 to 4.8 percent. When Republicans claim the Dow Jones industrial average as vindication, they forget that it tripled under Obama. Inflation, which they predicted would run out of control, was cut in half during his presidency.

The 2.3 percent real gross domestic product growth Trump can point to in 2017 was better than the 2016 rate but worse than what Obama recorded in 2014 and 2015. Last year, the economy added 2.1 million jobs — which sounds good until you consider that it added even more in each of Obama’s last four years.

By two standards that Trump invoked on his way to the White House, he’s failing. The first is the trade deficit, which has grown since he took office. The second is the budget deficit, which fell from $1.4 trillion in Obama’s first fiscal year to $666 billion in his final fiscal year — and is projected to rise from $440 billion this year to $1 trillion by 2020.

Trump boasted on Twitter Wednesday: “Tremendous investment by companies from all over the world being made in America. There has never been anything like it.” Oh? From 2009 to 2016, new foreign direct investment more than doubled. Last year, it declined. Apparently, foreign investors are not feeling quite the same excitement they felt before Trump arrived.

If the standard GOP formula of tax cuts and deregulation is the key to economic progress, you have to wonder why it didn’t work for George W. Bush. Average annual GDP growth was higher during his tenure than during Obama’s, but Bush had a weaker record on job growth. The unemployment rate, which was 4.2 percent when he arrived, was 7.8 percent when he left.

The stock market declined in Bush’s first term and again in his second term, for a total loss of 25 percent. He also presided over a financial panic, a housing crash and the Great Recession, all of which struck with devastating force in the final year of his presidency and left the economy in a deep hole.
Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

Yet amazingly...none of those women thought it was bad enough behavior to come out publicly until AFTER Trump became the GOP nominee?

Maybe they were threatened. I wonder how many women Trump has paid for their silence?
Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?
Okay, from what we know, Weinstein was worse. But sexual assault is sexual assault, and the president has admitted it. So why is his money okay?

RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel recently demanded that Democrats and Democratic organizations return any donations they had received from sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Harvey Weinstein lined the pockets of Democrats to the tune of three-quarters of a million dollars,” she thundered. “If Democrats and the DNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.”

In response, Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and others donated Weinstein’s contributions to charity. The DNC has also donated a portion of the funds it received over the years to political organizations that empower women.

Well now it’s time for the Republican organizations to follow RNC chair’s directive and return the donations they received from Donald Trump, a man who like Weinstein has admitted to sexually assaulting women. In fact, McDaniel’s original statement can be applied precisely to Trump by simply swapping in the underlined words: “During three-decades worth of sexual harassment allegations, Donald Trump lined the pockets of Republicans to the tune of nearly one million dollars.” Adding, “If Republicans and the RNC truly stand up for women like they say they do, then returning this dirty money should be a no brainer.” (Trump has donated more than $950,000 to the GOP organizations and Republican candidates over the past 26 years.)

In Trump’s case, 11 women came forward last year to publicly detail how Trump sexually assaulted them dating back to the late 1980s. (The BBC documents each incident in detail.)

Will Republicans Return Donations From Their Harvey Weinstein, a Guy Named Trump?

Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

I understand that you want to believe that Trump is a "crook" because if he's not...then what he's doing with the economy and foreign relations is pretty damned amazing and hard for you progressives to run against! You want us to think he "raped" a porn star because he may have paid her to have sex with him? Do you really not understand the difference between that and using your office to get women to have sex with you like Bill Clinton did for decades?

I too could take a perfectly good economy and pass a bunch of regulations and give the rich a bunch of tax breaks and get a little short term bump in the already good ecomomy. Big fucking deal really. Are middle class people any better off? Is social security secure? Medicare? Is the gap between the rich and poor still widening? Of course it is! Especially after the stupid unnecessary tax break Trump just passed.

Seriously, not impressed one bit with Trump's improvements to our economy. Short term gains our grandkids will end up paying for.

Reminds me of Reagan. Reagan seemed great at the time but down the road was it worth it? Nope. Al the bad shit that happened because of him are still happening today. Reagan started letting illegals in on purpose to flood the market with workers. Reagan started breaking good paying union jobs and sending jobs overseas.
The difference is Bills was much worse as he was in office. Trumps was when he likely had no notion of even running for President
If a more standard politician had picked up on Trump's policies, ie Trade and Immigration, and manged to be credible about it,

HE would have been a shoe it.

The massive demographic, ie working class whites, is still there to be activated, if any politician can bring themselves to risk the ire of the lefty media.

All the democrats are going to be pushing the same basic agenda. MOre of the same. More of the status quo.

I don't see how you can be looking forward to THAT.

I disagree. By a huge margin, the American voter did NOT want a "standard politician". Had they wanted a "standard politician" Donald Trump would have been out in the first primaries.

We have exactly what we wanted, a man who gets the right things done.
You forgot the part where Trump got behind “war on Women” and Clinton did not. ;)

Really? With a string of women alleging that Bill Clinton raped them, please explain why he and Hillary had an entire Bimbo Eruption squad to destroy any and all women who spoke out against former President Clinton.

As for President Donald Trumps respect for women.

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

Once again you are incredibly proud of your utter panic and desperation. Worse yet, the results of President Donald Trump are far, far better than you could ever imagine and it terrorizes you.

Yep, "gotta love it".

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)

Loss of Law License
$50,000 fine
How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

Once again you are incredibly proud of your utter panic and desperation. Worse yet, the results of President Donald Trump are far, far better than you could ever imagine and it terrorizes you.

Yep, "gotta love it".

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)

Loss of Law License
$50,000 fine
I’m going to make about $3000 more this year because of trumps tax break. How about you?
Of those 11 women who came forward during the campaign to smear Donald many of them continued to make those allegations once the election was over? So tell me, you think those were politically motivated accusations?

No I think he truly molested them. He admitted to just grabbing pussies. What do you think?

I think the majority of that was yet another dirty tricks campaign by the Clinton campaign to smear Trump. Have you ever wondered why those women didn't come forward during the GOP primaries yet did once Trump was the nominee for the Republicans? Clinton and her campaign ran about as dirty a race as I've ever seen. What they did to Bernie Sanders...Bill meeting with Loretta Lynch to squelch a Justice Department criminal case against Hillary...paying all that money to have a phony dossier made up about Trump and hiding their involvement behind a law firm cut out?

How can you believe Trump? We now know his MO is to rape and molest and abuse women then pay them to shut up.

He even had a lawyer with hundreds of thousands of dollars running around shutting women up.

He sent thugs to threaten women

And he even worked with the National Enquirer. Women wanted to get their story out there so the Enquirer would pay them $10,000 or whatever for the EXCLUSIVE rights to the story. Then they would never print the story.

Do you understand what a scumbag crook Trump is? I don't think you do because you keep comparing this mafia mofo to the Clinton's. He's everything you guys dreamed the Clinton's were as far as scumbags go. Low. And here you are 18 years after Bill defending a sexual predator/ Gotta love it.

Yet amazingly...none of those women thought it was bad enough behavior to come out publicly until AFTER Trump became the GOP nominee?

Maybe they were threatened. I wonder how many women Trump has paid for their silence?

Maybe they were threatened? Yet they decided once Trump was the GOP candidate to ignore those "threats" and come out against Trump? Why would that be the case? Why wouldn't they have come out against him when he was running in the GOP primaries? What would make them WAIT until he was running against Hillary Clinton and THEN make their accusations?
Republicans hate the fact Obama has a nice family. Unlike the orange swine. The GOP idol.

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