Clinton (Bill) and Trump both like extramarital affairs. What’s the difference?

What’s the difference?

No difference.

The only problem is, it's the Republicans on the whole who care for "Kinder, Küche, Kirche". They claim they want candidates who respect their religion, they bash gay people because the Bible sehz so. But then the Bible says adultery is just as bad, and these people accept Trump.

It's all about hypocrisy of their "message" more than anything else. That's not to say that Democrats aren't hypocritical, just the Republicans are more hypocritical about Trump than Democrats are about Clinton.

You had a great argument until the very last sentence when you made a specious comment about Republicans being more hypocrite about Trump vs. Democrats and Clinton. How many women have to come forward about Clinton while Democrats feel that the war on women is exclusive to Republicans? Democrats site pay gaps between men and women and yet Hillary paid her male staff members more than women.

Ah, I had a great argument until I said something you don't like.


I stand by what I said.

Oh, by the way, I'm not Democrat or Republican. Partisan politics pisses me off.

It’s not about what I don’t like. It’s about putting specious comments without verifiable fact as you did.... Democrat or Republican.

Well, this forum is full of that. I'm someone who will back up arguments when I feel it's worth it.

On this occasion I don't feel it's worth going out and trying to prove something that is subjective anyway.

All the will happen is that people will grind anything down with bullshit tactics and I don't have the energy or desire for that right now.

Especially on a topic that is just nonsense anyway.
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Your retort is replete with what lies between your ears and provides nothing no empirical.
Except Clinton actually did sleep with women he knew.

And Trump has unprotected sex with porn stars and Playboy bunnies. And has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That's just the way it is. Them's the facts.
Some say he raped them.

Trump? Clinton? Both?
What’s the difference?

No difference.

The only problem is, it's the Republicans on the whole who care for "Kinder, Küche, Kirche". They claim they want candidates who respect their religion, they bash gay people because the Bible sehz so. But then the Bible says adultery is just as bad, and these people accept Trump.

It's all about hypocrisy of their "message" more than anything else. That's not to say that Democrats aren't hypocritical, just the Republicans are more hypocritical about Trump than Democrats are about Clinton.

You had a great argument until the very last sentence when you made a specious comment about Republicans being more hypocrite about Trump vs. Democrats and Clinton. How many women have to come forward about Clinton while Democrats feel that the war on women is exclusive to Republicans? Democrats site pay gaps between men and women and yet Hillary paid her male staff members more than women.

Ah, I had a great argument until I said something you don't like.


I stand by what I said.

Oh, by the way, I'm not Democrat or Republican. Partisan politics pisses me off.

It’s not about what I don’t like. It’s about putting specious comments without verifiable fact as you did.... Democrat or Republican.

Well, this forum is full of that. I'm someone who will back up arguments when I feel it's worth it.

On this occasion I don't feel it's worth going out and trying to prove something that is subjective anyway.

All the will happen is that people will grind anything down with bullshit tactics and I don't have the energy or desire for that right now.

Especially on a topic that is just nonsense anyway.

Back arguments......................sheesh, all any of us are doing here is passing time, sure we argue but the arguments have NO meaning...........................
If everything they said about Trump is true it means that he had a single extra marital affair before he became president. How could you compare it to Hiillary's "bimbo eruption squad" and the molestation of an intern barely older than Bill's daughter?
Even you aren't stupid enough to believe that.
I wish marriage was still respected in this country.

It is really sad that we're electing men that have no respect for the family and for their wife's...
It shows trumps character. He may be throwing you a couple bones but it’s not worth it.

Btw his wife came in on a hb1 visa.

You’re being conned.

Are you doing better than you were in 2016? How so?
I wish marriage was still respected in this country.

It is really sad that we're electing men that have no respect for the family and for their wife's...
It shows trumps character. He may be throwing you a couple bones but it’s not worth it.

Btw his wife came in on a hb1 visa.

You’re being conned.

Are you doing better than you were in 2016? How so?

If he is "throwing us a couple of bones", then why is it not worth it?

What were we supposed to do? Vote for Fucking HIllary who hates us? And ran on NOT doing anything for us?
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Your retort is replete with what lies between your ears and provides nothing no empirical.
Except Clinton actually did sleep with women he knew.

And Trump has unprotected sex with porn stars and Playboy bunnies. And has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That's just the way it is. Them's the facts.

You were saying?

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000
I wish marriage was still respected in this country.

It is really sad that we're electing men that have no respect for the family and for their wife's...
It shows trumps character. He may be throwing you a couple bones but it’s not worth it.

Btw his wife came in on a hb1 visa.

You’re being conned.

Are you doing better than you were in 2016? How so?

If he is "throwing us a couple of bones", then why is it not worth it?

What were we supposed to do? Vote for Fucking HIllary who hates us? And ran on NOT doing anything for us?
I hope some good comes out of this trump presidency.

Less immigration from Middle East and deport illegals.

What else do I like? Certainly not that tax bill. I’ll make about $3k this year but eventually ours runs out but the corporate tax breaks stay?

I’d give my $3k up for hillary even though democrats aren’t perfect the gorsuck appointment hurts but I’m sure not to you.
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Clinton raped women he knew and who cares hat Rump does with his money is his business.
I wish marriage was still respected in this country.

It is really sad that we're electing men that have no respect for the family and for their wife's...
It shows trumps character. He may be throwing you a couple bones but it’s not worth it.

Btw his wife came in on a hb1 visa.

You’re being conned.

Are you doing better than you were in 2016? How so?

If he is "throwing us a couple of bones", then why is it not worth it?

What were we supposed to do? Vote for Fucking HIllary who hates us? And ran on NOT doing anything for us?
Lots of people don’t like what’s going on. Clearly a wolf in sheeps clothing. You can sign up for trump university not me
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.

Clinton raped women he knew and who cares hat Rump does with his money is his business.
Be careful. Just as many women say trump raped them. Or Harvey Weinsteined them. Him and Clinton are equals in this area. Congrats. Your fake outrage in the 90s is now exposed
Clinton had sex with woman he knew.

Trump had unprotected sex with nasty porn stars, strumpets, tarts and tramps and spent maybe millions for a little 'tang.
so clinton wore a condom each time? what did he do, live stream it to your home?
One got Hillary into the White House, the other kept her out

LOL.....Another way of stating the above reminds us of what Gingrich stated about HIS screwing around while his wife was in the hospital:

Newt Gingrich says his love of country contributed to affair

I'm going to call OSHA to investigate the working conditions over there at the Media Matters Internet Outreach and Agitprop Center, Jake. You're entitled to take your first nap since Election Eve 2016. Stats is bullshitting you that your next post will "surely get Hillary into her rightful place on the White House Throne. So just keep posting, no need to sleep!"

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