Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds


go back 1 step !



Now go back to step one Mrs. Tuzla where negligence is not an excuse.
So if anyone follows along easyt65 poster, soon millions will turn themselves in for prosecution with basis in laws and rules that no one enforces. Mostly, the liberals will likely point that doing so, probably carries religion a bit too far. Conservatives will commence cutting off the various body parts, for whatever rule, whatever deity, required that to happen, forthwith.

State Department acknowledges rule enforcement inconsistency, if any.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Smoke in air not hacking matter(?), in new rules world(?)!
Millions aren't under investigation for breaking the law - Hillary is. The State Department just declared Hillary Broke the Law. The Liberals response, after declaring for months that she never broke a rule / law? "Everybody does it, so it's ok."


You lie. It said she did not follow policy. They never broached the breaking the law issue. Cause she didn't.
I know it is hard to follow, but try...

The Rules were put into place to ensure people did not break the law. Hillary broke the rules, and - by breaking the rules - she broke the law. As I pointed out, they were very careful not to use the words 'she broke the law', requiring you to actually have to THINK. They even avoid saying she broke the law by having classified information in her possession but did point out that 'at the very least she was required to (by law) / should have turned over all of her State Dept-related e-mails, which they also point out she did NOT do.

Again, the State Department specifically did not use the words 'she broke the law' because they knew unless they did so libs like you were not capable of thinking for yourself and coming up with the fact yourself that she did so and would continue to defend her.

So Condi, Colin, and Hillary used private servers. When are Condi and Colin going to jail? DUMB A$S!
You are an ignorant POS!
You know damn well neither Powell or Rice used a private server.
Keep repeating your bullshit lie after Hillary gets a fucking MOAB dropped on her by the FBI.
You really do make yourself look like the fool you are.
This report is paving the way to prepare the fucking LIBs for what's coming rom the FBI very soon.
Did she break the law? Yes
Did she cause classified material to fall into the hands of enemies? Yes
Will any of that matter to Dems who are not pro Bernie supporters? No.
It doesnt matter. It just doesn't matter to them.
Did she break the law? Yes
Did she cause classified material to fall into the hands of enemies? Yes
Will any of that matter to Dems who are not pro Bernie supporters? No.
It doesnt matter. It just doesn't matter to them.

one more example that proves that liberalism is a mental disease. It prevents rational thinking.
Did she break the law? Yes
Did she cause classified material to fall into the hands of enemies? Yes
Will any of that matter to Dems who are not pro Bernie supporters? No.
It doesnt matter. It just doesn't matter to them.

one more example that proves that liberalism is a mental disease. It prevents rational thinking.
They think rationally. Their rationale is "We must win at all costs because our scumbags are better than their scumbags."
I just can't believe that some of yall would put politics above not just the law, but the safety of people who's lives depend on the integrity and discretion of those with access to classified material.
I just can't believe that some of yall would put politics above not just the law, but the safety of people who's lives depend on the integrity and discretion of those with access to classified material.
You can believe it, accept it and bank on it
I just can't believe that some of yall would put politics above not just the law, but the safety of people who's lives depend on the integrity and discretion of those with access to classified material.
You're kidding, right? These people would sell their mothers for a Democrat controlled government.
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
Maybe if you acted like an adult instead of some childish toddler Trump supporter with your "Crooked" Hillary comment, you would be taken more seriously? :rolleyes:

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

Lied about what? What is your comment referring to in this case?

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing.

The FBI has NEVER stated that this was a Criminal where are you getting this from other than right wing propaganda sites? The FBI has specifically stated on the record that this a security inquiry and specifically said it was not a criminal investigation... All else being talked about is mere speculation, innuendo, lies and propaganda.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server.
It said basically that they did not find her asking for approval, but also did not say that it was required to get approval....and they noted that emails were sent among state department officials regarding the set up of a private email account.

The only thing that I read which the state department said she personally did that broke their policy, was not turning over printed copies of her government emails upon departure for the govt archives....but noted they did receive them later, 50,000 pages.

She said over a year ago, that she thought that making certain the gvt emails she sent and received were forwarded or cc'd to her Aides on the email system covered them being on the govt record and eventually archived....but she was wrong....and this is what the State department is admonishing her for....
You are a lying POS!
THIS is what the FBI REALLY said:
FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server
Now go crawl back under your fucking rock!
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
Maybe if you acted like an adult instead of some childish toddler Trump supporter with your "Crooked" Hillary comment, you would be taken more seriously? :rolleyes:

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

Lied about what? What is your comment referring to in this case?

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing.

The FBI has NEVER stated that this was a Criminal where are you getting this from other than right wing propaganda sites? The FBI has specifically stated on the record that this a security inquiry and specifically said it was not a criminal investigation... All else being talked about is mere speculation, innuendo, lies and propaganda.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server.
It said basically that they did not find her asking for approval, but also did not say that it was required to get approval....and they noted that emails were sent among state department officials regarding the set up of a private email account.

The only thing that I read which the state department said she personally did that broke their policy, was not turning over printed copies of her government emails upon departure for the govt archives....but noted they did receive them later, 50,000 pages.

She said over a year ago, that she thought that making certain the gvt emails she sent and received were forwarded or cc'd to her Aides on the email system covered them being on the govt record and eventually archived....but she was wrong....and this is what the State department is admonishing her for....

What do you think the FBI was involved for, if they weren't looking for criminal activity. It was an FBI INVESTIGATION. The point is the CNN article states that the FBI found no criminal wrong doing.

We have had Reich wingers all over this board, that were thinking she was going to be led off in handcuffs at any moment over this FBI investigation.

I understand your other points.
FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton's email server
Did she break the law? Yes
Did she cause classified material to fall into the hands of enemies? Yes
Will any of that matter to Dems who are not pro Bernie supporters? No.
It doesnt matter. It just doesn't matter to them.

one more example that proves that liberalism is a mental disease. It prevents rational thinking.

It is actually a mental disorder, can be treated but part of the disorder is a denial of the problem.

Medical Definition of mental illness
  1. : any of a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
Maybe if you acted like an adult instead of some childish toddler Trump supporter with your "Crooked" Hillary comment, you would be taken more seriously? :rolleyes:

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

Lied about what? What is your comment referring to in this case?

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing.

The FBI has NEVER stated that this was a Criminal where are you getting this from other than right wing propaganda sites? The FBI has specifically stated on the record that this a security inquiry and specifically said it was not a criminal investigation... All else being talked about is mere speculation, innuendo, lies and propaganda.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server.
It said basically that they did not find her asking for approval, but also did not say that it was required to get approval....and they noted that emails were sent among state department officials regarding the set up of a private email account.

The only thing that I read which the state department said she personally did that broke their policy, was not turning over printed copies of her government emails upon departure for the govt archives....but noted they did receive them later, 50,000 pages.

She said over a year ago, that she thought that making certain the gvt emails she sent and received were forwarded or cc'd to her Aides on the email system covered them being on the govt record and eventually archived....but she was wrong....and this is what the State department is admonishing her for....

You're either lying, or more likely didn't read the report.

This report was more than just a slap on the wrist, and they reported SEVERAL wrong doings by Hillary, why you would pretend otherwise is just ridiculous.
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
Maybe if you acted like an adult instead of some childish toddler Trump supporter with your "Crooked" Hillary comment, you would be taken more seriously? :rolleyes:

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

Lied about what? What is your comment referring to in this case?

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing.

The FBI has NEVER stated that this was a Criminal where are you getting this from other than right wing propaganda sites? The FBI has specifically stated on the record that this a security inquiry and specifically said it was not a criminal investigation... All else being talked about is mere speculation, innuendo, lies and propaganda.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server.
It said basically that they did not find her asking for approval, but also did not say that it was required to get approval....and they noted that emails were sent among state department officials regarding the set up of a private email account.

The only thing that I read which the state department said she personally did that broke their policy, was not turning over printed copies of her government emails upon departure for the govt archives....but noted they did receive them later, 50,000 pages.

She said over a year ago, that she thought that making certain the gvt emails she sent and received were forwarded or cc'd to her Aides on the email system covered them being on the govt record and eventually archived....but she was wrong....and this is what the State department is admonishing her for....

You're either lying, or more likely didn't read the report.

This report was more than just a slap on the wrist, and they reported SEVERAL wrong doings by Hillary, why you would pretend otherwise is just ridiculous.

Name them and we can discuss

go back 1 step !

Every day when I log onto my government computer they have a question we have to answer on cyber-security. I took classes on the topic last month. We have periodic briefings on the subject. You can't tell me that the government takes this shit lightly. In the 80s I held the highest security clearance the US government has, and I know that if I had a history like Hillary, I would never be granted a security clearance, yet this woman was in charge of the department that sets foreign policy, and grants visas to foreigners. She would be the last person I would trust in this capacity. Obama is no more trustworthy than she is. They would lock me up for one single act that she has committed, but she has committed numerous acts of espionage since she became First Lady, and I believe has taken bribes to commit even more.

Her profile fits the pattern of a massive security risk. Massive amounts of cash from foreign donors is one. Her anti-American campaign rhetoric is another. She is constantly lying to cover up a scandal, the top indication of a security risk. The number one reason a person is turned down for these positions is the possibility that they are doing something that can be used to blackmail them into giving away secrets, but her supporters want their same-sex marriages, and their free fucking tuition. National security is an afterthought to them.
All GOP propaganda/spin. Innocent until at least indicted fer chrissake. They all broke the rules. The Clintons already had a server and it was as secure as the State Dept one. She had the right to reserve her private e-maiI I'm beginning to question the motives of the GOP FBI head. The partisanship of GOPers is a disgrace- why not him? Awaiting developments OF COURSE...unlike Pub pundits and hater dupes- of course.
I wondered how long it would be before some Hillary ass licker would start claiming the FBI are corrupt GOP operatives.
Looks like the desperation is setting in. The best defense is an offense.
Pretty pathetic as usual.
When was the last time you wore your Trayvon Martin hoodie, in public, with a screen print on it when Trayvon was twelve?
Ya fucking RIGHT LOSER!

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