Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."
How many of those previous Secretaries of State are running for President?
more accurately...

How many of those Secretaries of State had those private emails on a private server? Clinton and her team have started using the talking points of "I did nothing different than others in the past" yet she can not name a single person who had their OFFICIAL business for the people on a private server.

Sure, some had a private email for personal use....but those emails were always available for scrutiny if necessary as they were on a server paid for by the people and the possession of the people.

Clinton claimed she wanted privacy for her personal emails.


Then put a personal email address on a private server if you want.

But she has ye explained why the business she conducted for the people had to be on a private server.

And you Hillary supporters still don't seem to care.

Speaks volumes of your patriotism.
Poor management
NOT illegal but not a good trait for a Presidential nominee

Violation of 18 USC 1924:
Unauthorized removal, handling, and retention / storage of classified documents or material
-- Having classified information in her possession after leaving the State Department
-- Improper storage of classified information: 1) Server was improperly set up according to governing laws/regulations, 2) Highly classified information carried around on a thumb drive
-- Server containing highly classified info being held by an IT company that did not have a proper (according to the law) storage facility for the server and who did not have the proper security clearance to maintain the server.

"Classified emails on Hillary Clinton's personal server, and a back-up copy on a thumb drive held by her lawyer David Kendall, appear to be a violation of the U.S. code governing the unlawful removal and storage of classified information, according to a leading national security lawyer."

Violating U.S. Code § 793, Section (f) - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

"Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."
- If it is found that 'Guccifer' actually hacked Hillary's server and gained access to her server, Hillary could be charged with this.

- The IG reported that on 2 separate occasions Hillary's IT Tech physically shut down her server because one was attacking (had hacked her server) her server in an attempt to deny the intruder from accessing files, however, the IT Tech failed to report the incidents to the proper authorities as required by rules / guidelines. THIS could be interpreted as 'having knowledge that the information had been illegally hacked / removed'. Something tells me he did not report it because it would reflect negatively on Hillary's owning her own server, and he was HOPING the hacker got nothing.

Violation of Obama administration policy
Clinton email policy violated Obama administration guidance

Violation of State Department policy

- State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
- Prohibited routine use of personal email accounts for primary government work, a regulation in force during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state

Violating State Department Policy II by not giving over emails when she left office.
- This is also a violation of the rules put in place for and of the FOIA.

"Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary. At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."
- Again, the State Department spells out that Hillary did not comply with rules regarding preserving government records as required by the FOIA, ie she violated the FOIA. The State Department also makes it a point to state she violated the Federal Records Act.

Illegal possession of classified material. The State Department points out that all State Department-related materials / information / associated-documents were required to be handed over to the State Department. Hillary refused to do so. Once she left the State Department she no longer had a need to know or need to access any classified information, especially the highly TS classified compartmentalized program materials found in her possession. It is ILLEGAL for her, a civilian at this point, for her to have those in her possession...and it sure as hell is illegal for her lawyer who has no security clearance to be walking around with that material on a thumb drive.

Violation of the FOIA

- Watchdog: Hillary Clinton Violated State Dept. Policies By Using Private Email

Violation of the Federal Records Act

- State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules

Criminal negligence, as acknowledged by Obama, under the Espionage Act

- U.S. Code § 793, Section (f)
- 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Obama Declares Hillary 'Careless' in Regards To E-mails

- Obama Dings Hillary on Email Scandal
"His efforts to minimize his former secretary of state's diversion of emails from government-secured servers to her own non-secure home server by calling it "careless" may actually harm her in the eyes of the public or even serve as a dog whistle to the FBI."

- Potential 'gross negligence', a crime under the Espionage Act

AGAIN, For all the Libs who have been continuously screaming that Hillary did nothing wrong, broke no rules, THE STATEMENT DEPARTMENT JUST SAID, 'YOU'RE WRONG!'

State Department audit faults Clinton on emails, says she broke records rules | Fox News

State Dept. audit faults Clinton for email mismanagement

Napolitano: Audit faulting Clinton on emails is 'huge'
OOPSIE! CIA/Pentagon accidently destroy YET ANOTHER incriminating document.
Remember the videotapes documenting the CIA torturing people?
OOPSIE! Somebody somehow deleted all of them right when an investigation started.


The CIA was told by the Justice Department to preserve any copies of the torture-report.
OOPSIE! By accident they destroyed every copy they could get their hands on.
CIA watchdog ‘accidentally destroyed’ copy of ‘torture report’
Her Goldman Sachs speeches are safe
No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Seems you know the rules but don't understand even remotely how it applies to Hillary's case. Probably because the moment anyone mentioned Hillary as the suspect your brain shuts off.

I will compare what I know about the espionage laws against what you, or anyone else, on this board , knows any day of the week.

Not to mention the obvious fact that you are an idiot. I have said from day one that Hillary mishandled emails, and it is likely that she committed espionage. The ONLY thing I corrected you on was the fact that you are wrong when you say the hacker matters in terms of espionage. The material did NOT have to be illegally accessed by a third party for there to have been espionage.

As for others in this thread. Here is why this matters.

Like countless others, I once worked for the government , doing a job that often times had me in places where if my identity and location had been known by certain parties, let's just say I wouldn't have been the most popular guy.

My wife and children, depended on the discretion of those who might have information that would put me in danger if exposed . Hillary showed ZERO discretion here, all in order to attempt to avoid FOIA requests.

Now, I simply can't believe any person would not care about the safety of another, so I can only conclude that you KNOW that what Hillary did was wrong and illegal, but you don't care because of her political stances. Sad
Look you fucking retard, I have said on several fucking occasions that the fact that Hillary set up an unauthorized server was espionage. The fact that she was hacked and didn't report it was proof of her criminal intent.....and only proves she was trying to hide her illegal acts from authorities, which satisfies the charge of Obstruction of Justice among other things.
You all wait.
After Putin 'leaks' 20K of Hillary's emails he got from Guccifer the Hillary asslickers here will claim what really happened was the FBI, the agency secretly controlled by the GOP, actually secretly sent copies of Hillary's emails to Putin so Putin could leak them just to make Hillary lose the election.
You all wait and see.
OOPSIE! CIA/Pentagon accidently destroy YET ANOTHER incriminating document.
Remember the videotapes documenting the CIA torturing people?
OOPSIE! Somebody somehow deleted all of them right when an investigation started.


The CIA was told by the Justice Department to preserve any copies of the torture-report.
OOPSIE! By accident they destroyed every copy they could get their hands on.
CIA watchdog ‘accidentally destroyed’ copy of ‘torture report’
OOPSIE....and exactly what chances did Mr. Rodriguez have at winning an election after that revelation?

No one is saying what Hillary did was 'never done before"...

But those that have, most certainly wouldn't be deemed as the likely "Head of their Party" by either party.
You all wait.
After Putin 'leaks' 20K of Hillary's emails he got from Guccifer the Hillary asslickers here will claim what really happened was the FBI, the agency secretly controlled by the GOP, actually secretly sent copies of Hillary's emails to Putin so Putin could leak them just to make Hillary lose the election.
You all wait and see.'s all just a vast rightwing conspiracy.
You all wait.
After Putin 'leaks' 20K of Hillary's emails he got from Guccifer the Hillary asslickers here will claim what really happened was the FBI, the agency secretly controlled by the GOP, actually secretly sent copies of Hillary's emails to Putin so Putin could leak them just to make Hillary lose the election.
You all wait and see.
they are already claiming the deputy IG was biased and should have recused himself from the IG investigation.
There is someone who 'paid-to-play' who 'donated' millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation AKA The Global Shakedown Scam which would make even Al Sharpton blush, who is about to come forward with hidden microphone tapes with Hillary saying in essence: "You want your project to get through the US Gov. bureaucracy it will cost you 'X' dollars. Just make the cheque out to the Clinton Foundation".
The party's over Hillary.
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."
How many of those previous Secretaries of State are running for President?
more accurately...

How many of those Secretaries of State had those private emails on a private server? Clinton and her team have started using the talking points of "I did nothing different than others in the past" yet she can not name a single person who had their OFFICIAL business for the people on a private server.

Sure, some had a private email for personal use....but those emails were always available for scrutiny if necessary as they were on a server paid for by the people and the possession of the people.

Clinton claimed she wanted privacy for her personal emails.


Then put a personal email address on a private server if you want.

But she has ye explained why the business she conducted for the people had to be on a private server.

And you Hillary supporters still don't seem to care.

Speaks volumes of your patriotism.
The Clintons have a history of floating lame excuses when the story first surfaces hoping the bulk of the public tunes it out and never looks into it again, shutting down any damaging evidence that surfaces later when the full facts are exposed.
There is someone who 'paid-to-play' who 'donated' millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation AKA The Global Shakedown Scam which would make even Al Sharpton blush, who is about to come forward with hidden microphone tapes with Hillary saying in essence: "You want your project to get through the US Gov. bureaucracy it will cost you 'X' dollars. Just make the cheque out to the Clinton Foundation".
The party's over Hillary.

poor loon.

anything else you psychos would like to make up?

or should we talk about vince foster or whitewater again because that worked so well for you loons last time?

freaks of nature.... beyond belief.
There is someone who 'paid-to-play' who 'donated' millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation AKA The Global Shakedown Scam which would make even Al Sharpton blush, who is about to come forward with hidden microphone tapes with Hillary saying in essence: "You want your project to get through the US Gov. bureaucracy it will cost you 'X' dollars. Just make the cheque out to the Clinton Foundation".
The party's over Hillary.

poor loon.

anything else you psychos would like to make up?

or should we talk about vince foster or whitewater again because that worked so well for you loons last time?

freaks of nature.... beyond belief.

I've read many of your stupid posts. I have ZERO doubt that if Hillary were a Republican you would be proposing the death penalty. You are a partisan hack.
You all wait.
After Putin 'leaks' 20K of Hillary's emails he got from Guccifer the Hillary asslickers here will claim what really happened was the FBI, the agency secretly controlled by the GOP, actually secretly sent copies of Hillary's emails to Putin so Putin could leak them just to make Hillary lose the election.
You all wait and see.
they are already claiming the deputy IG was biased and should have recused himself from the IG investigation.
They did the same to Kenneth Starr.

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