Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

How far our conservatives have fallen

They have now gone from Hillary is guilty of a massive security breach that will undoubtedly send her to prison to Hillary is a serial non-record keeper
The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Just keep making it up as you go Jake, it is what you do.

What is there to make up?

Did you read the report?

Well to start, your BS about the FOIA, where have conservatives opposed that?
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

She broke the law regarding the protection of classified data. Not a rule, a law.

But if Powell and Rice did it, they should also be held accountable.

What are you going to say when Putin releases 3000 of Hillary's e-mails, some of which were classified top secret or SAP?

The woman is a criminal and a habitual liar------------Deal with it.

I suppose that criminal needs qualified. She isn't criminal in that she intentionally shared state secrets. She is criminal because of negligence and that is what the report does say. Her situation is unique to Mrs. Tuzla. The left would like us to believe what she was doing was the same as ever other SOS, which the report even says isn't true.

As for Obama's directive after the fact. It might just be a false flag. A false flag to make it look like there were no laws, rules, directives or otherwise controlling what Mrs. Tuzla was suppose to be doing.

Maybe it is time for a woman to be president, but I am not sure why gender makes a difference, just not this woman.
How far our conservatives have fallen

They have now gone from Hillary is guilty of a massive security breach that will undoubtedly send her to prison to Hillary is a serial non-record keeper
The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Do you understand the difference between public records (which can be obtained under FOIA) and classified data (which cannot be obtained under FOIA) ?
How far our conservatives have fallen

They have now gone from Hillary is guilty of a massive security breach that will undoubtedly send her to prison to Hillary is a serial non-record keeper
The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Do you understand the difference between public records (which can be obtained under FOIA) and classified data (which cannot be obtained under FOIA) ?

yes I do

Did you read the findings?
How far our conservatives have fallen

They have now gone from Hillary is guilty of a massive security breach that will undoubtedly send her to prison to Hillary is a serial non-record keeper
The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Do you understand the difference between public records (which can be obtained under FOIA) and classified data (which cannot be obtained under FOIA) ?

yes I do

Did you read the findings?

Yes, did you? Transmitting classified data over an unsecure server is a violation of federal law.

I held top secret and SAP clearances most of my working life. I know the laws. Hillary broke them.
How far our conservatives have fallen

They have now gone from Hillary is guilty of a massive security breach that will undoubtedly send her to prison to Hillary is a serial non-record keeper
The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Just keep making it up as you go Jake, it is what you do.

What is there to make up?

Did you read the report?

Well to start, your BS about the FOIA, where have conservatives opposed that?
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

She broke the law regarding the protection of classified data. Not a rule, a law.

But if Powell and Rice did it, they should also be held accountable.

What are you going to say when Putin releases 3000 of Hillary's e-mails, some of which were classified top secret or SAP?

The woman is a criminal and a habitual liar------------Deal with it.

I suppose that criminal needs qualified. She isn't criminal in that she intentionally shared state secrets. She is criminal because of negligence and that is what the report does say. Her situation is unique to Mrs. Tuzla. The left would like us to believe what she was doing was the same as ever other SOS, which the report even says isn't true.

As for Obama's directive after the fact. It might just be a false flag. A false flag to make it look like there were no laws, rules, directives or otherwise controlling what Mrs. Tuzla was suppose to be doing.

Maybe it is time for a woman to be president, but I am not sure why gender makes a difference, just not this woman.

3 years later, and it winds up - " broke the rules ".......

The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Just keep making it up as you go Jake, it is what you do.

What is there to make up?

Did you read the report?

Well to start, your BS about the FOIA, where have conservatives opposed that?
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

She broke the law regarding the protection of classified data. Not a rule, a law.

But if Powell and Rice did it, they should also be held accountable.

What are you going to say when Putin releases 3000 of Hillary's e-mails, some of which were classified top secret or SAP?

The woman is a criminal and a habitual liar------------Deal with it.

I suppose that criminal needs qualified. She isn't criminal in that she intentionally shared state secrets. She is criminal because of negligence and that is what the report does say. Her situation is unique to Mrs. Tuzla. The left would like us to believe what she was doing was the same as ever other SOS, which the report even says isn't true.

As for Obama's directive after the fact. It might just be a false flag. A false flag to make it look like there were no laws, rules, directives or otherwise controlling what Mrs. Tuzla was suppose to be doing.

Maybe it is time for a woman to be president, but I am not sure why gender makes a difference, just not this woman.

3 years later, and it winds up - " broke the rules ".......


that's just step 1. lots more to come. your giggles are premature.

Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Just keep making it up as you go Jake, it is what you do.

What is there to make up?

Did you read the report?

Well to start, your BS about the FOIA, where have conservatives opposed that?
then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

She broke the law regarding the protection of classified data. Not a rule, a law.

But if Powell and Rice did it, they should also be held accountable.

What are you going to say when Putin releases 3000 of Hillary's e-mails, some of which were classified top secret or SAP?

The woman is a criminal and a habitual liar------------Deal with it.

I suppose that criminal needs qualified. She isn't criminal in that she intentionally shared state secrets. She is criminal because of negligence and that is what the report does say. Her situation is unique to Mrs. Tuzla. The left would like us to believe what she was doing was the same as ever other SOS, which the report even says isn't true.

As for Obama's directive after the fact. It might just be a false flag. A false flag to make it look like there were no laws, rules, directives or otherwise controlling what Mrs. Tuzla was suppose to be doing.

Maybe it is time for a woman to be president, but I am not sure why gender makes a difference, just not this woman.

3 years later, and it winds up - " broke the rules ".......


that's just step 1. lots more to come. your giggles are premature.

yeah, she forgot to say red rover .... broke the rules !

How far our conservatives have fallen

They have now gone from Hillary is guilty of a massive security breach that will undoubtedly send her to prison to Hillary is a serial non-record keeper
The only one who has said this is YOU.


Then why the conservative outrage over not properly maintaining public records?
I always thought conservatives opposed the freedom of information act up until Hillary

Do you understand the difference between public records (which can be obtained under FOIA) and classified data (which cannot be obtained under FOIA) ?

yes I do

Did you read the findings?

Let's make this simple, you can listen to what CNN (Clinton News Network) is saying. Then you can still ignore it but at least you will then know what you are ignoring.

Hillary Clinton email use slammed in State Department report -
Yes I think thats been known for a while.

I'm looking for all that hacking RW'ers said happened. All those lost States Secrets. All those secret secrets!!!

And this is the result?

You're usually fairly rationale, and I don't think we've been in a thread on this together, so I'll ask, are you under the impression that someone actually had to have gained access to her email server for there to have been a law broken?

No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Seems you know the rules but don't understand even remotely how it applies to Hillary's case. Probably because the moment anyone mentioned Hillary as the suspect your brain shuts off.
Just keep making it up as you go Jake, it is what you do.

What is there to make up?

Did you read the report?

Well to start, your BS about the FOIA, where have conservatives opposed that?
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

She broke the law regarding the protection of classified data. Not a rule, a law.

But if Powell and Rice did it, they should also be held accountable.

What are you going to say when Putin releases 3000 of Hillary's e-mails, some of which were classified top secret or SAP?

The woman is a criminal and a habitual liar------------Deal with it.

I suppose that criminal needs qualified. She isn't criminal in that she intentionally shared state secrets. She is criminal because of negligence and that is what the report does say. Her situation is unique to Mrs. Tuzla. The left would like us to believe what she was doing was the same as ever other SOS, which the report even says isn't true.

As for Obama's directive after the fact. It might just be a false flag. A false flag to make it look like there were no laws, rules, directives or otherwise controlling what Mrs. Tuzla was suppose to be doing.

Maybe it is time for a woman to be president, but I am not sure why gender makes a difference, just not this woman.

3 years later, and it winds up - " broke the rules ".......


that's just step 1. lots more to come. your giggles are premature.

yeah, she forgot to say red rover .... broke the rules !


Wrong again, she broke the rules so that her e-mails would not be discoverable under FOIA requests. Does that make you wonder what she was so determined to hide?

What would happen to you if you broke the rules that you swore to follow when you were hired?

But this is a lot more than company rules, She broke federal laws in a foolish attempt to hide her messages, plus used an unsecure server to transmit classified data.

This is far from over.
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."
How many of those previous Secretaries of State are running for President?
"The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronic recordkeeping systems were longstanding and that there was no precedent of someone in her position having a State Department email account until after the arrival of her successor," Fallon continued. "Contrary to the false theories advanced for some time now, the report notes that her use of personal email was known to officials within the Department during her tenure, and that there is no evidence of any successful breach of the Secretary's server."

Read more: State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
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:eek: She did the same thing everyone before her did too! THIS WILL NOT STAND! (Only for Hilary)
Still going with that "we don't think she got hacked" defense? You can be very lucky and still be monumentally stupid and negligent.
Yes I think thats been known for a while.

I'm looking for all that hacking RW'ers said happened. All those lost States Secrets. All those secret secrets!!!

And this is the result?

Gucifer is also in court today promising if he gets a lighter sentence he will spill the beans on how easily Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's email was hacked.

Hillary Clinton failed to report several hacking attempts: IG
Guccifer has a two GB stick he's using as his 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card. The stick contains thousands of Hillary's emails. In addition he will show the computer geeks, the ones that unlocked the terrorist's phone, the trail of 'breadcrumbs' Blumenthal and Hillary left for any fucking grade ten computer geek to follow.
Guccifer will get two years. Served in a minimum security luxury 'spa'. When is driven away in an Escalade he'll be given a new identity to protect him from committing suice by shooting himself in the back of his head numerous times as has happened to a number of former Clinton 'business associates' and friends over the decades.
You're usually fairly rationale, and I don't think we've been in a thread on this together, so I'll ask, are you under the impression that someone actually had to have gained access to her email server for there to have been a law broken?

No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Seems you know the rules but don't understand even remotely how it applies to Hillary's case. Probably because the moment anyone mentioned Hillary as the suspect your brain shuts off.

I will compare what I know about the espionage laws against what you, or anyone else, on this board , knows any day of the week.

Not to mention the obvious fact that you are an idiot. I have said from day one that Hillary mishandled emails, and it is likely that she committed espionage. The ONLY thing I corrected you on was the fact that you are wrong when you say the hacker matters in terms of espionage. The material did NOT have to be illegally accessed by a third party for there to have been espionage.

As for others in this thread. Here is why this matters.

Like countless others, I once worked for the government , doing a job that often times had me in places where if my identity and location had been known by certain parties, let's just say I wouldn't have been the most popular guy.

My wife and children, depended on the discretion of those who might have information that would put me in danger if exposed . Hillary showed ZERO discretion here, all in order to attempt to avoid FOIA requests.

Now, I simply can't believe any person would not care about the safety of another, so I can only conclude that you KNOW that what Hillary did was wrong and illegal, but you don't care because of her political stances. Sad

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