Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Yes I think thats been known for a while.

I'm looking for all that hacking RW'ers said happened. All those lost States Secrets. All those secret secrets!!!

And this is the result?

You're usually fairly rationale, and I don't think we've been in a thread on this together, so I'll ask, are you under the impression that someone actually had to have gained access to her email server for there to have been a law broken?

No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Hell... Even low level corporate office workers have to complete training courses on protocols to protect information.

This is not rocket science. Yet democrats like to pretend they have never heard of such things.

from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.


"we'll sacrifice the house n*gger to burn Clinton"

and it's true too LOL
Maybe to libs. Powell is an Obama supporter. Yet they are the same people that are now throwing him under the bus.

But but but Powell did it toooooo.
You're usually fairly rationale, and I don't think we've been in a thread on this together, so I'll ask, are you under the impression that someone actually had to have gained access to her email server for there to have been a law broken?

No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Hell... Even low level corporate office workers have to complete training courses on protocols to protect information.

This is not rocket science. Yet democrats like to pretend they have never heard of such things.


Don't be too hard on them, apparently they don't know how to get a photo id or find a polling station.
No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Hell... Even low level corporate office workers have to complete training courses on protocols to protect information.

This is not rocket science. Yet democrats like to pretend they have never heard of such things.


Don't be too hard on them, apparently they don't know how to get a photo id or find a polling station.
I'm surprised they can feed themselves or wipe their ass without a social worker to stop by three times a day to help.
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

Rules and laws are different. It appears that Colin Powell and Condi Rice didn't follow the "rules" either. The FBI has already stated they found no criminal wrong doing regarding Hillary Clinton's emails.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

I imagine Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwdd-d & others will be going crazy ivan over the breaking of "protocol." But I'll bet he won't bring up Colin Powell and Condi Rice in his conversation regarding them doing the same-LOL.


Now all you have to worry about is Trump's tweety fingers.
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indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
Maybe if you acted like an adult instead of some childish toddler Trump supporter with your "Crooked" Hillary comment, you would be taken more seriously? :rolleyes:

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

Lied about what? What is your comment referring to in this case?

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing.

The FBI has NEVER stated that this was a Criminal where are you getting this from other than right wing propaganda sites? The FBI has specifically stated on the record that this a security inquiry and specifically said it was not a criminal investigation... All else being talked about is mere speculation, innuendo, lies and propaganda.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server.
It said basically that they did not find her asking for approval, but also did not say that it was required to get approval....and they noted that emails were sent among state department officials regarding the set up of a private email account.

The only thing that I read which the state department said she personally did that broke their policy, was not turning over printed copies of her government emails upon departure for the govt archives....but noted they did receive them later, 50,000 pages.

She said over a year ago, that she thought that making certain the gvt emails she sent and received were forwarded or cc'd to her Aides on the email system covered them being on the govt record and eventually archived....but she was wrong....and this is what the State department is admonishing her for....
indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
Maybe if you acted like an adult instead of some childish toddler Trump supporter with your "Crooked" Hillary comment, you would be taken more seriously? :rolleyes:

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

Lied about what? What is your comment referring to in this case?

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing.

The FBI has NEVER stated that this was a Criminal where are you getting this from other than right wing propaganda sites? The FBI has specifically stated on the record that this a security inquiry and specifically said it was not a criminal investigation... All else being talked about is mere speculation, innuendo, lies and propaganda.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server.
It said basically that they did not find her asking for approval, but also did not say that it was required to get approval....and they noted that emails were sent among state department officials regarding the set up of a private email account.

The only thing that I read which the state department said she personally did that broke their policy, was not turning over printed copies of her government emails upon departure for the govt archives....but noted they did receive them later, 50,000 pages.

She said over a year ago, that she thought that making certain the gvt emails she sent and received were forwarded or cc'd to her Aides on the email system covered them being on the govt record and eventually archived....but she was wrong....and this is what the State department is admonishing her for....

What do you think the FBI was involved for, if they weren't looking for criminal activity. It was an FBI INVESTIGATION. The point is the CNN article states that the FBI found no criminal wrong doing.

We have had Reich wingers all over this board, that were thinking she was going to be led off in handcuffs at any moment over this FBI investigation.

I understand your other points.
Clinton: Republicans in the Bush administration did it so did I no problem!

Me: I'm not voting for a Democrat that thinks its just fine to act like the Bush administration.
Having worked in the nuclear industry for a good many years, preservation of records is vital. It is vital to all industry. If what Mrs. Tuzla Clinton did was done in the private sector heads would roll. But not to worry, the establishment takes care of their own.
Government members are all above the law.
She'll go down like her fat ass deserves, Hillary should be jailed

from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:

Anyone who broke the law PERIOD

Since this was a problem with all of them, how silly will it look when everyone finds out everyone else was ok but Hilary should play by different rules because....?

Because she is running for President

All GOP propaganda/spin. Innocent until at least indicted fer chrissake. They all broke the rules. The Clintons already had a server and it was as secure as the State Dept one. She had the right to reserve her private e-maiI I'm beginning to question the motives of the GOP FBI head. The partisanship of GOPers is a disgrace- why not him? Awaiting developments OF COURSE...unlike Pub pundits and hater dupes- of course.
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."
Yes of course, the wrong doing of one federal government miscreant excuses the wrong doing of every other federal government miscreant, as long as you have the power and connections to sweep it under the rug; That's of course the PERFECT design for a system of justice whereby there is one set of rules for the commons and a completely different set of rules for the rulers.

On second thought, going back to the days of separate justice for the nobility and the peasantry doesn't sound that attractive after all, since it was one of the primary reasons that THE AMERICAN COLONIES REVOLTED AGAINST THE KING OF ENGLAND.

... Meanwhile back on Earth, the IG report points out that Clinton violated rules that were derived from the FRA (aka a FEDERAL LAW) which means (for you partisan pom-pom waiving hedgehogs) that SHE BROKE THE LAW and the fact that anybody else also BROKE THE LAW is completely fucking irrelevant.

At the very least she needs to be denied the ability to hold a security clearance, which is exactly what would happen to anybody else in the State Department that did what she did and whose last name isn't Clinton.
Greatest social reform since FDR, averted 2nd GOP Great Depression, 80 months straight of growth w/o GOP bubble/bust.scandal AGAIN, respect of world again,reform of college loans/pot laws/gay laws etc etc despite mindless GOP obstruction/fear mongering/propaganda/lies.

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