Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

indict them for what? Breaking a rule? :lol:

Remember YOU said she committed Espionage, You said she aided and abetted the enemy, YOU claimed she broke National Security rules and put govt workers at risk, you and right wingers claimed a bunch of crapola your right wing media CREATED to make their own news....

And she simply did not comply with one simple rule that other SOS's didn't comply with either....

Deal with it!

Your desperation is duly noted!

All you have seen so far are Crooked Hillary Clinton's misdoings within the State Department and that Hillary Clinton LIED.

The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION being conducted by the FBI is ongoing. She's in deep hot water and knows she screwed up, and screwed up bad.

From the State Department report, NO ONE approved her use of a private server. The State Department also stated that Hillary Clinton and her staff key staff members REFUSED TO COOPERATE WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT.
This problem existed across 5 secretaries of State, and there was no rule or law about it until after Hillary left office. Nothing's changed.

NO, once again a lie is develped to protect a Clinton. She should be indicted for allowing a system that let state secrets be accessible by foriegn nations.

Gucifer just made a deal, it is all falling apart for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton.

Hillary Clinton failed to report several hacking attempts: IG

You're 100 percent right. This whole thing reminds me of Watergate. Yeah, I'm that old that I remember it unfolding along with Deepthroat and the daily drip, drip, drip eventually leading to the resignation of President Nixon.
"The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronic recordkeeping systems were longstanding and that there was no precedent of someone in her position having a State Department email account until after the arrival of her successor," Fallon continued. "Contrary to the false theories advanced for some time now, the report notes that her use of personal email was known to officials within the Department during her tenure, and that there is no evidence of any successful breach of the Secretary's server."

Read more: State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
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:eek: She did the same thing everyone before her did too! THIS WILL NOT STAND! (Only for Hilary)

You need to keep up with the news. It has now been revealed that there were attempts to hack the illegal, hidden, unsecured Clinton server.
You lie. It said she did not follow policy. They never broached the breaking the law issue. Cause she didn't.

Your desperation is duly noted.

The State Department investigation was not charged with LAWS had been broken. The State Department was investigating breaches of their rules and regulations along with the fact that neither Hillary or any of her closest advisors cooperated with the State Department. Hillary LiED. Remember her saying she had told everyone to cooperate? While even she DID NOT!

As you know, the CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION is ongoing with the FBI. How she avoids an indictment will be very amusing, if it is at all possible.
Because who even thinks about the other two people right now? Honestly I had no idea that Powell and Rice used private email when they were SoS UNTIL the Hillary email scandal broke. Now that I DO know, I say if there was any classified information in those emails, fry their asses too.

I believe probably most people didn't know.

You desperately need to inform yourself.
So if anyone follows along easyt65 poster, soon millions will turn themselves in for prosecution with basis in laws and rules that no one enforces. Mostly, the liberals will likely point that doing so, probably carries religion a bit too far. Conservatives will commence cutting off the various body parts, for whatever rule, whatever deity, required that to happen, forthwith.

State Department acknowledges rule enforcement inconsistency, if any.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Smoke in air not hacking matter(?), in new rules world(?)!
Millions aren't under investigation for breaking the law - Hillary is. The State Department just declared Hillary Broke the Law. The Liberals response, after declaring for months that she never broke a rule / law? "Everybody does it, so it's ok."


You lie. It said she did not follow policy. They never broached the breaking the law issue. Cause she didn't.
I know it is hard to follow, but try...

The Rules were put into place to ensure people did not break the law. Hillary broke the rules, and - by breaking the rules - she broke the law. As I pointed out, they were very careful not to use the words 'she broke the law', requiring you to actually have to THINK. They even avoid saying she broke the law by having classified information in her possession but did point out that 'at the very least she was required to (by law) / should have turned over all of her State Dept-related e-mails, which they also point out she did NOT do.

Again, the State Department specifically did not use the words 'she broke the law' because they knew unless they did so libs like you were not capable of thinking for yourself and coming up with the fact yourself that she did so and would continue to defend her.

So Condi, Colin, and Hillary used private servers. When are Condi and Colin going to jail? DUMB A$S!
They aren't - they didn't break the law. Hillary did...and the State Department just said so.
So if anyone follows along easyt65 poster, soon millions will turn themselves in for prosecution with basis in laws and rules that no one enforces. Mostly, the liberals will likely point that doing so, probably carries religion a bit too far. Conservatives will commence cutting off the various body parts, for whatever rule, whatever deity, required that to happen, forthwith.

State Department acknowledges rule enforcement inconsistency, if any.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Smoke in air not hacking matter(?), in new rules world(?)!
Millions aren't under investigation for breaking the law - Hillary is. The State Department just declared Hillary Broke the Law. The Liberals response, after declaring for months that she never broke a rule / law? "Everybody does it, so it's ok."


You lie. It said she did not follow policy. They never broached the breaking the law issue. Cause she didn't.
I know it is hard to follow, but try...

The Rules were put into place to ensure people did not break the law. Hillary broke the rules, and - by breaking the rules - she broke the law. As I pointed out, they were very careful not to use the words 'she broke the law', requiring you to actually have to THINK. They even avoid saying she broke the law by having classified information in her possession but did point out that 'at the very least she was required to (by law) / should have turned over all of her State Dept-related e-mails, which they also point out she did NOT do.

Again, the State Department specifically did not use the words 'she broke the law' because they knew unless they did so libs like you were not capable of thinking for yourself and coming up with the fact yourself that she did so and would continue to defend her.

So Condi, Colin, and Hillary used private servers. When are Condi and Colin going to jail? DUMB A$S!
They aren't - they didn't break the law. Hillary did...and the State Department just said so.

They did not say she broke the law.

I realize that the subtleties of language are difficult for rightwingnut internet trolls
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."
She'll get a gosh darned stern talking to, by golly!

Well most people aren't delusional like you
She is going nowhere. The poor GOP has been trying to take the Clintons down for over 20 years and they have failed. They will fail again and they will lose in November, because they will have a total Idiot as their nominee. This will go the way of Benghazi and Whitewater. Tons of money has and will be spent for nothing.
  • Clinton’s inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules
    5/25/2016, 8:15:00 PM · by NRx · 12 replies
    WaPo ^ | 05-25-2016 | THE EDITORIAL BOARD
    HILLARY CLINTON’S use of a private email server while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 has been justifiably criticized as an error of judgment. What the new report from the State Department inspector general makes clear is that it also was not a casual oversight. Ms. Clinton had plenty of warnings to use official government communications methods, so as to make sure that her records were properly preserved and to minimize cybersecurity risks. She ignored them. The 83-page report declares that “beginning in late 2005 and continuing through 2011,” the department revised its Foreign Affairs Manual and “issued various...
Millions aren't under investigation for breaking the law - Hillary is. The State Department just declared Hillary Broke the Law. The Liberals response, after declaring for months that she never broke a rule / law? "Everybody does it, so it's ok."


You lie. It said she did not follow policy. They never broached the breaking the law issue. Cause she didn't.
I know it is hard to follow, but try...

The Rules were put into place to ensure people did not break the law. Hillary broke the rules, and - by breaking the rules - she broke the law. As I pointed out, they were very careful not to use the words 'she broke the law', requiring you to actually have to THINK. They even avoid saying she broke the law by having classified information in her possession but did point out that 'at the very least she was required to (by law) / should have turned over all of her State Dept-related e-mails, which they also point out she did NOT do.

Again, the State Department specifically did not use the words 'she broke the law' because they knew unless they did so libs like you were not capable of thinking for yourself and coming up with the fact yourself that she did so and would continue to defend her.

So Condi, Colin, and Hillary used private servers. When are Condi and Colin going to jail? DUMB A$S!
They aren't - they didn't break the law. Hillary did...and the State Department just said so.

They did not say she broke the law.

I realize that the subtleties of language are difficult for rightwingnut internet trolls
Still struggling with that reading comprehension problem, I see Jill. Hang in there.
"The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronic recordkeeping systems were longstanding and that there was no precedent of someone in her position having a State Department email account until after the arrival of her successor," Fallon continued. "Contrary to the false theories advanced for some time now, the report notes that her use of personal email was known to officials within the Department during her tenure, and that there is no evidence of any successful breach of the Secretary's server."

Read more: State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
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:eek: She did the same thing everyone before her did too! THIS WILL NOT STAND! (Only for Hilary)

More protect the queen BS.

From the article, not your poor memory:

While the report concludes that the agency suffers from "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" with records that "go well beyond the tenure of any one Secretary of State,” it specifically dings Clinton for her exclusive use of private email during her four years at the agency

Read more: State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
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Having worked in the nuclear industry for a good many years, preservation of records is vital. It is vital to all industry. If what Mrs. Tuzla Clinton did was done in the private sector heads would roll. But not to worry, the establishment takes care of their own.
"The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronic recordkeeping systems were longstanding and that there was no precedent of someone in her position having a State Department email account until after the arrival of her successor," Fallon continued. "Contrary to the false theories advanced for some time now, the report notes that her use of personal email was known to officials within the Department during her tenure, and that there is no evidence of any successful breach of the Secretary's server."

Read more: State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

:eek: She did the same thing everyone before her did too! THIS WILL NOT STAND! (Only for Hilary)
Billy did it tooooooooooo!!!!

No more like everyone did it but lets hold only one person to a different standard

Keep repeating that bit of fabrication and soon you will start believing it. I just hope no one else does.
Both candidates (Trump, Hill) are terrible. I will blame it (probably slightly unfairly) on the shit legacy the baby boomers have left.
"The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronic recordkeeping systems were longstanding and that there was no precedent of someone in her position having a State Department email account until after the arrival of her successor," Fallon continued. "Contrary to the false theories advanced for some time now, the report notes that her use of personal email was known to officials within the Department during her tenure, and that there is no evidence of any successful breach of the Secretary's server."

Read more: State Dept. watchdog: Clinton violated email rules
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

:eek: She did the same thing everyone before her did too! THIS WILL NOT STAND! (Only for Hilary)

You need to keep up with the news. It has now been revealed that there were attempts to hack the illegal, hidden, unsecured Clinton server.

How many times have the Mrs. Tuzla Clinton defenders told us there was no evidence of hacking because it was not in a log? Now we know and when Glucifer spills the beans I should then have to admit to being wrong. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton should be indicted, but won't be. She is establishment and the establishment protects their own. Won't be the first time, and certainly not the first time for the Clintons.

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