Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Yes I think thats been known for a while.

I'm looking for all that hacking RW'ers said happened. All those lost States Secrets. All those secret secrets!!!

And this is the result?

You're usually fairly rationale, and I don't think we've been in a thread on this together, so I'll ask, are you under the impression that someone actually had to have gained access to her email server for there to have been a law broken?

No, but the RW has been likening this to a murder only to find out this is akin to a parking violation. It was still against the law only waaaaaaaaaaaay different

Espionage is a pretty serious crime bro.
Because they had no laws that covered this specific activity, it falls under the Espionage act. It becomes espionage because they knew they were hacked, and did not alert proper authorities. They should have reported the hack to the FBI. They instead just shut off the server and merely rebooted and hoped nothing serious was intercepted by hackers. If she wasn't doing something wrong she would have reported the incident.

You are also wrong.

Jesus Christ, you people need to educate yourselves or just shut up.

The alleged hacking has ZERO bearing on the charges of espionage. ZERO

Let's use an analogy. I'll try to stick with one syllable words so the liberals can keep up.

Let's say you are going from one office to another and have a briefcase full of classified material. Let's say you stop and have lunch. Let's say that for whatever reason you leave said briefcase at the restaraunt.

You are guilty of espionage. Whether someone opened that briefcase or not, you are guilty of espionage.

As a person who is authorized to have classified material you are charged with taking proactive steps to ensure that the material REMAINS secure.
Which floors anyone with an independent thought process.
Trump is more left than Hillary...which makes this election one of the greatest practical jokes on the American people in history.
The Republican nominee is a life long Democrat supporter.
The Democrat is a hardcore corporatist, which is against everything Democrats are supposed to be for.

Blows me away.
He lived and did business in a Democrat stronghold, needed them to do what he did. You grease the palms of the politicians for favors, that's how it works. More left that Hillary? Is that why the lefties are protesting Trump? Is that why the NRA prefers Hillary? Is that why the minorities and women prefer Trump?

Perhaps I shouldn't use the words "more left than..." - "represents left more than..." would be better.
Which is not to say something bad about Trump as much as Hillary.
Hillary is a corporatist through and through...which is polar opposite of what are traditionally Democrat concerns. the same time, Obama has been the greatest trickle down economic President in history and they voted for him too.
Every time anyone releases new information about what Hillary did, it's always something bad that she did. It seems that the dam will never stop gushing water as more and more cracks appear.

If she's as innocent as her sycophants say she is, why do we never hear about any "update" that proves her innocent?

BTW, isn't it cute how the reporter carefully phrases it as "Hillary broke rules" and not "Hillary broke laws", despite his later statements that many of them were Federal laws?


State Department audit faults Clinton on emails, says she broke records rules | Fox News

State Department audit faults Clinton on emails, says she broke records rules

Published May 25, 2016

The State Department watchdog, in an extensive and detailed report, accused Hillary Clinton of flouting federal records rules and cybersecurity guidelines with her exclusive use of personal email for government business while secretary of state.

The forthcoming inspector general audit, a copy of which was obtained Wednesday by, faults Clinton and her predecessors for poorly managing email and other computer information.

But the report singles out Clinton’s failures as more serious. The report includes numerous revelations, including that her server was at one point “attacked,” that Clinton declined to be interviewed for the audit and that Clinton never sought approval to use her personal account for government work.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said in a written statement that her political opponents “are sure to misrepresent this report for their own partisan purposes” but maintained the report shows “how consistent her email practices were with those of other Secretaries and senior officials at the State Department who also used personal email.”

But while the report said there were many examples of staff using personal accounts for official business, they could only find three cases where officials used non-department accounts “on an exclusive basis for day-to-day operations”: former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Ambassador to Kenya Jonathan Scott Gration and Clinton.

In the case of Gration, the department initiated disciplinary action against him before he resigned. The IG report said of Gration, “the Department’s response to his actions demonstrates how such usage is normally handled when Department cybersecurity officials become aware of it.”

The report noted that by the time Clinton took the helm of the department, internal guidance was “considerably more detailed and more sophisticated.”

Yet, the report said, “Secretary Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business using the personal email account on her private server extensively, as illustrated by the 55,000 pages of material making up the approximately 30,000 emails she provided to the Department in December 2014.” The report said investigators found “no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server.”

The report specifically accused Clinton of violating department policy by not giving over emails when she left office.

The report says: "Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records ... At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

The report touched on the security risks of this set-up as well, saying that in January 2011, a “non-Departmental advisor to President Clinton who provided technical support to the Clinton email system” told a department official he had to shut down the server because he thought someone was “trying to hack us.” The adviser later wrote that same day, “We were attacked again so I shut [the server] down for a few min.”

While some officials said they were unaware of the extent of Clinton’s personal email use, the report said they found evidence “that various staff and senior officials throughout the Department had discussions related to the Secretary’s use of non-Departmental systems, suggesting there was some awareness of Secretary Clinton’s practices.”

The audit comes as the FBI is thought to be nearing the final phases of its own investigation into Clinton’s email use as secretary of state.
Threads Merged.

Please check for previous threads on the topic before starting a new one.
Where lack of enforcement spans decades of administration, then what easyt65 poster fails to understand about U. S. rules: There is no law. Secretary Clinton, and President Bill, were well within the intent of the unenforced rules. They used to super-security level servers. Important emails were sent to appropriate parties where they would be preserved.

Contending that Secretary Clinton is the only person who ever did what she did becomes like racial profiling or other discrimination: The matter of selective enforcement, or something like apartheid. Clinton goes to jail, General Powell goes to the South of France, is not about lawful jurisprudence in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes save best for last, maybe knowing they were not here first!)
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:

Anyone who broke the law PERIOD
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.


"we'll sacrifice the house n*gger to burn Clinton"

and it's true too LOL
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

The Federal Records Act did not cover emails until it was amended in 2014.
Where lack of enforcement spans decades of administration, then what easyt65 poster fails to understand about U. S. rules: There is no law. Secretary Clinton, and President Bill, were well within the intent of the unenforced rules. They used to super-security level servers. Important emails were sent to appropriate parties where they would be preserved.

Contending that Secretary Clinton is the only person who ever did what she did becomes like racial profiling or other discrimination: The matter of selective enforcement, or something like apartheid. Clinton goes to jail, General Powell goes to the South of France, is not about lawful jurisprudence in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes save best for last, maybe knowing they were not here first!)
Your problem is that you are ignoring the fact that she's running for president. Other people did it too is no defense. And which ones set up their own servers?
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:

Anyone who broke the law PERIOD

Since this was a problem with all of them, how silly will it look when everyone finds out everyone else was ok but Hilary should play by different rules because....?
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:

Anyone who broke the law PERIOD

Since this was a problem with all of them, how silly will it look when everyone finds out everyone else was ok but Hilary should play by different rules because....?

It most assuredly is NOT okay if others did it.

Anyone who says otherwise is as stupid as those who say it's no big deal that HIllary did it.
Where lack of enforcement spans decades of administration, then what easyt65 poster fails to understand about U. S. rules: There is no law. Secretary Clinton, and President Bill, were well within the intent of the unenforced rules. They used to super-security level servers. Important emails were sent to appropriate parties where they would be preserved.

Contending that Secretary Clinton is the only person who ever did what she did becomes like racial profiling or other discrimination: The matter of selective enforcement, or something like apartheid. Clinton goes to jail, General Powell goes to the South of France, is not about lawful jurisprudence in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes save best for last, maybe knowing they were not here first!)
Your problem is that you are ignoring the fact that she's running for president. Other people did it too is no defense. And which ones set up their own servers?

Calling her crooked doesnt have the same ring when everyone did it, does it?
from the article:

The audit found that the non-compliance over personal email went beyond Clinton, and that former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican, also failed to preserve government-related emails when he was secretary of state.

The State Department asked Powell to try to receive relevant emails from his internet provider, but "as of May 2016 the Department has not received a response" from Powell, the audit said.

Indeed, the report's conclusion cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" in electronic record-keeping "that go well beyond the tenure of any one secretary of state."

then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:

Anyone who broke the law PERIOD

Since this was a problem with all of them, how silly will it look when everyone finds out everyone else was ok but Hilary should play by different rules because....?

It most assuredly is NOT okay if others did it.

Anyone who says otherwise is as stupid as those who say it's no big deal that HIllary did it.

But if we look at the actions. It only just became not ok when Clinton did it. Or at least people forgot to care.

Actions speak louder
then indict both Clinton and powell. Do it.

And who else? Keep going:clap2:

Anyone who broke the law PERIOD

Since this was a problem with all of them, how silly will it look when everyone finds out everyone else was ok but Hilary should play by different rules because....?

It most assuredly is NOT okay if others did it.

Anyone who says otherwise is as stupid as those who say it's no big deal that HIllary did it.

But if we look at the actions. It only just became not ok when Clinton did it. Or at least people forgot to care.

Actions speak louder

Because who even thinks about the other two people right now? Honestly I had no idea that Powell and Rice used private email when they were SoS UNTIL the Hillary email scandal broke. Now that I DO know, I say if there was any classified information in those emails, fry their asses too.

I believe probably most people didn't know.
Get your popcorn ready.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.

"At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service," says an audit by the State Department Inspector General, obtained by NBC News.

"Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."
She'll get a gosh darned stern talking to, by golly!
Did Powell set up a personal server for all his emails? Did he reclassify sensitive emails as less than classified? Face it Hillary went farther and has lied continually throughout the process. That is what politicians usually go to jail for, the lies. Certainly not presidential quality.
So if anyone follows along easyt65 poster, soon millions will turn themselves in for prosecution with basis in laws and rules that no one enforces. Mostly, the liberals will likely point that doing so, probably carries religion a bit too far. Conservatives will commence cutting off the various body parts, for whatever rule, whatever deity, required that to happen, forthwith.

State Department acknowledges rule enforcement inconsistency, if any.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Smoke in air not hacking matter(?), in new rules world(?)!
Millions aren't under investigation for breaking the law - Hillary is. The State Department just declared Hillary Broke the Law. The Liberals response, after declaring for months that she never broke a rule / law? "Everybody does it, so it's ok."


You lie. It said she did not follow policy. They never broached the breaking the law issue. Cause she didn't.
I know it is hard to follow, but try...

The Rules were put into place to ensure people did not break the law. Hillary broke the rules, and - by breaking the rules - she broke the law. As I pointed out, they were very careful not to use the words 'she broke the law', requiring you to actually have to THINK. They even avoid saying she broke the law by having classified information in her possession but did point out that 'at the very least she was required to (by law) / should have turned over all of her State Dept-related e-mails, which they also point out she did NOT do.

Again, the State Department specifically did not use the words 'she broke the law' because they knew unless they did so libs like you were not capable of thinking for yourself and coming up with the fact yourself that she did so and would continue to defend her.

So Condi, Colin, and Hillary used private servers. When are Condi and Colin going to jail? DUMB A$S!
Once the FBI recommends felony charges against Hillary she's fucking finished politically forever!
God that will be a sweet day.

I agree that the crimes she has committed are over and above the level of felonies.

I disagree that she is finished politically. Ever since I can remember, criminal wrongdoing is simply a resume ENHANCEMENT for Democrats and Progressives.

For example:

So Condi, Colin, and Hillary used private servers. When are Condi and Colin going to jail? DUMB A$S!

FLAT OUT LIE. You're a Progressive so I don't expect anything more from the likes of you.


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