Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won’t Leak Before Getting Briefed

Maybe Trump could be fitted with an explosive collar to guarantee his loyalty to America. The collar would contain all of Trump's briefings - and any violation would automatically trigger it. However, that wouldn't prevent him from writing them down and passing them along.
Maybe Trump could be fitted with an explosive collar to guarantee his loyalty to America. The collar would contain all of Trump's briefings - and any violation would automatically trigger it. Sounds good to me...

Maybe Hillary should be fitted with one, just in case she ever puts up and unsecured email server with classified documents.

Oh wait, the treasonous old twat already did.

Well, you keep lying about Trump, particularly about mishandling classified documents, no doubt that will distract America from the FACT that Hillary mishandled classified intel...

Bush leaked that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent putting her life at risk and compromising her and the CIA's work she was engaged in. Now Trump actually asks the head of state of an adversary of America to hack computers to garner US secrets to harm a political opponent of trump.

'dafuq happened to you conservatives. You have gone batshit crazy.

Trump is doing his civic duty, since obama couldn't deliver his transparent government pledge..

I call that a true patriot ....

The Law and Order candidate, breaking the law, is exactly the kind of guy I'd expect you to support.

Hillary broke protocol for her "convenience " Trump is being a fine patriotic citizen when he realized the U.S.A. has a corrupt F.B.I. , Attnorney General and realized debbie rigged The DNC to favor hillary..

Then hillary hires debbie..

When you have corruption on this level what is a fine patriot like Donald trump supposed to do?
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
Too funny, Hillary claiming she is worried about someone else leaking information. Liberals are the stupidest life forms on the earth.

What did Hillary leak? Please be specific with "credible" sources.
Comey stated that more than likely that our enemies got top secret information from her unsecured emails.
Okay, but since our enemies don't seem to be having any trouble getting information off our "secured" systems, either, quit talking about it like she committed the crime of the century.
She is a treasonous bitch, that should be hung for all to see.
She is a treasonous bitch, that should be hung for all to see.

How very Stalinist of you, to demand your political enemies be executed.

All Trump fans have started flying their Stalinist freak flags proudly. They used to hide their commie nature, but Trump has told them to be proud of it, and they've come out of the commie closet.

Of course, a few of them actually are Russian agents, as it's been confirmed the Russians use trolls on American social media and message boards.

Why are Russian trolls spreading online hoaxes in the U.S.?

None of the Hillary-hater cultists here are Russian agents, obviously, as Russian agents wouldn't be so hilariously stupid and whiny. The kooks here are just the patsies of the Russians.
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
Too funny, Hillary claiming she is worried about someone else leaking information. Liberals are the stupidest life forms on the earth.
To me both sides have serious problems here. The democrats no matter who leaked are being caught rigging or at least attempting to rig their primaries.The republicans have a problem since their nominee, apperently activly encourages a foreign country to conduct espionage. This OP rightfully puts in question the wisdom of giving higly classified information to such a candidate. You can debate if Clinton is a security risk herself but unless I'm mistaken, at best you can accuse her of carelessness, Trump said what he said delibarately. It seems a false equivalency to me. I can basicly garantee that after all the problems Clinton won't take classified material for granted, can the same be claimed of Trump after this statement?
Bush leaked that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent putting her life at risk and compromising her and the CIA's work she was engaged in. Now Trump actually asks the head of state of an adversary of America to hack computers to garner US secrets to harm a political opponent of trump.

'dafuq happened to you conservatives. You have gone batshit crazy.

Trump is doing his civic duty, since obama couldn't deliver his transparent government pledge..

I call that a true patriot ....

The Law and Order candidate, breaking the law, is exactly the kind of guy I'd expect you to support.
and that law is?

I know letting four americans die in Benghazi is against some law, and yet here you are. funny, hypocrite.

Last I looked it was illegal to hack an email account.

Last I looked the airwaves are free.

A smart phone is just basically a transitor radio.
Nobody can trust hiLIARy's guarantees!

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
LOL, as if Hillary followed security protocol.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
ROFL! Talk about a stupid policy. If there is anyone who needs to give assurances that they won't leak government secrets to the Russians, it's Hillary. John Podesta and the rest of Hillary's supporters have got to be the all time stupidest politicians ever to appear on the scene.

You Dim morons need to drop this meme that Trump is a security risk right now. All it does is remind the voters about Hillary's email scandal and what a douche bag she is.
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
ROFL! Talk about a stupid policy. If there is anyone who needs to give assurances that they won't leak government secrets to the Russians, it's Hillary. John Podesta and the rest of Hillary's supporters have got to be the all time stupidest politicians ever to appear on the scene.

You Dim morons need to drop this meme that Trump is a security risk right now. All it does is remind the voters about Hillary's email scandal and what a douche bag she is.

The Democrat Intelligentsia hasn't figured this out yet.......shhhhhhh........quiet!
Trump will soon be getting briefings from U.S. spy agencies. It might not go well.

And this article was written in May, before he decided to ask Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent. Can you imagine how these top security officials feel now?

They think Comrade Trump will hand everything over to his buddy Pooooootin.

Trump hasn't asked Russia to conduct espionage on his political opponent, douche bag. If there's anyone in this election who's a security risk, it's Hillary. You Dim morons need to quit living in this fantasy land where people are too stupid to see through your pathetic lies and charades.
Trump has at least TWO communist connections:
1. His wife.
2. Putin.
Trump will soon be getting briefings from U.S. spy agencies. It might not go well.

And this article was written in May, before he decided to ask Russian to conduct espionage on his political opponent. Can you imagine how these top security officials feel now?

They think Comrade Trump will hand everything over to his buddy Pooooootin.

Trump hasn't asked Russia to conduct espionage on his political opponent, douche bag. If there's anyone in this election who's a security risk, it's Hillary. You Dim morons need to quit living in this fantasy land where people are too stupid to see through your pathetic lies and charades.

JimH is a russophobe who has failed to get a handle on the last 25 years of history.............

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