Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won’t Leak Before Getting Briefed

Hitlery has proven she can't be trusted....

Who do you think she would give the nuke codes to if Elected?

Who ever paid the most.

Pay to play is the democrat way. Obama has been selling federal positions his whole presidency, as WikiLeaks proved.

The democrats are gangsters, criminals.
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
Too funny, Hillary claiming she is worried about someone else leaking information. Liberals are the stupidest life forms on the earth.

What did Hillary leak? Please be specific with "credible" sources.
She can't even secure her own servers. fuck face
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
Too funny, Hillary claiming she is worried about someone else leaking information. Liberals are the stupidest life forms on the earth.

What did Hillary leak? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

lol......nobody cares s0n............

But wait'll the Wikkileaks dump happens!! I just hope that when it does, Im close to an Irish bar!!!:2up::bye1::bye1:
It is compelling to think about when Assange is going to do the epic balloon drop on guess is, early October so the initial MSM fake pushback can be vetted and corrected. They'll blame this one on the Chinese but by mid-October, Trump side-by-side ad's will be blistering the public airwaves and make it real plain to everybody except the hyper-zombie partisans.:fu:

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
Too funny, Hillary claiming she is worried about someone else leaking information. Liberals are the stupidest life forms on the earth.

What did Hillary leak? Please be specific with "credible" sources.

You think Trump is a security risk when it is a proven fact that Hillary is.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of the classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

From FBI Director Comey.
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The Law and Order candidate, breaking the law, is exactly the kind of guy I'd expect you to support.

What law was broken?

I mean, Hillary broke dozens, but it turns out she isn't subject to the law.
She wasn't prosecutable. GET OVER IT and start engaging your fine mind. Trump is a loose cannon and regardless of the stupid comment he made, which he didn't mean anything by, he is not capable of running this country anywhere but into the ground. Hating Clinton doesn't mean you have to give the reins to someone who will probably start WWIII.

Hillary voted to invade Iraq when she was a Senator and approved bombing Libya and several other ME countries when she was Sec of State. Trump opposed invading Iraq. Tell me more about who will probably start WWIII.
\James Comey

But as Comey confirmed you were all lying about Clinton, I'd think he'd be the last person you want to bring up.

But then, Putin gave you all your talking points, and it's not like any of you are going to disobey.

How did DearLeaderVlad tell you to respond to that?
PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.
Of course they wouldn't ask Hillary for an "ironclad agreement" like this, no point really, she'd just break the agreement and lie about it afterwards, just like she did while she was at the State Department.

"Been there, done that"
Bush leaked that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent putting her life at risk and compromising her and the CIA's work she was engaged in. Now Trump actually asks the head of state of an adversary of America to hack computers to garner US secrets to harm a political opponent of trump.

'dafuq happened to you conservatives. You have gone batshit crazy.
Please. If the self centered she hag was worried about outting herself she wouldn't have bought giant billboards advertising her crappy lecture circuits all over the country.
Bush leaked that Valerie Plame was a CIA agent putting her life at risk and compromising her and the CIA's work she was engaged in. Now Trump actually asks the head of state of an adversary of America to hack computers to garner US secrets to harm a political opponent of trump.

'dafuq happened to you conservatives. You have gone batshit crazy.
Please. If the self centered she hag was worried about outting herself she wouldn't have bought giant billboards advertising her crappy lecture circuits all over the country.
On the bright side, those giant billboards... they turn pretty colors if you set them on fire. :)
But as Comey confirmed you were all lying about Clinton,

Uh no, you lying fuck.

During an extended exchange with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), Comey affirmed that the FBI's investigation found information marked classified on her server even after Clinton had said that she had neither sent nor received any items marked classified.

"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

Asked whether Clinton's testimony that she did not email "any classified material to anyone on my email" and "there is no classified material" was true, Comey responded, "No, there was classified material emailed."

"Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?" Gowdy asked, to which Comey answered, "She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state."

Gowdy then asked whether it was true that Clinton, as she said, returned all work-related emails to the State Department.

"No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned," Comey said.

"Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work-related emails from her personal account. Was that true?" Gowdy asked.

Read more: Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
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Look, you're a lying pile of shit, you have not even a hint of integrity.

You Khmer Rouge democrats are gutter scum.

So that's what Putin told you to say?

He needs to work on his propaganda. And get better minions.

Look, you're a lying pile of shit, you have not even a hint of integrity.

You represent the democrat party, a party of cheats, liars, and criminals. Anyone who ever trusts you for ANYTHING is a fool - you are complete scum.
Did I read the title of this thread correctly? That Hillary is concerned about Trump leaking info?? LOL Is tis for real?? Hillary who leaked all kinds of info with her email server? You can't make this shit up! This has to been an Onion article that the OP mistook for a real article, right?
\James Comey

But as Comey confirmed you were all lying about Clinton, I'd think he'd be the last person you want to bring up.

But then, Putin gave you all your talking points, and it's not like any of you are going to disobey.

How did DearLeaderVlad tell you to respond to that?


Comey said she had classified information on her server. Where did the people who supported her server get security clearances?

He said the server was likely hacked by bad guys and she did delete secret e-mails, not just personal ones as she claimed.

You're seeing a victory in that?


OMG, you're drowning in the kool-aid
Comey said she had classified information on her server.

And State confirmed that was incorrect. The only 'classified' info was publicly available material that the CIA decided to retro-classify just to show that they could. No actual classified info was leaked.

He said the server was likely hacked by bad guys

No, he never said "likely". He said "possible". Which means he had no evidence at all of such a thing, but he had to satisfy his Republican masters by spinning it a certain way.

And when called to testify before congress, he changed his tune.

Guccifer never hacked Clinton email server: FBI’s James Comey

and she did delete secret e-mails, not just personal ones as she claimed.

Again, Comey said quite the oppositee, that no deliberate deletions were done.

You're seeing a victory in that?

In that the Hillary-haters have been reduced to making up crazy stories? Yep. If that's all they have, they're truly desperate.
Comey said she had classified information on her server.

And State confirmed that was incorrect. The only 'classified' info was publicly available material that the CIA decided to retro-classify just to show that they could. No actual classified info was leaked.

He said the server was likely hacked by bad guys

No, he never said "likely". He said "possible". Which means he had no evidence at all of such a thing, but he had to satisfy his Republican masters by spinning it a certain way.

And when called to testify before congress, he changed his tune.

Guccifer never hacked Clinton email server: FBI’s James Comey

and she did delete secret e-mails, not just personal ones as she claimed.

Again, Comey said quite the oppositee, that no deliberate deletions were done.

You're seeing a victory in that?

In that the Hillary-haters have been reduced to making up crazy stories? Yep. If that's all they have, they're truly desperate.

You're a liar. You're not spinning, you're just making it up
Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won’t Leak Before Getting Briefed

I have a colander in my sink that would leak slower than Trump's mouth..
All of this because Trump said Russia should hack Hillary's email server? Are you aware that Hillary isn't a government top secret agent who is suppose to have any secrets? Unless...their was stuff on her computer that was a threat to national security. I really don't know anymore because first she says one thing and then says the opposite. It would be one thing if they were both wrong statements but if one of them is true then she is a lying bitch.

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