Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won’t Leak Before Getting Briefed

Seriously, don't you NaziCons ever have anything of value to say? I've never heard so much idiot shit from so many "poorly educated" people. Never.

Speaking of idiot shit, what do you call this?

"Trump should be fitted with an explosive dog collar."

Can you think of a better way to keep him from being a national security risk? I can't...

I can. Have him put an unsecured server in his basement and send a lot of highly classified documents to his staff.

Yeah, and no proof any of hers were leaked - but the State Department suffered its "worse hack" ever. How do you explain that? BTW, the State Department says she never sent or received any classified messages through her personal server. How do you explain that?

Easy one, the State Department lied. Here is some testimony from FBI Director Comey from CNN.

"South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy asked Comey a series of questions rooted in the former secretary of state's statements on the issue.

"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?" Gowdy asked.

"That's not true," Comey replied.

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?" Gowdy went on.

"There was classified material emailed," Comey replied.
Speaking of idiot shit, what do you call this?

"Trump should be fitted with an explosive dog collar."

Can you think of a better way to keep him from being a national security risk? I can't...

I can. Have him put an unsecured server in his basement and send a lot of highly classified documents to his staff.

Yeah, and no proof any of hers were leaked - but the State Department suffered its "worse hack" ever. How do you explain that? BTW, the State Department says she never sent or received any classified messages through her personal server. How do you explain that?

Easy one, the State Department lied. Here is some testimony from FBI Director Comey from CNN.

"South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy asked Comey a series of questions rooted in the former secretary of state's statements on the issue.

"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?" Gowdy asked.

"That's not true," Comey replied.

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?" Gowdy went on.

"There was classified material emailed," Comey replied.

State Department lied? Gee, that would be a federal crime? When will the prosecutions begin...?
Speaking of idiot shit, what do you call this?

"Trump should be fitted with an explosive dog collar."

Can you think of a better way to keep him from being a national security risk? I can't...

I can. Have him put an unsecured server in his basement and send a lot of highly classified documents to his staff.

Yeah, and no proof any of hers were leaked - but the State Department suffered its "worse hack" ever. How do you explain that? BTW, the State Department says she never sent or received any classified messages through her personal server. How do you explain that?

Easy one, the State Department lied. Here is some testimony from FBI Director Comey from CNN.

"South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy asked Comey a series of questions rooted in the former secretary of state's statements on the issue.

"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?" Gowdy asked.

"That's not true," Comey replied.

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?" Gowdy went on.

"There was classified material emailed," Comey replied.

State Department lied? Gee, that would be a federal crime? When will the prosecutions begin...?

Since when does any of Hillary's sheep care about a lie?
Seriously, don't you NaziCons ever have anything of value to say? I've never heard so much idiot shit from so many "poorly educated" people. Never.

Speaking of idiot shit, what do you call this?

"Trump should be fitted with an explosive dog collar."

Can you think of a better way to keep him from being a national security risk? I can't...

I can. Have him put an unsecured server in his basement and send a lot of highly classified documents to his staff.

Yeah, and no proof any of hers were leaked - but the State Department suffered its "worse hack" ever. How do you explain that? BTW, the State Department says she never sent or received any classified messages through her personal server. How do you explain that?

Easy one, the State Department lied. Here is some testimony from FBI Director Comey from CNN.

"South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy asked Comey a series of questions rooted in the former secretary of state's statements on the issue.

"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?" Gowdy asked.

"That's not true," Comey replied.

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?" Gowdy went on.

"There was classified material emailed," Comey replied.

So FBI Director Comey is funny. Only to a LWNJ.
The Law and Order candidate, breaking the law, is exactly the kind of guy I'd expect you to support.

What law was broken?

I mean, Hillary broke dozens, but it turns out she isn't subject to the law.
She wasn't prosecutable. GET OVER IT and start engaging your fine mind. Trump is a loose cannon and regardless of the stupid comment he made, which he didn't mean anything by, he is not capable of running this country anywhere but into the ground. Hating Clinton doesn't mean you have to give the reins to someone who will probably start WWIII.
I'm never getting over it. bubba. she is a criminal, and responsible for four deaths in Benghazi.
Don't forget the 241 US soldiers she allowed to die in Beirut!
She won't take responsibility for them either!

Are you referring to the US Marines that were on a Peace keeping mission in Lebanon? It would have been rather difficult to rescue them after the truck bomb went off. The attack on the Benghazi Consulate went on for 8 or 9 hours and no attempt was made to rescue them.
Well, she clearly put them in harms way without sufficient protection.
Either they shouldn't have been there or they should have had appropriate security.
Trump's mouth would be a constant security leak.
What law was broken?

I mean, Hillary broke dozens, but it turns out she isn't subject to the law.
She wasn't prosecutable. GET OVER IT and start engaging your fine mind. Trump is a loose cannon and regardless of the stupid comment he made, which he didn't mean anything by, he is not capable of running this country anywhere but into the ground. Hating Clinton doesn't mean you have to give the reins to someone who will probably start WWIII.
I'm never getting over it. bubba. she is a criminal, and responsible for four deaths in Benghazi.
Don't forget the 241 US soldiers she allowed to die in Beirut!
She won't take responsibility for them either!

Are you referring to the US Marines that were on a Peace keeping mission in Lebanon? It would have been rather difficult to rescue them after the truck bomb went off. The attack on the Benghazi Consulate went on for 8 or 9 hours and no attempt was made to rescue them.
The 241 Marines lost in Lebanon were lost when Reagan was president, Clinton was not Reagan's secretary of state.
But, still, it must have been her fault.
Someone should hold an enquiry...hell...why not twenty enquiries?!!!
Trump supported invading Iraq and Libya.

Is that on the talking points from DailyKOS, tacked to your colon wall for easy viewing?

My experience is that less than 5% of what you Communists claim turns out to be true, so I will take your claim with a ton of salt.

I do know as a fact that Hillary voted for the Iraq war.
Coming from the campaign for the woman who used an illegal, Un-Authorized, Un-encrypted server...illegally used un-authorized, un-encrypted devices...allowed multiple persons without the required security clearances to have access to, transport, maintain, and store her server...who compromised our nation's national security by allowing foreign nations / un-authorized persons to hack her server and collect information the WH called 'so secret it can not be released in any way or it would cause grave danger to our national security'...who broke multiple laws by refusing to turn over all State Dept-related documents...this is the funniest damn I have heard in at least a week!

The fact that Hillary believes she has any room / right to lecture anyone else on protecting secure information while Assange is leaking her shit to the world only proves she really was brain damaged when she took that fall!

Comey testifies Clinton email claims ‘not true’ at heated Hill hearing | Fox News
"In a stinging assessment of her email practices as secretary of state, Comey rebuked Clinton and her aides for being "extremely careless" in their handling of classified information and contradicted many of the defenses and explanations she's put forward for months."

"Comey indeed said there is a question over whether Clinton was “sophisticated enough” to know at the time what a particular classified marking signified.

-- Comey suggests Hillary is not 'sophisticated enough - too stupid - to understand the process or importance of classified markings)...Yet Hillary wants to give advice on the subject or suggest demands / conditions be placed on anyone else!? :p
Don't forget the 241 US soldiers she allowed to die in Beirut!
She won't take responsibility for them either!

Da Comrade, when Reagan (we HATES HIM precious) found that Soldiers were in trouble, he spent 7 hours trying to find a way to blame the attacks on an Internet Video and didn't send any help, despite the fact people were dying due to his refusal to act.

Oh wait, that was Hillary in Benghazi - you're just lying about Reagan because you're a Communist, and lying is what defines you. :thup:
Are you referring to the 241 marines Reagan lost in Lebanon? If so, I don't think that will stick yet too many people remember what happened. Try it again in a few months.

We do remember, which is why lies now mean so little from you.
Trump supported invading Iraq and Libya.

Is that on the talking points from DailyKOS, tacked to your colon wall for easy viewing?

My experience is that less than 5% of what you Communists claim turns out to be true, so I will take your claim with a ton of salt.

I do know as a fact that Hillary voted for the Iraq war.
and she is responsible for four americans being brutally murdered in Benghazi.
What law was broken?

I mean, Hillary broke dozens, but it turns out she isn't subject to the law.
She wasn't prosecutable. GET OVER IT and start engaging your fine mind. Trump is a loose cannon and regardless of the stupid comment he made, which he didn't mean anything by, he is not capable of running this country anywhere but into the ground. Hating Clinton doesn't mean you have to give the reins to someone who will probably start WWIII.
I'm never getting over it. bubba. she is a criminal, and responsible for four deaths in Benghazi.
Don't forget the 241 US soldiers she allowed to die in Beirut!
She won't take responsibility for them either!

Are you referring to the US Marines that were on a Peace keeping mission in Lebanon? It would have been rather difficult to rescue them after the truck bomb went off. The attack on the Benghazi Consulate went on for 8 or 9 hours and no attempt was made to rescue them.
Well, she clearly put them in harms way without sufficient protection.
Either they shouldn't have been there or they should have had appropriate security.
and on her.
Why are we worried about Trump revealing information? We already have a candidate that is, as the FBI Director said, "extremely careless" when handling classified information.
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.
PIAPS already flunked that test.
Trump supported invading Iraq and Libya.

Is that on the talking points from DailyKOS, tacked to your colon wall for easy viewing?

My experience is that less than 5% of what you Communists claim turns out to be true, so I will take your claim with a ton of salt.

I do know as a fact that Hillary voted for the Iraq war.
You're not going to believe anything that doesn't match your programming anyway so...**meh**.
Trump supported invading Iraq and Libya.

Is that on the talking points from DailyKOS, tacked to your colon wall for easy viewing?

My experience is that less than 5% of what you Communists claim turns out to be true, so I will take your claim with a ton of salt.

I do know as a fact that Hillary voted for the Iraq war.
and she is responsible for four americans being brutally murdered in Benghazi.
Yeah, someone should investigate what happened there.
Big talk from a woman who was proven to have perjured herself, broke several laws, endangered our national security, and who should be in jail right now.
“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny.”

PHILADELPHIA ― The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign urged U.S. intelligence agencies on Wednesday to get an ironclad agreement from Donald Trump that he would not leak information to the Russians before providing him with presidential candidate briefings.

“I think it’s an issue that … Jim Clapper’s going to have to come to grips with,” John Podesta said in an interview with The Huffington Post, referring to the director of national intelligence. “And I think they’ll have to find a way to negotiate with him and with his campaign to get … more than assurances ― sort of some proof that they can be able to hold on to that information.”

Speaking from the site of the convention, Podesta’s remarks underscored the extent to which the event unfolding behind him had become upended by the latest controversial remarks from the other side of the ledger. Earlier that morning, Trump had encouraged Russian agencies to try to hack and leak information on Clinton’s emails, following a hack these same agencies apparently executed on the Democratic National Committee.

“This isn’t a normal political story, and it’s not funny ... And for Donald Trump to suggest that a foreign power should hack the candidate of the opposing power is beyond outrageous. I think it is really disqualifying,” Podesta said.

“I don’t know how the DNI assures himself that information that is being passed on to him is going to be secure,” he added.

More: Clinton Campaign: Trump Needs To Guarantee He Won't Leak Before Getting Briefed

How could anyone trust a "guarantee" from Trump? He has repeatedly proven that he can't be trusted - in business and politics. I think it's a major national security risk to brief him on classified intelligence.


Democrats are telling someone not to leak information!!

I would say "don't throw stones...", but the Democrats house is already busted!!

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