Clinton issues warning about social media in elections: We owe it to our democracy to get this right

Unwanted visual. Cut that shit out.

Oh, but all they have is their hate to keep them warm. They've been hating on this woman for 25 years.

I think it has to do with misogyny. She has a vagina and an opinion? How dare she.

Then again, you have a bunch of people all upset that the new Star Wars have female heroes, or the next Doctor Who is going to be a woman.
Wow, I get to use this again...:)

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You're 2a is not only under attack, but also 1a. She is repeating a similar comment made by Soros in Europe. The last thing fascist, socialists want is for citizens to speak to one another in mass numbers, it absolutely destroys their anti-American lies and global, socialist agenda.

Again, I beseech you guys. Contact FB and Twitter tell them to not over reach or silence citizens. If she had won, Twitter would probably have been Nationaised by now

Clinton issues warning about role of social media in elections: 'We owe it to our democracy to get this right'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday warned that everyone should care about the role of social media in elections ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, after a Trump campaign staffer touted the success of Trump’s digital marketing on social media.

“We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process,” Clinton tweeted Monday night. “Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.” can tell she is still in lots of pain, man did trump freight train her or what
She is just a mouthpiece for the power she represents in Washington.
Correction: She WAS a mouthpiece for the powers that be in Washington now she's become rather radioactive and is struggling to remain relevant.

Social media is undermining their ability to control the American public.
Methinks you should look again, Social Media is an almost perfect platform to maintain and increase that control, rather than connecting people to one another more often than not it accomplishes the opposite while at the same time allowing the miscreants in power to disseminate propaganda at a speed and breadth that Goebbels could only dream of.

Why do you think President Twitter and all the other hobgoblins in politics are so in love with these platforms? Remember that the PRODUCT Social Media Companies sell isn't application functionality it's the personal information of their users and they'll sell it to anybody that can pay their price.
I don't disagree with you about the power of social media especially when the powers are unified. But we need to recognize that there are many competing interests vying for control in Washington and Hillary represents only a portion of them. And she is still on their payroll and very much a player in the direction this country takes. Even if only indirectly.
Notice how no polititions will be seen with her? Honestly, Hillary losing was the best thing that happened to the DNC. I don’t think it stops with Hillary. Pelosi, he’ll Feinstein! And I think the Kristan Gilibrand has been put on notice to shut up and stay off the news. The DNC is changing, old guard being bushed out and replaced. Hopefully for the better.

What's a "politition"?

I don't think either party is changing, that's the problem. They are both just wondering how to best take advantage of the mistake called Trump our system made.

More like a spanking.
Unwanted visual. Cut that shit out.

Oh, but all they have is their hate to keep them warm. They've been hating on this woman for 25 years.

I think it has to do with misogyny. She has a vagina and an opinion? How dare she.

Then again, you have a bunch of people all upset that the new Star Wars have female heroes, or the next Doctor Who is going to be a woman.

Hillary loves her rapists and pedophilles.. and Democrats love and vote for her, it's kismet...:laugh:

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She is just a mouthpiece for the power she represents in Washington.

Social media is undermining their ability to control the American public.

Correct ... It's always been about who controls the dialog.

The election is over, the Duchess of Whitewater lost, continuing to act as a defender her at all costs apparatchik isn't going to change things, so you can go ahead and pull your tongue out of her asshole now.

Okay, guy, it seems like you are the one who is still obsessed with Hillary.
Uh-Uh, that's why I find the need to defend her whenever there is even a hint that her integrity is being called in question simply irresistible. :rolleyes:

One thing is for sure, no one should ever accuse you of being excessively self aware.

It's like you guys were so misogynistic, that you wrecked the country by electing (not really) Trump,
LOL, You had more to do with electing Trump than I did, I didn't support or vote for the prick and you in your incredible arrogance, played your part in making sure he had the weakest opponent you could find to run against him.

So if you want to blame somebody for the rise of President Twitter, just look in the mirror.

You reap what you sow......
You're 2a is not only under attack, but also 1a. She is repeating a similar comment made by Soros in Europe. The last thing fascist, socialists want is for citizens to speak to one another in mass numbers, it absolutely destroys their anti-American lies and global, socialist agenda.

Again, I beseech you guys. Contact FB and Twitter tell them to not over reach or silence citizens. If she had won, Twitter would probably have been Nationaised by now

Clinton issues warning about role of social media in elections: 'We owe it to our democracy to get this right'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday warned that everyone should care about the role of social media in elections ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, after a Trump campaign staffer touted the success of Trump’s digital marketing on social media.

“We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process,” Clinton tweeted Monday night. “Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.” can tell she is still in lots of pain, man did trump freight train her or what
She is just a mouthpiece for the power she represents in Washington.
Correction: She WAS a mouthpiece for the powers that be in Washington now she's become rather radioactive and is struggling to remain relevant.

Social media is undermining their ability to control the American public.
Methinks you should look again, Social Media is an almost perfect platform to maintain and increase that control, rather than connecting people to one another more often than not it accomplishes the opposite while at the same time allowing the miscreants in power to disseminate propaganda at a speed and breadth that Goebbels could only dream of.

Why do you think President Twitter and all the other hobgoblins in politics are so in love with these platforms? Remember that the PRODUCT Social Media Companies sell isn't application functionality it's the personal information of their users and they'll sell it to anybody that can pay their price.
I don't disagree with you about the power of social media especially when the powers are unified. But we need to recognize that there are many competing interests vying for control in Washington and Hillary represents only a portion of them. And she is still on their payroll and very much a player in the direction this country takes. Even if only indirectly.

It's hard to be sure since the power brokers in Washington stopped inviting me to their secret meetings decades ago but from what I gather Hillary Clinton is no longer on the "must invite" list for the unitary inner circles of power cocktail parties.

As far as the role of social media and the concentration of power, just ask yourself why both of the Washington Crime Families are so up in arms regarding the possibility that the Russians used it to manipulate the 2016 election, it's not that they give a damn about the "fairness" of elections or the integrity of democracy, they're upset because they think the Russians might have horned in on their turf.

After all both of these tribes of miscreants have been disseminating misleading and outright false information for many decades pursuant to doing the exact same thing they're accusing the Russians of doing.
Unwanted visual. Cut that shit out.

Oh, but all they have is their hate to keep them warm. They've been hating on this woman for 25 years.

I think it has to do with misogyny. She has a vagina and an opinion? How dare she.

Then again, you have a bunch of people all upset that the new Star Wars have female heroes, or the next Doctor Who is going to be a woman.

Ah isn't that Hillary is a pathological liar and is as corrupt as the day is long...the reason we don't like her is because she has a vagina? Good to see you're still the same old joke you've always been, Joey!
You're 2a is not only under attack, but also 1a. She is repeating a similar comment made by Soros in Europe. The last thing fascist, socialists want is for citizens to speak to one another in mass numbers, it absolutely destroys their anti-American lies and global, socialist agenda.

Again, I beseech you guys. Contact FB and Twitter tell them to not over reach or silence citizens. If she had won, Twitter would probably have been Nationaised by now

Clinton issues warning about role of social media in elections: 'We owe it to our democracy to get this right'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday warned that everyone should care about the role of social media in elections ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, after a Trump campaign staffer touted the success of Trump’s digital marketing on social media.

“We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process,” Clinton tweeted Monday night. “Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.”

Democracy? Where's this democracy you're talking about? Canada? You can see it from the US, apparently, though not from where Palin lives.
After all both of these tribes of miscreants have been disseminating misleading and outright false information for many decades pursuant to doing the exact same thing they're accusing the Russians of doing.
The Russians provide a convenient target for the misdirection. Who better to blame for the failures within our society than the people who stand in the way of Washington's geopolitical aspirations.
Isn't it the responsibility of the public to inform themselves intelligently? Why is Clinton speaking to us like we cant tell the difference? Her base is at fault here not the public. I know exactly how she is tied to foreign interests and I didn't need social media to be aware of that..
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You're 2a is not only under attack, but also 1a. She is repeating a similar comment made by Soros in Europe. The last thing fascist, socialists want is for citizens to speak to one another in mass numbers, it absolutely destroys their anti-American lies and global, socialist agenda.

Again, I beseech you guys. Contact FB and Twitter tell them to not over reach or silence citizens. If she had won, Twitter would probably have been Nationaised by now

Clinton issues warning about role of social media in elections: 'We owe it to our democracy to get this right'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday warned that everyone should care about the role of social media in elections ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, after a Trump campaign staffer touted the success of Trump’s digital marketing on social media.

“We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process,” Clinton tweeted Monday night. “Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.” can tell she is still in lots of pain, man did trump freight train her or what
Rodham Roadkill

After scooping up hillary in his cowcatcher, Trump turned her pantsuit into mudflaps.
LOL, You had more to do with electing Trump than I did, I didn't support or vote for the prick and you in your incredible arrogance, played your part in making sure he had the weakest opponent you could find to run against him.

Wrong again. I voted in the GOP Primary and voted for Kasich.

So if you want to blame somebody for the rise of President Twitter, just look in the mirror.

You reap what you sow......

I bet you blame rape victims for dressing like tramps...

No need to answer.
Ah isn't that Hillary is a pathological liar and is as corrupt as the day is long...the reason we don't like her is because she has a vagina? Good to see you're still the same old joke you've always been, Joey!

You spent 100's of millions of dollars trying to convict her of something over the last 25 years.

If she was that corrupt, where are the indictments?
Ah isn't that Hillary is a pathological liar and is as corrupt as the day is long...the reason we don't like her is because she has a vagina? Good to see you're still the same old joke you've always been, Joey!

You spent 100's of millions of dollars trying to convict her of something over the last 25 years.

If she was that corrupt, where are the indictments?

So let's see...I suppose you think Hillary really DID figure out futures trading from an article she read in the paper and that she DIDN'T use insider trading information to make a huge profit on cattle futures?

Where ARE the indictments? Why are there rules for everyone else...but not for the Clinton's?
Where has Hillary been?
Obama raped the constitution for 8 years.
Democrats are a threat to our democracy.
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So let's see...I suppose you think Hillary really DID figure out futures trading from an article she read in the paper and that she DIDN'T use insider trading information to make a huge profit on cattle futures?

again, Ken Starr investigated that, and couldn't prove otherwise.

Where ARE the indictments? Why are there rules for everyone else...but not for the Clinton's?

Because everyone else didn't get a 70 Million dollar panty-sniffing investigation into every aspect of their lives that came up with nothing.

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