Clinton issues warning about social media in elections: We owe it to our democracy to get this right

As for who "won" because Hillary lost? I'd like to think that we all won, Joey. Hillary Clinton would have been a disaster as President. She's a unique combination of ineptitude and corruption.

Oh, and by the way...Ken Starr NEVER investigated Hillary Clinton for insider trading. There was NEVER a government investigation into Clinton's futures trading.

Statisticians at Auburn University studied the trades however and found that the odds of a return that large in that amount of time to be 1 in 31 trillion!
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The economy is in great shape right now...only an economic simpleton like yourself would think a market correction says otherwise! Here's a hint for you, Sparky...when the Fed keeps raising interest's a sure sign that the economy is doing well.

They just downgraded GDP growth for last quarter. Hey, remember when you guys said GDP Growth of less than 3% was abject failure when it was the black guy?

Mitt Romney saved as many jobs as he caused to be lost. People like him weren't taking over healthy companies...they were reorganizing sick ones that were on the way out if they weren't restructured. You're as clueless about that as you are about the stock market!

Except those companies were just fine when Bain took them over and Bain looted them.

The worst thing anyone in the working world can hear is "A venture capital company just took over our company." It's Never, ever a good thing.
The economy is in great shape right now...only an economic simpleton like yourself would think a market correction says otherwise! Here's a hint for you, Sparky...when the Fed keeps raising interest's a sure sign that the economy is doing well.

They just downgraded GDP growth for last quarter. Hey, remember when you guys said GDP Growth of less than 3% was abject failure when it was the black guy?

Mitt Romney saved as many jobs as he caused to be lost. People like him weren't taking over healthy companies...they were reorganizing sick ones that were on the way out if they weren't restructured. You're as clueless about that as you are about the stock market!

Except those companies were just fine when Bain took them over and Bain looted them.

The worst thing anyone in the working world can hear is "A venture capital company just took over our company." It's Never, ever a good thing.

Most of those companies were anything BUT "fine" when Bain took them over! You're as ignorant about business as you are about economics.
Most of those companies were anything BUT "fine" when Bain took them over! You're as ignorant about business as you are about economics.

AmPad had been around for 100 years before Bain came in and looted it.

GS Steel had a long history.

I could repost a bunch of articles that detailed how Bain used these companies as personal piggy bank and then left lending institutions holding the bags on them when they pulled out.

How Mitt Romney made his huge fortune - Boston Globe expose

In 1992, Bain Capital acquired American Pad & Paper, or Ampad, from Mead Corp., embarking on a ''roll-up strategy'' in which a firm buys up similar companies in the same industry in order to expand revenues and cut costs.

Through Ampad, Bain bought several other office supply makers, borrowing heavily each time. By 1999, Ampad's debt reached nearly $400 million, up from $11 million in 1993, according to government filings.

Sales grew, too - for a while. But by the late 1990s, foreign competition and increased buying power by superstores like Bain-funded Staples sliced Ampad's revenues.

The result: Ampad couldn't pay its debts and plunged into bankruptcy. Workers lost jobs and stockholders were left with worthless shares.

Bain Capital, however, made money - and lots of it. The firm put just $5 million into the deal, but realized big returns in short order. In 1995, several months after shuttering a plant in Indiana and firing roughly 200 workers, Bain Capital borrowed more money to have Ampad buy yet another company, and pay Bain and its investors more than $60 million - in addition to fees for arranging the deal.

Wow, that sounds a lot worse than just making six figures on cattle futures, somehow.

But it's okay, Romney had a dick. Or he was a dick. And a Mormon, but I repeat myself.
Most of those companies were anything BUT "fine" when Bain took them over! You're as ignorant about business as you are about economics.

AmPad had been around for 100 years before Bain came in and looted it.

GS Steel had a long history.

I could repost a bunch of articles that detailed how Bain used these companies as personal piggy bank and then left lending institutions holding the bags on them when they pulled out.

How Mitt Romney made his huge fortune - Boston Globe expose

In 1992, Bain Capital acquired American Pad & Paper, or Ampad, from Mead Corp., embarking on a ''roll-up strategy'' in which a firm buys up similar companies in the same industry in order to expand revenues and cut costs.

Through Ampad, Bain bought several other office supply makers, borrowing heavily each time. By 1999, Ampad's debt reached nearly $400 million, up from $11 million in 1993, according to government filings.

Sales grew, too - for a while. But by the late 1990s, foreign competition and increased buying power by superstores like Bain-funded Staples sliced Ampad's revenues.

The result: Ampad couldn't pay its debts and plunged into bankruptcy. Workers lost jobs and stockholders were left with worthless shares.

Bain Capital, however, made money - and lots of it. The firm put just $5 million into the deal, but realized big returns in short order. In 1995, several months after shuttering a plant in Indiana and firing roughly 200 workers, Bain Capital borrowed more money to have Ampad buy yet another company, and pay Bain and its investors more than $60 million - in addition to fees for arranging the deal.

Wow, that sounds a lot worse than just making six figures on cattle futures, somehow.

But it's okay, Romney had a dick. Or he was a dick. And a Mormon, but I repeat myself.

So your "excuse" for what Hillary did...which was a blatant example of insider that Mitt Romney's company made money buying a company which then bought another company? Did anything that Bain do in any way break the law? No. You're just another liberal who thinks any time a company makes a profit...they must have done something wrong...but look the other way while your liberal leaders like Hillary Clinton take advantage of their positions of power to cash in with pay for play...or insider trading deals!

Hillary Clinton may not HAVE a "dick" but she's still a dick! An arrogant, entitled dick! Repeat that...
So your "excuse" for what Hillary did...which was a blatant example of insider that Mitt Romney's company made money buying a company which then bought another company? Did anything that Bain do in any way break the law? No.

No, and Hillary didn't either. That's my point.

What Romney did do, however, is put thousands of people out of good paying jobs, and guys like Joe Soptic lost their insurance when their families needed it.

You're just another liberal who thinks any time a company makes a profit...they must have done something wrong...

Guy, I've worked in the private sector for the last 26 years. "Wrong" doesn't begin to describe the assclownery that goes on in private enterprise.

but look the other way while your liberal leaders like Hillary Clinton take advantage of their positions of power to cash in with pay for play...or insider trading deals!

Except- one more time.

You've been accusing her of this sort of thing for 25 years.

You've spent hundreds of millions of dollars (more than the Clintons made personally) investigating them for these sorts of things.

And you've come up with... nothing. Oh, wait. Bill lied about getting a blow job!!!
Hillary Clinton may not HAVE a "dick" but she's still a dick! An arrogant, entitled dick! Repeat that...

Yes, i know, she terribly upsets you for having an vagina and an opinion. We get that.

Still waiting for you to tell me who got hurt by her cattle investment. Other than the cows, that is. It must have sucked to be one of the cows.

Watch out for social media SHE SAYS...She always has to sound so arrogant, so demanding, and so eerily menacing. SHE is not a D, She is a CUN...
Why no warnings about Politicians like her buying Propaganda from Putin and the dangers of giving a Dossier of Lies to friends in the FBI so you can spy on your rival?

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