Clinton issues warning about social media in elections: We owe it to our democracy to get this right

LOL, You had more to do with electing Trump than I did, I didn't support or vote for the prick and you in your incredible arrogance, played your part in making sure he had the weakest opponent you could find to run against him.

Wrong again. I voted in the GOP Primary and voted for Kasich.
Riiiiggghttt.... I must have forgotten to take that "born yesterday" sticker off my forehead again. :mad:

I bet you blame rape victims for dressing like tramps...
Yep I sure do but only in instances when they're straw men dressed like tramps.

So let's see...I suppose you think Hillary really DID figure out futures trading from an article she read in the paper and that she DIDN'T use insider trading information to make a huge profit on cattle futures?

again, Ken Starr investigated that, and couldn't prove otherwise.

Where ARE the indictments? Why are there rules for everyone else...but not for the Clinton's?

Because everyone else didn't get a 70 Million dollar panty-sniffing investigation into every aspect of their lives that came up with nothing.

So you DO think Hillary made that windfall profit in futures trading the way she claimed? From reading about how to trade futures in an article in the New York Times? Martha Stewart went to prison for doing what Clinton did. Hillary broke the caught doing so...then LIED her ass off with about as pathetic a story as you could POSSIBLY come up with to explain herself and didn't even receive a slap on the wrist.

Let me guess...I bet you also think that Hillary shelled out a couple hundred thousand dollars out of her own pocket to install and run private servers in her home in Westchester and then hid the existence of those servers from Congress as she ran a "pay for play" scheme through the State Department but was too stupid to realize that broke the law?

It's one thing to be willfully ignorant, Joey...let's be honest...R-Derp has THAT down to a science but when you attempt to defend the actions of someone like Hillary Clinton by saying she's done nothing wrong because they haven't indicted's embarrassing to watch! That doesn't prove she's not proves that we have two sets of laws in this for the rest of us and one for those who are "connected" like the Clinton's!
Where has Hillary been?
Obama raped the constitution for 8 years.
Democrats are a threat to our democracy.
According to the Radical Left, you're a nut job if you bring up Hillary for any reason whatsoever. If you look at the News broadcasting last year, CNN and the leftist cronies where 100% positive Trump had ties with Russia. Fast forward into 12 months 7 million and they blame some trolls and go after folks who spoke to someone in Russia. They are just scraping the floor trying to look for evidence. Any idiot can see a mile away how the Left has infiltrated the MSM and the FBI.
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Riiiiggghttt.... I must have forgotten to take that "born yesterday" sticker off my forehead again.

I think you forgot to take that "Idiot" sticker off.

Wow, you know that some of us realize that the GOP has become something Ike, Nixon and even Reagan wouldn't recognize, right?

Yep I sure do but only in instances when they're straw men dressed like tramps.

NOt at all. You guys let Trump get elected because you couldn't get over your misogyny.

So you DO think Hillary made that windfall profit in futures trading the way she claimed? From reading about how to trade futures in an article in the New York Times?

Meh, why not? The thing was, it was investigated, and no one found any proof of anything wrong. Most of her trades were done by a guy named James Blair, who was an expert in playing the market.

Martha Stewart went to prison for doing what Clinton did.

No, Stewart went to jail because she lied about getting insider info.

Hillary broke the caught doing so...then LIED her ass off with about as pathetic a story as you could POSSIBLY come up with to explain herself and didn't even receive a slap on the wrist.

Because there WASN'T ANY EVIDENCE. I find it amusing that you are normally okay with what the investor class does... until it's Hillary.

Let me guess...I bet you also think that Hillary shelled out a couple hundred thousand dollars out of her own pocket to install and run private servers in her home in Westchester and then hid the existence of those servers from Congress as she ran a "pay for play" scheme through the State Department but was too stupid to realize that broke the law?

One more time- Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the same thing. No one said boo, because it wasn't against the law. The real problem was that the State Department's government servers were about a decade behind current technology.

It's one thing to be willfully ignorant, Joey...let's be honest...R-Derp has THAT down to a science but when you attempt to defend the actions of someone like Hillary Clinton by saying she's done nothing wrong because they haven't indicted's embarrassing to watch! That doesn't prove she's not proves that we have two sets of laws in this for the rest of us and one for those who are "connected" like the Clinton's!

No, guy, I have a more practical view towards these things.

Nothing Hillary did got anyone killed, made anyone lose money, or really had any detrimental effect.

Meanwhile, Trump's gross incompetence has already cost lives in PR.

You clowns on the right go on and on about the Clinton's non-scandals, but Bush and Cheney get us into a war, kill hundreds of thousands of people, Haliburton makes fat profits, and you are totally okay with this.

So it's always a laugh to watch you guys preach about "morals".
Riiiiggghttt.... I must have forgotten to take that "born yesterday" sticker off my forehead again.

I think you forgot to take that "Idiot" sticker off.

Wow, you know that some of us realize that the GOP has become something Ike, Nixon and even Reagan wouldn't recognize, right?

Yep I sure do but only in instances when they're straw men dressed like tramps.

NOt at all. You guys let Trump get elected because you couldn't get over your misogyny.

So you DO think Hillary made that windfall profit in futures trading the way she claimed? From reading about how to trade futures in an article in the New York Times?

Meh, why not? The thing was, it was investigated, and no one found any proof of anything wrong. Most of her trades were done by a guy named James Blair, who was an expert in playing the market.

Martha Stewart went to prison for doing what Clinton did.

No, Stewart went to jail because she lied about getting insider info.

Hillary broke the caught doing so...then LIED her ass off with about as pathetic a story as you could POSSIBLY come up with to explain herself and didn't even receive a slap on the wrist.

Because there WASN'T ANY EVIDENCE. I find it amusing that you are normally okay with what the investor class does... until it's Hillary.

Let me guess...I bet you also think that Hillary shelled out a couple hundred thousand dollars out of her own pocket to install and run private servers in her home in Westchester and then hid the existence of those servers from Congress as she ran a "pay for play" scheme through the State Department but was too stupid to realize that broke the law?

One more time- Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the same thing. No one said boo, because it wasn't against the law. The real problem was that the State Department's government servers were about a decade behind current technology.

It's one thing to be willfully ignorant, Joey...let's be honest...R-Derp has THAT down to a science but when you attempt to defend the actions of someone like Hillary Clinton by saying she's done nothing wrong because they haven't indicted's embarrassing to watch! That doesn't prove she's not proves that we have two sets of laws in this for the rest of us and one for those who are "connected" like the Clinton's!

No, guy, I have a more practical view towards these things.

Nothing Hillary did got anyone killed, made anyone lose money, or really had any detrimental effect.

Meanwhile, Trump's gross incompetence has already cost lives in PR.

You clowns on the right go on and on about the Clinton's non-scandals, but Bush and Cheney get us into a war, kill hundreds of thousands of people, Haliburton makes fat profits, and you are totally okay with this.

So it's always a laugh to watch you guys preach about "morals".

Clinton lied about getting insider trading information just like Stewart did...her story about learning how to trade cattle futures from reading an article in the Times is so pathetically bad it borders on farce.
Clinton lied about getting insider trading information just like Stewart did...her story about learning how to trade cattle futures from reading an article in the Times is so pathetically bad it borders on farce.

Except she didn't even handle her own trades, another guy did, who made (and lost) millions doing it.

So when did, "I hired a good stockbroker" become a crime, exactly?
Hillary has no integrity. At best, only the clintonian democrats worship her.

I don't think it's a matter of "Worshiping" her. I think she was a poor candidate for a whole host of reasons. she doesn't appeal to crowds, she spends too much time pandering, she had a very hard time rationalizing her candidacy or conceptualizing her vision.

That said, she was the only alternative we had to the Orange Shitgibbon, a guy who shows every day he shouldn't be in the White House.

and the fact that more people voted for her, but this awful system put that Orange Shitgibbon in the White House because 200 years ago, some slave-owners didn't trust the people to get these things right.

Finally, I guess I get tired of people repeating the same tiresome stuff about Vince Foster and Cattle Futures and Benghazi. If her ideas are so awful, discuss why they are awful. Don't bring up some debunked garbage Ken Starr couldn't prove 20 years ago with a 70 million dollar budget.
and she owes it to the world to shut the fuck up, pack a large lunch and get the fuck out of here.
You're 2a is not only under attack, but also 1a. She is repeating a similar comment made by Soros in Europe. The last thing fascist, socialists want is for citizens to speak to one another in mass numbers, it absolutely destroys their anti-American lies and global, socialist agenda.

Again, I beseech you guys. Contact FB and Twitter tell them to not over reach or silence citizens. If she had won, Twitter would probably have been Nationaised by now

Clinton issues warning about role of social media in elections: 'We owe it to our democracy to get this right'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday warned that everyone should care about the role of social media in elections ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, after a Trump campaign staffer touted the success of Trump’s digital marketing on social media.

“We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process,” Clinton tweeted Monday night. “Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.”

Progressive governance and fundamental constitutional rights are mutually exclusive
Clinton lied about getting insider trading information just like Stewart did...her story about learning how to trade cattle futures from reading an article in the Times is so pathetically bad it borders on farce.

Except she didn't even handle her own trades, another guy did, who made (and lost) millions doing it.

So when did, "I hired a good stockbroker" become a crime, exactly?

So if your broker uses insider trading to make YOU money and you KNOW it's illegal...that's not a problem? You're the same old idiot you've always been, Joe! Here's a hint, little buddy...if Clinton really HAD just been the victim of an unscrupulous stockbroker she wouldn't have made up that pathetic story about learning how to trade futures from an article she read in The New York Times! Clinton cashed in using insider trading. She should have been charged.
What chutzpah for Secretary Clinton to talk self-righteously about "democracy."


She is the one who hurt democracy by referring to her opponent's supporters as the "deplorables."
She is the one who tried to get people-of-color votes by harping on "white privilege."
She is the one who tried to make the election a male vs. female issue.
Clinton can just
Choke on some
Chicken and Die.

When she comes out and admits that she bought Russian Propaganda from Putin to use as a reason to spy on her rival Presidential Campaign, then I might not want to stick a fork in her eye.

You're 2a is not only under attack, but also 1a. She is repeating a similar comment made by Soros in Europe. The last thing fascist, socialists want is for citizens to speak to one another in mass numbers, it absolutely destroys their anti-American lies and global, socialist agenda.

Again, I beseech you guys. Contact FB and Twitter tell them to not over reach or silence citizens. If she had won, Twitter would probably have been Nationaised by now

Clinton issues warning about role of social media in elections: 'We owe it to our democracy to get this right'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday warned that everyone should care about the role of social media in elections ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, after a Trump campaign staffer touted the success of Trump’s digital marketing on social media.

“We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process,” Clinton tweeted Monday night. “Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.”
The Clintons will never be charged with anything because of their involvement Mena Arkansas Cocaine ring, and gun running operation with the Contras, FBI, DOJ, and DEA.

Clinton lied about getting insider trading information just like Stewart did...her story about learning how to trade cattle futures from reading an article in the Times is so pathetically bad it borders on farce.

Except she didn't even handle her own trades, another guy did, who made (and lost) millions doing it.

So when did, "I hired a good stockbroker" become a crime, exactly?

So if your broker uses insider trading to make YOU money and you KNOW it's illegal...that's not a problem? You're the same old idiot you've always been, Joe! Here's a hint, little buddy...if Clinton really HAD just been the victim of an unscrupulous stockbroker she wouldn't have made up that pathetic story about learning how to trade futures from an article she read in The New York Times! Clinton cashed in using insider trading. She should have been charged.
She's a Communist NWO Globalist. If ever given the power, she will order Government to seize absolute control of the Internet. Absolute domination of the People is what the NWO is all about. Folks should never allow her to achieve such power.
and she owes it to the world to shut the fuck up, pack a large lunch and get the fuck out of here.

Yes, how dare she remind us how badly we fucked this all up.

We did fuck it up, by the way.
So if your broker uses insider trading to make YOU money and you KNOW it's illegal...that's not a problem?

Except no one proved her broker did anything illegal, either.

Here's a hint, little buddy...if Clinton really HAD just been the victim of an unscrupulous stockbroker she wouldn't have made up that pathetic story about learning how to trade futures from an article she read in The New York Times!

Or she just didn't consider it a big deal until people asked a lot of questions about her perfectly legal investment.

Again, I find it amusing how you guys are perfectly okay with all the shit that goes down on Wall Street, until Hillary did it.

She should have been charged.

Yes, how dare she not be making cookies! How dare she actually invest and make money, just like the guys were doing!

Why do i get the feeling 500 years ago, you'd be the one denouncing your outspoken female neighbors as witches?
So if your broker uses insider trading to make YOU money and you KNOW it's illegal...that's not a problem?

Except no one proved her broker did anything illegal, either.

Here's a hint, little buddy...if Clinton really HAD just been the victim of an unscrupulous stockbroker she wouldn't have made up that pathetic story about learning how to trade futures from an article she read in The New York Times!

Or she just didn't consider it a big deal until people asked a lot of questions about her perfectly legal investment.

Again, I find it amusing how you guys are perfectly okay with all the shit that goes down on Wall Street, until Hillary did it.

She should have been charged.

Yes, how dare she not be making cookies! How dare she actually invest and make money, just like the guys were doing!

Why do i get the feeling 500 years ago, you'd be the one denouncing your outspoken female neighbors as witches?
Insider trading isn't perfectly legal, you buffoon! What Clinton did was so obviously ILLEGAL it's a scandal that she was allowed to walk away from it after giving one of the more pathetic excuses I've ever heard. I'm not "OK" with the shit that goes down on Wall Street and neither should you be! When connected people like Hillary Clinton game the system using insider information it cheats everyone else that are playing by the rules. It was wrong when Martha Stewart did was wrong when Hillary did it!

Clinton's sex has nothing to do with her being guilty or not guilty. Your attempt at making it an issue simply shows how weak your defense of her is!
Insider trading isn't perfectly legal, you buffoon! What Clinton did was so obviously ILLEGAL it's a scandal that she was allowed to walk away from it after giving one of the more pathetic excuses I've ever heard.

Except again- Ken Starr looked into it along with all the other bad stuff the Clintons did and came up with... nothing.

I'm not "OK" with the shit that goes down on Wall Street and neither should you be!

Sure you are. Romney was a hundred times worse on Wall Street. People lost their jobs and their health coverage and pensions, and he and the other fat cats at Bain walked away with bags full of money. That's a lot worse than anything HIllary did. At least those guys got paid for their cows.

Clinton's sex has nothing to do with her being guilty or not guilty. Your attempt at making it an issue simply shows how weak your defense of her is!

Guy, I've been watching you guys freak out for 25 years about Mrs. Clinton. I guess you won, you only had to wreck the country to get there.

Dow is down how much now?
Insider trading isn't perfectly legal, you buffoon! What Clinton did was so obviously ILLEGAL it's a scandal that she was allowed to walk away from it after giving one of the more pathetic excuses I've ever heard.

Except again- Ken Starr looked into it along with all the other bad stuff the Clintons did and came up with... nothing.

I'm not "OK" with the shit that goes down on Wall Street and neither should you be!

Sure you are. Romney was a hundred times worse on Wall Street. People lost their jobs and their health coverage and pensions, and he and the other fat cats at Bain walked away with bags full of money. That's a lot worse than anything HIllary did. At least those guys got paid for their cows.

Clinton's sex has nothing to do with her being guilty or not guilty. Your attempt at making it an issue simply shows how weak your defense of her is!

Guy, I've been watching you guys freak out for 25 years about Mrs. Clinton. I guess you won, you only had to wreck the country to get there.

Dow is down how much now?
The economy is in great shape right now...only an economic simpleton like yourself would think a market correction says otherwise! Here's a hint for you, Sparky...when the Fed keeps raising interest's a sure sign that the economy is doing well.

Mitt Romney saved as many jobs as he caused to be lost. People like him weren't taking over healthy companies...they were reorganizing sick ones that were on the way out if they weren't restructured. You're as clueless about that as you are about the stock market!

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