Clinton leading Trump by 11 ... Fox News Poll

Trump, fully vetted no surprises to come.

hillary, under investigated by her own branch, outstanding emails floating around in the American political maelstrom., past scandals.

bernie sanders, the presumptive democrat nominee heir to her spare, floating around in the democratparty maelstom of hypersocialism.

You hang on to that silly dream as long as you can.
Trump, fully vetted no surprises to come.

hillary, under investigated by her own branch, outstanding emails floating around in the American political maelstrom., past scandals.

bernie sanders, the presumptive democrat nominee heir to her spare, floating around in the democratparty maelstom of hypersocialism.

Gowdy and his 9 Benghazi investigations didn't vette Clinton huh?

Ooooootay Buckwheat, anything you say.

Maybe what they found about your Democratic candidate has been put in the bank and will be withdrawn as an October surprise in 2016.
Gowdy and his 9 Benghazi investigations didn't vette Clinton huh?

Ooooootay Buckwheat, anything you say.
She WAS outed for being a liar. Many times over. What spin did you listen to?

Do you plan on voting for someone who's never lied?

Please tell us who that is.

Do you plan on voting for someone who ALWAYs lies?

Oh wait, you already did that didn't you, with Barry, Benito, Obama!
The only ones lying are your greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers, hater dupe. Change the channel etc...See sig for more truth than a year of Fox Rush Pubs Heritage Kochs Breitbart whatever.

I get the impression you are NOT fluent in English-) Maybe you should worry about what is going on in your hell hole corner of the world!

Of course, maybe you just do not have a firm grasp on the English language, its punctuation, and its use of nouns and conjunction with all its other nuances. In either case, you as a LIMOUSINE LIBERAL, phony-baloney offshore..........or uneducated......can't articulate English crook, should be ignored until you can make a comprehensible statement-)

Let me help am liberal, hear me roar, as America shows me the door, and I don't know enough to defeeeennnnd-)

Carry on Bosephus, hehehehehehehehehe!
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

in fact Clinton is making Donnie bark like a dog in all polls...

say goodnight Mr. T

I suspect many republicans are jumping ship since there canidate is losing badly to trump. It only proves that many republicans secretly support the Democratic Party.

They would rather lose than elect Trump, the closet liberal. NICE!

Based on your post (#27) so would you.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

in fact Clinton is making Donnie bark like a dog in all polls...

say goodnight Mr. T
Polls are for the lazy and uninformed...
If you remember in 2000 Bush 43 was so far behind AlGore in the polls that the democrats were telling GOP voters they were wasting their time going out to vote.
Polls mean a lot ot the talking heads and pundits. They mean nothing until election day.
Liberals LOVE polls. As most pollsters are biased left, and libs control the mainstream media. the function of polls has changed. Polls used to be about the news.
Now polls are taken to create the news. Garbage.
I'd be on this rant no matter the result of the Fox News poll. I pay them no attention.
Not a chance in hell Trump could win the General.
He won't get more then 20% of hispanics
He won't get woman
He won't get asians

He'll almost certainly lose more then Romney. The guy is hated.

It is all relative there Matthew. Who is hated more? I say, Hillary-)

And what will be the 1st video released to show women what a weak person Hillary actually is?

Why, this one-)

You and all the lefties enjoy!!!!!
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

in fact Clinton is making Donnie bark like a dog in all polls...

say goodnight Mr. T
Her lead is shrinking and you are saying good night to him?
Yeah, right.

the shrinking is your brain .. find some place dark and howl about Benghazi or something.
You are a well known true believer of far left wing politics. Ok. So what..
You are so programmed , you'd vote for a cockroach if it had a (D) after its name.
Trump, fully vetted no surprises to come.

hillary, under investigated by her own branch, outstanding emails floating around in the American political maelstrom., past scandals.

bernie sanders, the presumptive democrat nominee heir to her spare, floating around in the democratparty maelstom of hypersocialism.

Gowdy and his 9 Benghazi investigations didn't vette Clinton huh?

Ooooootay Buckwheat, anything you say.
No....Hill is being protected. Half the shit she told Congress was lies. The other shit she told them wasn't true
Gowdy and his 9 Benghazi investigations didn't vette Clinton huh?

Ooooootay Buckwheat, anything you say.
She WAS outed for being a liar. Many times over. What spin did you listen to?

Do you plan on voting for someone who's never lied?

Please tell us who that is.

Do you plan on voting for someone who ALWAYs lies?

Oh wait, you already did that didn't you, with Barry, Benito, Obama!
The only ones lying are your greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers, hater dupe. Change the channel etc...See sig for more truth than a year of Fox Rush Pubs Heritage Kochs Breitbart whatever.

I get the impression you are NOT fluent in English-) Maybe you should worry about what is going on in your hell hole corner of the world!

Of course, maybe you just do not have a firm grasp on the English language, its punctuation, and its use of nouns and conjunction with all its other nuances. In either case, you as a LIMOUSINE LIBERAL, phony-baloney offshore..........or uneducated......can't articulate English crook, should be ignored until you can make a comprehensible statement-)

Let me help am liberal, hear me roar, as America shows me the door, and I don't know enough to defeeeennnnd-)

Carry on Bosephus, hehehehehehehehehe!
Total dupe^^^ lol. Dems : Not a single factual lie like all you know...see sig.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

in fact Clinton is making Donnie bark like a dog in all polls...

say goodnight Mr. T

I suspect Adolf Trump will soon be on suicide watch.

He'll just shrug his shoulders and say he doesn't know and doesn't care and his loyal minions will reward him with a BJ and 5 points in a poll somewhere.
You lefties are shitting your panties because you know Trump is going to get at least 10 to 15% of the moderate democrat vote.
She WAS outed for being a liar. Many times over. What spin did you listen to?

Do you plan on voting for someone who's never lied?

Please tell us who that is.

Do you plan on voting for someone who ALWAYs lies?

Oh wait, you already did that didn't you, with Barry, Benito, Obama!
The only ones lying are your greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers, hater dupe. Change the channel etc...See sig for more truth than a year of Fox Rush Pubs Heritage Kochs Breitbart whatever.

I get the impression you are NOT fluent in English-) Maybe you should worry about what is going on in your hell hole corner of the world!

Of course, maybe you just do not have a firm grasp on the English language, its punctuation, and its use of nouns and conjunction with all its other nuances. In either case, you as a LIMOUSINE LIBERAL, phony-baloney offshore..........or uneducated......can't articulate English crook, should be ignored until you can make a comprehensible statement-)

Let me help am liberal, hear me roar, as America shows me the door, and I don't know enough to defeeeennnnd-)

Carry on Bosephus, hehehehehehehehehe!
Total dupe^^^ lol. Dems : Not a single factual lie like all you know...see sig.
Your sig?....Who fucking cares. You are nothing but a far left wing bloviating wind bag.

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