Clinton leading Trump by 11 ... Fox News Poll


I haven't thought about that. The attention trump gets seems to act more like free advertising.

I imagine Trump probably threatens a lot of law suits. The media is going bat shit crazy over Trump, kind of like they did with Barack Obama. He's definitely sucked the air out of this season, and he's more than likely cost the Republican party the election in 2016. 17% of the population (Hispanics) are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
Trump, fully vetted no surprises to come.

hillary, under investigated by her own branch, outstanding emails floating around in the American political maelstrom., past scandals.

bernie sanders, the presumptive democrat nominee heir to her spare, floating around in the democratparty maelstom of hypersocialism.

Gowdy and his 9 Benghazi investigations didn't vette Clinton huh?

Ooooootay Buckwheat, anything you say.
No....Hill is being protected. Half the shit she told Congress was lies. The other shit she told them wasn't true

REALLY? You think the GOP could PROVE that she lied, they wouldn't go after her. They can't because she didn't. Now, go away and play in the street.

Jim, you are really naïve! Why would someone PROVE someone else was illegal or incompetent, before all the money was in from YOU to get that person elected? I mean seriously, wake up!

Does that mean they have the goods on Hilly? No, not at all. I am not even going to pretend the odds are better than 50-50. But I will say that if they do, they are going to wait till the last possible moment so nobody else can take her place, and hose her!

That is called politics. Personally, I think such actions stink, but both parties are good at it, so why would you think it might not come to pass?

Bengazi & emails--are old as dirt. It's been repeatedly stated she didn't do anything illegal. Nothing is going to happen to Hillary Clinton. Because of the ring wing fanatics in the Republican party she will be the next POTUS.

Because of Trump supporters--she has already won the Presidency 17% of the population are now solidly in her column. Republicans needed 40% of that group to win the White House.
Trump, fully vetted no surprises to come.

hillary, under investigated by her own branch, outstanding emails floating around in the American political maelstrom., past scandals.

bernie sanders, the presumptive democrat nominee heir to her spare, floating around in the democratparty maelstom of hypersocialism.

Gowdy and his 9 Benghazi investigations didn't vette Clinton huh?

Ooooootay Buckwheat, anything you say.
No....Hill is being protected. Half the shit she told Congress was lies. The other shit she told them wasn't true

REALLY? You think the GOP could PROVE that she lied, they wouldn't go after her. They can't because she didn't. Now, go away and play in the street.

Jim, you are really naïve! Why would someone PROVE someone else was illegal or incompetent, before all the money was in from YOU to get that person elected? I mean seriously, wake up!

Does that mean they have the goods on Hilly? No, not at all. I am not even going to pretend the odds are better than 50-50. But I will say that if they do, they are going to wait till the last possible moment so nobody else can take her place, and hose her!

That is called politics. Personally, I think such actions stink, but both parties are good at it, so why would you think it might not come to pass?

Bengazi & emails--are old as dirt. It's been repeatedly stated she didn't do anything illegal. Nothing is going to happen to Hillary Clinton. Because of the ring wing fanatics in the Republican party she will be the next POTUS.

Because of Trump supporters--she has already won the Presidency 17% of the population are now solidly in her column. Republicans needed 40% of that group to win the White House.

You keep spouting that Bosephus, lol. If you believe what you just put forth is true, then I am sure you will sleep well tonight. No need debate with you, sleep well, until you are awakened from your lefty silliness to discover.........while your arrogant asses were sleeping because of your phony numbers, you lost!

Sleep well, and when you roll over, don't you dare pinch RIGHTWINGERS derriere. He is a taken and owned commodity-)
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

in fact Clinton is making Donnie bark like a dog in all polls...

say goodnight Mr. T

I suspect Adolf Trump will soon be on suicide watch.

He'll just shrug his shoulders and say he doesn't know and doesn't care and his loyal minions will reward him with a BJ and 5 points in a poll somewhere.
You lefties are shitting your panties because you know Trump is going to get at least 10 to 15% of the moderate democrat vote.

Trump isn't going to get jack shit. He won't even be the nominee of the party. And if he were, the majority would come out, including millions of Republicans to make sure he didn't get within 200 miles of the White House--& they would vote for Hillary Clinton to insure that.

Trump is a Democrat plant--he is nothing more than Bill Clinton's trojan horse in this race, and if you haven't figured that out yet, you must be a special needs adult. His job in this race is to get Hillary Clinton elected, and he's done a great job so far, by chasing 17% of the population (Hispanics) right into Hillary Clinton's lap.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

in fact Clinton is making Donnie bark like a dog in all polls...

say goodnight Mr. T

I suspect Adolf Trump will soon be on suicide watch.

He'll just shrug his shoulders and say he doesn't know and doesn't care and his loyal minions will reward him with a BJ and 5 points in a poll somewhere.
You lefties are shitting your panties because you know Trump is going to get at least 10 to 15% of the moderate democrat vote.

Trump isn't going to get jack shit. He won't even be the nominee of the party. And if he were, the majority would come out, including millions of Republicans to make sure he didn't get within 200 miles of the White House--& they would vote for Hillary Clinton to insure that.

Trump is a Democrat plant--he is nothing more than Bill Clinton's trojan horse in this race, and if you haven't figured that out yet, you must be a special needs adult. His job in this race is to get Hillary Clinton elected, and he's done a great job so far, by chasing 17% of the population (Hispanics) right into Hillary Clinton's lap.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants


I thought we agreed to keep that a secret until he won the nomination.
I find it somewhat telling that on the very evening of the Democrat debate, the majority of the threads on USMB are threads discussing Donald Trump. LOL!!
Trump is probably getting more air-time than the rest of the field put together, including the HildaBeast and Comrade Uncle Bernie.
But tied with Cruz and losing to Rubio....crap she only leads Carson by 2. She's in trouble
Rubio is your ONLY hope in 2016. You better hope gets the nomination. Even if he does get the nomination, there's really no reason to think he would have the upper hand.
Trump hasn't started running against hillary yet. He's taken a few swipes but hasn't gotten serious. The way hillary has lost women voters might really hurt her.

If Trump picks a popular VP like Cruz, that means well over 50% of just republicans, as of right now. That also takes away any Latino advantage. It's not looking well for the hill.
Not a chance in hell Trump could win the General.
He won't get more then 20% of hispanics
He won't get woman
He won't get asians

He'll almost certainly lose more then Romney. The guy is hated.

Democrats love identity politics.... Blacks....Asians......Gays.....Latinos. Then, Democrats shit themselves when people refer to themselves as "Americans".
Not a chance in hell Trump could win the General.
He won't get more then 20% of hispanics
He won't get woman
He won't get asians

He'll almost certainly lose more then Romney. The guy is hated.

Democrats love identity politics.... Blacks....Asians......Gays.....Latinos. Then, Democrats shit themselves when people refer to themselves as "Americans".
And most republicans love division politics – trying to turn Americans against each other for some perceived partisan gain, such as the right's hostility toward African-Americans, gay Americans, and now Muslim Americans.
Trump hasn't started running against hillary yet. He's taken a few swipes but hasn't gotten serious. The way hillary has lost women voters might really hurt her.

If Trump picks a popular VP like Cruz, that means well over 50% of just republicans, as of right now. That also takes away any Latino advantage. It's not looking well for the hill.
And Clinton hasn't started running against any republican yet.

Which is why focusing on these polls is nonsense.
Heard a man from Ireland or the UK on TV who reported on the betting going on over there. It looks like Rubio will be the GOP candidate, but Hillary will win.
And you people can never explain, in detail, exactly what you think he is doing right. Sure his bombastic immaturity and one liners is enough to win over republicans, but because he has the highest disapproval rating by far in this race among general adults across the spectrum, he is an embarrassment to the American election process. Do Trump supporters even know what all the issues he is running on? Probably not. He rarely talks about any of them beyond Muslims and immigration. Trump didn't even know what he what he was running on in his first couple of months of the election season. He had zero policy ideas to start out with.. That's pretty pathetic.

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