Clinton propaganda triggered Obama administration spying on Trump


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The title above properly sums up the situation we Americans find ourselves in---its indisputable really----the problem is what to do about it---it being completely unprecedented for one political presidential campaign to enlist the existing government in undermining the opposition campaign, and actually continuing the Sedition even after the election in an effort to overthrow the duly elected Government.

The Clinton/Obama Faction....the ones guilty of Sedition, and possibly Treason...have started out with DENIAL.

Not just with the Legal Plea of Denial, but also psychological Denial...the really dangerous kind of Denial...the one which leads the pompous and the willingly blind to believe they are merely serving the public good by doing what the Rubes and Rustics and Rednecks are too stupid to do for themselves.

But, both kinds of Denial are fading as viable defenses to more and more of the stubborn facts come out...which tend to establish...the verity of the Title to this post.

"According to the now-infamous text message sent by FBI agent Peter Strzok to his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, it was in McCabe’s office that top FBI counterintelligence officials discussed what they saw as the frightening possibility of a Trump presidency."

Was The Steele Dossier The FBI's "Insurance Policy"?


"At a high level, the DOJ and FBI were in the tank for Hillary Clinton. In July 2016, shortly before Steele’s reports started floating in, the FBI and DOJ announced that no charges would be brought against Mrs. Clinton despite damning evidence that she mishandled classified information, destroyed government files, obstructed congressional investigations, and lied to investigators. The irregularities in the Clinton-emails investigation are legion: President Obama making it clear in public statements that he did not want Clinton charged; the FBI, shortly afterwards, drafting an exoneration of Clinton months before the investigation ended and central witnesses, including Clinton herself, were interviewed; investigators failing to use the grand jury to compel the production of key evidence; the DOJ restricting FBI agents in their lines of inquiry and examination of evidence; the granting of immunity to suspects who in any other case would be pressured to plead guilty and cooperate against more-culpable suspects; the distorting of criminal statutes to avoid applying them to Clinton; the sulfurous tarmac meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Clinton shortly before Mrs. Clinton was given a peremptory interview — right before then–FBI director Comey announced that she would not be charged.

The blatant preference for Clinton over Trump smacked of politics and self-interest. Deputy FBI director McCabe’s wife had run for the Virginia state legislature as a Democrat, and her (unsuccessful) campaign was lavishly funded by groups tied to Clinton insider Terry McAuliffe. Agent Strzok told FBI lawyer Page that Trump was an “idiot” and that “Hillary should win 100 million to 0.” Page agreed that Trump was “a loathsome human.” A Clinton win would likely mean Lynch — originally raised to prominence when President Bill Clinton appointed her to a coveted U.S. attorney slot — would remain attorney general. Yates would be waiting in the wings.


The whole grand Scheme has been discovered! The Details will follow. Stock up on popcorn.

There is nothing like it in American History.

I don't want to give anyone the impression that I don't think the myriad guilty people in and out of the Obama Administration should not be given Fair Trials....I also want Speedy Trials for February would suit me....each trial should take about a day....sentencing should occur that night....and execution at dawn of the next day.

Merry Christmas.
The title above properly sums up the situation we Americans find ourselves in---its indisputable really----the problem is what to do about it---it being completely unprecedented for one political presidential campaign to enlist the existing government in undermining the opposition campaign, and actually continuing the Sedition even after the election in an effort to overthrow the duly elected Government.

The Clinton/Obama Faction....the ones guilty of Sedition, and possibly Treason...have started out with DENIAL.

Not just with the Legal Plea of Denial, but also psychological Denial...the really dangerous kind of Denial...the one which leads the pompous and the willingly blind to believe they are merely serving the public good by doing what the Rubes and Rustics and Rednecks are too stupid to do for themselves.

But, both kinds of Denial are fading as viable defenses to more and more of the stubborn facts come out...which tend to establish...the verity of the Title to this post.

"According to the now-infamous text message sent by FBI agent Peter Strzok to his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, it was in McCabe’s office that top FBI counterintelligence officials discussed what they saw as the frightening possibility of a Trump presidency."

Was The Steele Dossier The FBI's "Insurance Policy"?


"At a high level, the DOJ and FBI were in the tank for Hillary Clinton. In July 2016, shortly before Steele’s reports started floating in, the FBI and DOJ announced that no charges would be brought against Mrs. Clinton despite damning evidence that she mishandled classified information, destroyed government files, obstructed congressional investigations, and lied to investigators. The irregularities in the Clinton-emails investigation are legion: President Obama making it clear in public statements that he did not want Clinton charged; the FBI, shortly afterwards, drafting an exoneration of Clinton months before the investigation ended and central witnesses, including Clinton herself, were interviewed; investigators failing to use the grand jury to compel the production of key evidence; the DOJ restricting FBI agents in their lines of inquiry and examination of evidence; the granting of immunity to suspects who in any other case would be pressured to plead guilty and cooperate against more-culpable suspects; the distorting of criminal statutes to avoid applying them to Clinton; the sulfurous tarmac meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Clinton shortly before Mrs. Clinton was given a peremptory interview — right before then–FBI director Comey announced that she would not be charged.

The blatant preference for Clinton over Trump smacked of politics and self-interest. Deputy FBI director McCabe’s wife had run for the Virginia state legislature as a Democrat, and her (unsuccessful) campaign was lavishly funded by groups tied to Clinton insider Terry McAuliffe. Agent Strzok told FBI lawyer Page that Trump was an “idiot” and that “Hillary should win 100 million to 0.” Page agreed that Trump was “a loathsome human.” A Clinton win would likely mean Lynch — originally raised to prominence when President Bill Clinton appointed her to a coveted U.S. attorney slot — would remain attorney general. Yates would be waiting in the wings.


The whole grand Scheme has been discovered! The Details will follow. Stock up on popcorn.

There is nothing like it in American History.

I don't want to give anyone the impression that I don't think the myriad guilty people in and out of the Obama Administration should not be given Fair Trials....I also want Speedy Trials for February would suit me....each trial should take about a day....sentencing should occur that night....and execution at dawn of the next day.

Merry Christmas.

If things are going down like I believe that they are? The deep state operatives of this shadow government (that was complicit in the murder of JFK) is going to get it's comeuppance which is why you see the blowback that has been going on using the Operation Mockingbird media to demonize anything Trumpo does and covers up the sex crimes of the most disgusting kind. The takedown of NUMEROUS pedophile networks have low level operatives rolling over on those that protected them and they are in the upper echelon. The number of politicians that are not going to campaign for re-election, the pedo network in Hollyweird and the predatory nature of the business that has been revealed is part of it. The pedophile network at Disney.........this is all interrelated. This "take-down" was plotted by the white hats over a span of 20 plus years ago and Trump was selected to be the face of it. The dominoes continue to fall......the Atlanta airport shut-down, the Las Vegas shooting are all connected to this purge. So much is going to be revealed to the people that is going to be mind blowing. Deep state ops via rogue elements of the CIA and FBI, DHS and NSA are still waging war. Trump's E.O that confiscates the bank accounts of those involved in human trafficking and other nefarious money laundering activities have hidden their wealth was written this past Thursday night. The battle isn't over but the white hats are winning.....stay vigilant and be prepared for some tough sledding. Two weeks worth of food and water..........the deep staters will not go quietly.

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