Clinton Refuses to Turn Over Server and Deleted Emails


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2014
No link...being reported right now on CNN.

Good...hopefully this will ruin her chances in 2016. No doubt, the teapers will fuck this up too. Either with idiot politics or nominating a fucking canadian. Who knows, but the destruction the teapers can do to the GOP isn't over and will only get worst despite this good news.
Nah, she isn't hiding a damn thing.

Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean, refuses to turn it over

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has refused to turn her email server over to an independent third party and claims she has wiped the server clean, dealing a setback to the special investigative committee looking into the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, the probe said late Friday.

Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy said the whole House will have to decide what the next steps are in the push to pry information from Mrs. Clinton, but said she will likely have to appear and testify on her decision-making about her emails, setting up another dramatic showdown between the former first lady and her congressional critics.

Hillary Clinton wiped email server clean refuses to turn it over - Washington Times
You won't hear much about it...the story is gonna be drowned out by this crazy German terrorist.
I can just picture Hilly baby clicking on every email then clicking delete....
Meanwhile Bill is waiting for his little love muffin to come to bed....

Hillary maenwhile is still at it cackling....
Fuck them....
They will never get me...

Hehh hehh hehh.....

Bill is now laughing....
"All she needs to do is to format the hard drive"
"Should I tell her?".....

Any question as to whether Hillary will be the Democrat nominee has just been dismissed. It's hers..........if!
Anyone who would vote for that **** should be considered a traitor and about as anti-American as any Obama-voter. I still cannot understand why and reasoning human being would cast a vote in favor of such criminally evil people. Oh, wait, she's expecting the "women's vote", isn't she? Or maybe all the brain-dead lemmings who wasted their votes on Obama (twice)...

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