Clinton suggests she'd consider mandatory gun buy-backs, sparking fears of ‘confiscation’

Clinton suggests she'd consider mandatory gun buy-backs, sparking fears of ‘confiscation’

I will vote for Hillary but this looks like a pure political statement and frankly it's difficult to understand what someone on her team was thinking. Gun Buy-Back??

I own three guns and if I want to sell them I'll run an ad in the local newspaper or post them on E-Bay like all the other "Gun Nuts" do.

The fact of the matter is that I intend to give them to my favorite son-in-law.

They had a gun buy back over here about two months ago. Since then, three children were shot--two of them dead, all three were separate incidents.

Why would anybody turn in a 200, 400, 600 dollar weapon for a $25.00 McDonald's gift card is a question we all know the answer to. No questions asked, no check on the gun to see if it was used in a crime, just give us your weapons because we have this fallacy it will curb gun violence.

Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control
Every election I am told X, Y, and, Z are coming to take my guns and every election it never comes to pass. You'll have to excuse me if this time I don't hit the panic button.

Clinton suggests she'd consider mandatory gun buy-backs, sparking fears of ‘confiscation’

I will vote for Hillary but this looks like a pure political statement and frankly it's difficult to understand what someone on her team was thinking. Gun Buy-Back??

I own three guns and if I want to sell them I'll run an ad in the local newspaper or post them on E-Bay like all the other "Gun Nuts" do.

The fact of the matter is that I intend to give them to my favorite son-in-law.

They had a gun buy back over here about two months ago. Since then, three children were shot--two of them dead, all three were separate incidents.

Why would anybody turn in a 200, 400, 600 dollar weapon for a $25.00 McDonald's gift card is a question we all know the answer to. No questions asked, no check on the gun to see if it was used in a crime, just give us your weapons because we have this fallacy it will curb gun violence.

Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
Clinton suggests she'd consider mandatory gun buy-backs, sparking fears of ‘confiscation’

I will vote for Hillary but this looks like a pure political statement and frankly it's difficult to understand what someone on her team was thinking. Gun Buy-Back??

I own three guns and if I want to sell them I'll run an ad in the local newspaper or post them on E-Bay like all the other "Gun Nuts" do.

The fact of the matter is that I intend to give them to my favorite son-in-law.

They had a gun buy back over here about two months ago. Since then, three children were shot--two of them dead, all three were separate incidents.

Why would anybody turn in a 200, 400, 600 dollar weapon for a $25.00 McDonald's gift card is a question we all know the answer to. No questions asked, no check on the gun to see if it was used in a crime, just give us your weapons because we have this fallacy it will curb gun violence.

Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?
Clinton suggests she'd consider mandatory gun buy-backs, sparking fears of ‘confiscation’

I will vote for Hillary but this looks like a pure political statement and frankly it's difficult to understand what someone on her team was thinking. Gun Buy-Back??

I own three guns and if I want to sell them I'll run an ad in the local newspaper or post them on E-Bay like all the other "Gun Nuts" do.

The fact of the matter is that I intend to give them to my favorite son-in-law.

They had a gun buy back over here about two months ago. Since then, three children were shot--two of them dead, all three were separate incidents.

Why would anybody turn in a 200, 400, 600 dollar weapon for a $25.00 McDonald's gift card is a question we all know the answer to. No questions asked, no check on the gun to see if it was used in a crime, just give us your weapons because we have this fallacy it will curb gun violence.

Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works
They had a gun buy back over here about two months ago. Since then, three children were shot--two of them dead, all three were separate incidents.

Why would anybody turn in a 200, 400, 600 dollar weapon for a $25.00 McDonald's gift card is a question we all know the answer to. No questions asked, no check on the gun to see if it was used in a crime, just give us your weapons because we have this fallacy it will curb gun violence.

Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases. How is there not a way to crate a proper background check system? Before a couple of years ago a car couldn't go faster than 50 miles an hour on electricity, now you can.

What difference does it make to you? You don't even want a properly functioning background system. You guys just want to claim anyone who believes there should be at least some amount of gun control to be Nazis or akin to ISIS.
They had a gun buy back over here about two months ago. Since then, three children were shot--two of them dead, all three were separate incidents.

Why would anybody turn in a 200, 400, 600 dollar weapon for a $25.00 McDonald's gift card is a question we all know the answer to. No questions asked, no check on the gun to see if it was used in a crime, just give us your weapons because we have this fallacy it will curb gun violence.

Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works

No, it's not. it's how a totalitarian organization works. Not the same thing. If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.
Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases. How is there not a way to crate a proper background check system? Before a couple of years ago a car couldn't go faster than 50 miles an hour on electricity, now you can.

What difference does it make to you? You don't even want a properly functioning background system. You guys just want to claim anyone who believes there should be at least some amount of gun control to be Nazis or akin to ISIS.

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases

Enforce laws already on the books?

What a novel idea.
Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works

No, it's not. it's how a totalitarian organization works. Not the same thing. If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

it is the same thing

people with guns

will take away guns from the population
Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works

No, it's not. it's how a totalitarian organization works. Not the same thing. If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

Actually, you can.

Just have to do an even more in depth background check, get a special license, have a place to secure it, and agree to inspections that you are following the rules.
The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works

No, it's not. it's how a totalitarian organization works. Not the same thing. If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

Actually, you can.

Just have to do an even more in depth background check, get a special license, have a place to secure it, and agree to inspections that you are following the rules.

indeed one certainly can legally if one jumps through the proper hoops

i like it when the misinformed antis make such bold remarks

Every election I am told X, Y, and, Z are coming to take my guns and every election it never comes to pass. You'll have to excuse me if this time I don't hit the panic button.

They've fallen hook, line and sinker for the NRA message and mission. Don't shit yourself, the NRA is nothing more than a tool for the gun manufacturers in America and that's all it's ever been.
Well Ray.....don't get the idea that I'm not for some method of gun control. This country is the only one of the industrialized nations which still brags about 3 guns to the citizen while women are three times more likely to be murdered with a gun by an intimate partner or ex than by a stranger using any weapon.

That’s why it’s so important for us to get guns out of the hands of stalkers and domestic abusers – those most likely to go after their victims with deadly force.

Right now, federal law doesn't prohibit convicted abusers from owning guns. Loopholes allow stalkers, abusive ex-dating partners, and people with emergency restraining orders to legally buy and own guns – endangering the lives of their victims.

My question.....why not a few more probing questions before allowing some absolute idiot retard from getting their hands on a semi automatic rifle with a 100 round magazine capacity? Why not a 45 day waiting period. Do you really believe that will physically injure the numbnuts asshole who wants a military style weapon or make them a less capable individual when it comes to self protection against home invasion. It's dick size that promotes this feeling of superiority associated with military style weapons.....just a small penis complex. We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them. Just the cowboy in us I assume. Everybody with a little dick wants a big, fast Clint Eastwood style gun:


We are supposed to be a nation with a world leadership role and when it comes to firearms we are the least among all of them.

The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases. How is there not a way to crate a proper background check system? Before a couple of years ago a car couldn't go faster than 50 miles an hour on electricity, now you can.

What difference does it make to you? You don't even want a properly functioning background system. You guys just want to claim anyone who believes there should be at least some amount of gun control to be Nazis or akin to ISIS.

we already have a proper background check system..criminals just don't use it......if someone has a clean record they will pass any background check you can come up with....amd then they can sell or give their gun to a criminal....

I want a real system....put a tattoo on the shoulder of convicted felons....then you can check and immediately know if the buyer can buy the gun......felons will not be avle to even enter a gun store or gun show.
The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works

No, it's not. it's how a totalitarian organization works. Not the same thing. If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

Actually, you can.

Just have to do an even more in depth background check, get a special license, have a place to secure it, and agree to inspections that you are following the rules.

a multiple convicted felon was caught in New York with a fully automatic rifle.......gun grabber laws do not work...

and in Europe...with gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws...their criminals get fully automatic rifles easily.
The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases. How is there not a way to crate a proper background check system? Before a couple of years ago a car couldn't go faster than 50 miles an hour on electricity, now you can.

What difference does it make to you? You don't even want a properly functioning background system. You guys just want to claim anyone who believes there should be at least some amount of gun control to be Nazis or akin to ISIS.

we already have a proper background check system..criminals just don't use it......if someone has a clean record they will pass any background check you can come up with....amd then they can sell or give their gun to a criminal....

I want a real system....put a tattoo on the shoulder of convicted felons....then you can check and immediately know if the buyer can buy the gun......felons will not be avle to even enter a gun store or gun show. tell me what to do with the crazies? People with mental issues are more often than not major offenders. I repeat....what is wrong with a thorough cross checking examination and a 45 day waiting period?
The rest of the world has a record of committing genocide and mass murder against their unarmed yes...we are leading the world in stopping genocide and mass murder because our people are armed and genocide and mass murder never happen against a well armed populace.

Europe murdered 12 million unarmed people....Russia murdered 25 million unarmed people....china murdered 70 million unarmed people...the middle east routinely run by dictators who murder their unarmed people....Mexico...drug cartels with their Mexican government allies routinely murder thousands of unarmed Mexican citizens...the rest of latin America has a murder rate for unarmed citizens that dwarfs our murder rate....

So yes...we are leading the world in ending mass murder and genocide....even though the rest of the world is against us....

the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases. How is there not a way to crate a proper background check system? Before a couple of years ago a car couldn't go faster than 50 miles an hour on electricity, now you can.

What difference does it make to you? You don't even want a properly functioning background system. You guys just want to claim anyone who believes there should be at least some amount of gun control to be Nazis or akin to ISIS.

we already have a proper background check system..criminals just don't use it......if someone has a clean record they will pass any background check you can come up with....amd then they can sell or give their gun to a criminal....

I want a real system....put a tattoo on the shoulder of convicted felons....then you can check and immediately know if the buyer can buy the gun......felons will not be avle to even enter a gun store or gun show.

it is probably unconstitutional to require a felon to use the background system

it certainly is unconstitutional to require a felon to register a firearm
the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

ISIS doesn't start gun control policies, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.
that is how gun control works

No, it's not. it's how a totalitarian organization works. Not the same thing. If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

If you think so, well then I guess you live in one as you aren't allowed to own fully automatic weapons.

Actually, you can.

Just have to do an even more in depth background check, get a special license, have a place to secure it, and agree to inspections that you are following the rules.

a multiple convicted felon was caught in New York with a fully automatic rifle.......gun grabber laws do not work...

and in Europe...with gun confiscation and extreme gun control laws...their criminals get fully automatic rifles easily.
plus hand grenades and rpgs
Clinton suggests she'd consider mandatory gun buy-backs, sparking fears of ‘confiscation’

I will vote for Hillary but this looks like a pure political statement and frankly it's difficult to understand what someone on her team was thinking. Gun Buy-Back??

I own three guns and if I want to sell them I'll run an ad in the local newspaper or post them on E-Bay like all the other "Gun Nuts" do.

The fact of the matter is that I intend to give them to my favorite son-in-law.
You'll have to pay to conduct a background check first
the first thing isis does when it conquers a territory

is start gun control policy

Repent or die: al-Qaeda forces announce rules for Iraqi territory they now control

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

It doesn't start a gun control policy, it strips everyone outside of their ranks from owning guns. That's a tad different than banning fully automatic weapons and creating a working background check system. To say it's the same thing is ridiculous.

There is no way to create a working background check system.

Criminals get their guns by stealing them, or by using straw purchasers, people who can pass background checks who buy the guns for the criminals....thereby going around current federally mandated background checks and any future universal background check. And today, almost all first time rejections in background checks are for people who can legally own guns but get hit by a glitch in the system...

So could you explain how a background check system is supposed to work...when all evidence from the last 20 years show that it doesn't.......?

You throw people in jail who have anything to do with straw purchases. How is there not a way to crate a proper background check system? Before a couple of years ago a car couldn't go faster than 50 miles an hour on electricity, now you can.

What difference does it make to you? You don't even want a properly functioning background system. You guys just want to claim anyone who believes there should be at least some amount of gun control to be Nazis or akin to ISIS.

we already have a proper background check system..criminals just don't use it......if someone has a clean record they will pass any background check you can come up with....amd then they can sell or give their gun to a criminal....

I want a real system....put a tattoo on the shoulder of convicted felons....then you can check and immediately know if the buyer can buy the gun......felons will not be avle to even enter a gun store or gun show.

it is probably unconstitutional to require a felon to use the background system

it certainly is unconstitutional to require a felon to register a firearm
Support that last statement, please

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