Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide

Wrong again, all states have to do on HAVA is tell the feds to keep their money and they can do what they want. As for the feds have a say, it's becoming more limited all the time as they courts tell them to pound sand.

You need to re-read HAVA, amigo.

Specifically, it established minimum election administration standards for states and units of local government with responsibility for the administration of federal elections and for other purposes related to the bill. [...]

The law in general created minimum requirements for voter ID in each state, allowed states to set provisional ballot laws and gave funds to states to replace outdated voting equipment and registration systems. The law also mandated that state election authorities coordinated with agencies like the Social Security Administration and at the state level with their Departments of Transportation, Corrections and Health and Human Services to have the most accurate voter registration list possible.[2][3]
HAVA requires that either a driver's license, the last four digits of a social security number or a voter ID be required for voting.[2][3]

Help America Vote Act HAVA of 2002 - Ballotpedia

State plan and reporting[edit]
To be eligible for federal funding, states must submit a plan describing how payments will be used and distributed, provisions for voter education and poll worker training, how to adopt voting system guidelines, performance measures to determine success (including goals, timetables, responsibilities, and criteria), administrative complaint procedures, and the committee who helped develop the state plan.

HAVA mandates that all states and localities upgrade many aspects of their election procedures, including their voting machines, registration processes and poll worker training. The specifics of implementation have been left up to each state, which allows for varying interpretations of the Federal law.

Each year the state receives federal funding they must submit a report to the EAC detailing a list of expenditures, the number of and types of voting equipment obtained with the funds, and an analysis and description of the activities funded.

Help America Vote Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So the HAVA requires Voter ID, who knew. I guess the feds are engaging in voter suppression according to the left. LMAO

So you're deflecting now that I proved you wrong?

Deflection, NOT. Implementation is left to the States and they only have reporting requirements for years they receive federal funds.

HAVA, the NVRA AND the MOVE Act all mandated things of the states. You were mistaken with your original statement.

OK, if that makes you fewl betta.
Give em 20 days before election day and these lazy assed folks gonna want 20 more after Election Day.

Jesus, if you want to vote, get the hell of your ass and vote.
The Feds also determine what languages ballots have to be provided in. You can't say the Feds have no say over elections. They can and do, especially Federal Elections.
There are no federal elections; all elections are state elections.

Federal offices on the ballot...i.e. President.

At the end of the day, there are Federal election requirements that states have to follow. This is a fact.
Uhm, no.

You missed the point.

But since you are a Rightie, I expected you would miss the point.

Uhm, No.

You missed the point.
Since you are a lefty and incapable of getting the point I will try again ... Bless your poor little heart.

I have nothing against adding an additional 10 days to vote ... So let's make it "late voting" instead of "early voting".
Let's give folks another 10 days to vote after election day.

20 days for more illegals to cross the border and vote democrat.
Illegals don't vote, dumbass.
HA!!!! :cuckoo:
I'd ask for proof but.......

Barack Hussein Obama
actual proof not wishes.

Had to be illegals, normal, legal, citizens who work and live here wouldn't have put that unqualified fool in office once let alone twice. That's all the proof needed.
Illegals don't vote, dumbass.
HA!!!! :cuckoo:
I'd ask for proof but.......

Barack Hussein Obama
actual proof not wishes.

Had to be illegals, normal, legal, citizens who work and live here wouldn't have put that unqualified fool in office once let alone twice. That's all the proof needed.
you're having that dream again
Now Hildebeast is trying to pretend the GOP is trying to stop people from voting. Pathetic. She can't run on her own accomplishments - she has none. Typical strawman democrap stuff.
I'd ask for proof but.......

Barack Hussein Obama
actual proof not wishes.

Had to be illegals, normal, legal, citizens who work and live here wouldn't have put that unqualified fool in office once let alone twice. That's all the proof needed.
you're having that dream again


I'd ask for proof but.......

Barack Hussein Obama
actual proof not wishes.

Had to be illegals, normal, legal, citizens who work and live here wouldn't have put that unqualified fool in office once let alone twice. That's all the proof needed.
you're having that dream again


the facts don't need to be clever, fantasy does.
The Feds also determine what languages ballots have to be provided in. You can't say the Feds have no say over elections. They can and do, especially Federal Elections.
There are no federal elections; all elections are state elections.
Federal offices on the ballot...i.e. President.
Yes. People elected to federal office in state elections.
And, of course, the election we hold for PotUS isn't even that.
Give em 20 days before election day and these lazy assed folks gonna want 20 more after Election Day.

Jesus, if you want to vote, get the hell of your ass and vote.

for crying out loud if they can't get out at the times that are set they don't DESERVE to vote. we have absentee for the seniors and any person disabled who can't get out
Hillary is showing her true Nasty self here.
Give em 20 days before election day and these lazy assed folks gonna want 20 more after Election Day.

Jesus, if you want to vote, get the hell of your ass and vote.

for crying out loud if they can't get out at the times that are set they don't DESERVE to vote. we have absentee for the seniors and any person disabled who can't get out
Hillary is showing her true Nasty self here.

Giving people more of an opportunity to vote is nasty?
Give em 20 days before election day and these lazy assed folks gonna want 20 more after Election Day.

Jesus, if you want to vote, get the hell of your ass and vote.

for crying out loud if they can't get out at the times that are set they don't DESERVE to vote. we have absentee for the seniors and any person disabled who can't get out
Hillary is showing her true Nasty self here.

What about states that don't give time off to vote or employers that ignore those laws when they exist? Fuck them they should get another job?

Why are you so afraid of people voting?
Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide - The Washington Post

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.

Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.

The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.

Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.

“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”

Once again, Clinton acts, which will force the GOP to react.

This has been going on for quite a while, now.

Discuss. Is this a good idea, or a bad one?

Democratic candidate Clinton is talking about a 20-day early voting period NATIONALLY.
33 states and the District of Columbia allow any qualified voter to cast a ballot in person during a designated period prior to Election Day.

I think it's a good idea. I vote by mail from home, no standing in lines, no rush, no annoying signs, no traffic, and voting always fits my schedule.

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