Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

I doubt it. It's quite common for the right to call blacks parasites, lazy, dumb, etc, yet you are confused when they don't run to join your party.

Not confused at all. Most blacks don't follow politics or the news. Their parent(s) vote Democrat, their grandparents vote Democrat, so they vote Democrat and that's all they know.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter. Once those blacks finally get informed about what the Democrats actually did to them, they will turn on Democrats in a heartbeat, but I don't see that happening anytime real soon, but it will happen.
Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

Would you care to explain to us what part(s) of Hillary's platform will actually create more jobs and prosperity for the Black community? I have failed to entice the OP to explain it, perhaps you can.
Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

It's not the right wingers that are continuing to conclude you a backward and stupid lot. It is the Democratic appointed federal judges that are saying that.
I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.

There are really ONLY TWO ways that an "honest and candid" right wingers can explain why blacks tend to vote for the democrats in bigger numbers....

One, a conservative should then openly state that blacks are "naive, dumb,ignorant, etc.".....Any of you right wingers ready to make such a statement that currently you're tacitly making?

Two, if NOT the latter statement, right wingers should then admit that the democratic party may indeed have been better at addressing blacks' needs.....especially when you compare how blacks have fared in southern, ruby red states under republican administrations.
I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.

There are really ONLY TWO ways that an "honest and candid" right wingers can explain why blacks tend to vote for the democrats in bigger numbers....

One, a conservative should then openly state that blacks are "naive, dumb,ignorant, etc.".....Any of you right wingers ready to make such a statement that currently you're tacitly making?

Two, if NOT the latter statements, right wingers should then admit that the democratic party may indeed have been better at addressing blacks'needs.....especially when you compare how blacks have fared in southern, ruby red states under republican administrations.

Actually, I hate the RW.
It takes mentally retarded Liberals labeling Trump as a Right Winger to make me agree with them.
The fact is that RWers are narcissistic, avarice ridden, selfish SOBs who don't deserve to run the US.
The fact is that LWers would suck every penny from every Caucasian and hand it over to every Trespasser and Person of Color to gain a vote.
The fact is that Blacks have been dumbed down to believing that pumping ice cream is a career.

Your turn.
None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

It's not the right wingers that are continuing to conclude you a backward and stupid lot. It is the Democratic appointed federal judges that are saying that.

Before the developers and bulldozers come, a dirt clod in an empty lot where houses may have been would cry out! Spare me. That is how moronic politics today has become.
Once again, I see neither Bulldog nor the OP will address my question. That is Standard Operating Procedure for Liberals and Blacks in general.
One, a conservative should then openly state that blacks are "naive, dumb,ignorant, etc.".....Any of you right wingers ready to make such a statement that currently you're tacitly making?

A conservative knows better than to address human beings this way. That is the answer why they have been silent for so long. The liberal race card drones always drown them out.
t is shear lunacy to think that somehow Comey exonerated Hillary. What this BS needs is more time then people won't remember what they actually saw on the tube as it happened.

She had draft indictments against her in the Whitewater investigation but being the President's wife she was too big too jail. Fortunately 15 of her conspirators took the fall.

Oh, GOOD GOD.....right wing desperation is bringing up Whitewater???? REALLY ????

The poster said that there is no evidence of her being corrupt. Whitewater clearly shows it. YES, REALLY!!!!!
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.
Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

The right wing is too scared to use racial slurs. Not like Biden or Hillary. You know, super predator hillary.
Would you care to explain to us what part(s) of Hillary's platform will actually create more jobs and prosperity for the Black community? I have failed to entice the OP to explain it, perhaps you can.

You can take a horse to water.....well, you know the rest.....and in the belief that a rising tide may indeed lift all boats, here's one assessment of Clinton's economic policies...

Hillary Clinton's plans for the economy would boost growth and create millions of jobs, according to a new analysis.

Moody's Analytics estimates that if the Democratic presidential nominee's proposals are enacted, the economy would create 10.4 million jobs during her presidency, or 3.2 million more than expected......

"The upshot of our analysis is that Secretary Clinton's economic policies when taken together will result in a stronger U.S. economy under almost any scenario," Moody's writes in its report.

Moody's Analytics is an independent research group, but the lead author of the report on Clinton is Mark Zandi, who donated $2,700 to her campaign last year, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Zandi was a vocal supporter of the stimulus package President Obama deployed during the financial crisis of 2009, but he has also served as an economic adviser to former Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

The reports are based on a forecasting model similar to those used by the Federal Reserve and Congressional Budget Office.

Moody's found that several of Clinton's key policies would boost the economy: Her immigration proposal would increase the number of skilled workers in the country, more government spending on infrastructure would help business productivity, and her paid family leave proposal would bring more people into the workforce.

"Evident from her proposals is the belief that the country needs to invest more in education, infrastructure and workers, and that the well-to-do, and to a lesser degree financial institutions and businesses, should pay for it," Moody's said.
Would you care to explain to us what part(s) of Hillary's platform will actually create more jobs and prosperity for the Black community? I have failed to entice the OP to explain it, perhaps you can.

You can take a horse to water.....well, you know the rest.....and in the belief that a rising tide may indeed lift all boats, here's one assessment of Clinton's economic policies...

Hillary Clinton's plans for the economy would boost growth and create millions of jobs, according to a new analysis.

Moody's Analytics estimates that if the Democratic presidential nominee's proposals are enacted, the economy would create 10.4 million jobs during her presidency, or 3.2 million more than expected......

"The upshot of our analysis is that Secretary Clinton's economic policies when taken together will result in a stronger U.S. economy under almost any scenario," Moody's writes in its report.

Moody's Analytics is an independent research group, but the lead author of the report on Clinton is Mark Zandi, who donated $2,700 to her campaign last year, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Zandi was a vocal supporter of the stimulus package President Obama deployed during the financial crisis of 2009, but he has also served as an economic adviser to former Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

The reports are based on a forecasting model similar to those used by the Federal Reserve and Congressional Budget Office.

Moody's found that several of Clinton's key policies would boost the economy: Her immigration proposal would increase the number of skilled workers in the country, more government spending on infrastructure would help business productivity, and her paid family leave proposal would bring more people into the workforce.

"Evident from her proposals is the belief that the country needs to invest more in education, infrastructure and workers, and that the well-to-do, and to a lesser degree financial institutions and businesses, should pay for it," Moody's said.

You're a schmuck.
More Business Visas mean more unemployed Blacks.
Wall Street will be VERY happy.
Would you care to explain to us what part(s) of Hillary's platform will actually create more jobs and prosperity for the Black community? I have failed to entice the OP to explain it, perhaps you can.

You can take a horse to water.....well, you know the rest.....and in the belief that a rising tide may indeed lift all boats, here's one assessment of Clinton's economic policies...

Hillary Clinton's plans for the economy would boost growth and create millions of jobs, according to a new analysis.

Moody's Analytics estimates that if the Democratic presidential nominee's proposals are enacted, the economy would create 10.4 million jobs during her presidency, or 3.2 million more than expected......

"The upshot of our analysis is that Secretary Clinton's economic policies when taken together will result in a stronger U.S. economy under almost any scenario," Moody's writes in its report.

Moody's Analytics is an independent research group, but the lead author of the report on Clinton is Mark Zandi, who donated $2,700 to her campaign last year, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Zandi was a vocal supporter of the stimulus package President Obama deployed during the financial crisis of 2009, but he has also served as an economic adviser to former Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

The reports are based on a forecasting model similar to those used by the Federal Reserve and Congressional Budget Office.

Moody's found that several of Clinton's key policies would boost the economy: Her immigration proposal would increase the number of skilled workers in the country, more government spending on infrastructure would help business productivity, and her paid family leave proposal would bring more people into the workforce.

"Evident from her proposals is the belief that the country needs to invest more in education, infrastructure and workers, and that the well-to-do, and to a lesser degree financial institutions and businesses, should pay for it," Moody's said.

Well, I actually asked you to answer my question -- not to post a piece by a Clinton contributor. Now, go back and explain which policy(s) will actually create jobs for Blacks.
None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.
I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.

Just be a man and admit both sides suck a lot.
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.

Would you care to explain how Hillary's platform will actually create jobs for the Black community? I already know you won't.
I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.

I'm still waiting for you to answer me, Bulldog.

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