Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

Once again we have established the fact that the Liberals and the Blacks cannot defend Hillary's policies. Once again, they have had their asses handed to them.

Fine...Glad you have "established" that to make you feel better...
Now you can go back to your more important activity, like picking your nose.

Yes indeed. We proved you couldn't defend her policies right out here in public for all to see.
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.

Would you care to explain how Hillary's platform will actually create jobs for the Black community? I already know you won't.

I am not a Hilary voter so no such onus exists, AFAIC.

Care to defend your candidate Trump, though? Please start with rationalizing the economic plausibility of that wall. Lolz.
We're about to elect the most corrupt, dishonest, scandalous, deceitful, person this country has ever a landslide.

Clinton has been PORTRAYED as corrupt and dishonest, but there is a vast difference between the truth and what Republicans have been saying about her.

There is no evidence that Clinton is corrupt, and a good deal of evidence that she is just the opposite. There is also strong evidence that is one of the least deceitful people in public office today. She did not lie to the FBI about her emails. What she believed to be true, was not true. That's not lying, that's being misinformed and basing one's responses on misinformation.

The FBI interview notes showed that Hillary did not personally delete any emails, did not instruct her lawyers or her IT people to delete any emails, and trusted her legal team to comply with the freedom of information requests. Therefore, there was no basis for charges being filed against her. A lie is a deliberate attempt at deception. Hillary didn't lie. She believed that she had complied with the order given because that's what she instructed her team to comply and she believed and trusted that they had done so.
We have over 3 million Business Visas already and Blacks are making $9.00/hour.
You are a certified retard.
And please tell us EXACTLY what those jobs are...

Listen....go fuck yourself......if you actually "think" that business visas should instead go to low-skilled, unemployed blacks, then you're more screwed up than most of your already stupid ilk....

So, do your own research and don't forget the important advice I've given you...

In other words you possess zero knowledge of Business Visa abuse.
They come here for the most menial of jobs and are stripped of their Visas until they are eligible for their Green Cards after 6 years.
They are then fired and released into the work place to replace the Blacks at Home Depot, Walmart, Dunkin' Donuts and various other low wage jobs.

The fact that such a knowledge base as yourself could not answer a simple question exposes you for the chump you are.
I am sure you're happy to know that both Liberals and Neo-Cons have EXACTLY the same Economic Plan via the introduction of nearly 2,000,000 Business Visas a year.
You're a tool, and not a very knowledgeable one at that.
We have over 3 million Business Visas already and Blacks are making $9.00/hour.
You are a certified retard.
And please tell us EXACTLY what those jobs are...

Listen....go fuck yourself......if you actually "think" that business visas should instead go to low-skilled, unemployed blacks, then you're more screwed up than most of your already stupid ilk....

So, do your own research and don't forget the important advice I've given you...

I forgot...
Ad lose.
OK Mr. Bulldog and Mr. OP. Since you have thrown in the towel and made no attempt to explain yourselves as to how Hillary's policies will benefit the Black community, I will ask one little thing of the both of you.

Should the Black community overwhelmingly vote for Hillary and she is elected: If her policies result in a further increase in the unemployment rate of Black males, will you agree to not come on USMB continuing to play the "Black Victim's Card"? Would you at least agree then that your victimhood resulted in your own voting again for a Democrat and especially for Hillary since you claim to already know what her proposed policies are? In other words, STFU since you will have asked for it yourselves.

You're such a funny little teabagger.
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.

Would you care to explain how Hillary's platform will actually create jobs for the Black community? I already know you won't.

I am not a Hilary voter so no such onus exists, AFAIC.

Care to defend your candidate Trump, though? Please start with rationalizing the economic plausibility of that wall. Lolz.

Certainly. If nothing else the wall and an enforcement of our immigration laws will aid in stemming the flow of illegal drugs and human trafficking into this nation as well as the influx of illegal immigration. Are you too stupid to see that? Illegal drugs are a major cost to this nation in terms of treating addiction and the loss of lives and property caused by the drug trade.
OK Mr. Bulldog and Mr. OP. Since you have thrown in the towel and made no attempt to explain yourselves as to how Hillary's policies will benefit the Black community, I will ask one little thing of the both of you.

Should the Black community overwhelmingly vote for Hillary and she is elected: If her policies result in a further increase in the unemployment rate of Black males, will you agree to not come on USMB continuing to play the "Black Victim's Card"? Would you at least agree then that your victimhood resulted in your own voting again for a Democrat and especially for Hillary since you claim to already know what her proposed policies are? In other words, STFU since you will have asked for it yourselves.

You're such a funny little teabagger.

I'm not a coward. I can defend my candidates policies.
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.

Would you care to explain how Hillary's platform will actually create jobs for the Black community? I already know you won't.

I am not a Hilary voter so no such onus exists, AFAIC.

Care to defend your candidate Trump, though? Please start with rationalizing the economic plausibility of that wall. Lolz.

Certainly. If nothing else the wall and an enforcement of our immigration laws will aid in stemming the flow of illegal drugs and human trafficking into this nation as well as the influx of illegal immigration. Are you too stupid to see that? Illegal drugs are a major cost to this nation in terms of treating addiction and the loss of lives and property caused by the drug trade.

Uh...key words in the post you're quoting are "economic plausibility". How does Trump plan on coercing the Mexican government to pay for that wall, exactly?

This is precisely the issue with you Trump idiots. You fall victim to the words of a candidate who is unabashedly all-style-no-substance, and so you fail to see the gaps in his message.
We're about to elect the most corrupt, dishonest, scandalous, deceitful, person this country has ever a landslide.

Clinton has been PORTRAYED as corrupt and dishonest, but there is a vast difference between the truth and what Republicans have been saying about her.

There is no evidence that Clinton is corrupt, and a good deal of evidence that she is just the opposite. There is also strong evidence that is one of the least deceitful people in public office today. She did not lie to the FBI about her emails. What she believed to be true, was not true. That's not lying, that's being misinformed and basing one's responses on misinformation.

The FBI interview notes showed that Hillary did not personally delete any emails, did not instruct her lawyers or her IT people to delete any emails, and trusted her legal team to comply with the freedom of information requests. Therefore, there was no basis for charges being filed against her. A lie is a deliberate attempt at deception. Hillary didn't lie. She believed that she had complied with the order given because that's what she instructed her team to comply and she believed and trusted that they had done so.

Wrong. The FBI has released emails that Hillary sent even long after she had left the State Department that were marked with the "C" denoting classified information. One was even marked to have its classification lifted in the year 2032 or some time way in the future.
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.

Would you care to explain how Hillary's platform will actually create jobs for the Black community? I already know you won't.

I am not a Hilary voter so no such onus exists, AFAIC.

Care to defend your candidate Trump, though? Please start with rationalizing the economic plausibility of that wall. Lolz.

Certainly. If nothing else the wall and an enforcement of our immigration laws will aid in stemming the flow of illegal drugs and human trafficking into this nation as well as the influx of illegal immigration. Are you too stupid to see that? Illegal drugs are a major cost to this nation in terms of treating addiction and the loss of lives and property caused by the drug trade.

Uh...key words in the post you're quoting are "economic plausibility". How does Trump plan on coercing the Mexican government to pay for that wall, exactly?

This is precisely the issue with you Trump idiots. You fall victim to the words of a candidate who is unabashedly all-style-no-substance, and so you fail to see the gaps in his message.

I answered your question. Now you tell me how raising the taxes on corporations and increasing the regulations on their doing business will somehow create jobs for Black. After you answer that one, I will answer another one for you.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff are now so confident about the election that they’re preparing the Democratic candidate for the possibility of a landslide victory. Recent polls in key swing states have given Hillary Clinton a large lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump. So much so that the campaign is now preparing for a landslide victory, an unthinkable possibility for the Democratic candidate only two months ago.

According to Politico, consultants to Hillary Clinton’s campaign have identified that the candidate now has so many paths to the White House that they’re now not only focusing on winning the swing states needed for an election victory, but also the possibility of a complete landslide in November.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Preparing For Landslide: Polls In Swing States Create Confidence Amongst Democrats

I appreciate their confidence, but it is just Labor Day.
Certainly not while the right is still calling them parasites.

One person here called blacks parasites, and that person was referring only to the blacks that don't work and are collecting some kind of welfare. I agree with that. If you are physically and mentally capable of holding down a job and you are on welfare, you are a parasite I don't care what your race is.
Moody's found that several of Clinton's key policies would boost the economy: Her immigration proposal would increase the number of skilled workers in the country, more government spending on infrastructure would help business productivity, and her paid family leave proposal would bring more people into the workforce.

"Evident from her proposals is the belief that the country needs to invest more in education, infrastructure and workers, and that the well-to-do, and to a lesser degree financial institutions and businesses, should pay for it," Moody's said.

First off, how would paid family leave bring more people into the workforce? Did you ever think that one out?

Secondly, what's being said here is more infrastructure would create more jobs. Maybe, but it would also create much more debt.

Thirdly, how is giving more jobs to foreigners supposed to help out our country or economy?

Fourth, we spend more on education per capita than any other industrialized country in the world, and only have mediocre results to show for it. So Hil-Liar is claiming even more money will help the education system?

DumBama already tried using our tax dollars to give more union people jobs for votes, and it was 800 billion dollars right down the toilet. Raising taxes on our job producers will only have negative results--not positive.

This whole jobs plan business is nothing more than hot air that's been tried over and over again. You do know what the definition of insanity is, don't you?
She's gonna win due to the sheer simple fact that her opponent is a tactless dumbass who would rather air his dirty laundry via twitter than endeavor to come up with winning strategies.

Would you care to explain how Hillary's platform will actually create jobs for the Black community? I already know you won't.

I am not a Hilary voter so no such onus exists, AFAIC.

Care to defend your candidate Trump, though? Please start with rationalizing the economic plausibility of that wall. Lolz.

Certainly. If nothing else the wall and an enforcement of our immigration laws will aid in stemming the flow of illegal drugs and human trafficking into this nation as well as the influx of illegal immigration. Are you too stupid to see that? Illegal drugs are a major cost to this nation in terms of treating addiction and the loss of lives and property caused by the drug trade.

Uh...key words in the post you're quoting are "economic plausibility". How does Trump plan on coercing the Mexican government to pay for that wall, exactly?

This is precisely the issue with you Trump idiots. You fall victim to the words of a candidate who is unabashedly all-style-no-substance, and so you fail to see the gaps in his message.

I answered your question. Now you tell me how raising the taxes on corporations and increasing the regulations on their doing business will somehow create jobs for Black. After you answer that one, I will answer another one for you.

It won't.....but seeing as I'm neither Black nor a Hilary supporter (and I no longer work in the corporate world), it isn't on my list of concerns.
So, do your own research and don't forget the important advice I've given you...

Dude... Go take a :chillpill: and call your girlfriend... maybe she can calm you down...


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