Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

I doubt it. It's quite common for the right to call blacks parasites, lazy, dumb, etc, yet you are confused when they don't run to join your party.

Not confused at all. Most blacks don't follow politics or the news. Their parent(s) vote Democrat, their grandparents vote Democrat, so they vote Democrat and that's all they know.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter. Once those blacks finally get informed about what the Democrats actually did to them, they will turn on Democrats in a heartbeat, but I don't see that happening anytime real soon, but it will happen.

Certainly not while the right is still calling them parasites.
You're a schmuck.
More Business Visas mean more unemployed Blacks.
Wall Street will be VERY happy.

See, this is why its virtually useless to debate idiots......

Business visas for SKILLED workers may increase businesses' productivity....and you (like the ass that you are) are "complaining" that those SKILLED jobs should go to unemployed blacks that....most NOT have those needed skills....

Even an idiot would have to agree that such a "conclusion" is stupid....So, are you that idiot???
it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

The right wing is too scared to use racial slurs. Not like Biden or Hillary. You know, super predator hillary.

Really? I'm hearing plenty of racial slurs thrown around here today.
You're a schmuck.
More Business Visas mean more unemployed Blacks.
Wall Street will be VERY happy.

See, this is why its virtually useless to debate idiots......

Business visas for SKILLED workers may increase businesses' productivity....and you (like the ass that you are) are "complaining" that those SKILLED jobs should go to unemployed blacks that....most NOT have those needed skills....

Even an idiot would have to agree that such a "conclusion" is stupid....So, are you that idiot???

We have over 3 million Business Visas already and Blacks are making $9.00/hour.
You are a certified retard.
And please tell us EXACTLY what those jobs are...
You're a schmuck.
More Business Visas mean more unemployed Blacks.
Wall Street will be VERY happy.

See, this is why its virtually useless to debate idiots......

Business visas for SKILLED workers may increase businesses' productivity....and you (like the ass that you are) are "complaining" that those SKILLED jobs should go to unemployed blacks that....most NOT have those needed skills....

Even an idiot would have to agree that such a "conclusion" is stupid....So, are you that idiot???

Still dodging my question OP? The fact is of course, Hillary's proposal will result in a net loss of jobs for everyone, especially Blacks.
Well, I actually asked you to answer my question -- not to post a piece by a Clinton contributor. Now, go back and explain which policy(s) will actually create jobs for Blacks.

Somehow, in your half-brain, you've come to the conclusion that we are here to address each of your fucked up requests....and when you actually get an answer, you shrug it off and demand others....

Why don't you instaed find a corner and go play with yourself....(or go wrestle an alligator...)
That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.

I'm still waiting for you to answer me, Bulldog.

I have no desire or need to explain anything to you. You've made it clear that your mind is made up, and you refuse to consider any other possibilities.
I doubt it. It's quite common for the right to call blacks parasites, lazy, dumb, etc, yet you are confused when they don't run to join your party.

Not confused at all. Most blacks don't follow politics or the news. Their parent(s) vote Democrat, their grandparents vote Democrat, so they vote Democrat and that's all they know.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter. Once those blacks finally get informed about what the Democrats actually did to them, they will turn on Democrats in a heartbeat, but I don't see that happening anytime real soon, but it will happen.

Certainly not while the right is still calling them parasites.

I continue to wait Mr. Bulldog
Well, I actually asked you to answer my question -- not to post a piece by a Clinton contributor. Now, go back and explain which policy(s) will actually create jobs for Blacks.

Somehow, in your half-brain, you've come to the conclusion that we are here to address each of your fucked up requests....and when you actually get an answer, you shrug it off and demand others....

Why don't you instaed find a corner and go play with yourself....(or go wrestle an alligator...)

I asked YOU to explain it. You can't so now you go into attack mode. Hillary has no jobs plan. She has a job killing plan.
We have over 3 million Business Visas already and Blacks are making $9.00/hour.
You are a certified retard.
And please tell us EXACTLY what those jobs are...

Listen....go fuck yourself......if you actually "think" that business visas should instead go to low-skilled, unemployed blacks, then you're more screwed up than most of your already stupid ilk....

So, do your own research and don't forget the important advice I've given you...
I doubt it. It's quite common for the right to call blacks parasites, lazy, dumb, etc, yet you are confused when they don't run to join your party.

Not confused at all. Most blacks don't follow politics or the news. Their parent(s) vote Democrat, their grandparents vote Democrat, so they vote Democrat and that's all they know.

The biggest threat to a Democrat politician is an informed voter. Once those blacks finally get informed about what the Democrats actually did to them, they will turn on Democrats in a heartbeat, but I don't see that happening anytime real soon, but it will happen.

Certainly not while the right is still calling them parasites.

I continue to wait Mr. Bulldog

Have a cup of coffee and read a magazine while you are at it.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.

I'm still waiting for you to answer me, Bulldog.

I have no desire or need to explain anything to you. You've made it clear that your mind is made up, and you refuse to consider any other possibilities.

I'm asking you to discuss the possibilities of Hillary's jobs plan for the Black community. Why can't you do that instead of posting nonsense?
I asked YOU to explain it. You can't so now you go into attack mode. Hillary has no jobs plan. She has a job killing plan.

Fine......Think what you want......You wouldn't vote for Hillary regardless.. Its a waste of time to even grant you a few minutes to cater to your fucked up, right wing mind set...
So, how are those alligators doing?
Once again we have established the fact that the Liberals and the Blacks cannot defend Hillary's policies. Once again, they have had their asses handed to them.
That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.

I'm still waiting for you to answer me, Bulldog.

I have no desire or need to explain anything to you. You've made it clear that your mind is made up, and you refuse to consider any other possibilities.

I'm asking you to discuss the possibilities of Hillary's jobs plan for the Black community. Why can't you do that instead of posting nonsense?

I could discuss that all afternoon if I had the time and a reasonable person to discuss it with. Unfortunately, I don't have the time, and the only one asking right now is you.
I asked YOU to explain it. You can't so now you go into attack mode. Hillary has no jobs plan. She has a job killing plan.

Fine......Think what you want......You wouldn't vote for Hillary regardless.. Its a waste of time to even grant you a few minutes to cater to your fucked up, right wing mind set...
So, how are those alligators doing?

Thank you for proving my point that no one can defend Hillary's platform. Not even her. That is why she has disappeared and refuses to give real interviews.
I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.
Just be a man and admit your side sucks a lot, and don't try to lay the blame on anyone else.

I'm still waiting for you to answer me, Bulldog.

I have no desire or need to explain anything to you. You've made it clear that your mind is made up, and you refuse to consider any other possibilities.

I'm asking you to discuss the possibilities of Hillary's jobs plan for the Black community. Why can't you do that instead of posting nonsense?

I could discuss that all afternoon if I had the time and a reasonable person to discuss it with. Unfortunately, I don't have the time, and the only one asking right now is you.

blaah blah blah blah. COWARD!!!
Once again we have established the fact that the Liberals and the Blacks cannot defend Hillary's policies. Once again, they have had their asses handed to them.

Fine...Glad you have "established" that to make you feel better...
Now you can go back to your more important activity, like picking your nose.
OK Mr. Bulldog and Mr. OP. Since you have thrown in the towel and made no attempt to explain yourselves as to how Hillary's policies will benefit the Black community, I will ask one little thing of the both of you.

Should the Black community overwhelmingly vote for Hillary and she is elected: If her policies result in a further increase in the unemployment rate of Black males, will you agree to not come on USMB continuing to play the "Black Victim's Card"? Would you at least agree then that your victimhood resulted in your own voting again for a Democrat and especially for Hillary since you claim to already know what her proposed policies are? In other words, STFU since you will have asked for it yourselves.

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