Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff are now so confident about the election that they’re preparing the Democratic candidate for the possibility of a landslide victory. Recent polls in key swing states have given Hillary Clinton a large lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump. So much so that the campaign is now preparing for a landslide victory, an unthinkable possibility for the Democratic candidate only two months ago.

According to Politico, consultants to Hillary Clinton’s campaign have identified that the candidate now has so many paths to the White House that they’re now not only focusing on winning the swing states needed for an election victory, but also the possibility of a complete landslide in November.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Preparing For Landslide: Polls In Swing States Create Confidence Amongst Democrats
If there is going to be an anti Boehner reaction in the coming November elections then this will give Hillary not only The White House but the Senate and House also.

I am hoping that Paul Ryan can at least hold onto the House Of Reps.

Boehner wasted so much time doing nothing in Congress that he is now making the GOP pay the price for his failed leadership.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Maybe he hates parasites. A lot of people do.
Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Maybe he hates parasites. A lot of people do.

So black people are parasites. Please post often.
I like seeing right wingers say what they actually think. I'm sure it helps the black community decide who to vote for too.

It might surprise you to learn that even blacks in the black communities understand this. You think whites complain about our welfare problem in this country? Then you should hear how some blacks talk about it. You'd probably go into shock.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Actually, I find Blacks to much more friendly than Whites.
At work, in the gym, in the mall, they are much more likely to respond to my friendly hello.
I'm tired of seeing Trespassers and Business Visas elbowing them out of White Collar professions.
They need better Police Protection, Education and less foreign competition in the job market.
Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Maybe he hates parasites. A lot of people do.
Most Blacks in the suburbs have been trained to think that having 20K/year skills is paradise.
If there is going to be an anti Boehner reaction in the coming November elections then this will give Hillary not only The White House but the Senate and House also.

I am hoping that Paul Ryan can at least hold onto the House Of Reps.

Boehner wasted so much time doing nothing in Congress that he is now making the GOP pay the price for his failed leadership.

How so? The Republicans have had the majority for some time now.
Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Maybe he hates parasites. A lot of people do.

So black people are parasites. Please post often.
Quite a few are, yes. Entitlements are not restricted to any one race, but like many things in life, it's a matter of degree.
Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
I like seeing right wingers say what they actually think. I'm sure it helps the black community decide who to vote for too.

It might surprise you to learn that even blacks in the black communities understand this. You think whites complain about our welfare problem in this country? Then you should hear how some blacks talk about it. You'd probably go into shock.

I doubt it. It's quite common for the right to call blacks parasites, lazy, dumb, etc, yet you are confused when they don't run to join your party.
it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.
I like seeing right wingers say what they actually think. I'm sure it helps the black community decide who to vote for too.

It might surprise you to learn that even blacks in the black communities understand this. You think whites complain about our welfare problem in this country? Then you should hear how some blacks talk about it. You'd probably go into shock.

I doubt it. It's quite common for the right to call blacks parasites, lazy, dumb, etc, yet you are confused when they don't run to join your party.

You still haven't explained why Blacks with free homes would vote for anyone but the party that gives them that home.
Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.

So you hate black people?
Actually, I find Blacks to much more friendly than Whites.
At work, in the gym, in the mall, they are much more likely to respond to my friendly hello.
I'm tired of seeing Trespassers and Business Visas elbowing them out of White Collar professions.
They need better Police Protection, Education and less foreign competition in the job market.
I find blacks to be about like anyone else. I agree with the rest though.
If there is going to be an anti Boehner reaction in the coming November elections then this will give Hillary not only The White House but the Senate and House also.

I am hoping that Paul Ryan can at least hold onto the House Of Reps.

Boehner wasted so much time doing nothing in Congress that he is now making the GOP pay the price for his failed leadership.

Poor Boehner (the first of the Orange clan) was not wholly at fault...He had to deal with the insanity of some tea partiers,,,But the House will remain in GOP hands, of that I have little doubt (although some of the seats up for re-election will go to dems.....but not enough)

However, the Senate may indeed turn Dem.....With 2 dozen seat to be defended by the GOP and with the "extra" vote that a democrat VP can render, the probability is almost a certainty...

Bottom line: The BIG prize is the SCOTUS
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.
Oh, GOOD GOD.....right wing desperation is bringing up Whitewater???? REALLY ????

Yeah, kinda like when the left went out and tried to get women Trump dated back in the 70's to say he's a scum ball only to find out those women didn't have a problem with Trump. Hell, they went so far as to find a classmate of Romney's that he played a prank on to try and make him look bad. And more recently, they are bringing up some stupid discrimination charge against Trump's father for his apartments which again, happened back in the 70's.

Desperation works both ways you know........
Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

That's the very excuse Democratic federal judges use for denying States their photo voter ID laws. The Blacks cannot be expected to be smart enough to comply like all the other ethnic groups can easily do. Blacks simply aren't progressing up the evolutionary ladder.
That's sad if that's not sarcasm.

That's the crap blacks get from right wingers every day.

I listened to the Thom Hartmann Show for 2 years and I kept hearing from Liberals about how they were "going to make sure every African American had a voting card AFTER this election".
But we know it's all bullshit.
There's plenty of nonsense on both sides of the aisle.
On side hates everybody but themselves and one side pretends to love everybody.

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