Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

I am bright enough to do that and I have. You are bright enough to not even get yourself into any discussion concerning her proposals.

Bottom line for me is that Clinton's policies (with minor alterations) are just a continuation of Obama's; disagreeing with some of those Obama's policies, I am not happy with Clinton's....Nonetheless, I repeat that the alternative of having an egotistical clown in the oval office offers me NO choice.
We're about to elect the most corrupt, dishonest, scandalous, deceitful, person this country has ever a landslide.

Clinton has been PORTRAYED as corrupt and dishonest, but there is a vast difference between the truth and what Republicans have been saying about her.

There is no evidence that Clinton is corrupt, and a good deal of evidence that she is just the opposite. There is also strong evidence that is one of the least deceitful people in public office today. She did not lie to the FBI about her emails. What she believed to be true, was not true. That's not lying, that's being misinformed and basing one's responses on misinformation.

The FBI interview notes showed that Hillary did not personally delete any emails, did not instruct her lawyers or her IT people to delete any emails, and trusted her legal team to comply with the freedom of information requests. Therefore, there was no basis for charges being filed against her. A lie is a deliberate attempt at deception. Hillary didn't lie. She believed that she had complied with the order given because that's what she instructed her team to comply and she believed and trusted that they had done so. fair....One of YOUR ilk stated whether I am "proud" that welfare recipients vote democrat....PERIOD !!!

And I replied to your response. I didn't change the subject.

But getting back to what Hil-liar is supposed to be for, did you bother reading the list on her website? I would like to know how she plans on doing even half of her laundry list with a Republican Congress and likely Senate.

Absolutely no chance of that happening, none, zeor, nada, zip. It is what she has wanted her entire life.

She hasn't been ill her entire life. She's older now and it's speculated that she has medical problems that she's not revealing to the country. Campaigning is really tough work, any candidate will admit to that. Even Trump is starting to look a little worn down.

She will do what she is doing. Go into rehab except for some fund raisers and let her handlers handle the campaigning. Only one way she quits. fair....One of YOUR ilk stated whether I am "proud" that welfare recipients vote democrat....PERIOD !!!

And I replied to your response. I didn't change the subject.

But getting back to what Hil-liar is supposed to be for, did you bother reading the list on her website? I would like to know how she plans on doing even half of her laundry list with a Republican Congress and likely Senate.

I wouldn't count my House and Senate chickens before they're hatched. Trump is such a toxic candidate that all of the down-ticket races are likely to be affected. Republicans who support Trump, will lose the moderate vote, and Republicans who refuse to support Trump, will lose the Trumpbot votes. It's win/win for Democrat candidates.
We're about to elect the most corrupt, dishonest, scandalous, deceitful, person this country has ever a landslide.

Clinton has been PORTRAYED as corrupt and dishonest, but there is a vast difference between the truth and what Republicans have been saying about her.

There is no evidence that Clinton is corrupt, and a good deal of evidence that she is just the opposite. There is also strong evidence that is one of the least deceitful people in public office today. She did not lie to the FBI about her emails. What she believed to be true, was not true. That's not lying, that's being misinformed and basing one's responses on misinformation.

The FBI interview notes showed that Hillary did not personally delete any emails, did not instruct her lawyers or her IT people to delete any emails, and trusted her legal team to comply with the freedom of information requests. Therefore, there was no basis for charges being filed against her. A lie is a deliberate attempt at deception. Hillary didn't lie. She believed that she had complied with the order given because that's what she instructed her team to comply and she believed and trusted that they had done so.

It is shear lunacy to think that somehow Comey exonerated Hillary. What this BS needs is more time then people won't remember what they actually saw on the tube as it happened.

She had draft indictments against her in the Whitewater investigation but being the President's wife she was too big too jail. Fortunately 15 of her conspirators took the fall. fair....One of YOUR ilk stated whether I am "proud" that welfare recipients vote democrat....PERIOD !!!

And I replied to your response. I didn't change the subject.

But getting back to what Hil-liar is supposed to be for, did you bother reading the list on her website? I would like to know how she plans on doing even half of her laundry list with a Republican Congress and likely Senate.

I wouldn't count my House and Senate chickens before they're hatched. Trump is such a toxic candidate that all of the down-ticket races are likely to be affected. Republicans who support Trump, will lose the moderate vote, and Republicans who refuse to support Trump, will lose the Trumpbot votes. It's win/win for Democrat candidates.

Keep repeating the talking points, people are wising up to the Democrat BS.
I wouldn't count my House and Senate chickens before they're hatched. Trump is such a toxic candidate that all of the down-ticket races are likely to be affected. Republicans who support Trump, will lose the moderate vote, and Republicans who refuse to support Trump, will lose the Trumpbot votes. It's win/win for Democrat candidates.

More like a pipe dream.

The Republicans may or may not hold the Senate, but they will keep the Congress; they have too much of a lead there. So Hil-liars plans will never go through, at least most of them.
Clinton has been PORTRAYED as corrupt and dishonest, but there is a vast difference between the truth and what Republicans have been saying about her.

There is no evidence that Clinton is corrupt, and a good deal of evidence that she is just the opposite. There is also strong evidence that is one of the least deceitful people in public office today. She did not lie to the FBI about her emails. What she believed to be true, was not true. That's not lying, that's being misinformed and basing one's responses on misinformation.

The FBI interview notes showed that Hillary did not personally delete any emails, did not instruct her lawyers or her IT people to delete any emails, and trusted her legal team to comply with the freedom of information requests. Therefore, there was no basis for charges being filed against her. A lie is a deliberate attempt at deception. Hillary didn't lie. She believed that she had complied with the order given because that's what she instructed her team to comply and she believed and trusted that they had done so.

And OJ believes that two people ran into his knife..........go figure.
But getting back to what Hil-liar is supposed to be for, did you bother reading the list on her website? I would like to know how she plans on doing even half of her laundry list with a Republican Congress and likely Senate.

yes, I have "bothered" to read her website AND, her chances of implementing many of her stated polciies are "better" than Obama's for the following reasons:

First, you may be a bit upset when the Senate either turns Dem. or has a Dem. majority with the VP vote.

Second, the republicans in both House and Senate may have learned a bit of a lesson that they must start working with the WH and not continue with their "do-nothing" [but bitch] policies...

Third, Obama has been able to implement several policies with a MUCH MORE republican congress (and you probably know how.)

Fourth, don't underestimate the power of the SCOTUS with at least 2 to 3 Dem. appointed Justices to revert some of the insanities caused by the "beloved" Scalia.
t is shear lunacy to think that somehow Comey exonerated Hillary. What this BS needs is more time then people won't remember what they actually saw on the tube as it happened.

She had draft indictments against her in the Whitewater investigation but being the President's wife she was too big too jail. Fortunately 15 of her conspirators took the fall.

Oh, GOOD GOD.....right wing desperation is bringing up Whitewater???? REALLY ????
I am bright enough to do that and I have. You are bright enough to not even get yourself into any discussion concerning her proposals.

Bottom line for me is that Clinton's policies (with minor alterations) are just a continuation of Obama's; disagreeing with some of those Obama's policies, I am not happy with Clinton's....Nonetheless, I repeat that the alternative of having an egotistical clown in the oval office offers me NO choice.

I've run a business for over thirty-five years and have seen Administrations come and go. Hillary says she will raise the taxes on and impose even more regulations on corporations. She also says she will offer a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens which will cause even more to enter this country illegally. She proposes bringing in at least 65000 more Syrian refugees. I simply don't see how anyone with any business sense at all can conclude that the Black community will benefit in any way at all from these proposals. Even her free college will not benefit the Black community in the short term. Many Blacks drop out of public school and 1/3 of college students of all races drop out of college. If anything, the white students will benefit from the free college and the Black community will be pushed even further behind due to the college thing, the influx of illegal aliens and Syrian refugees and the cutback in production and hiring practices of corporations that choose to remain inside the United States borders to do business. I see Hillary's platform to be totally against any improvement in the Black community and in fact, directly detrimental to the Black community.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?
It looks like they've been preparing for some time....hitlery will be lucky to get DC and Rhode Island......:lol:

I can only imagine the kind of drugs you people must be taking to actually believe that.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

They are. They have no shame anymore. They need to be led around by the nose....basically a bunch of leeches.

I'm sure that will convince lots of blacks to vote like you.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

Welfare recipients do vote Democrat...are you proud of that fact?

You think all black people are on welfare?

I know that a good proportion of Blacks living in the new surburban areas of large Democratic cities are on Welfare at least part of the year and usually make at most around 20K/yr when they ARE working.
AND they own a house, have 60" TVs and Smart Phones.
I have too many relatives and friends living across the US not to know this.
SOMEONE is paying for those homes, TV and Smart Phones, and for the most part, it isn't them.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.

I never heard the judges use that word describing blacks, but lots of right wingers do.

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