Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

Well, I did a poor job explaining the parameters. Public Opinion is important but as to “who won the debate”…it’s meaningless. The goal of the debate is to simply nail down your side of the ledger and basically turn it into a scenario where you “debate yourself”. You’re open to one-liners which the GOP basically salivates over (if not masturbates over) and that will be replayed 600 times on the 24 hour news channels.

With that explanation, I then would agree......But debates DO place a candidate on a spot to back up an assertion that may only get big cheers from a friendly audience like in political rallies.....Here's an example from a recent, unscripted interview between Trump and Lester Holt (who will be one of the moderators in one of the upcoming debates):

Holt flummoxed Trump by asking how he could say for certain that Clinton's private email server was hacked.

HOLT: But is there any evidence it was hacked other than routine phishing?

TRUMP: I think I read that, and I heard it, and somebody also gave me that information.

HOLT: Where?

TRUMP: I will report back to you. I will give it to you.

HOLT: You said it with such certainty yesterday.

TRUMP: I don't know if certainty. Probably she was hacked.
Yes, but whites are five times the population of blacks.

No doubt....BUT, we are not talking about the NUMBER of welfare recipients, we are talking about whether such recipients ALL vote for democrats as some nitwit on this thread asserted.
Do you not understand or comprehend simple english? The most corrupt in our history is about to be elected. All of our previous presidents had some deal of corruption. Just for fun, read a lot of books so your comprehension skills will improve.

I'll take your advice and place it in my next toilet flush......Would the NIXON administration be part of our history, or are you in your early teens???

Here; check this out and learn.....

Most corrupt administration in U.S. history

Of course you will because you're not bright. Lbj, Nixon, Kennedy, bush, obama. If you weren't such a hack, you could possibly get it.
Pressure under fire is an important indicator of leadership.
A month ago you bullshit artists were touting that Hillary would wipe the floor with Donald in a face to face debate and now you're making up bullshit as to why it's a better strategy to NOT even make a live appearance anywhere.

Now you're getting both desperate and moronic......First the issue was a bout the, you're reverting to the issue of Clinton not giving press conference.....

Keep this in your half-functioning mind about both issues:

Clinton is wise to NOT give press conference while Trump is being smeared with each media cycle for his flip flopping and very stupid answers, like when he ends each statement with "trust me, I'm the greatest..."

Second, Clinton has already FULLY agreed to all 3 debates.....but Trump has not (he says he wants to see if the moderators are to his liking.....)

With the latter, one would conclude that as president Trump willonly chat with world leaders that he "likes."
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

You Blacks go right ahead and vote for Hillary. Just keep your mouths shut when the number of unemployed Black males take yet another uptick.
Pressure under fire is an important indicator of leadership.
A month ago you bullshit artists were touting that Hillary would wipe the floor with Donald in a face to face debate and now you're making up bullshit as to why it's a better strategy to NOT even make a live appearance anywhere.

Now you're getting both desperate and moronic......First the issue was a bout the, you're reverting to the issue of Clinton not giving press conference.....

Keep this in your half-functioning mind about both issues:

Clinton is wise to NOT give press conference while Trump is being smeared with each media cycle for his flip flopping and very stupid answers, like when he ends each statement with "trust me, I'm the greatest..."

Second, Clinton has already FULLY agreed to all 3 debates.....but Trump has not (he says he wants to see if the moderators are to his liking.....)

With the latter, one would conclude that as president Trump willonly chat with world leaders that he "likes."

So you don't care what she does or he what her policies are? As long as she has a D by her name......typical democrat.
Rhode Island, long a Democrat stronghold, is showing serious signs of going all-out for Johnson. Remember, RI is a Mafia Controlled enclave and those Italians don't want Hillary muscling in on their territory. There's only so much money in a small state and those guys aren't into sharing.
Meanwhile---------------Trump gets a standing ovation in a black church in Detroit.

But keep sending your money to the Clintons, idiots.

Good for him. Now all he needs to do is get a few hundred thousand more blacks to support him and he might have a shot. One half full black church just isn't enough, even if they did give him a standing ovation.

it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Nor are blacks as voiceless as democrats try to make them.....

Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

None. We simply thought that in the year 2016 after all the coddling Blacks have received, that they could join the other ethnic groups in providing a photo ID at their polling places. The Democrat federal judges claim that they are still too stupid and backward to expect them to be able to even do something as simple as that.
Why do you suppose we have over one-third of our working population age not working?

We're derailing the thread's topic, aren't we, Ray??? (on purpose or by coincidence?)

Anyway, to address your question, I'm not sure.....But, a couple of factors come to mind....

One, sometimes when the eligible worker are not working may mean actually a positive; for example, a family may be earning enough to have just ONE earner while the spouse may stay at home.....
Further, your data may....I'm not sure.....counting in those who have either chosen or are forced to only take part-time employment.

Start another thread on this issue if you want.....
Rhode Island, long a Democrat stronghold, is showing serious signs of going all-out for Johnson. Remember, RI is a Mafia Controlled enclave and those Italians don't want Hillary muscling in on their territory. There's only so much money in a small state and those guys aren't into sharing.

I don't know about that. I think criminals will respect other criminals.
We're derailing the thread's topic, aren't we, Ray??? (on purpose or by coincidence?)

Anyway, to address your question, I'm not sure.....But, a couple of factors come to mind....

One, sometimes when the eligible worker are not working may mean actually a positive; for example, a family may be earning enough to have just ONE earner while the spouse may stay at home.....
Further, your data may....I'm not sure.....counting in those who have either chosen or are forced to only take part-time employment.

Start another thread on this issue if you want.....

You're the one that brought it up. I just responded.
Of course you will because you're not bright. Lbj, Nixon, Kennedy, bush, obama. If you weren't such a hack, you could possibly get it.

have another martini......that should help your disposition. LOL
Well, I did a poor job explaining the parameters. Public Opinion is important but as to “who won the debate”…it’s meaningless. The goal of the debate is to simply nail down your side of the ledger and basically turn it into a scenario where you “debate yourself”. You’re open to one-liners which the GOP basically salivates over (if not masturbates over) and that will be replayed 600 times on the 24 hour news channels.

With that explanation, I then would agree......But debates DO place a candidate on a spot to back up an assertion that may only get big cheers from a friendly audience like in political rallies.....Here's an example from a recent, unscripted interview between Trump and Lester Holt (who will be one of the moderators in one of the upcoming debates):

Holt flummoxed Trump by asking how he could say for certain that Clinton's private email server was hacked.

HOLT: But is there any evidence it was hacked other than routine phishing?

TRUMP: I think I read that, and I heard it, and somebody also gave me that information.

HOLT: Where?

TRUMP: I will report back to you. I will give it to you.

HOLT: You said it with such certainty yesterday.

TRUMP: I don't know if certainty. Probably she was hacked.

The best way I can describe it is that every road you want to go down in a debate is a circle. Most of the Trump enablers here believe that for their candidate the moderator is going to throw open a door to a dark chasm and force him to walk down it as to where the same question asked of Hillary will have LEDs, hand rails and a nice slope to a bed of pillows . They have to blame someone other than their small fraction of a man they installed as a candidate.

Trump (as you pointed out) will just try to bully his way past the moderator and say whatever he wants to say. In the General Election with the stakes higher and serious people listening to your answers; you don’t have that luxury.

Hillary will (or should anyway) knows this and will answer every question with a modification of her stump speech.

Ms Clinton. There have been several questions raised about you honesty and a recent poll showed that X-number of people do not trust you. How do you respond.”

Here is her response. “Well, Joan, I’m glad you brought that up. First I would say that several investigations into any wrongdoing on my part have been conducted and concluded and none have found me guilty of wrongdoing. Secondly, I would say that having been First Lady, US Senator, and most recently our nation’s top diplomat has left me open to a level of scrutiny that many would never experience—most notably my opponent on the stage here—and even that scrutiny has uncovered no wrongdoing. If I have had this long history of dishonesty, why did the people of New York elect me twice? Why did the Senate with many who sought the Presidency this year approve me for the job of Secretary of State 94-2? You mentioned the polling and I admit that I have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of all of the people. I’ll certainly do what I can to do just that.

Get ready for it because, if she is smart, that is what you’ll see for 3 nights this fall. A question and a modified stump speech.
What platform is Hillary running on. Please tell us. We can't get any of you to talk about her platform.

If you were just a bit brighter and a bit less of a right wing hack.....You'd check out her site describing her platform so that even idiots like you can judge..

For myself, were I Clinton, I would state FIRST in my platform the following..

What platform is Hillary running on. Please tell us. We can't get any of you to talk about her platform.

If you were just a bit brighter and a bit less of a right wing hack.....You'd check out her site describing her platform so that even idiots like you can judge..

For myself, were I Clinton, I would state FIRST in my platform the following..


I am bright enough to do that and I have. You are bright enough to not even get yourself into any discussion concerning her proposals.
So you don't care what she does or he what her policies are? As long as she has a D by her name......typical democrat.

besides the horrible syntax......I presume you're trying to state that we democrats have NO IDEA of what her policies are because she doesn't give press conferences???

I happen to NOT like many of her policies, but I (for one) am FULLY aware of what they are....I am NOT voting for her because she's a democrat, I;m voting for her because you morons promoted a clown to represent the GOP.
Well, I did a poor job explaining the parameters. Public Opinion is important but as to “who won the debate”…it’s meaningless. The goal of the debate is to simply nail down your side of the ledger and basically turn it into a scenario where you “debate yourself”. You’re open to one-liners which the GOP basically salivates over (if not masturbates over) and that will be replayed 600 times on the 24 hour news channels.

With that explanation, I then would agree......But debates DO place a candidate on a spot to back up an assertion that may only get big cheers from a friendly audience like in political rallies.....Here's an example from a recent, unscripted interview between Trump and Lester Holt (who will be one of the moderators in one of the upcoming debates):

Holt flummoxed Trump by asking how he could say for certain that Clinton's private email server was hacked.

HOLT: But is there any evidence it was hacked other than routine phishing?

TRUMP: I think I read that, and I heard it, and somebody also gave me that information.

HOLT: Where?

TRUMP: I will report back to you. I will give it to you.

HOLT: You said it with such certainty yesterday.

TRUMP: I don't know if certainty. Probably she was hacked.

The best way I can describe it is that every road you want to go down in a debate is a circle. Most of the Trump enablers here believe that for their candidate the moderator is going to throw open a door to a dark chasm and force him to walk down it as to where the same question asked of Hillary will have LEDs, hand rails and a nice slope to a bed of pillows . They have to blame someone other than their small fraction of a man they installed as a candidate.

Trump (as you pointed out) will just try to bully his way past the moderator and say whatever he wants to say. In the General Election with the stakes higher and serious people listening to your answers; you don’t have that luxury.

Hillary will (or should anyway) knows this and will answer every question with a modification of her stump speech.

Ms Clinton. There have been several questions raised about you honesty and a recent poll showed that X-number of people do not trust you. How do you respond.”

Here is her response. “Well, Joan, I’m glad you brought that up. First I would say that several investigations into any wrongdoing on my part have been conducted and concluded and none have found me guilty of wrongdoing. Secondly, I would say that having been First Lady, US Senator, and most recently our nation’s top diplomat has left me open to a level of scrutiny that many would never experience—most notably my opponent on the stage here—and even that scrutiny has uncovered no wrongdoing. If I have had this long history of dishonesty, why did the people of New York elect me twice? Why did the Senate with many who sought the Presidency this year approve me for the job of Secretary of State 94-2? You mentioned the polling and I admit that I have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of all of the people. I’ll certainly do what I can to do just that.

Get ready for it because, if she is smart, that is what you’ll see for 3 nights this fall. A question and a modified stump speech.

Well stated and right in target......

(Of course, at virtually all of the debates, the question will be asked of Trump about his tax returns controversy, pointing out to him that NO AUDIT prevents his disclosure of those returns.....Trump's response(s) should be interesting)

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