Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.

Did Jeremiah Wright control the DNC and tell those black guys to stand outside that polling place?

One hand washes the other.

Not sure what that means either.

Do I look like a Cray supercomputer. Do you want me to explain EVERYTHING. :rolleyes:

Nope just the statements you make.
Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

Sharia law may already be here. It was a back door ploy to make us all teetotalers and is working better than Prohibition did.

1 example?

Our modern day demands have us almost over our heads. When will there be time to just sit back and sip a single beer, let alone binge on a case?

Or some home made rum.

If their plan backfires, the president can resurrect the WPA...


Wait for it...

Running moonshine.
treating them like mindless sheep for generations----------------the dem party. The party of the KKK, the party that filibustered the civil rights act. The party of LBJ who said "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". THAT dem party, asshole.

So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?
There are all kinds of uninformed voters... Minorities have a long history in this country voting against their self interest

So they are just too dumb to know better?
A handout always seems like the easy way out of a problem... A great example is most any Indian reservation in the country. LOL
That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.

Did Jeremiah Wright control the DNC and tell those black guys to stand outside that polling place?

One hand washes the other.

Not sure what that means either.

Do I look like a Cray supercomputer. Do you want me to explain EVERYTHING. :rolleyes:

Nope just the statements you make.

The statements I have made solely in this thread could be enough to fill the Grand Canyon. :wink:
So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?
There are all kinds of uninformed voters... Minorities have a long history in this country voting against their self interest

So they are just too dumb to know better?
A handout always seems like the easy way out of a problem... A great example is most any Indian reservation in the country. LOL

So you think black people are lazy and will trade their votes for a little bit of free stuff?
Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff are now so confident about the election that they’re preparing the Democratic candidate for the possibility of a landslide victory. Recent polls in key swing states have given Hillary Clinton a large lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump. So much so that the campaign is now preparing for a landslide victory, an unthinkable possibility for the Democratic candidate only two months ago.

According to Politico, consultants to Hillary Clinton’s campaign have identified that the candidate now has so many paths to the White House that they’re now not only focusing on winning the swing states needed for an election victory, but also the possibility of a complete landslide in November.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Preparing For Landslide: Polls In Swing States Create Confidence Amongst Democrats

You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?
There are all kinds of uninformed voters... Minorities have a long history in this country voting against their self interest

So they are just too dumb to know better?
A handout always seems like the easy way out of a problem... A great example is most any Indian reservation in the country. LOL

So you think black people are lazy and will trade their votes for a little bit of free stuff?
I think most minorities have fallen victim to the great bait and switch of a do "everything" for "everybody" federal government. Lol
The debates

After that erudite and thorough response above, it may be time for you to go rest and reward yourself with a well-deserved nap.....
Actually, CF is right....the debates. It all hinges on the debates. Clinton should win them, but if for some reason she crashes and burns, she deserves to lose, IMO.

The paradigm of “win and loss” is inaccurate. All she has to do is stay in her lane and simply regurgitate her stump speech for 90 minutes. The electoral collage will do the rest for the democrats. Trump will “win” the debate to the common clay because he’ll have the soundbite that gets played over and over (most likely).

Finishing 2nd in a 2 person race doesn’t mean you lost when the prize is just not embarrassing yourself. If something very unusual happens to where one of the candidates trips or has a tooth fall out of or spills their water or whatever, then you have loss on your hands. If you give your side reasons to vote for you, you didn’t lose, you simply may not win in the arbitrary and totally useless court of public opinion.
Is that why she refuses to take questions from the media? It should be noted that she and her top female aid have something to talk about since they are both married to sexual deviates.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff are now so confident about the election that they’re preparing the Democratic candidate for the possibility of a landslide victory. Recent polls in key swing states have given Hillary Clinton a large lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump. So much so that the campaign is now preparing for a landslide victory, an unthinkable possibility for the Democratic candidate only two months ago.

According to Politico, consultants to Hillary Clinton’s campaign have identified that the candidate now has so many paths to the White House that they’re now not only focusing on winning the swing states needed for an election victory, but also the possibility of a complete landslide in November.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Preparing For Landslide: Polls In Swing States Create Confidence Amongst Democrats


Is that why she refuses to take questions from the media? It should be noted that she and her top female aid have something to talk about since they are both married to sexual deviates.

Those two are probably too hoarse from 69'ing each other. She can whisper to her aid, but has to speak in a "normal" voice to MSM.
You know, in September of 1980, polls had Carter handily defeating Reagan.

How'd that work out?

Apples and oranges. During Carter's tenure, we had the Energy Crisis, hyper-inflation and a disillusioned nation. We have none of those now.

Now we have a debt crisis, hyper-under employment, the longest economic downturn in history, and a nation of the edge of a race war.

Not the same at all...
Trump won't win the popular vote. There aren't that many racist, mysogynistic voters out there. And Trump keeps offending blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women.

While he received more votes than any other Republican candidate, he still received fewer than 15% of Republican's votes and fewer votes that either Hillary or Bernie.

Maybe because the Dems only ran a few candidates and the Republicans ran over a dozen????
You know, in September of 1980, polls had Carter handily defeating Reagan.

How'd that work out?

Apples and oranges. During Carter's tenure, we had the Energy Crisis, hyper-inflation and a disillusioned nation. We have none of those now.

Now we have a debt crisis, hyper-under employment, the longest economic downturn in history, and a nation of the edge of a race war.

Not the same at all...

It just proves that we have been sliding downhill all these years and are experiencing the negative symptoms of Carter's debacle.
A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

Racist Holder refused to charge them, I think that's somewhat of an endorsement.
Actually, CF is right....the debates. It all hinges on the debates. Clinton should win them, but if for some reason she crashes and burns, she deserves to lose, IMO.

agreed...she would deserve to lose.....Remember that Obama did awful in his first debate with Romney, taking his eventual win for granted......Onama got the "picture" and rallied for the 2 subsequent ones.
Absolutely no chance of that happening, none, zeor, nada, zip. It is what she has wanted her entire life.

She hasn't been ill her entire life. She's older now and it's speculated that she has medical problems that she's not revealing to the country. Campaigning is really tough work, any candidate will admit to that. Even Trump is starting to look a little worn down.

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