Clinton's campaign preparing for Landslide Victory..

The (liberal) party that stations armed citizens at some of the polls.

Really? You got a link to those sanctions?

Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.

I haven't heard a single Dem say blacks were too dumb or lazy to know which party would be better for them. Lots of right wingers though.

treating them like mindless sheep for generations----------------the dem party. The party of the KKK, the party that filibustered the civil rights act. The party of LBJ who said "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". THAT dem party, asshole.

So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?

It is like the tide and hard to swim against.
My guess right now would be Trump wins the popular vote, and the hildabeast wins the electral college...

Trump won't win the popular vote. There aren't that many racist, mysogynistic voters out there. And Trump keeps offending blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women.
Na, The hildabeast has the energy and appeal of a slug. The most visible candidate I would say wins the popular vote the cripple that is the hildabeast is no staying power.
Really? Which party is trying, and in some instances succeeding in limiting their ability to vote? Which party is trying to trash the Voting Rights Act?

The (liberal) party that stations armed citizens at some of the polls.

Really? You got a link to those sanctions?

Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

Black Panthers ‘intimidate’ voters at polls

It is WND, but at least it has the photo left over from the deleted youtube vid.

WND might not always be accurate on the details. They tend to put their "crazy" spin to their reports. Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.
I haven't heard a single Dem say blacks were too dumb or lazy to know which party would be better for them. Lots of right wingers though.

treating them like mindless sheep for generations----------------the dem party. The party of the KKK, the party that filibustered the civil rights act. The party of LBJ who said "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". THAT dem party, asshole.

So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?

It is like the tide and hard to swim against.

What does that mean? Blacks have the right to vote, and only they can decide who they want to vote for.
The (liberal) party that stations armed citizens at some of the polls.

Really? You got a link to those sanctions?

Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

Black Panthers ‘intimidate’ voters at polls

It is WND, but at least it has the photo left over from the deleted youtube vid.

WND might not always be accurate on the details. They tend to put their "crazy" spin to their reports. Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

The important point is that the picture chronicled the threatening poses of those Black Panthers and the proof just happens to be on the WND website. Where else it might be, I have no idea.
it shows a trend, a movement, an awakening by blacks that the dem party has been using them for years and black communities are worse off under dems.

black americans are not as dumb as you dems think they are.

I haven't heard a single Dem say blacks were too dumb or lazy to know which party would be better for them. Lots of right wingers though.

treating them like mindless sheep for generations----------------the dem party. The party of the KKK, the party that filibustered the civil rights act. The party of LBJ who said "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". THAT dem party, asshole.

So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?
There are all kinds of uninformed voters... Minorities have a long history in this country voting against their self interest
treating them like mindless sheep for generations----------------the dem party. The party of the KKK, the party that filibustered the civil rights act. The party of LBJ who said "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". THAT dem party, asshole.

So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?

It is like the tide and hard to swim against.

What does that mean? Blacks have the right to vote, and only they can decide who they want to vote for.

Liberals have been grooming the blacks since they brought them over here from Africa.
Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

Sharia law may already be here and was a back door ploy to make us all teetotalers and is working better than Prohibition did.
Really? You got a link to those sanctions?

Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
Really? You got a link to those sanctions?

Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.

Did Jeremiah Wright control the DNC and tell those black guys to stand outside that polling place?
Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.

Did Jeremiah Wright control the DNC and tell those black guys to stand outside that polling place?

One hand washes the other.
Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

Sharia law may already be here. It was a back door ploy to make us all teetotalers and is working better than Prohibition did.

1 example?

Our modern day demands have us almost over our heads. When will there be time to just sit back and sip a single beer, let alone binge on a case?
Really? You got a link to those sanctions?

Are you talking about "sanctions" or guards?

I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

Black Panthers ‘intimidate’ voters at polls

It is WND, but at least it has the photo left over from the deleted youtube vid.

WND might not always be accurate on the details. They tend to put their "crazy" spin to their reports. Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

The important point is that the picture chronicled the threatening poses of those Black Panthers and the proof just happens to be on the WND website. Where else it might be, I have no idea.

I'm not questioning if it happened. Just what the effect was, and whether the Democratic party had anything to do with it or condoned it.
I haven't heard a single Dem say blacks were too dumb or lazy to know which party would be better for them. Lots of right wingers though.

treating them like mindless sheep for generations----------------the dem party. The party of the KKK, the party that filibustered the civil rights act. The party of LBJ who said "I'll have them ni66ers voting democrat for the next 200 years". THAT dem party, asshole.

So why do you think they vote Democratic? Are they just too dumb to know better?
You do know that it's one party rule In Washington... The progressive party

So how do they force blacks to vote Democratic?
There are all kinds of uninformed voters... Minorities have a long history in this country voting against their self interest

So they are just too dumb to know better?
I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
I used the wrong word. You said the liberal party stationed armed citizens a the polls. I just wanted some reason to believe the DNC had anything to do with anyone being armed at the polls.

I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.

Did Jeremiah Wright control the DNC and tell those black guys to stand outside that polling place?

One hand washes the other.

Not sure what that means either.
Do they still have that article up about jail sentences for overdue library books, or how our laws will all be replaced with Sharia law by 2020? That's the kind of crazy I'm talking about.

Sharia law may already be here. It was a back door ploy to make us all teetotalers and is working better than Prohibition did.

1 example?

Our modern day demands have us almost over our heads. When will there be time to just sit back and sip a single beer, let alone binge on a case?

Or some home made rum.
I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.
I will try to find a link. The election I remember it last happening was the '08 battle between McCain and obooger. I am sure it happened again since then just by the law of averages. But... brb

BTW Since '08, I haven't followed the elections very carefully after then, and this may take a little while.

A couple of black guys at a predominantly black polling place. I think one of them has some sort of billy club. Did the DNC sanction that, or have anything to do with it?

That would be a good question for Jeremiah Wright.

Did Jeremiah Wright control the DNC and tell those black guys to stand outside that polling place?

One hand washes the other.

Not sure what that means either.

Do I look like a Cray supercomputer. Do you want me to explain EVERYTHING. :rolleyes:

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