Club for Growth not backing Trump 24

This is a bit disheartening. It seems these characters have had enough of trump and are backing Desantis to ensure they dont have to pay their taxes.

This might force Trump back into the NFT market ? It will certainly make his task a lot harder. With all his legal problems he might find it not worth the bother.
Trump spent like a 16-year old with Daddy's Gold Card (and how ironic is THAT) and begged the fed to INCREASE quantitative easing.

No self-respecting conservative economic group could support that.

This is a bit disheartening. It seems these characters have had enough of trump and are backing Desantis to ensure they dont have to pay their taxes.

This might force Trump back into the NFT market ? It will certainly make his task a lot harder. With all his legal problems he might find it not worth the bother.

Soooo....they don't think the country can grow, get better, under Trump?

I think the country could grow / get better without a President by following, obeying, and enforcing the Constitution and ALL US laws, getting rid of the 2-tiered justice system, getting rid of all criminal partisans in govt agencies, and holding everyone equally accountable ... far better / more than if we had Biden as President right now.
You type lies/opinions with no proof. Let me guess, you're a democrat?

Nikki Isn't afraid of anyone. Trump is vulnerable as we all know because of J6, and his obvious lack of character.
Pompeo was 1st in his class at West Point, Director of the CIA, Secretary of State.
If you want to see pieces of shit look at Biden and Kamala.
Pence is a solid candidate
Desantis is telling the woke mob to jerkoff. He was a Navy Seal.

All the dems have are the POS. Good Luck in 2024.
Desantis was a Navy Seal? :abgg2q.jpg: He spent his time in Iraq sitting on his ass behind a desk in the Judge Advocate's office. DeSantis liked to dress up in army fatigues during an earlier campaign but it was all bullshit just like everything else his anti woke ass does.
You can always get enlightened political analysis on this board.
Sure you can,but not from some faggot across the pond.

Most especially not from a one-legged faggot that has never worked at an honest job in its life, yet feels entitled to look down on those who have honest professions.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

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