Clueless College Students Can’t Identify Photos of JOE BIDEN OR RONALD REAGAN (VIDEO)

Why should they?

Kim Kardashian changed her hair color. Kanye West has a FundMe account to pay off his bills. Dance Moms is having a really crazy season. There's a new tattoo that everyone is getting. And most importantly, these students "feel" really good about themselves, and there's word that their college is establishing a new "safe place". How COOL is THAT.

Come on. Priorities. Let's not expect too much from our future leaders. They have feelings, you know.

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable - The College Fix


why would you a) trust any source posted by mentally ill steffie?
and b) why would you assume that rightwingnuts would do any better?
Anyone on the right is nuts to you, liberals think disagreeing with them is insane and you are a stellar example.

I saw recently that 1 in 10 college students thought Judge Judy was a supreme court justice. The socialists running public and private ed have been working on dumbing down the masses to be useful idiots.
Why should they?

Kim Kardashian changed her hair color. Kanye West has a FundMe account to pay off his bills. Dance Moms is having a really crazy season. There's a new tattoo that everyone is getting. And most importantly, these students "feel" really good about themselves, and there's word that their college is establishing a new "safe place". How COOL is THAT.

Come on. Priorities. Let's not expect too much from our future leaders. They have feelings, you know.

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable - The College Fix


why would you a) trust any source posted by mentally ill steffie?
and b) why would you assume that rightwingnuts would do any better?
Anyone on the right is nuts to you, liberals think disagreeing with them is insane and you are a stellar example.

I saw recently that 1 in 10 college students thought Judge Judy was a supreme court justice. The socialists running public and private ed have been working on dumbing down the masses to be useful idiots.

If you are concerned about dumbing down the masses, you need to check out what the Texas school board has done.
Why should they?

Kim Kardashian changed her hair color. Kanye West has a FundMe account to pay off his bills. Dance Moms is having a really crazy season. There's a new tattoo that everyone is getting. And most importantly, these students "feel" really good about themselves, and there's word that their college is establishing a new "safe place". How COOL is THAT.

Come on. Priorities. Let's not expect too much from our future leaders. They have feelings, you know.

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable - The College Fix


why would you a) trust any source posted by mentally ill steffie?
and b) why would you assume that rightwingnuts would do any better?
Anyone on the right is nuts to you, liberals think disagreeing with them is insane and you are a stellar example.

I saw recently that 1 in 10 college students thought Judge Judy was a supreme court justice. The socialists running public and private ed have been working on dumbing down the masses to be useful idiots.

If you are concerned about dumbing down the masses, you need to check out what the Texas school board has done.
I have a lifetime of experience and observations to go on. Liberals are highly intolerant of anything that doesn't forward progressive ideals.
Why should they?

Kim Kardashian changed her hair color. Kanye West has a FundMe account to pay off his bills. Dance Moms is having a really crazy season. There's a new tattoo that everyone is getting. And most importantly, these students "feel" really good about themselves, and there's word that their college is establishing a new "safe place". How COOL is THAT.

Come on. Priorities. Let's not expect too much from our future leaders. They have feelings, you know.

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable - The College Fix


why would you a) trust any source posted by mentally ill steffie?
and b) why would you assume that rightwingnuts would do any better?
Anyone on the right is nuts to you, liberals think disagreeing with them is insane and you are a stellar example.

I saw recently that 1 in 10 college students thought Judge Judy was a supreme court justice. The socialists running public and private ed have been working on dumbing down the masses to be useful idiots.

If you are concerned about dumbing down the masses, you need to check out what the Texas school board has done.
I have a lifetime of experience and observations to go on. Liberals are highly intolerant of anything that doesn't forward progressive ideals.

Just because rush tells you to believe something,that doesn't make it a life experience for you.
Why should they?

Kim Kardashian changed her hair color. Kanye West has a FundMe account to pay off his bills. Dance Moms is having a really crazy season. There's a new tattoo that everyone is getting. And most importantly, these students "feel" really good about themselves, and there's word that their college is establishing a new "safe place". How COOL is THAT.

Come on. Priorities. Let's not expect too much from our future leaders. They have feelings, you know.

Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable - The College Fix


why would you a) trust any source posted by mentally ill steffie?
and b) why would you assume that rightwingnuts would do any better?
Anyone on the right is nuts to you, liberals think disagreeing with them is insane and you are a stellar example.

I saw recently that 1 in 10 college students thought Judge Judy was a supreme court justice. The socialists running public and private ed have been working on dumbing down the masses to be useful idiots.

If you are concerned about dumbing down the masses, you need to check out what the Texas school board has done.
I have a lifetime of experience and observations to go on. Liberals are highly intolerant of anything that doesn't forward progressive ideals.

Just because rush tells you to believe something,that doesn't make it a life experience for you.
Simple people like you need to have simple answers. You've removed all doubt.
Well...young people always loved big government paying for everything....until they get jobs and figure out they are actually tho ones paying for it. These people are are on the precipice of knowing they are losing Mommy and Daddy's check book - and that scares the hell out of them - so of course there are far more leftist among youth, again until they get jobs and see how much $$$ leaves their paycheck to pay for the freebies.

I think that Obamacare was made to saddle the youth with the majority of the financial responsibility for the very reason of getting them to push through someone like Bernie Sanders to come to their rescue with promised "free" health care.

Shrug, people are lemmings
Maybe these kids see the big banks putting them in debt for a piece of paper that big business INSISTS they need to have to even be considered for a job.

And after putting themselves in debt for maybe 50-60 Large, enough to buy a house in some locations, they find the jobs that are out there only pay 30K a year. If they can get them at all.

Then they see the fat cats with 1% having 43% of the wealth, and someone like Bernie says, "Hey, maybe THEY should be paying for you to have the piece of paper they INSIST you need before they will hire you." and these kids say, "Right on!"

Wow you are so far off!!! HAHAHAHA
So is the left that has created the education bubble that has driven up the cost of education. NO QUESTION. NO ARGUMENT. PERIOD.
We need to raise the voting age to about, 30. sheesh. these are the kiddies that gave us someone like Obama and backing the Socialist Bernie Sanders. :eusa_doh:

Clueless College Students Can’t Identify Photos of JOE BIDEN OR RONALD REAGAN (VIDEO)

How do you even get into college if you can’t identify the current vice president or one of the best presidents in the last fifty years?

The Daily Signal reported:

all of the article here:
Clueless College Students Can't Identify Photos of JOE BIDEN OR RONALD REAGAN (VIDEO) - Progressives Today

The only reason Trump is doing as well as he is, is because of his reality TV show.

That is how children are raised in public schools these days. They are taught how wonderful big government is, how to put a rubber on a banana, and how wonderful gay sex is, and sent on their merry way to a liberal university where they will put them in life long debt after having been taught nothing about how to handle money.

Sad, but true.

I do not agree it's because of his reality television. he's well known and in the media a lot over the years. he is tapping into the anger that the people are feeling. Poll after poll tells us they are unhappy with this fed Government and feel betrayed by both parties, the Republicans especially. . I'm not a Trump fan, but will vote for him over those two Socialist running for the Democrat party
this came from a Democrat/left.

Tanden warned Democrats about the enthusiasm of Republican voters this year.

Neera Tanden: I do think the one thing going forward, really for both parties although there is differences in both parties, is that you look at the exit polls in South Carolina 53% of GOP voters are anti-establishment. They really feel betrayed by their party. So how a party produces a Marco Rubio, or a kind of traditional candidate, when you have that much anger at the GOP establishment, where they use the word, betrayed, is something we look at. There are factors like that in the Democrat Party its just not as high.

ALL of it here:
Top Dem Strategist, Neera Tanden: Democrats Should Be Worried About the Record GOP Turnout (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
We need to raise the voting age to about, 30. sheesh. these are the kiddies that gave us someone like Obama and backing the Socialist Bernie Sanders. :eusa_doh:

Clueless College Students Can’t Identify Photos of JOE BIDEN OR RONALD REAGAN (VIDEO)

How do you even get into college if you can’t identify the current vice president or one of the best presidents in the last fifty years?

The Daily Signal reported:

all of the article here:
Clueless College Students Can't Identify Photos of JOE BIDEN OR RONALD REAGAN (VIDEO) - Progressives Today

So, they can die for our country but not vote? Maybe you should think on that one a few more minutes.
I remember some years back jay Leno had 3 young college kids on a panel of sorts that were asked to identify images of famous Americans. They failed miserably to identify anybody connected to politics such as al gore who was still vp but had already lost the election to George bush. Only 1 of the three as I recall correctly id'ed bush. None id'ed Gore.
Our educational system has been sabotaged, yet none of the candidates is running on reforming this failed system
Pretty sad.

On one hand you could figure they have cherry picked the kids who couldn't name the politicians, in order to make the video, but then again it's sad that there would be ANY college kids that could not recognize the fucking vice president.

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