Cluster Fuck Of Puerto Rico Statehood


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Cluster Fuck Of Puerto Rico Statehood "

* Maintain Independence Or Go To Mexico *

The bleeding heart globalist whores in the us will fuck us over under the guise of some demented humanitarian inclusion for all , and that is guaranteed .

A referendum of the status of Puerto Rico was held on November 3, 2020, concurrently with the general election. It was announced by Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced on May 16, 2020. This was the sixth referendum held on the status of Puerto Rico, with the previous one having taken place in 2017. This was the first referendum with a simple yes-or-no question, with voters having the option of voting for or against becoming a U.S. state. The New Progressive Party (PNP), of whom Vázquez is a member, supports statehood, while the opposition Popular Democratic Party (PDP) and Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) oppose it.

The referendum was non-binding, as the power to grant statehood lies with the US Congress. The referendum was not approved by the US Department of Justice. The party platforms of both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have affirmed for decades Puerto Rico's right to self-determination and to be admitted as a state, at least in theory, but individual Republican legislators have been more skeptical.

Based on the completed official election night count, the option to pursue statehood won the referendum 52.52%–47.48%.

* Screwing Up Us Flag Symmetry And Its Numerology *

* Adopting Puerto Rico Means Including Haiti *

Let's be fair.

The United States went to war against Spain.

Of course, the U.S. won.

So it got the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

It kept the Philippines (against the wishes of the Filipino people) for a long time, it gave independence to Cuba provided that the island obey the U.S., and it kept Puerto Rico as a colony ("associated state" in polite terms).

So if the Puerto Ricans want statehood, then that's fine.

The Puerto Ricans are smart. They have always voted down "independence." They know that based on the history of other "independent" Latin American countries, their island would just become a corrupt dictatorship. As a state, however, D.C. could come to their rescue in case a corrupt governor ever took over.
Republicans will never allow Puerto Rico to be a state.

They think tossing paper towels is enough

" Dumbing It Down "

* Median IQ Of 90 Estimated For Stable Democracy *

The Puerto Ricans are smart.
Give the province to cuba , mexico , or stay independent .

Best estimate is that median iq would be near 84 - that of cuba and haiti would be far worse .

Then there was the Trump solution which was to trade Puerto Rico for Greenland
Dare one point out that everyone who had any resources or ambition in Puerto Rico has long-since departed that lovely island, leaving a population of uneducated misfits to cast their votes?

One wonders, if they get statehood, how many of the departers will go back so that they can plunder the U.S. treasury?
Let's be fair.

The United States went to war against Spain.

Of course, the U.S. won.

So it got the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

It kept the Philippines (against the wishes of the Filipino people) for a long time, it gave independence to Cuba provided that the island obey the U.S., and it kept Puerto Rico as a colony ("associated state" in polite terms).

So if the Puerto Ricans want statehood, then that's fine.

The Puerto Ricans are smart. They have always voted down "independence." They know that based on the history of other "independent" Latin American countries, their island would just become a corrupt dictatorship. As a state, however, D.C. could come to their rescue in case a corrupt governor ever took over.
They pay little in tax. Why change that?
Puerto Rican’s are American citizens. If they want to become a state, good for them! The clock didn’t magically stop after Hawaii.
Dare one point out that everyone who had any resources or ambition in Puerto Rico has long-since departed that lovely island, leaving a population of uneducated misfits to cast their votes?

One wonders, if they get statehood, how many of the departers will go back so that they can plunder the U.S. treasury?
That`s a great description of some of our old traitor slave states.
" Cheap Shots "

* Short Sighted Comments *

That`s a great description of some of our old traitor slave states.
Is brexit treason ?

The left loves to throw out slavery as an anti-racist racist jab to promote white guilt and to demean christian institutions , when white christian suffrage was principle in bringing an end to the practice world wide , even while the left cowardly gives fictional ishmaelism a pass and ignores its institutionalization of slavery to this day ,
After the Capital chaos yesterday, alot of Puerto Ricans on social media expressed that they do not want statehood. Prefer Independence instead!
Let's be fair.

The United States went to war against Spain.

Of course, the U.S. won.

So it got the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

It kept the Philippines (against the wishes of the Filipino people) for a long time, it gave independence to Cuba provided that the island obey the U.S., and it kept Puerto Rico as a colony ("associated state" in polite terms).

So if the Puerto Ricans want statehood, then that's fine.

The Puerto Ricans are smart. They have always voted down "independence." They know that based on the history of other "independent" Latin American countries, their island would just become a corrupt dictatorship. As a state, however, D.C. could come to their rescue in case a corrupt governor ever took over.
PR is a mooch country---we dont' want it, it doesn't help us. Set it free ........
Let's be fair.

The United States went to war against Spain.

Of course, the U.S. won.

So it got the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

It kept the Philippines (against the wishes of the Filipino people) for a long time, it gave independence to Cuba provided that the island obey the U.S., and it kept Puerto Rico as a colony ("associated state" in polite terms).

So if the Puerto Ricans want statehood, then that's fine.

The Puerto Ricans are smart. They have always voted down "independence." They know that based on the history of other "independent" Latin American countries, their island would just become a corrupt dictatorship. As a state, however, D.C. could come to their rescue in case a corrupt governor ever took over.
PR is a mooch country---we dont' want it, it doesn't help us. Set it free ........

But they don't want to be "free."

They would end up like most Latin American nations.

As a state, they will get all the goodies that the 50 other states get.

Smart thinking!
Biden appears to be making a lot of moves just meant to irritate rightist extremists and explode their heads, so making Puerto Rico a state would definitely be in the cards.

And it would be quite helpful to the BLM cause!

And a side benefit. They wouldn't be an embarrassment to America when compared with Cuba!
Dare one point out that everyone who had any resources or ambition in Puerto Rico has long-since departed that lovely island, leaving a population of uneducated misfits to cast their votes?

One wonders, if they get statehood, how many of the departers will go back so that they can plunder the U.S. treasury?

There are a great many good, educated, intelligent people in Puerto Rico.
" Dumbing It Down "

* Median IQ Of 90 Estimated For Stable Democracy *

The Puerto Ricans are smart.
Give the province to cuba , mexico , or stay independent .

Best estimate is that median iq would be near 84 - that of cuba and haiti would be far worse .

But, think of all the free shit to make up for the low IQ's.
It would be a win-win for the liberals. They wouldn't have to emphasize the dumbing down of the school curriculum
because they would already be dumbed down and easily melded into the welfare system and dependent of the
Its ridiculous we have these autonomous zones where we have citizens who don't belong to a state or whatever.

Take all of the pacific islands...fold them into Hawaii. Congratulations, your state just grew. You guys in Guam are now residents of Hawaii.
Take Puerto Rico and the USVI, fold it into South Carolina or Florida. Congratulations, your state just grew. You guys in PR are now residents of SC or FL
Take DC, fold it into Maryland or Virginia...Congratulations, your state just grew. Your 3 electoral votes? Gone. You guys in DC are now residents of VA or MD

When the 2030 census is done, whatever population additions are made to the states that took in the territories...congratulations, you get more reps in the HOR.

It's 2021...we should stop pretending like we can't solve these problems

Leave the flag like it is.

Easiest solution in the world to a problem that should have been solved decades ago.
" Simple Ton Of More On With Global Is Them Non Sense "

* Poor Decisions Fore Destiny Through Entropy *

There are a great many good, educated, intelligent people in Puerto Rico.
There goes the pandering brigade parading posters of icons and pretending they represent a potential for greatness over mediocrity from the population being represented through the average competence of the population is more reflective for a median of 84 rather than a medium of 104 .

The median is worse for haiti whose members will easily waltz across the border to drop anchor babies for the free social dependent handouts that poverty in a banana republic awards them .

The bleeding heart globalist encourages imbecilic acts to forsake a symmetry imbued in current us flag !

The bleeding heart globalist encourages imbecilic acts to forsake symbolism and numerical fates within its halls of justice by exchanging the cauldron of number 50 with other numbers diminishing its determinants .

The bleeding heart globalist encourages imbecilic acts to devise a demise of us heritage .
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