Cluster Fuck Of Puerto Rico Statehood

PR is a pathetic welfare state
That's why they should be all state so they can get somewhere.... The GOP just loves loves vote suppression

Our Country already has a plethora of Dimm led corrupt states!
We don't need anymore.
So why have only Republicans been in prison and getting pardoned in mass....
Flynn , Stone did zero , it was all dirty politics by the Stalinist insects called the Dems
The real criminals are the Dims and big tech
If you believe the election was stolen, you are a brainwashed functional moron doop of the greedy idiot GOP rich.... Try real news channels or any media not owned by Rupert Murdoch..... International scumbag only allowed in the United States unfortunately.....
PR is a pathetic welfare state
That's why they should be all state so they can get somewhere.... The GOP just loves loves vote suppression

Our Country already has a plethora of Dimm led corrupt states!
We don't need anymore.
So why have only Republicans been in prison and getting pardoned in mass....
Flynn , Stone did zero , it was all dirty politics by the Stalinist insects called the Dems
The real criminals are the Dims and big tech
Yes yes, lying to the FBI is just fine no worries lol

Then you would have to arrest most of Congress who have all done similar things under oath
Lying in public is not criminal and is the basis for the GOP at this point. But lying to the FBI is a no-no d u h...
PR is a pathetic welfare state
That's why they should be all state so they can get somewhere.... The GOP just loves loves vote suppression

Our Country already has a plethora of Dimm led corrupt states!
We don't need anymore.
So why have only Republicans been in prison and getting pardoned in mass....
Flynn , Stone did zero , it was all dirty politics by the Stalinist insects called the Dems
The real criminals are the Dims and big tech
If you believe the election was stolen, you are a brainwashed functional moron doop of the greedy idiot GOP rich.... Try real news channels or any media not owned by Rupert Murdoch..... International scumbag only allowed in the United States unfortunately.....

You’re a vile , filthy piece of white trash . You’re such a “ genetically damaged waste “ that you cannot even formulate a sentence of logical thought
Everything you know about politics is garbage propaganda, hater dupe. Rupert murdac is a scumbag and you are a brainwashed functional scumbag, the typical misinformed Republican base, the world's laughing stock and horror. Go beat up a black gay guy lol...
What Flynn and stone did was all politics to get them to turn on T

Why is Adam schiff not in prison for fostering the big Russian lie even though both leaders of the FBI and CIA testified there was zero evidence of any Russian collision
PR is a pathetic welfare state
That's why they should be all state so they can get somewhere.... The GOP just loves loves vote suppression

Our Country already has a plethora of Dimm led corrupt states!
We don't need anymore.
So why have only Republicans been in prison and getting pardoned in mass....
Flynn , Stone did zero , it was all dirty politics by the Stalinist insects called the Dems
The real criminals are the Dims and big tech
If you believe the election was stolen, you are a brainwashed functional moron doop of the greedy idiot GOP rich.... Try real news channels or any media not owned by Rupert Murdoch..... International scumbag only allowed in the United States unfortunately.....

You’re a vile , filthy piece of white trash . You’re such a “ genetically damaged waste “ that you cannot even formulate a sentence of logical thought
Everything you know about politics is garbage propaganda, hater dupe. Rupert murdac is a scumbag and you are a brainwashed functional scumbag, the typical misinformed Republican base, the world's laughing stock and horror. Go beat up a black gay guy lol...
I don’t follow Fox News . Secondly , you’re an illiterate ignoramus, and you adhere to a party that supports and fosters domestic terrorism
Yes the election was 100 percent fixed and stolen
Let's see -you have bought off scumbags on Fox news and internet and radio crazies on your side. We have every respected journalist and all law enforcement in the world on our side. You might want to try waking up and smelling the coffee. After 30 years of GOP bologna and tax rates give away to the rich, we're a goddamn total mess and almost a banana republic at this point. Just fine with the orange clown and all the ignoramuses who believe garbage GOP propaganda....
What Flynn and stone did was all politics to get them to turn on T

Why is Adam schiff not in prison for fostering the big Russian lie even though both leaders of the FBI and CIA testified there was zero evidence of any Russian collision
Trump did his Russian collusion in public, telling them to go after Hillary's emails which they did immediately etc etc. The Trump campaign met with Russians 30 times lied about it and never wrote anything down. Not suspicious at all lol....why the hell would the Russians want help from such incompetent fools anyway....
Yes the election was 100 percent fixed and stolen
Let's see -you have bought off scumbags on Fox news and internet and radio crazies on your side. We have every respected journalist and all law enforcement in the world on our side. You might want to try waking up and smelling the coffee. After 30 years of GOP bologna and tax rates give away to the rich, we're a goddamn total mess and almost a banana republic at this point. Just fine with the orange clown and all the ignoramuses who believe garbage GOP propaganda....
The Dems are on par with the 195Os USSR . You still will be poor , white trash under the Biden Meinhof gang
The Russians colluded with Hilary and Obama
That is how they obtained the illegal fake warrants to spy
I do agree that Fox News is garbage and 2/3 of the gop are frauds and only conservatives in name
Yes the election was 100 percent fixed and stolen
Let's see -you have bought off scumbags on Fox news and internet and radio crazies on your side. We have every respected journalist and all law enforcement in the world on our side. You might want to try waking up and smelling the coffee. After 30 years of GOP bologna and tax rates give away to the rich, we're a goddamn total mess and almost a banana republic at this point. Just fine with the orange clown and all the ignoramuses who believe garbage GOP propaganda....
The Dems are on par with the 195Os USSR . You still will be poor , white trash under the Biden Meinhof gang
You are totally brainwashed and baffled with b******* lol. The economy does better under Democrats and Republicans always give us a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust when they get eight years to steal from the country and give away to the rich. Change the channel sometimes for Christ sake. Actually sounds like you're on the internet crazy list.... I blame our cable companies. People don't get cable anymore so they're listening to YouTube politics and Rush slim ball omg....
Yes the election was 100 percent fixed and stolen
Let's see -you have bought off scumbags on Fox news and internet and radio crazies on your side. We have every respected journalist and all law enforcement in the world on our side. You might want to try waking up and smelling the coffee. After 30 years of GOP bologna and tax rates give away to the rich, we're a goddamn total mess and almost a banana republic at this point. Just fine with the orange clown and all the ignoramuses who believe garbage GOP propaganda....
The Dems are on par with the 195Os USSR . You still will be poor , white trash under the Biden Meinhof gang
You are totally brainwashed and baffled with b******* lol. The economy does better under Democrats and Republicans always give us a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust when they get eight years to steal from the country and give away to the rich. Change the channel sometimes for Christ sake. Actually sounds like you're on the internet crazy list.... I blame our cable companies. People don't get cable anymore so they're listening to YouTube politics and Rush slim ball omg....
You’re an illiterate ignoramus of hate !!
Go get Covid and die !!
You’re a peon
PR is a pathetic welfare state
That's why they should be all state so they can get somewhere.... The GOP just loves loves vote suppression

Our Country already has a plethora of Dimm led corrupt states!
We don't need anymore.
So why have only Republicans been in prison and getting pardoned in mass....
Flynn , Stone did zero , it was all dirty politics by the Stalinist insects called the Dems
The real criminals are the Dims and big tech
If you believe the election was stolen, you are a brainwashed functional moron doop of the greedy idiot GOP rich.... Try real news channels or any media not owned by Rupert Murdoch..... International scumbag only allowed in the United States unfortunately.....

You’re a vile , filthy piece of white trash . You’re such a “ genetically damaged waste “ that you cannot even formulate a sentence of logical thought
Everything you know about politics is garbage propaganda, hater dupe. Rupert murdac is a scumbag and you are a brainwashed functional scumbag, the typical misinformed Republican base, the world's laughing stock and horror. Go beat up a black gay guy lol...
I don’t follow Fox News . Secondly , you’re an illiterate ignoramus, and you adhere to a party that supports and fosters domestic terrorism
Yes you are an internet crazy who can't even watch Fox. Actually you can stick to prime time and be fine. Absolute tripe. I have a master's in history, you have a master's in total garbage propaganda. Your media is infinititismal against all the history of journalism and a world of law enforcement and journalists. Not opinion makers. Lol
PR is a pathetic welfare state
That's why they should be all state so they can get somewhere.... The GOP just loves loves vote suppression

Our Country already has a plethora of Dimm led corrupt states!
We don't need anymore.
So why have only Republicans been in prison and getting pardoned in mass....
Flynn , Stone did zero , it was all dirty politics by the Stalinist insects called the Dems
The real criminals are the Dims and big tech
If you believe the election was stolen, you are a brainwashed functional moron doop of the greedy idiot GOP rich.... Try real news channels or any media not owned by Rupert Murdoch..... International scumbag only allowed in the United States unfortunately.....

You’re a vile , filthy piece of white trash . You’re such a “ genetically damaged waste “ that you cannot even formulate a sentence of logical thought
Everything you know about politics is garbage propaganda, hater dupe. Rupert murdac is a scumbag and you are a brainwashed functional scumbag, the typical misinformed Republican base, the world's laughing stock and horror. Go beat up a black gay guy lol...
I don’t follow Fox News . Secondly , you’re an illiterate ignoramus, and you adhere to a party that supports and fosters domestic terrorism
Yes you are an internet crazy who can't even watch Fox. Actually you can stick to prime time and be fine. Absolute tripe. I have a master's in history, you have a master's in total garbage propaganda. Your media is infinititismal against all the history of journalism and a world of law enforcement and journalists. Not opinion makers. Lol
History lol
Another fake degree of zero purpose
" Paradigm Drift "

* Try Again Fake Drone *

Like I said you are brainwashed functional un American misinformed racists. Snap out of it.
Actually the republicans were the party of individualism and self sufficiency , while the democrats are the party of collectivism and codependence .

The democrats exercise a premise that the only excuse for poor performance among their party members is because of race , hence the demon rats are the party of anti-racist racism , who does all it can to foment that lexicon and stack the deck based on it .
" No Longer Perilous "

* Have Inner Tube Will Travel *

What border ? Do you expect Haitians to swim to PR? :auiqs.jpg:
Compared with the distance to the us mainland , the journey is not out of reach by surfboard .

“The close cooperation between both U.S. Coast Guard and Haitian Coast Guard operational teams in this instance helped prevent a dangerous and ill-advised illegal migrant voyage from potentially capsizing and ending tragically as we unfortunately have seen happen recently.”
" Paradigm Drift "

* Try Again Fake Drone *

Like I said you are brainwashed functional un American misinformed racists. Snap out of it.
Actually the republicans were the party of individualism and self sufficiency , while the democrats are the party of collectivism and codependence .

The democrats exercise a premise that the only excuse for poor performance among their party members is because of race , hence the demon rats are the party of anti-racist racism , who does all it can to foment that lexicon and stack the deck based on it .
The GOP is the party of babbling idiocy like you spew. Everyone in the real world knows we need to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we can invest in our people and infrastructure instead of a huge giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about because you are a Dupe. Rupert Murdoch is scum and not allowed anywhere else.
" No Longer Perilous "

* Have Inner Tube Will Travel *

What border ? Do you expect Haitians to swim to PR? :auiqs.jpg:
Compared with the distance to the us mainland , the journey is not out of reach by surfboard .

“The close cooperation between both U.S. Coast Guard and Haitian Coast Guard operational teams in this instance helped prevent a dangerous and ill-advised illegal migrant voyage from potentially capsizing and ending tragically as we unfortunately have seen happen recently.”
Are you kidding? Haiti is closer to GITMO than PR and definitely not in "surfboard" range.
" Clueless And Self Defeating "

* Creating The Contradiction From A Paradox *

The GOP is the party of babbling idiocy like you spew. Everyone in the real world knows we need to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share so we can invest in our people and infrastructure instead of a huge giveaway to the rich. What you don't even know about because you are a Dupe. Rupert Murdoch is scum and not allowed anywhere else.
The make corporations pay their fair share is a simpleton mantra of low iq populism too fooled and too clueless to know that it is being led into advocating its bureaucrats apply a disadvantage to the economic interests of its constituents by under valuing the ability of its businesses to engage in and compete in free market capitalism .

The economic libertarian plutocrats running these places require competitive edges for economic advantage that ultimately represents neomercantile interests of countries like the us ; and , as other competitors , us corporations require capital fluidity to stave off losses and to grow with available opportunity .

The economic libertarian plutocrats are following a globalism agenda that includes off-shoring us industry and employment wherever financially reasonable ; while elected kleptocrats comfort in luxury for selling out americans , it would be a ccp dream scheme to tax us corporations to make them less competitive .

Trump was emphasizing American School (economics) - Wikipedia to force or encourage libertarian plutocrats to onshore businesses for the advantages of greater productivity from us citizens .

* Incompetents At Reciprocity Theory *

There is not a difference between religion and creed ; and , a religion of secular humanism maintains a creed that funding to promote its charities can be acquired from public coffers that is to be conscripted from directly and indirectly from private holdings , while all other religions must acquire funding to promote its charities through private philanthropic donations .

The left designate themselves as wise kings and see bureauracy as a means to success by which they can aggrandize themselves by distributing charity from public coffers directly and indirectly confiscated from private individuals , because the challenge of free enterprise to provide funding for charities through their own earnings from their own merits is too difficult .

The religion of secular humanism should seek private philanthropic donations for its charities rather than seeking to fund them by implementing authoritarian dictates of government .
" Give A Latin American Province Back To Spain "

* Comparative Analysis Of A Two Senator Allocation *

The province of puerto rico has a smaller size than any other us state , and of those states similar in size by comparison , their nostalgia of historical significance in comparison with puerto rico would be a mocking disgrace relegating a petition for equal value of national merit would be ridiculous .

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