CNBC and MSNBC are liars

Yes .. Yes he FUCKING did. "It's the Democrats new Hoax".

Jesus, grow up!

Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
The DEMOCRATS are trying to panic voters and their fear mongering is a hoax

Uh huh - Don't you think it's just a tad dangerous for Donald to tell his Trumpalumps that Coronavirus is nothing but a Dem hoax?

They believe that shit you know. And when their local health officials tell them what to do, they won't believe it.

Maybe it'll just "disappear" :rolleyes:

Trump never said that

he said the lib fear mongering is a hoax

and it is
A 4.5% USA death rate is hardly a hoax.
Only 1 in the US has died, is there more?

Dismiss the threat and prescribe to Orange Anus talking points at your own fucking peril.
Yes .. Yes he FUCKING did. "It's the Democrats new Hoax".

Jesus, grow up!

Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax'
The DEMOCRATS are trying to panic voters and their fear mongering is a hoax

Uh huh - Don't you think it's just a tad dangerous for Donald to tell his Trumpalumps that Coronavirus is nothing but a Dem hoax?

They believe that shit you know. And when their local health officials tell them what to do, they won't believe it.

Maybe it'll just "disappear" :rolleyes:

Trump never said that

he said the lib fear mongering is a hoax

and it is
A 4.5% USA death rate is hardly a hoax.
Only 1 in the US has died, is there more?

"IS there more" is evidence of your home skoolin'

Go Boy GO!!
A 4.5% USA death rate is hardly a hoax.
We do not have 4.5% death rate
There are 22 known cases of coronavirus infection in the USA with 1 dead, I would say do the math yourself, but the Right can only do "fuzzy" math.
It comes to 4.545454545% in real math.
CDC has confirmed 35 cases of novel coronavirus in the US - CNN

CDC has confirmed 35 cases of novel coronavirus in the US
Thank you for proving Tramp is a LIAR when he said 22 at his PC today!!!!

Dotard was confirmed as a Big Fat LIAR somewhere around 12 years ago when he started in his Birfer Shit.
Confirmed by bigger liars no doubt.
Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.
Fake news.

Can you think of one other time where a super-bug outbreak resulted in so much fake news and blame of the POTUS before anything even happened?
Republican wailing and gnashing of teeth about Ebola back in 2014?
The death rate for ebola was far higher than the communist china virus

You fucking GO with that when SoKo has tested 65,000 and Dotard has tested 600.

Hope for a political victory on your STUPID springs eternal!
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.
Fake news.

Can you think of one other time where a super-bug outbreak resulted in so much fake news and blame of the POTUS before anything even happened?
Republican wailing and gnashing of teeth about Ebola back in 2014?
The death rate for ebola was far higher than the communist china virus

You fucking GO with that when SoKo has tested 65,000 and Dotard has tested 600.

Hope for a political victory on your STUPID springs eternal!

Comrade traitor, should people be dragged off the streets and tested?

South Korea is testing people because those people show symptoms. not so in America.
Fake news.

Can you think of one other time where a super-bug outbreak resulted in so much fake news and blame of the POTUS before anything even happened?
Republican wailing and gnashing of teeth about Ebola back in 2014?
The death rate for ebola was far higher than the communist china virus

You fucking GO with that when SoKo has tested 65,000 and Dotard has tested 600.

Hope for a political victory on your STUPID springs eternal!

Comrade traitor, should people be dragged off the streets and tested?

South Korea is testing people because those people show symptoms. not so in America.

Idiocy in full view righty here ^ JESUS!!
Can you think of one other time where a super-bug outbreak resulted in so much fake news and blame of the POTUS before anything even happened?
Republican wailing and gnashing of teeth about Ebola back in 2014?
The death rate for ebola was far higher than the communist china virus

You fucking GO with that when SoKo has tested 65,000 and Dotard has tested 600.

Hope for a political victory on your STUPID springs eternal!

Comrade traitor, should people be dragged off the streets and tested?

South Korea is testing people because those people show symptoms. not so in America.

Idiocy in full view righty here ^ JESUS!!

So traitor, then random people SHOULD be dragged in off the streets?
Hey libstains, how many have died in Chicago this year from shootings inflicted by criminals illegally in possession of a firearm? How many will die just this weekend from crime? Don't give a damn about that, do ya, ya filthy vermin?

Do you?

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Still waiting for that proof that the president called the Corona virus a "hoax," you lying fuck....
Republican wailing and gnashing of teeth about Ebola back in 2014?
The death rate for ebola was far higher than the communist china virus

You fucking GO with that when SoKo has tested 65,000 and Dotard has tested 600.

Hope for a political victory on your STUPID springs eternal!

Comrade traitor, should people be dragged off the streets and tested?

South Korea is testing people because those people show symptoms. not so in America.

Idiocy in full view righty here ^ JESUS!!

So traitor, then random people SHOULD be dragged in off the streets?

Nah - Just YOU ;)
CNBC and MSNBC are liars

We know.
Prove it.

The OP already did, you fucking retard.

No he didn’t you fucking dumbass.

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Then it's real simple for you communists to back up your slander and defamation.. Shall I hold my breath?

Please do. [emoji1785]

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Hey libstains, how many have died in Chicago this year from shootings inflicted by criminals illegally in possession of a firearm? How many will die just this weekend from crime? Don't give a damn about that, do ya, ya filthy vermin?

Do you?

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Still waiting for that proof that the president called the Corona virus a "hoax," you lying fuck....

I don’t recall saying he did.

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He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.

what the HOAX is - he keeps saying that the # of americans infected is 15.



when the number just jumped to 65 ... being that a 2nd 'community' spread victim was just diagnosed in cali; a high school student. & another apparent community spread person tested positive in oregon - an elementary school employee.

why is donny lying? i guess he just wants to seal his 'snake oil salesman' label huh?

He should not be misrepresenting anything.

See how easy that was?

Where's your criticism of the left now, Hmmmm?

he's not 'misrepresenting' anything.

he's fucking lying. see how easy THAT is?

is the left politicizing? not really, given the abysmal response we have had so far.

is the W.H.O politicizing this outbreak? are the physicians discussing it on TV politicizing it?

how's about criticizing the appointment of mike pence - who was the reason for the continued HIV outbreak in indiana when he was governor?

ooooOOoooo ... how about the WB? her reporting that we had people go over to wuhan to get fellow infected americans & bring them home, had no training ... had no equiptment ... some returning home on commercial flights - is THAT politicized?

was her being removed from her position & threatened with being fired politicized? ya, that one sure was - but not by the left.

Hey it’s the lying dunk again. Hey asshole, its YOU and YOUR SIdE lying here. Official charts have been posted in multiple other threads showing the number at 15 when the speech was done. Try learning to read, and the difference between domestic and repatriated cases. Trump has spent more on the CDC than your god Obozo ever did. Another leftist lie debunked. YOU are a fucking drunk liar. That was easy.
I think people have the medias number by now....nothing they say is 100% truthful....they lie distort and shade the truth to help democunts....

Distort? How many times did Fox News spread conspiracies to protect Trump? Non Stop. Here’s several links.

Coronavirus: How Fox News and other right-wing media endanger our health

Right-wing media spreads conspiracy and deny risk of coronavirus - Business Insider

A guide to right-wing media coronavirus reactions and conspiracy theories

How Trump and his Fox News allies are infecting the public trust amid coronavirus concerns
What are you talking about? FOX news should fall in line with CNN and MSNBC and scare the shit out of folks without balance?....just because you don't like the truth you blame the messenger?....

Conspiracies are not the truth.

They threw all these conspiracies to a wall and they knew it will stick one way or the other for believers like you.
Like the Biden laundering billions out from Ukraine without any hard evidence but a conspiracy crap creator John Solomon. Most of you gullible followers believed it. That is so funny.

Also give as a real example how those conspiracies play in reality?
Well he did say that the democrats are using it as a political hoax. Meaning they are deliberately spreading misinformation to damage Republicans and him. So if you leave out most of what was actually said you get him calling it a hoax.

It basically amounts to a lie by omission. But hey you can't expect the truth all the time. Look how many Dems could not help spreading the lie that Trump took away funds from the CDC and because of that we were all going to die.

What kinds of misinformation that the democrats are spreading? Can you please give an example?

Yes that is correct. Trump cut fundings of CDC because he said thousands of doctors are not doing anything. That’s a fact.

The problem with people like you and the rest doesn’t believed Trump did these and that. He lied all the time and that’s acceptable to most or all of you.

His rally in New Hampshire last week
1. Trump said Mexico is paying the wall because of remittances.
2. Hundreds and hundreds of buses from Massachusetts to NH making illegal votes.

Totally totally a LIE. His supporters clapped and cheered.
I get so tired of explaining simple things to simple people.
First off the president submits a budget. The house is the ones that eventually make a decision as what to fund and by how much.
I hear so many on this board and on agencies of CNN complain that the budget is out of control then bitch because this or that is being cut. Make up what mind you have and stick with either the budget is too high and needs to be reigned in or we do not need to worry about debt fund everything.
Second Trump wanted to use some of the money that was allocated for Ebola but we don't really have that much of it here nor are we expecting a serious outbreak in the near future. We have something that seems be be here now. But the Dems said no. They want to allocate more money and then complain about the budget. Again make up your minds.
The head of the CDC along with others are saying that the cuts are not affecting the way they are handling this problem. But we again have Dems complaining about the cuts. So which is it CDC and other doctors are wrong or Dems are wrong?

I find it funny that you try and make it seem that I will fall for anything but your real problem is I have a good understanding of common sense . Unlike your partisan sense.

You can twist however you want. Assigning Pence as in charge proved that Trump is not even serious.

I asked you a question. Give me an example of misinformation that the democrats are spreading. Can you please try it again.

Do you honestly expect head of CDC will say anything against Trump?
Do you honestly expect these impotent GOPs will say anything against Trump?

Democrats are not doing anything except critiquing Trump ineptness and amateurism.
Funny that you claim the truth is being twisted.
Would you been happier if he put Bozo the clown as being in charge?
So you think that the head of the CDC and doctors from hospitals would lie. I understand you may not have the kind of character needed not to but not everyone is that way.

Why woulda/shoulda this clown hire Obama? A very good example of a clown is Trump.
Why shoulda/woulda head of CDC lie? But do not expect them to say anything about Trump or you will get fired.

I asked a questions but you are not even addressing it because I know you can’t. Get real dude.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that
His own words betray him. He did say coronavirus is the latest hoax. We know Trump has a casual relationship with truth. Should that relationship extend to you as well?
Trump appointed a task force and requested billions of dollars to deal with the coronavirus

but no matter how much trump does dems say its not enough

thats fear mongering for partisan politics and it stinks

All US president every time or every policy or every moves he makes. There’s always this saying.

Deeeng if you do. Deeeeng if you don’t.

But for Trump it applies differently. Deeeeng Trumpy what the hell you are doing Dude? That is so funny.
I remember the Joy of the libs when they figured they could blame Reagan for aids after that ailment became popular in the 1980's.

The libs were ACTING-UP on the streets during that epidemic, blaming the President even though he was very hard hit by it personally. His good friend and fellow actor, the notorious homosexual Rock Hudson, was one of the early victims.

& now for some truth.

It’s no secret that Ronald Reagan’s response to the HIV/AIDS crisis left a blot on his presidential record; by the time he finally addressed the epidemic in earnest — in 1987 — nearly 23,000 people had died of the disease. Though Reagan ultimately labeled AIDS “public health enemy No. 1,” he also suggested that its spread might be slowed by ethical behavior — i.e., abstinence. “After all, when it comes to preventing AIDS, don’t medicine and morality teach the same lessons?” he said, according to the New York Times.
Well he did say that the democrats are using it as a political hoax. Meaning they are deliberately spreading misinformation to damage Republicans and him. So if you leave out most of what was actually said you get him calling it a hoax.

It basically amounts to a lie by omission. But hey you can't expect the truth all the time. Look how many Dems could not help spreading the lie that Trump took away funds from the CDC and because of that we were all going to die.

why is he lying & saying there are only 15 infected people? he's off by 50 victims. why is he downplaying the real number? did mike pence pray their disease away?

You're the one lying, the vast majority of cases were already infected when they returned to the US and they were immediately quarantined. The last I heard only 19 infections in the US were not part of the citizens returned from overseas. So shove your commie propaganda and fear mongering.


lol... does your back hurt from all that bending over for trump?

i don't lie. it doesn't matter where they got it kitten - but that they are infected americans now on our soil. the number of infected is the NUMBER INFECTED. & the number OF INFECTED IS WELL OVER 15.

today he said it was 22.

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