CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

then simply tell me how banning bump devices and >20 round mags would have stopped this.

not saying we can't stop it. but how will the actions *force* a change? "hope" won't do it and you'll never get that past the NRA.

I have a very simple solution.

Make the gun sellers responsible. ALlow victims of gun violence to sue the people who sell guns to the crazies.

Yesterday, stock in MGM dropped 5%? Why? Because the survivors of yesterday's attack will sue the owners of the Mandalay for not catching this guy as he set up a sniper's nest in their hotel.

But the people who sold him 28 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, they are immunized from legal action.
Gunman Had 'Bump-stock' Device That Could Speed Fire

The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two "bump-stocks" that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said.

The devices have attracted scrutiny in recent years from authorities.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has long railed against them. Several years ago, she told The Associated Press she was concerned about the emergence of new technologies that could retrofit firearms to make them fully automatic.

The device basically replaces the gun's shoulder rest, with a "support step" that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter's finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil causes the gun to buck back and forth, "bumping" the trigger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic.

"This replacement shoulder stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute," she said.

A semi-automatic weapon requires one trigger pull for each round fired. With a fully automatic firearm, one trigger pull can unleash continuous rounds until the magazine is empty.

Thank you.

Still not an illegal modification though.

I don't think it really would have mattered since anyone can fire 400 to 500 rounds a minute without such a device

If you have a weapon that can fire 400-500 rpm without modification, we need to look at banning those weapons as well as the devices


Any semiauto will fire one round for every trigger pull.

The rate is only determined by how fast your finger is.

If we are obtaining firing rates above 500 rpm with semi-automatic rifles, we need to re-examine the legality of those weapons
Na, enforce current laws. What are the percentages of getting killed by someone using the ar type of sporting rifle? 1% of 1% tops?

Which laws prevent buying a large capacity magazine?
Which laws prevent you from modifying your Assault Rifle to fire at over 500 rpm?
then simply tell me how banning bump devices and >20 round mags would have stopped this.

not saying we can't stop it. but how will the actions *force* a change? "hope" won't do it and you'll never get that past the NRA.

I have a very simple solution.

Make the gun sellers responsible. ALlow victims of gun violence to sue the people who sell guns to the crazies.

Yesterday, stock in MGM dropped 5%? Why? Because the survivors of yesterday's attack will sue the owners of the Mandalay for not catching this guy as he set up a sniper's nest in their hotel.

But the people who sold him 28 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, they are immunized from legal action.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SILLY , you guys have been trying that tactic for years JoeB .
It is quite difficult to modify an over the counter ar to full auto, it takes a machine shop and the expertise to do so. And even if someone manages to do it to a low-end over-the-counter sporting rifles - can't reliability handle full auto...

This guy seems to have done it without any problems.

You can buy the bump stock on the internet and modify your AR in less than a minute
SILLY , you guys have been trying that tactic for years JoeB .

Here's the thing. When the DC Sniper killed all those people, they found the gun stores that sold him guns (Despite being a convicted felon) to be liable.

Then low and behold, Congress passed a law that immunizes gun sellers.

But the hotel, they are going to get the shit sued out of them because Maria the Maid actually followed the "Do Not Disturb" sign.
then simply tell me how banning bump devices and >20 round mags would have stopped this.

not saying we can't stop it. but how will the actions *force* a change? "hope" won't do it and you'll never get that past the NRA.

I have a very simple solution.

Make the gun sellers responsible. ALlow victims of gun violence to sue the people who sell guns to the crazies.

Yesterday, stock in MGM dropped 5%? Why? Because the survivors of yesterday's attack will sue the owners of the Mandalay for not catching this guy as he set up a sniper's nest in their hotel.

But the people who sold him 28 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, they are immunized from legal action.

So blame the one selling things they can legally sell when a NUT misuses it? How ridiculous but coming from someone that's a gutless coward, I'm not surprised.
then simply tell me how banning bump devices and >20 round mags would have stopped this.

not saying we can't stop it. but how will the actions *force* a change? "hope" won't do it and you'll never get that past the NRA.

I have a very simple solution.

Make the gun sellers responsible. ALlow victims of gun violence to sue the people who sell guns to the crazies.

Yesterday, stock in MGM dropped 5%? Why? Because the survivors of yesterday's attack will sue the owners of the Mandalay for not catching this guy as he set up a sniper's nest in their hotel.

But the people who sold him 28 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, they are immunized from legal action.
Okay, as long as we can sue every last motherfucker who ever comes in contact with a car or other inanimate object sold to someone who uses said object for any form of malice or crime whatsoever.

Otherwise, fuck your stupid plan.
The fact is that rifles are used in very few murders compared to other weapons

Calling for a ban on semiautos is
Thank you.

Still not an illegal modification though.

I don't think it really would have mattered since anyone can fire 400 to 500 rounds a minute without such a device

If you have a weapon that can fire 400-500 rpm without modification, we need to look at banning those weapons as well as the devices


Any semiauto will fire one round for every trigger pull.

The rate is only determined by how fast your finger is.

If we are obtaining firing rates above 500 rpm with semi-automatic rifles, we need to re-examine the legality of those weapons
Na, enforce current laws. What are the percentages of getting killed by someone using the ar type of sporting rifle? 1% of 1% tops?

Which laws prevent buying a large capacity magazine?
Which laws prevent you from modifying your Assault Rifle to fire at over 500 rpm?

There are hundreds of laws that limit magazine size.

Most are state laws
Source: CNBC.COM
Article: Democrat on Las Vegas shooting massacre: 'Time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something'

"Following the shooting, some top Democrats — often proponents of tighter restrictions on guns — urged the Republican-controlled Congress to take action to prevent similar mass shootings.

"This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren't public policy responses to this epidemic," said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., in a statement. "There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It's time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something.

Well it certainly didn't take long for the buzzards-D to form up and start picking the corpses clean of any politically advantageous morsels they could get their bloody beaks on.

One wonders why the Democrats didn't pass any of this gun control legislation back when they had a lock on Congress in 2009, guess there wasn't any political advantage in it for 'em then. :cool:

Yes they always say that, they run the same tired old debunked religious dogma.

And as you see they offer no real evidence that their proposals would ever stop something like this other than to take away all the guns. Which means only criminals would have the guns. Not one proposal they far left has made here or anywhere shows how their calls would have stopped this.
then simply tell me how banning bump devices and >20 round mags would have stopped this.

not saying we can't stop it. but how will the actions *force* a change? "hope" won't do it and you'll never get that past the NRA.

I have a very simple solution.

Make the gun sellers responsible. ALlow victims of gun violence to sue the people who sell guns to the crazies.

Yesterday, stock in MGM dropped 5%? Why? Because the survivors of yesterday's attack will sue the owners of the Mandalay for not catching this guy as he set up a sniper's nest in their hotel.

But the people who sold him 28 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, they are immunized from legal action.
now apply this to people who use cars/trucks to mow down people.

and how do you catch someone setting up a snipers nest? from reading about the guy, he would live in vegas / other hotels for months, preferring that to his home. if this is the case and more or less "background" in these places, it would not be hard to do this over the course of a week.

did they sell him 28 guns "in a row" / at one time? and while the ammo amount can sound impressive, it doesn't take long to go through it on the range.

as for making the manufacturers not sell to "crazies" - define that for me please. i mean, before they go off and do something like this. if he was able to buy/rent a fully automatic weapon then he passed all the "crazy" background checks.

who will create and certify these "checks" to bear that responsibility?

so again - still looking for something that would have made a difference here.
SILLY , you guys have been trying that tactic for years JoeB .

Here's the thing. When the DC Sniper killed all those people, they found the gun stores that sold him guns (Despite being a convicted felon) to be liable.

Then low and behold, Congress passed a law that immunizes gun sellers.

But the hotel, they are going to get the shit sued out of them because Maria the Maid actually followed the "Do Not Disturb" sign.
so maria the maid should say "wow, this sign is bullshit, i will barge in..."

when i travel i just don't like maids / people in the room period. i leave that sign on until i need to have the beds made or towels or the like. they ignore it i would get mad at the hotel for ignoring my "do not disturb" wishes.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Nope. In NV they are perfectly legal.

Assault weapons and machine guns in Nevada
Unless legally prohibited from possessing a firearm, people in Nevada 18 years of age and older may possess any kind of guns other than machine guns.4 This includes all semi-automatic firearms, including those with a detachable magazine and pistol grip.
You should look up the grandfather clause that allows you to own an automatic weapon. Its perfectly legal to own a fully automatic weapon in NV. I know because I have a relative that has one.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Nope. In NV they are perfectly legal.

Assault weapons and machine guns in Nevada
Unless legally prohibited from possessing a firearm, people in Nevada 18 years of age and older may possess any kind of guns other than machine guns.4 This includes all semi-automatic firearms, including those with a detachable magazine and pistol grip.
You should look up the grandfather clause that allows you to own an automatic weapon. Its perfectly legal to own a fully automatic weapon in NV. I know because I have a relative that has one.

A grandfather clause only applies in specific situations
Well that's gun nuttish behavior . Buying a bunch at once .

No, gun nutters (as the left calls them) are people who were always obsessed with guns. Unless later reports tell otherwise, this guy bought most of his armament the last month or so. This was a very well planned and calculated massacre.
Where did you see he got them in the last month? There's no way he got automatics in a month.

But it does fit. Left winger all worked up, goes and buys some guns, learns how to auto them and goes on a rampage at an event that probably contains a lot of conservatives.

I've read a lot of comments on different boards wondering if conservatives were now being hunted. At first I was shocked at what I was reading then the more I thought about it.......

Not so far fetched a thought.
It's not like the left will denounce him if he was on their side. Just like ISIS, they love martyrdom.

He was on their side, just look at who his victims were. It's very clear.
Most were know....those "left wing fruits and nuts" we keep hearing about from trumpanzees.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Can they be turned into automatics? Then ban them
Any gun can pretty much be turned into an auto. No way that they are going to ban all guns.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Nope. In NV they are perfectly legal.

Assault weapons and machine guns in Nevada
Unless legally prohibited from possessing a firearm, people in Nevada 18 years of age and older may possess any kind of guns other than machine guns.4 This includes all semi-automatic firearms, including those with a detachable magazine and pistol grip.
You should look up the grandfather clause that allows you to own an automatic weapon. Its perfectly legal to own a fully automatic weapon in NV. I know because I have a relative that has one.

A grandfather clause only applies in specific situations
Correct but you can still legally own one in NV.
In the light of the events in Las Cegas, no one is doing a "happy dance", especially gun control advocates. We do not traffic in schadenfreude. That despicable trait is the province of those who refuse to recognize the havoc automatic weapons bring to our streets.

What's the purpose of a machine gun? It is not designed for sporting purposes. It is designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. No one can justify their ownership among civilians. Such weapons belong in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on American streets.
Did you read what I wrote? Or are you so overwhelmed by your anti-gun passion none of it matters. If so, please be advised that automatic weapons have been illegal for quite some time.

So what else would you suggest we do about them?

What she suggests is that we exploit this tragedy in order to destroy the Constitutional rights of the masses and put them even more firmly under the thumb of the global elites.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Nope. In NV they are perfectly legal.

Assault weapons and machine guns in Nevada
Unless legally prohibited from possessing a firearm, people in Nevada 18 years of age and older may possess any kind of guns other than machine guns.4 This includes all semi-automatic firearms, including those with a detachable magazine and pistol grip.
You should look up the grandfather clause that allows you to own an automatic weapon. Its perfectly legal to own a fully automatic weapon in NV. I know because I have a relative that has one.

A grandfather clause only applies in specific situations
Correct but you can still legally own one in NV.

Not anyone.

it is possible to legally own an automatic weapon in all states with the proper permits and tax stamps

without those it is illegal
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Based on this statement it could be argued that no civilian has a right to keep and bear arms. Looks to me that being part of a regulated Militia is the criteria for owning a weapon. We have a regulated militia. Its called the National Guard.

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