CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

So....what do we know this morning?

The shooter did not have a machine gun. He had a semi-automatic rifle with what is called a bump stock device which allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range. He also had large capacity magazines to allow lengthy burst rates

So.....everything was perfectly legal and he had the tools he needed to rain down hell on thousands of concert goers

Now, gun lovers
Explain why you need these things
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Amendment RIGHTS need no explanation as the Second Amendment is an Americans RIGHT RWinger !!

Nice try

But even in the Heller Decision, the Supreme Court recognized you do not have the right to unlimited access to guns

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----------------------------------------------------------------- well we gotta change that RWinger !! Until we change that , we gunowners have what we want while you gun banners walk around in a state of total aggravation RWinger :afro:. [chuckle]

Why are you [chuckling] about a massacre that killed 59 people?

Ha! Ha! ....nothing you can do about it
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- stop trying to spin RWinger , my happiness is due to you lefty gun banners constant state of aggravation :afro:. Generally my comment to YOU anti gunners is a simple but polite feck you RWinger .
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Can they be turned into automatics? Then ban them
If only those concert goers were armed! Had they had guns, fewer would have been killed!

Or so goes the rationalization of those who refuse to understand the havoc an easily modified semi-automatic firing system combined with a high capacity ammunition magazine can render in seconds.

Na. Guns in the victims hands would have made zero difference. But making politicians hay on the backs of dead bodies for attention on a message boardsis pretty sad.
Gunman Had 'Bump-stock' Device That Could Speed Fire

The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two "bump-stocks" that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said.

The devices have attracted scrutiny in recent years from authorities.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has long railed against them. Several years ago, she told The Associated Press she was concerned about the emergence of new technologies that could retrofit firearms to make them fully automatic.

The device basically replaces the gun's shoulder rest, with a "support step" that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter's finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil causes the gun to buck back and forth, "bumping" the trigger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic.

"This replacement shoulder stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute," she said.

A semi-automatic weapon requires one trigger pull for each round fired. With a fully automatic firearm, one trigger pull can unleash continuous rounds until the magazine is empty.

Thank you.

Still not an illegal modification though.

I don't think it really would have mattered since anyone can fire 400 to 500 rounds a minute without such a device

If you have a weapon that can fire 400-500 rpm without modification, we need to look at banning those weapons as well as the devices
Na, there's no reason for that. Go back to your safe space snowflake.
Do you need to pick a scarier boogie man.
Let's see if they only "look" like assault weapons or are easily modified to become assault weapons

The monster was firing at 600 rounds per minute. Awfully fast for a semiautomatic
Only an uninformed fool thinks ars are easily modified to shoot full auto...

Ummmmm....Guess what?

The guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range

Why is this legal?

it is certainly not a machine gun nor full auto

At 400-800 rpm it might just as well be

Why does anyone legally need those firing ranges?
No one "needs" a car, but owning a firearm is a right

Owning a weapon that shoots 400-800 rpm is not a right
It's A Happy Dance For Gun-Control Advocates:

No, it is not a "happy dance"

It is just another case of "why do we have to keep going through this shit?"
Gun-control has nothing to do with saving lives… It's all about control and only control… Fact
Gunman Had 'Bump-stock' Device That Could Speed Fire

The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two "bump-stocks" that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said.

The devices have attracted scrutiny in recent years from authorities.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has long railed against them. Several years ago, she told The Associated Press she was concerned about the emergence of new technologies that could retrofit firearms to make them fully automatic.

The device basically replaces the gun's shoulder rest, with a "support step" that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter's finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil causes the gun to buck back and forth, "bumping" the trigger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic.

"This replacement shoulder stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute," she said.

A semi-automatic weapon requires one trigger pull for each round fired. With a fully automatic firearm, one trigger pull can unleash continuous rounds until the magazine is empty.

Thank you.

Still not an illegal modification though.

I don't think it really would have mattered since anyone can fire 400 to 500 rounds a minute without such a device

If you have a weapon that can fire 400-500 rpm without modification, we need to look at banning those weapons as well as the devices
Na, there's no reason for that. Go back to your safe space snowflake.
Do you need to pick a scarier boogie man.

Ask the people at that concert if he was a "scary boogie man"
Gunman Had 'Bump-stock' Device That Could Speed Fire

The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two "bump-stocks" that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said.

The devices have attracted scrutiny in recent years from authorities.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has long railed against them. Several years ago, she told The Associated Press she was concerned about the emergence of new technologies that could retrofit firearms to make them fully automatic.

The device basically replaces the gun's shoulder rest, with a "support step" that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter's finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil causes the gun to buck back and forth, "bumping" the trigger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic.

"This replacement shoulder stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute," she said.

A semi-automatic weapon requires one trigger pull for each round fired. With a fully automatic firearm, one trigger pull can unleash continuous rounds until the magazine is empty.

Thank you.

Still not an illegal modification though.

I don't think it really would have mattered since anyone can fire 400 to 500 rounds a minute without such a device

If you have a weapon that can fire 400-500 rpm without modification, we need to look at banning those weapons as well as the devices


Any semiauto will fire one round for every trigger pull.

The rate is only determined by how fast your finger is.

If we are obtaining firing rates above 500 rpm with semi-automatic rifles, we need to re-examine the legality of those weapons
Na, enforce current laws. What are the percentages of getting killed by someone using the ar type of sporting rifle? 1% of 1% tops?
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Can they be turned into automatics? Then ban them
Are you some type a pussy?

Bump firing is a well-established capability that uses the recoil of a semi-automatic firearm to fire multiple shots in rapid succession. The patented Slide Fire® rifle stock allows shooters to safely and accurately bump fire their rifles without compromising safety and accuracy.

The Slide Fire® stock is fun, exciting and entertaining. As always, practice safe firearm procedures when using any firearm. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has approved the Slide Fire stock where firearms are legal. Our patented technology allows for an alternate shooting technique whereby safe, reliable rapid fire is possible.

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With really shitty accuracy... please inform yourself next time. Dip shit

How much accuracy did Paddock need to fire down on the thousands of concert goers?

How much accuracy do you need in a crowded movie theater?
Only an uninformed fool thinks ars are easily modified to shoot full auto...

Ummmmm....Guess what?

The guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range

Why is this legal?

it is certainly not a machine gun nor full auto

At 400-800 rpm it might just as well be

Why does anyone legally need those firing ranges?
No one "needs" a car, but owning a firearm is a right

Owning a weapon that shoots 400-800 rpm is not a right
Yes, millions of people do. And they don't go out shooting people… Are you some type a fucking control freak?
Gunman Had 'Bump-stock' Device That Could Speed Fire

The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two "bump-stocks" that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said.

The devices have attracted scrutiny in recent years from authorities.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has long railed against them. Several years ago, she told The Associated Press she was concerned about the emergence of new technologies that could retrofit firearms to make them fully automatic.

The device basically replaces the gun's shoulder rest, with a "support step" that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter's finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil causes the gun to buck back and forth, "bumping" the trigger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic.

"This replacement shoulder stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute," she said.

A semi-automatic weapon requires one trigger pull for each round fired. With a fully automatic firearm, one trigger pull can unleash continuous rounds until the magazine is empty.

Thank you.

Still not an illegal modification though.

I don't think it really would have mattered since anyone can fire 400 to 500 rounds a minute without such a device

If you have a weapon that can fire 400-500 rpm without modification, we need to look at banning those weapons as well as the devices
Na, there's no reason for that. Go back to your safe space snowflake.
Do you need to pick a scarier boogie man.

Ask the people at that concert if he was a "scary boogie man"
People kill people not firearms… LOL
And it certainly didn't take long for people like you to cry foul when Democrats try to put the issue front and center that at the very least caused the high fatality rate.
That's because I'm paying attention to what the dickheads in Washington are actually up to which , in this case, is attempting to score political points on the corpses of the victims.
It's the nature of science to respond to current events since that's when awareness of a pa
I wonder why Republicans never have a problem politicizing a shooting when Muslims are involved?
Probably something to with the fact that Republicans are just as inane, dishonest and unethical as the Democrats are.

Or alternatively they didn't have the votes on gun law reform. Seems like a reasonable assumption after last weeks health care debacle I would think.
Er..umm.. In 2009 the Democrats had a formidable majority in the House and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and nary a peep about any of the gun control nonsense they're apoplectic over now, I guess they were too busy fucking up the U.S. Healthcare system back then to bother with it, huh?
so - just what laws need to be passed?

-10 for anyone who proposes a law already on the books.

Based on Sundays shooting

- Ban devices that allow you to modify semi-automatics to fire at high rates
- Ban magazines larger than 20 rounds

bump devices - i can see that being banned. but i can't see people stopping from doing it. now, if this mans desire was to have this functionality, how will the ban stop him from doing it? if he's ready to kill / hurt 600+ people, will he stop cause we got clever and banned the functionality? or do we just add it to his list of crimes we can put on his tombstone?

>20 capacity mags. he had what, an hour up there? i don't think higher capacity mags made a difference here. i'm not debating whether or not this should or should not be done, i'm asking what can we do based on what happened to keep him or anyone from doing that.

so i don't see how if this were in effect it would have stopped a thing or reduced casualties. it's just doing something to say "well we tried". admirable, sure. but would it have made a difference?
I think the correct question is can it make a difference. If the answer to that question is yes then its not just admirable do try to do something about it, but immoral not too. In the end I think the goal should be a mentality shift. At the moment the attitude we can't stop it, is a boon for all those people that like and want guns. If we start giving at the least the signal that the government frowns on gun ownership, it might influence future generations. To that end banning guns that have no practical purpose like hunting or self defense is a start.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Can they be turned into automatics? Then ban them
Are you some type a pussy?
Or make it so they can't be turned into automatics

Bump firing is a well-established capability that uses the recoil of a semi-automatic firearm to fire multiple shots in rapid succession. The patented Slide Fire® rifle stock allows shooters to safely and accurately bump fire their rifles without compromising safety and accuracy.

The Slide Fire® stock is fun, exciting and entertaining. As always, practice safe firearm procedures when using any firearm. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has approved the Slide Fire stock where firearms are legal. Our patented technology allows for an alternate shooting technique whereby safe, reliable rapid fire is possible.

View attachment 152511
With really shitty accuracy... please inform yourself next time. Dip shit

How much accuracy did Paddock need to fire down on the thousands of concert goers?

How much accuracy do you need in a crowded movie theater?
Again, what are the percentages of getting killed by someone using an ar style sporting rifle? Maybe one percent of 1%? Tops?
so - just what laws need to be passed?

-10 for anyone who proposes a law already on the books.

Based on Sundays shooting

- Ban devices that allow you to modify semi-automatics to fire at high rates
- Ban magazines larger than 20 rounds
--------------------------------------- do or try whatever you like but here is some info for you from my observations . 5 , 10 and 20 round mags are the preferred magazines for the AR15 . Bump type devices for AR15 type guns are not very popular , same as Beta type magazines . Course what i just said is MY opinion . Happily though Beta mags and 30 round mags are sold as well as bump fire devices and i will fight for them always being available RWinger .
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Can they be turned into automatics? Then ban them
Are you some type a pussy?
Or make it so they can't be turned into automatics
It is quite difficult to modify an over the counter ar to full auto, it takes a machine shop and the expertise to do so. And even if someone manages to do it to a low-end over-the-counter sporting rifles - can't reliability handle full auto...
And it certainly didn't take long for people like you to cry foul when Democrats try to put the issue front and center that at the very least caused the high fatality rate.
That's because I'm paying attention to what the dickheads in Washington are actually up to which , in this case, is attempting to score political points on the corpses of the victims.
It's the nature of science to respond to current events since that's when awareness of a pa
I wonder why Republicans never have a problem politicizing a shooting when Muslims are involved?
Probably something to with the fact that Republicans are just as inane, dishonest and unethical as the Democrats are.

Or alternatively they didn't have the votes on gun law reform. Seems like a reasonable assumption after last weeks health care debacle I would think.
Er..umm.. In 2009 the Democrats had a formidable majority in the House and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and nary a peep about any of the gun control nonsense they're apoplectic over now, I guess they were too busy fucking up the U.S. Healthcare system back then to bother with it, huh?
so - just what laws need to be passed?

-10 for anyone who proposes a law already on the books.

Based on Sundays shooting

- Ban devices that allow you to modify semi-automatics to fire at high rates
- Ban magazines larger than 20 rounds

bump devices - i can see that being banned. but i can't see people stopping from doing it. now, if this mans desire was to have this functionality, how will the ban stop him from doing it? if he's ready to kill / hurt 600+ people, will he stop cause we got clever and banned the functionality? or do we just add it to his list of crimes we can put on his tombstone?

>20 capacity mags. he had what, an hour up there? i don't think higher capacity mags made a difference here. i'm not debating whether or not this should or should not be done, i'm asking what can we do based on what happened to keep him or anyone from doing that.

so i don't see how if this were in effect it would have stopped a thing or reduced casualties. it's just doing something to say "well we tried". admirable, sure. but would it have made a difference?
I think the correct question is can it make a difference. If the answer to that question is yes then its not just admirable do try to do something about it, but immoral not too. In the end I think the goal should be a mentality shift. At the moment the attitude we can't stop it, is a boon for all those people that like and want guns. If we start giving at the least the signal that the government frowns on gun ownership, it might influence future generations. To that end banning guns that have no practical purpose like hunting or self defense is a start.
then simply tell me how banning bump devices and >20 round mags would have stopped this.

not saying we can't stop it. but how will the actions *force* a change? "hope" won't do it and you'll never get that past the NRA.

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