CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

I refer you back to the liquor store analogy.
If the guy is legally allowed to buy liquor and can prove it the clerk has no reason not to sell to him. or do you propose that we enforce limits on the number of bottles of alcohol a person can buy?

Not really a good analogy, since liquor isn't designed to kill people and guns are.

If I owned a gun shop and a guy came in with all the correct permits and passed a background check when I called it in then I have done my due diligence

That's not good enough.

Look, here's the problem. the gun industry encourages this shit. 3% of the population has 50% of the guns. These are all ticking time bombs waiting to go off, and the gun industry doesn't care because those are their best customers.

it is good enough.

And the whole flawed argument that every gun owner is some sort of mass killer in waiting is pure bullshit.
it is good enough.

And the whole flawed argument that every gun owner is some sort of mass killer in waiting is pure bullshit.

Really? Because, honestly, that sounds like a pretty good description of Stephan Paddock... everyone says what a normal guy he was, until he went off and shot hundreds of people.
it is good enough.

And the whole flawed argument that every gun owner is some sort of mass killer in waiting is pure bullshit.

Really? Because, honestly, that sounds like a pretty good description of Stephan Paddock... everyone says what a normal guy he was, until he went off and shot hundreds of people.

And that could be said of anyone regarding any crime then couldn't it?

I mean you're a perfectly law abiding guy until you rape someone right?

It's only a matter of time after all you have everything you need to commit rape don't you?

You can't punish a person for committing a crime BEFORE the crime is committed.
it is good enough.

And the whole flawed argument that every gun owner is some sort of mass killer in waiting is pure bullshit.

Really? Because, honestly, that sounds like a pretty good description of Stephan Paddock... everyone says what a normal guy he was, until he went off and shot hundreds of people.

And that could be said of anyone regarding any crime then couldn't it?

I mean you're a perfectly law abiding guy until you rape someone right?

It's only a matter of time after all you have everything you need to commit rape don't you?

You can't punish a person for committing a crime BEFORE the crime is committed.

Very true. A few years back there was a mad rapist in Medina. Ohio which is a city outside of Cleveland. It's a very beautiful community that was once a small town that built up as years went on.

He struck several times before he was finally caught. My cousin who lives out that way called to tell me about it. He has his own remodeling business. He told me that the Medina rapist was his roofer that he sub-contracted all his roofing work to. He was a guy in his 40's, never been in trouble with the law, hard working family man complete with wife and kids. They would go out to dinner now and then, and there were times when the roofer needed something for a job, and my cousin told him to just go to his house and his wife would let him in. Never so much as winked at her.
Yes the person who went on the rampage and only the person who went on the rampage should be held responsible.

Well, we've tried that, and because most of these guys die during the course of the rampage, it's really not much of a deterent.

But I bet you if some gun seller who knew his customer was crazy and kept selling him bump stocks and 100 round clips was held responsible, they'd start looking at their customers a lot closer.

So what makes you think he bought all his guns, ammo and bump stocks from the same person yet alone the same store? Even if your little dream were true and they refused sale to him, do you think that this guy would have said "Oh well, I can't get any guns legally, I'll just have to give up that mass murder idea?"
Source: CNBC.COM
Article: Democrat on Las Vegas shooting massacre: 'Time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something'

"Following the shooting, some top Democrats — often proponents of tighter restrictions on guns — urged the Republican-controlled Congress to take action to prevent similar mass shootings.

"This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren't public policy responses to this epidemic," said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., in a statement. "There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It's time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something.

Well it certainly didn't take long for the buzzards-D to form up and start picking the corpses clean of any politically advantageous morsels they could get their bloody beaks on.

One wonders why the Democrats didn't pass any of this gun control legislation back when they had a lock on Congress in 2009, guess there wasn't any political advantage in it for 'em then. :cool:

Help me please, I am confused. One day nobody but nobody on the left likes, supports or trusts law enforcement. Yet today they want more gun laws or even an attempt to grab all firearms. If you don't trust Police & the system, Why do you want the same Government to have more power and control over its subjects? If gun laws work, why are the cities with the strictest laws the same ones with the highest murder rates? Why did NOBODY take action on the HIPA laws (Hillery's) that kept officials from sharing Medical info before the VA Tech tragedy? (Sorry but like Benghazi that blood will always be on her hands in my view). I'm not about to defend the RNC leadership in Congress but the Bost Marathon blood is squarely on the DNC. The mental health and big Pharma are definitely issues on Sandy Hook, Columbine & the CO Theater. In none of those incidents did a firearm load itself, or a bomb build itself.

Intellectual curiosity also has me still searching for the video where any firearm (inanimate object) loaded itself and harmed anyone...where can I find it?

At the end of the day, it is a LACK OF RESPECT OF LIFE PERIOD, driven by pure evil.
it is good enough.

And the whole flawed argument that every gun owner is some sort of mass killer in waiting is pure bullshit.

Really? Because, honestly, that sounds like a pretty good description of Stephan Paddock... everyone says what a normal guy he was, until he went off and shot hundreds of people.

And that could be said of anyone regarding any crime then couldn't it?

I mean you're a perfectly law abiding guy until you rape someone right?

It's only a matter of time after all you have everything you need to commit rape don't you?

You can't punish a person for committing a crime BEFORE the crime is committed.

Very true. A few years back there was a mad rapist in Medina. Ohio which is a city outside of Cleveland. It's a very beautiful community that was once a small town that built up as years went on.

He struck several times before he was finally caught. My cousin who lives out that way called to tell me about it. He has his own remodeling business. He told me that the Medina rapist was his roofer that he sub-contracted all his roofing work to. He was a guy in his 40's, never been in trouble with the law, hard working family man complete with wife and kids. They would go out to dinner now and then, and there were times when the roofer needed something for a job, and my cousin told him to just go to his house and his wife would let him in. Never so much as winked at her.
History is full of notorious examples, Jack the Ripper, The Boston Stranger, BT Killer, let me throw out another one...nurses
They have been several nurses in the US that were serial killers usually via syringes. There were more in Europe. We're talking HUNDREDS of people murdered...where's the outrage? Where are the regulations?
Sanders also voted in favor of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005, which provided some protections for licensed manufacturers, dealers, sellers of firearms or ammunition, and trade associations from civil lawsuits resulting from the misuse of firearms or ammunition. But gun makers and dealers did not receive a “total pass,” as Clinton claimed.

As the Congressional Research Service pointed out in a 2012 report, the legislation included six exceptions where civil suits could still be brought, including cases in which a firearm seller acted with negligence, cases involving the transfer of a firearm with the knowledge that it would be used to commit a crime, and cases in which manufacturers and sellers marketed or sold a firearm in violation of state or federal law.

How does any of that contradict what I just said.

Never mind, too much trouble to ask for logic from you.

You said the DC sniper was sold arms that the seller knew he would use for nefarious reasons, and Congress voted to allow that. It's a lie as usual from you.

What the law did was stop legislatures with your mentality from suing gun sellers and manufacturers out of business. In essence that would stop all sales of firearms in the country because the liability would be too high, either that or make it too expensive for anybody to afford a firearm.

I guess you could call the law "Stop Commies In Their Tracks" law.
The thing is, it's kind of their job to know they are selling a deadly object to a nut.

It is? I've yet to know of a gun store that requires you to see the gun store psychiatrist before selling you a weapon.

Well, maybe they should. Heck, you have to get a note from your doctor before getting an allergy medication, maybe you should get a note from a shrink before you buy a gun.

I mean, I know that would suck for you, just reading your posts someone would mark you as crazy.

Right, then maybe you should get a note from a shrink to buy a car as well. How about knives? How about sharp gardening tools?

Sorry, but I passed all government standards for qualifications. I have a CDL. I have a CCW. I'm TSA certified. I've been looked inside and out by nearly every government agency possible. It's people like your that should worry.
So what makes you think he bought all his guns, ammo and bump stocks from the same person yet alone the same store? Even if your little dream were true and they refused sale to him, do you think that this guy would have said "Oh well, I can't get any guns legally, I'll just have to give up that mass murder idea?"

No, but hopefully by that point, a light would go on and say, "Hey, this guy has enough guns to start the zombie apocalypse, someone needs to check that out."
Right, then maybe you should get a note from a shrink to buy a car as well. How about knives? How about sharp gardening tools?

Sorry, but I passed all government standards for qualifications. I have a CDL. I have a CCW. I'm TSA certified. I've been looked inside and out by nearly every government agency possible. It's people like your that should worry.

Yes, the fact someone who is as mentally unstable as you are can get guns and trucks is worrysome. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
Right, then maybe you should get a note from a shrink to buy a car as well. How about knives? How about sharp gardening tools?

Sorry, but I passed all government standards for qualifications. I have a CDL. I have a CCW. I'm TSA certified. I've been looked inside and out by nearly every government agency possible. It's people like your that should worry.

Yes, the fact someone who is as mentally unstable as you are can get guns and trucks is worrysome. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

LOL, if vitriolic output and apparent animosity towards those that don't adhere to ones own preferred dogma are any gauge of a persons propensity to commit "hate crimes" , I'd have say; you can't be trusted with a butter knife let alone guns or trucks.

Watch out POT, there's an up and coming contender coming after your heavyweight title belt.
LOL, if vitriolic output and apparent animosity towards those that don't adhere to ones own preferred dogma are any gauge of a persons propensity to commit "hate crimes" , I'd have say; you can't be trusted with a butter knife let alone guns or trucks.

Did you look at the guy's Avi? Even his Avi is mentally unstable.
LOL, if vitriolic output and apparent animosity towards those that don't adhere to ones own preferred dogma are any gauge of a persons propensity to commit "hate crimes" , I'd have say; you can't be trusted with a butter knife let alone guns or trucks.

Did you look at the guy's Avi? Even his Avi is mentally unstable.
No more unstable than everybody else around here.....

To paraphrase Rex:
"This is not reality, It is the Internet, where mental instability is not only all right, it's rewarded. "
There are more than enough gun laws on the books right now.

The gun is the tool, the person using it is the weapon. Period.

The gun is the tool and most of the time the person that is using it is a TOOL too. ;)

There are tools and there are TOOLS, if you're just following orders you're a TOOL, if you're trying to follow orders but are too stupid to do it properly you're a defective TOOL, if you think you are the one giving the orders you're not a TOOL, you're just a run of the mill moron.
Right, then maybe you should get a note from a shrink to buy a car as well. How about knives? How about sharp gardening tools?

Sorry, but I passed all government standards for qualifications. I have a CDL. I have a CCW. I'm TSA certified. I've been looked inside and out by nearly every government agency possible. It's people like your that should worry.

Yes, the fact someone who is as mentally unstable as you are can get guns and trucks is worrysome. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Says the guy who needs the most psychiatric care out of all of us on USMB.

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So what makes you think he bought all his guns, ammo and bump stocks from the same person yet alone the same store? Even if your little dream were true and they refused sale to him, do you think that this guy would have said "Oh well, I can't get any guns legally, I'll just have to give up that mass murder idea?"

No, but hopefully by that point, a light would go on and say, "Hey, this guy has enough guns to start the zombie apocalypse, someone needs to check that out."

So Big Brother checks him out and the guy says he has a fancy for guns. Then what?

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