CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

Trump is good huckster, yes, but he will have to perform and that he has not done well yet.

And, yes, he was much less stupid crazy this time.
I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)
They're mentally ill.

Anybody who has ever interacted with sarhag and ravi knows that is the issue.
I guess CNN is not fake news for today at least but it shouldn't be to long before their Trump bashing starts up again.

Aha, so it's only fake news if it's negative about Trump.

That means you think Trump can do no wrong, which makes you a fine little cult member.
I bet you don't even begin to see the irony in that response especially from some who worshipped at the temple of Obama for eight years.

lol, I haven't forgotten how much you RWnuts RIDICULED Obama for making good speeches.

Why aren't you ridiculing Trump for the same?
I didn't ridicule Obama for making good speeches I made fun of his supporters for thinking being able to read a speech off a Teleprompter made him a great public speaker. Obama always delivered a great speech but when you took him out of the scripted setting he stumbled and fumbled around a lot Trump is the exact opposite he is more comfortable in the unscripted setting which is what made his performance last night impressive.
In fairness, that was not typical Trump last night. If it becomes normal, the polls will turn. My analysis maybe off I was in the middle of a tornado warning during the speech.
I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)
They're mentally ill.

Anybody who has ever interacted with sarhag and ravi knows that is the issue.

I guess CNN is not fake news for today at least but it shouldn't be to long before their Trump bashing starts up again.

Aha, so it's only fake news if it's negative about Trump.

That means you think Trump can do no wrong, which makes you a fine little cult member.
I bet you don't even begin to see the irony in that response especially from some who worshipped at the temple of Obama for eight years.

lol, I haven't forgotten how much you RWnuts RIDICULED Obama for making good speeches.

Why aren't you ridiculing Trump for the same?
I didn't ridicule Obama for making good speeches I made fun of his supporters for thinking being able to read a speech off a Teleprompter made him a great public speaker. Obama always delivered a great speech but when you took him out of the scripted setting he stumbled and fumbled around a lot Trump is the exact opposite he is more comfortable in the unscripted setting which is what made his performance last night impressive.

Obama was a good orator, the problem was though, he lacked substance.
I'm amazed at how many lib reporters are saying positive things about Trump after the speech.

I am disgusted with the behavior of the Dems for not showing respect for police or military. They must have decided beforehand to show disrespect no matter what was said. I guess it's too much to expect them to listen or behave like adults.

Are you under orders to lie?

Watch the videos, nimrod. Not at all difficult to find lots of footage of Dems sitting instead of showing respect. And plenty of footage of some lib media admitting that it was a good speech. So, I guess you are under orders to lie.
I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)
Lol you people are so dumb when it comes to CNN. Anytime CNN comes out with an unfavorable poll about Trump you call it "fake news". Whenever CNN polls like this come out, you go ape shit. You come across like such children. I guess that's why you are Trump supporters to begin with.
Lol you people are so dumb when it comes to CNN. Anytime CNN comes out with an unfavorable poll about Trump you call it "fake news". Whenever CNN polls like this come out, you go ape shit. You come across like such children. I guess that's why you are Trump supporters to begin with.
Snowflakes do the same thing in reverse, Billy. so which is it, snowflake - is CNN a 'Fake News' site or not? (Even thought the question is moot - they have already demonstrated they are....)
Lol you people are so dumb when it comes to CNN. Anytime CNN comes out with an unfavorable poll about Trump you call it "fake news". Whenever CNN polls like this come out, you go ape shit. You come across like such children. I guess that's why you are Trump supporters to begin with.
Snowflakes do the same thing in reverse, Billy. so which is it, snowflake - is CNN a 'Fake News' site or not? (Even thought the question is moot - they have already demonstrated they are....)
Lol have you noticed I'm not whining claiming this poll of yours is fake?

Idiot. You people are such simpletons.
Lol you people are so dumb when it comes to CNN. Anytime CNN comes out with an unfavorable poll about Trump you call it "fake news". Whenever CNN polls like this come out, you go ape shit. You come across like such children. I guess that's why you are Trump supporters to begin with.
Snowflakes do the same thing in reverse, Billy. so which is it, snowflake - is CNN a 'Fake News' site or not? (Even thought the question is moot - they have already demonstrated they are....)
Lol have you noticed I'm not whining claiming this poll of yours is fake?

Idiot. You people are such simpletons.

Simmer down Snowflake.
Lol have you noticed I'm not whining claiming this poll of yours is fake?
1. Then you are whining for no reason....?

2. You dodged the question - Is CNN 'Fake News' or not?
Lol have you noticed I'm not whining claiming this poll of yours is fake?
1. Then you are whining for no reason....?

2. You dodged the question - Is CNN 'Fake News' or not?
No it's not fake news. Had Trump never called it fake news first, you wouldn't be saying it. You just believe anything that whiny little bitch says
Oh, it's fake news alright. You don't think CNN actually wanted to report something favorable to Trump - doya?
I'm amazed at how many lib reporters are saying positive things about Trump after the speech.

I am disgusted with the behavior of the Dems for not showing respect for police or military. They must have decided beforehand to show disrespect no matter what was said. I guess it's too much to expect them to listen or behave like adults.
And yet losers like Shepard Smith and Juan Williams STILL didn't like it.

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