CNN: 80% of Americans Saw Trump Speech As 'Positive'

I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)

cnn is fake news :afro:
I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)
Lol you people are so dumb when it comes to CNN. Anytime CNN comes out with an unfavorable poll about Trump you call it "fake news". Whenever CNN polls like this come out, you go ape shit. You come across like such children. I guess that's why you are Trump supporters to begin with.
Van Jones liked the speech, moron. When has Van Jones EVER liked anything Trump has done?

Obviously even the disgustingly insidious CNN can't hold back the positivity from the speech last night.
Snowflakes insist that just because Left Wing media gave Hillary a free ride, believes it is their job to control the minds of the American people, and think it is their job to tell Americans what to think does not mean they are 'Fake / All-In' News / Media.

I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)
Lol you people are so dumb when it comes to CNN. Anytime CNN comes out with an unfavorable poll about Trump you call it "fake news". Whenever CNN polls like this come out, you go ape shit. You come across like such children. I guess that's why you are Trump supporters to begin with.

When it comes to CNN's veracity, I remember that even a stupid farmer can grow big potatoes and even a blind pig can find an acorn.
I guess CNN is not fake news for today at least but it shouldn't be to long before their Trump bashing starts up again.

Aha, so it's only fake news if it's negative about Trump.

That means you think Trump can do no wrong, which makes you a fine little cult member.
I bet you don't even begin to see the irony in that response especially from some who worshipped at the temple of Obama for eight years.

lol, I haven't forgotten how much you RWnuts RIDICULED Obama for making good speeches.

Why aren't you ridiculing Trump for the same?
I didn't ridicule Obama for making good speeches I made fun of his supporters for thinking being able to read a speech off a Teleprompter made him a great public speaker. Obama always delivered a great speech but when you took him out of the scripted setting he stumbled and fumbled around a lot Trump is the exact opposite he is more comfortable in the unscripted setting which is what made his performance last night impressive.

Obama was a good orator, the problem was though, he lacked substance.

Obama was not a great orator when he lacked teleprompter.
Van Jones liked the speech, moron. When has Van Jones EVER liked anything Trump has done?

Obviously even the disgustingly insidious CNN can't hold back the positivity from the speech last night.

Sometimes they just don't have a choice. Many people watched the speech and it was difficult to criticize, though a few managed to put spin on some things. Some are stuck in the negative mode so will never be able to be objective. CNN has gotten more like MSNBC the last few months and it has hurt them tremendously. So, in order to save what little is left of their credibility, they had to be honest for once. It won't last.
Snowflakes insist that just because Left Wing media gave Hillary a free ride, believes it is their job to control the minds of the American people, and think it is their job to tell Americans what to think does not mean they are 'Fake / All-In' News / Media.

Some even claimed that it's their job to shape public opinion by controlling the information put out. They resent Trump going straight to the people via social media because it eliminates their chance to edit the truth before feeding it to the public.

They are unable to simply report things that happen. It's always about their own slanted opinions. And when facts aren't what they want them to be, they simply change or omit them.

They would rather Trump always talk to them directly, in private, so they can report things as they wish. Social media denies them the opportunity to control the narrative.

I've always hated how media had to come on after a speech and tell people what was said, as if people couldn't trust their own ears. The media has always acted as if only they alone can interpret what someone has said.

I love it that they have lost control of the conversation. They couldn't be trusted to report the truth and now they are becoming irrelevant because of it.
Van Jones liked the speech, moron. When has Van Jones EVER liked anything Trump has done?

Obviously even the disgustingly insidious CNN can't hold back the positivity from the speech last night.

Sometimes they just don't have a choice. Many people watched the speech and it was difficult to criticize, though a few managed to put spin on some things. Some are stuck in the negative mode so will never be able to be objective. CNN has gotten more like MSNBC the last few months and it has hurt them tremendously. So, in order to save what little is left of their credibility, they had to be honest for once. It won't last.
CNN is worse than MSNBC, and always has been.

MSNBC at least had the sense to keep lunatics like Tim Wise off their channel until 2010(when the Tea Party became big and "white privilege" became the main message for Democrats).

I will take MSNBC's primetime anchors over CNN's carnival freaks any time of the week.

Lou Dobbs was the only good thing about CNN after Crossfire was discontinued.
Aha, so it's only fake news if it's negative about Trump.

That means you think Trump can do no wrong, which makes you a fine little cult member.
I bet you don't even begin to see the irony in that response especially from some who worshipped at the temple of Obama for eight years.

lol, I haven't forgotten how much you RWnuts RIDICULED Obama for making good speeches.

Why aren't you ridiculing Trump for the same?
I didn't ridicule Obama for making good speeches I made fun of his supporters for thinking being able to read a speech off a Teleprompter made him a great public speaker. Obama always delivered a great speech but when you took him out of the scripted setting he stumbled and fumbled around a lot Trump is the exact opposite he is more comfortable in the unscripted setting which is what made his performance last night impressive.

Obama was a good orator, the problem was though, he lacked substance.

Obama was not a great orator when he lacked teleprompter.

Oh no, he wandered aimlessly in search of a cogent sentence.
Van Jones liked the speech, moron. When has Van Jones EVER liked anything Trump has done?

Obviously even the disgustingly insidious CNN can't hold back the positivity from the speech last night.

Sometimes they just don't have a choice. Many people watched the speech and it was difficult to criticize, though a few managed to put spin on some things. Some are stuck in the negative mode so will never be able to be objective. CNN has gotten more like MSNBC the last few months and it has hurt them tremendously. So, in order to save what little is left of their credibility, they had to be honest for once. It won't last.
CNN is worse than MSNBC, and always has been.

MSNBC at least had the sense to keep lunatics like Tim Wise off their channel until 2010(when the Tea Party became big and "white privilege" became the main message for Democrats).

I will take MSNBC's primetime anchors over CNN's carnival freaks any time of the week.

Lou Dobbs was the only good thing about CNN after Crossfire was discontinued.

I hated CNN years ago. Only reason I watched was because I was living in Germany and they were on Armed Forces Network, our only English channel at the time. After that, I avoided them for years.

Last time I sat and watched the lib media was on election night. I admit that I changed the channel back and forth from MSNBC to CNN purely for entertainment purposes. And they didn't disappoint.

MSNBC showed a bunch of complete lunatics having a total meltdown. Didn't think it could get much worse. Looked more like a lame comedy spoof of bias media than the real deal. That night, CNN was more calm so I had the impression, at least at the time, that CNN was a bit more professional.

Now, it's back to ignoring them all save for the crazy headlines now and then. Our media is such a damn joke anymore.
100% saw it as positive because Trump came off as an adult, and not some pissy teenage girl on the rag.
Of course the vast majority thought the speech was positive. We could not have had lower expectations for this speech.

It showed that Trump, who has always been a rude, bombastic and often times inarticulate speaker, could speak with some degree of eloquence. That in and of itself was a real shocker!

It was so surprising that it was easy to overlook the fact the the content was ranged from being unrealistic to nonsensical to being in contradiction with everything he's done so far - with a lot of fluff in between.


So, congratulations to Pres. Trump for actually delivering a speech that was not a total embarrassment to the American people just by manner of delivery.

Hey, maybe if he can manage to act Presidential as an orator, with a lot of work he may be able to act Presidential in all his other responsibilities...someday...but I doubt it.
President's Trump speech was totally amazing.

Not because CNN says so but because it's the truth!

A strong, powerful inspirational speech!

One of the best speeches ever!
GOD Bless Donald Trump, GOD Bless this Administration!:clap::clap::clap:
I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)
I guess that means 20% of the nation are a bunch of butt-hurt snowflakes...

View attachment 114857

CNN Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans Saw Trump Speech as 'Positive'

"A CNN poll of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening showed that nearly four out of five had a “positive reaction” to the speech

In addition, 69% of viewers thought that the speech “would move the country in the right direction" (As opposed to where Obama had us going...)


Lying toons
I guess CNN is not fake news for today at least but it shouldn't be to long before their Trump bashing starts up again.

Aha, so it's only fake news if it's negative about Trump.

That means you think Trump can do no wrong, which makes you a fine little cult member.
I bet you don't even begin to see the irony in that response especially from some who worshipped at the temple of Obama for eight years.

lol, I haven't forgotten how much you RWnuts RIDICULED Obama for making good speeches.

Why aren't you ridiculing Trump for the same?
I didn't ridicule Obama for making good speeches I made fun of his supporters for thinking being able to read a speech off a Teleprompter made him a great public speaker. Obama always delivered a great speech but when you took him out of the scripted setting he stumbled and fumbled around a lot Trump is the exact opposite he is more comfortable in the unscripted setting which is what made his performance last night impressive.

Obama was a good orator, the problem was though, he lacked substance.
He just lied! He was an okay orator (I wouldn't call him a good one). He did lack substance, he stuttered..and his speeches were just one lie after another after another.

That isn't oratory skill. It's just...whatever. It's nothing of any value.
Van Jones liked the speech, moron. When has Van Jones EVER liked anything Trump has done?

Obviously even the disgustingly insidious CNN can't hold back the positivity from the speech last night.

Sometimes they just don't have a choice. Many people watched the speech and it was difficult to criticize, though a few managed to put spin on some things. Some are stuck in the negative mode so will never be able to be objective. CNN has gotten more like MSNBC the last few months and it has hurt them tremendously. So, in order to save what little is left of their credibility, they had to be honest for once. It won't last.
CNN is worse than MSNBC, and always has been.

MSNBC at least had the sense to keep lunatics like Tim Wise off their channel until 2010(when the Tea Party became big and "white privilege" became the main message for Democrats).

I will take MSNBC's primetime anchors over CNN's carnival freaks any time of the week.

Lou Dobbs was the only good thing about CNN after Crossfire was discontinued.

Yeah I'll bet Tim Wise would get your knickers all atwist.
Aha, so it's only fake news if it's negative about Trump.

That means you think Trump can do no wrong, which makes you a fine little cult member.
I bet you don't even begin to see the irony in that response especially from some who worshipped at the temple of Obama for eight years.

lol, I haven't forgotten how much you RWnuts RIDICULED Obama for making good speeches.

Why aren't you ridiculing Trump for the same?
I didn't ridicule Obama for making good speeches I made fun of his supporters for thinking being able to read a speech off a Teleprompter made him a great public speaker. Obama always delivered a great speech but when you took him out of the scripted setting he stumbled and fumbled around a lot Trump is the exact opposite he is more comfortable in the unscripted setting which is what made his performance last night impressive.

Obama was a good orator, the problem was though, he lacked substance.
He just lied! He was an okay orator (I wouldn't call him a good one). He did lack substance, he stuttered..and his speeches were just one lie after another after another.

That isn't oratory skill. It's just...whatever. It's nothing of any value.

And it's soooooooooooooooooooo different now ain't it.

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